How To Be A Good Christian

A reply

The Bible does not tell anyone how to be a good Christian.


The supposed historical Jesus Christ was a Jew, preaching only to Jews, and his earliest followers before, during, and after his death were all Jews​

Disagree. The best Christians, Jews, and Muslims are the ones you had no earthly idea were.
How to be a good Christian? Pretend to care about people then hate gays, treat women as second class citizens and damn everyone else who doesn't agree with you to hell.
Swallowed that,hook line sinker,and the boat,you don't know much about what you speak,but doa good job of repeating what you hear.
That's pretty good, but is your space bar broken? Or are you just spastic?
A reply

The Bible does not tell anyone how to be a good Christian.


The supposed historical Jesus Christ was a Jew, preaching only to Jews, and his earliest followers before, during, and after his death were all Jews​

Disagree. The best Christians, Jews, and Muslims are the ones you had no earthly idea were.

According to your standards Mohammad would be an utter failure as would be Moses and the Apostle Paul. While I do not believe the teachings of Mohammad I most certainly appreciate the faith of Moses and Paul. Their enemies knew their name and to this day remember their name. The demons knew Paul's name, Satan knew Paul's name, hell knew Paul's name and it was surely a blessing to Paul to know of it!

As for those who have no earthly idea? They need to buy a KJV Bible and read it.
A reply

The Bible does not tell anyone how to be a good Christian.


The supposed historical Jesus Christ was a Jew, preaching only to Jews, and his earliest followers before, during, and after his death were all Jews​

Disagree. The best Christians, Jews, and Muslims are the ones you had no earthly idea were.

According to your standards Mohammad would be an utter failure as would be Moses and the Apostle Paul. While I do not believe the teachings of Mohammad I most certainly appreciate the faith of Moses and Paul. Their enemies knew their name and to this day remember their name. The demons knew Paul's name, Satan knew Paul's name, hell knew Paul's name and it was surely a blessing to Paul to know of it!

As for those who have no earthly idea? They need to buy a KJV Bible and read it.

Read Scriptures more than you do for how much more I know than you do. All you can do is bitch and moan like a spoiled child. Then presume to tell others how they should come to their god.

You haven't the first clue about faith Jer'. You're at best a cult-follower. You can't think for yourself, you let someone else do that for you. Then try to cover when others liek myself prove how little you know. I hope there is a God. And I hope you find yourself standing before Him someday. Because you're utterly screwed.
Dante', f you will read the full account of the John 4 Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 you'll find this woman went out to tell everyone she had seen the Messiah! This was not a myth! This is part of the historical account / testimony of a woman who encountered Jesus Christ at Jacob's well! Glory to God!

Brother, you have far more patience than I. God bless you but I have already tossed the towel in on these people. Romans 1:18 - 1:32.

I am a woman - Jeremiah was a prophet who warned the people to repent and they refused to listen - the nation was under judgment and the people were about to go into captivity and die yet they believed the false prophets who told them all is well. Jeremiah was deeply troubled over the sinful, rebellious state of his nation and became known as the weeping prophet. He remained faithful to the end although he didn't see any fruit for his labor - he knew he was called by God to warn the people to turn from their wickedness and repent to the Lord. That is why I chose his name for a screen name / writer's name.

As Christians we are called to warn the people that if they do not turn from their wickedness and give their lives to Jesus Christ and stay on the narrow path - they will likewise perish and end up in hell. It isn't a matter of patience. It is a matter of life and death and I cannot see leaving a trace of doubt behind here. So long as the people know the truth? That Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and that no man comes to the Father except through the Son, their blood won't be on my hands. I do not want to see a single person on this board perish. There is too much false teaching abounding on the internet today. These people deserve to know the truth! They need help! How will they know the truth if no one is willing to give it to them? We must tell them the truth!

I know. I also know they have no excuse. We have a church on every corner in America. The gospel is preached over radio and television 24/7. They have already heard and hardened their hearts.

