How To Be A Good Christian

Didn't the people ask Jesus if John the Baptist was Elijah? The word from Malachi comes by revelation, not interpretation. You can interpret until you are blue in the face but it is revelation that we need. When I read Malachi 3 Jesus is all that I see. When you read it? You do not see Him. Perhaps we see what we are looking for. What are you looking for when you read Malachi 3? Have you thought about it?

Of course the idea that John the Baptist was Elijah would be an issue that would
appear somewhere in the narrative-------EVERY JEW IN THE WORLD knew
that Elijah was ON HIS WAY-----there was a messianic expectation. People
are still making "ELIJAH" claims. The "FIRST COMES ELIJAH" issue is not
at all obscure-------but his head was not supposed to get lopped off-----he was supposed to still be in possession of his magical chariot. The ELIJAH song
still rings out all over the world -------if you happen to be around religious jews.
You are right----you get what you look for------people are still looking for
Elijah-------I like the song