Your post reminded me of these Scriptures:

It is written:

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

Some here have been given over to a strong delusion to believe a lie because they loved not the truth. Granted, this is true. But Jude also speaks of snatching those from the fire doesn't he? We have a call to persevere! We have to persevere because there are still people on this board being saved. Even now. There are people on this board that the Holy Spirit is drawing and saving and I thank God for it!!!

Scriptures from Jude.......

And of some have compassion, making a difference:

And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
Jude 1: 22-23

I know there are some folks on this board that would make people want to scream but the truth is they are hurting and some of them had terrible childhoods and some of them were orphans and some of them were raised by parents who were in the occult or in false religions such as Jehovah Witness, Islam, Catholicism, Mormon Temple, Hindu and Buddhist religions. Some of them are from Christian homes where the parents didn't live out their faith in front of them and so now they are out there in the world backslidden and the one sheep that Jesus left the 99 for was the lost one. If we are to walk as Jesus Christ did we'll have to dig down deep and press on until we find them and get them back to the Shepherd. Amen? Amen!

There are sinners who can be saved. These have a conscience and know right from wrong. These do not openly mock the Christ. Most of the ones on USMB are the scoffers, walking after their own lusts. These are demonically influenced and openly curse God, deny God, despise Christians and most often promote evil and depraved behavior.

Right. That is why this place is perfect for me. I wanted to find the worst of the worst and I've found them. It's a great place to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Isn't it? I love this board!
A reply

The Bible does not tell anyone how to be a good Christian.


The supposed historical Jesus Christ was a Jew, preaching only to Jews, and his earliest followers before, during, and after his death were all Jews​

Disagree. The best Christians, Jews, and Muslims are the ones you had no earthly idea were.

According to your standards Mohammad would be an utter failure as would be Moses and the Apostle Paul. While I do not believe the teachings of Mohammad I most certainly appreciate the faith of Moses and Paul. Their enemies knew their name and to this day remember their name. The demons knew Paul's name, Satan knew Paul's name, hell knew Paul's name and it was surely a blessing to Paul to know of it!

As for those who have no earthly idea? They need to buy a KJV Bible and read it.

Read Scriptures more than you do for how much more I know than you do. All you can do is bitch and moan like a spoiled child. Then presume to tell others how they should come to their god.

You haven't the first clue about faith Jer'. You're at best a cult-follower. You can't think for yourself, you let someone else do that for you. Then try to cover when others liek myself prove how little you know. I hope there is a God. And I hope you find yourself standing before Him someday. Because you're utterly screwed.

Delta, you need deliverance. Your dabbling in the occult has left you demon possessed and your demonic rants are becoming worse. You need to call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. You're getting worse. I can tell.

Do you understand that your seething hatred towards me is due to the demons that have taken possession of you? Yes, you know a few scriptures. So what? The devil knows the bible inside out. And again.......So what? Do you really believe he is going to give you power in hell once your service to him here on earth is over? No. He is a liar. He isn't going to reward you. He wants to drag you to hell and know that you are tormented throughout eternity just as he is going to be in the future. The fact that you are a Jew makes it all the more delightful to him. Satan's goal is to grieve the heart of God. Wake up. God loves you. Why perish? Stop hating yourself and call upon the Lord and be saved. There is deliverance in the name of Jesus. There is healing in the name of Jesus. There is forgiveness at the foot of the cross. There is salvation in the name of Jesus. Call upon the name of Jesus Christ and he will forgive you of your sins. The Blood of Jesus Christ is the only thing that can wash away your sins.
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Brother, you have far more patience than I. God bless you but I have already tossed the towel in on these people. Romans 1:18 - 1:32.

I am a woman - Jeremiah was a prophet who warned the people to repent and they refused to listen - the nation was under judgment and the people were about to go into captivity and die yet they believed the false prophets who told them all is well. Jeremiah was deeply troubled over the sinful, rebellious state of his nation and became known as the weeping prophet. He remained faithful to the end although he didn't see any fruit for his labor - he knew he was called by God to warn the people to turn from their wickedness and repent to the Lord. That is why I chose his name for a screen name / writer's name.

As Christians we are called to warn the people that if they do not turn from their wickedness and give their lives to Jesus Christ and stay on the narrow path - they will likewise perish and end up in hell. It isn't a matter of patience. It is a matter of life and death and I cannot see leaving a trace of doubt behind here. So long as the people know the truth? That Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and that no man comes to the Father except through the Son, their blood won't be on my hands. I do not want to see a single person on this board perish. There is too much false teaching abounding on the internet today. These people deserve to know the truth! They need help! How will they know the truth if no one is willing to give it to them? We must tell them the truth!

I know. I also know they have no excuse. We have a church on every corner in America. The gospel is preached over radio and television 24/7. They have already heard and hardened their hearts.

Your post reminded me of these Scriptures:

It is written:

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

Some here have been given over to a strong delusion to believe a lie because they loved not the truth. Granted, this is true. But Jude also speaks of snatching those from the fire doesn't he? We have a call to persevere! We have to persevere because there are still people on this board being saved. Even now. There are people on this board that the Holy Spirit is drawing and saving and I thank God for it!!!

Scriptures from Jude.......

And of some have compassion, making a difference:

And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
Jude 1: 22-23

I know there are some folks on this board that would make people want to scream but the truth is they are hurting and some of them had terrible childhoods and some of them were orphans and some of them were raised by parents who were in the occult or in false religions such as Jehovah Witness, Islam, Catholicism, Mormon Temple, Hindu and Buddhist religions. Some of them are from Christian homes where the parents didn't live out their faith in front of them and so now they are out there in the world backslidden and the one sheep that Jesus left the 99 for was the lost one. If we are to walk as Jesus Christ did we'll have to dig down deep and press on until we find them and get them back to the Shepherd. Amen? Amen!

There are sinners who can be saved. These have a conscience and know right from wrong. These do not openly mock the Christ. Most of the ones on USMB are the scoffers, walking after their own lusts. These are demonically influenced and openly curse God, deny God, despise Christians and most often promote evil and depraved behavior.

Right. That is why this place is perfect for me. I wanted to find the worst of the worst and I've found them. It's a great place to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Isn't it? I love this board!

How many on here have you led to Christ?
I am a woman - Jeremiah was a prophet who warned the people to repent and they refused to listen - the nation was under judgment and the people were about to go into captivity and die yet they believed the false prophets who told them all is well. Jeremiah was deeply troubled over the sinful, rebellious state of his nation and became known as the weeping prophet. He remained faithful to the end although he didn't see any fruit for his labor - he knew he was called by God to warn the people to turn from their wickedness and repent to the Lord. That is why I chose his name for a screen name / writer's name.

As Christians we are called to warn the people that if they do not turn from their wickedness and give their lives to Jesus Christ and stay on the narrow path - they will likewise perish and end up in hell. It isn't a matter of patience. It is a matter of life and death and I cannot see leaving a trace of doubt behind here. So long as the people know the truth? That Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and that no man comes to the Father except through the Son, their blood won't be on my hands. I do not want to see a single person on this board perish. There is too much false teaching abounding on the internet today. These people deserve to know the truth! They need help! How will they know the truth if no one is willing to give it to them? We must tell them the truth!

I know. I also know they have no excuse. We have a church on every corner in America. The gospel is preached over radio and television 24/7. They have already heard and hardened their hearts.

Your post reminded me of these Scriptures:

It is written:

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

Some here have been given over to a strong delusion to believe a lie because they loved not the truth. Granted, this is true. But Jude also speaks of snatching those from the fire doesn't he? We have a call to persevere! We have to persevere because there are still people on this board being saved. Even now. There are people on this board that the Holy Spirit is drawing and saving and I thank God for it!!!

Scriptures from Jude.......

And of some have compassion, making a difference:

And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
Jude 1: 22-23

I know there are some folks on this board that would make people want to scream but the truth is they are hurting and some of them had terrible childhoods and some of them were orphans and some of them were raised by parents who were in the occult or in false religions such as Jehovah Witness, Islam, Catholicism, Mormon Temple, Hindu and Buddhist religions. Some of them are from Christian homes where the parents didn't live out their faith in front of them and so now they are out there in the world backslidden and the one sheep that Jesus left the 99 for was the lost one. If we are to walk as Jesus Christ did we'll have to dig down deep and press on until we find them and get them back to the Shepherd. Amen? Amen!

There are sinners who can be saved. These have a conscience and know right from wrong. These do not openly mock the Christ. Most of the ones on USMB are the scoffers, walking after their own lusts. These are demonically influenced and openly curse God, deny God, despise Christians and most often promote evil and depraved behavior.

Right. That is why this place is perfect for me. I wanted to find the worst of the worst and I've found them. It's a great place to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Isn't it? I love this board!

How many on here have you led to Christ?

I have no idea. God knows. That is all that is important.
I am a woman - Jeremiah was a prophet who warned the people to repent and they refused to listen - the nation was under judgment and the people were about to go into captivity and die yet they believed the false prophets who told them all is well. Jeremiah was deeply troubled over the sinful, rebellious state of his nation and became known as the weeping prophet. He remained faithful to the end although he didn't see any fruit for his labor - he knew he was called by God to warn the people to turn from their wickedness and repent to the Lord. That is why I chose his name for a screen name / writer's name.

As Christians we are called to warn the people that if they do not turn from their wickedness and give their lives to Jesus Christ and stay on the narrow path - they will likewise perish and end up in hell. It isn't a matter of patience. It is a matter of life and death and I cannot see leaving a trace of doubt behind here. So long as the people know the truth? That Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and that no man comes to the Father except through the Son, their blood won't be on my hands. I do not want to see a single person on this board perish. There is too much false teaching abounding on the internet today. These people deserve to know the truth! They need help! How will they know the truth if no one is willing to give it to them? We must tell them the truth!

I know. I also know they have no excuse. We have a church on every corner in America. The gospel is preached over radio and television 24/7. They have already heard and hardened their hearts.

Your post reminded me of these Scriptures:

It is written:

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

Some here have been given over to a strong delusion to believe a lie because they loved not the truth. Granted, this is true. But Jude also speaks of snatching those from the fire doesn't he? We have a call to persevere! We have to persevere because there are still people on this board being saved. Even now. There are people on this board that the Holy Spirit is drawing and saving and I thank God for it!!!

Scriptures from Jude.......

And of some have compassion, making a difference:

And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
Jude 1: 22-23

I know there are some folks on this board that would make people want to scream but the truth is they are hurting and some of them had terrible childhoods and some of them were orphans and some of them were raised by parents who were in the occult or in false religions such as Jehovah Witness, Islam, Catholicism, Mormon Temple, Hindu and Buddhist religions. Some of them are from Christian homes where the parents didn't live out their faith in front of them and so now they are out there in the world backslidden and the one sheep that Jesus left the 99 for was the lost one. If we are to walk as Jesus Christ did we'll have to dig down deep and press on until we find them and get them back to the Shepherd. Amen? Amen!

There are sinners who can be saved. These have a conscience and know right from wrong. These do not openly mock the Christ. Most of the ones on USMB are the scoffers, walking after their own lusts. These are demonically influenced and openly curse God, deny God, despise Christians and most often promote evil and depraved behavior.

Right. That is why this place is perfect for me. I wanted to find the worst of the worst and I've found them. It's a great place to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Isn't it? I love this board!

How many on here have you led to Christ?

Have you ever seen this video before? It is excellent and a soul winning Bible tract by Jack Chick! It's based on a true story!

A reply

The Bible does not tell anyone how to be a good Christian.


The supposed historical Jesus Christ was a Jew, preaching only to Jews, and his earliest followers before, during, and after his death were all Jews​
He didn't say start a new religion. He was just telling them they'd lost touch with what's important.

He would tell Christians today the same thing.
A reply

The Bible does not tell anyone how to be a good Christian.


The supposed historical Jesus Christ was a Jew, preaching only to Jews, and his earliest followers before, during, and after his death were all Jews​
Sure it does,get a red letter version of the NT read it.

what is a red letter version?

It's TNT that highlights the words of Yeshuah in Red.

that would be interesting if the "WORDS IN RED" included only the quotations from the people who actually MET Yeshuah-------not Luke, Not Matthew, Not
"JOHN" not Paul etc etc etc . I read the NT from just that POV------and
as a simple human being-------realized that Yeshuah is a ----Pharisee of the school of Hillel. I am a jew ------but I have no education in the "JEWISH POV" ---
I did not even attend "Hebrew school" . <<< the sunday school like education that most jews attend-------I had nothing. In fact I had more "sunday school" than "Hebrew school"
A reply

The Bible does not tell anyone how to be a good Christian.


The supposed historical Jesus Christ was a Jew, preaching only to Jews, and his earliest followers before, during, and after his death were all Jews​
Sure it does,get a red letter version of the NT read it.

what is a red letter version?

It's TNT that highlights the words of Yeshuah in Red.

that would be interesting if the "WORDS IN RED" included only the quotations from the people who actually MET Yeshuah-------not Luke, Not Matthew, Not
"JOHN" not Paul etc etc etc . I read the NT from just that POV------and
as a simple human being-------realized that Yeshuah is a ----Pharisee of the school of Hillel. I am a jew ------but I have no education in the "JEWISH POV" ---
I did not even attend "Hebrew school" . <<< the sunday school like education that most jews attend-------I had nothing. In fact I had more "sunday school" than "Hebrew school"

The Words in red are only the words of the Messiah and LORD which Isaiah prophesied would come, Malachi prophesied would come. That is Jesus Christ and He was not a Pharisee from the school of Hillel. Jesus is the Word of God that became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus Christ is the Messiah who came to redeem all those who would receive Him as Lord and Savior.
I don't think taking advice about being a good Christian from a non Christian is very prudent.

Then again he didn't really offer advice so who knows what this thread is actually about.
I don't think taking advice about being a good Christian from a non Christian is very prudent.

Then again he didn't really offer advice so who knows what this thread is actually about.

paul gave out advice some of which he dreamt-------and some guy named matthew was the person who said "HE SAID..." lots
A reply

The Bible does not tell anyone how to be a good Christian.


The supposed historical Jesus Christ was a Jew, preaching only to Jews, and his earliest followers before, during, and after his death were all Jews​
Sure it does,get a red letter version of the NT read it.

what is a red letter version?

It's TNT that highlights the words of Yeshuah in Red.

that would be interesting if the "WORDS IN RED" included only the quotations from the people who actually MET Yeshuah-------not Luke, Not Matthew, Not
"JOHN" not Paul etc etc etc . I read the NT from just that POV------and
as a simple human being-------realized that Yeshuah is a ----Pharisee of the school of Hillel. I am a jew ------but I have no education in the "JEWISH POV" ---
I did not even attend "Hebrew school" . <<< the sunday school like education that most jews attend-------I had nothing. In fact I had more "sunday school" than "Hebrew school"

The Words in red are only the words of the Messiah and LORD which Isaiah prophesied would come, Malachi prophesied would come. That is Jesus Christ and He was not a Pharisee from the school of Hillel. Jesus is the Word of God that became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus Christ is the Messiah who came to redeem all those who would receive Him as Lord and Savior.

A reply

The Bible does not tell anyone how to be a good Christian.


The supposed historical Jesus Christ was a Jew, preaching only to Jews, and his earliest followers before, during, and after his death were all Jews​
Sure it does,get a red letter version of the NT read it.

what is a red letter version?

It's TNT that highlights the words of Yeshuah in Red.

that would be interesting if the "WORDS IN RED" included only the quotations from the people who actually MET Yeshuah-------not Luke, Not Matthew, Not
"JOHN" not Paul etc etc etc . I read the NT from just that POV------and
as a simple human being-------realized that Yeshuah is a ----Pharisee of the school of Hillel. I am a jew ------but I have no education in the "JEWISH POV" ---
I did not even attend "Hebrew school" . <<< the sunday school like education that most jews attend-------I had nothing. In fact I had more "sunday school" than "Hebrew school"

The Words in red are only the words of the Messiah and LORD which Isaiah prophesied would come, Malachi prophesied would come. That is Jesus Christ and He was not a Pharisee from the school of Hillel. Jesus is the Word of God that became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus Christ is the Messiah who came to redeem all those who would receive Him as Lord and Savior.

Malachi 23 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD
Doesn't look like Jesus when you read the ENTIRE Malachi 3.
Didn't the people ask Jesus if John the Baptist was Elijah? The word from Malachi comes by revelation, not interpretation. You can interpret until you are blue in the face but it is revelation that we need. When I read Malachi 3 Jesus is all that I see. When you read it? You do not see Him. Perhaps we see what we are looking for. What are you looking for when you read Malachi 3? Have you thought about it?
Didn't the people ask Jesus if John the Baptist was Elijah? The word from Malachi comes by revelation, not interpretation. You can interpret until you are blue in the face but it is revelation that we need. When I read Malachi 3 Jesus is all that I see. When you read it? You do not see Him. Perhaps we see what we are looking for. What are you looking for when you read Malachi 3? Have you thought about it?

Of course the idea that John the Baptist was Elijah would be an issue that would
appear somewhere in the narrative-------EVERY JEW IN THE WORLD knew
that Elijah was ON HIS WAY-----there was a messianic expectation. People
are still making "ELIJAH" claims. The "FIRST COMES ELIJAH" issue is not
at all obscure-------but his head was not supposed to get lopped off-----he was supposed to still be in possession of his magical chariot. The ELIJAH song
still rings out all over the world -------if you happen to be around religious jews.
You are right----you get what you look for------people are still looking for
Elijah-------I like the song-----done by a strong baritone it is a delight. Elijah
is still flying around in his magic chariot. --------(no reindeer)
Didn't the people ask Jesus if John the Baptist was Elijah? The word from Malachi comes by revelation, not interpretation. You can interpret until you are blue in the face but it is revelation that we need. When I read Malachi 3 Jesus is all that I see. When you read it? You do not see Him. Perhaps we see what we are looking for. What are you looking for when you read Malachi 3? Have you thought about it?

Of course the idea that John the Baptist was Elijah would be an issue that would
appear somewhere in the narrative-------EVERY JEW IN THE WORLD knew
that Elijah was ON HIS WAY-----there was a messianic expectation. People
are still making "ELIJAH" claims. The "FIRST COMES ELIJAH" issue is not
at all obscure-------but his head was not supposed to get lopped off-----he was supposed to still be in possession of his magical chariot. The ELIJAH song
still rings out all over the world -------if you happen to be around religious jews.
You are right----you get what you look for------people are still looking for
Elijah-------I like the song-----done by a strong baritone it is a delight. Elijah
is still flying around in his magic chariot. --------(no reindeer)

What I said, Rosie, was perhaps we see what we are looking for. The prophets of God were slain after they delivered their message. John the Baptist had fulfilled the call of God upon his life. There was not one greater than John the Baptist.

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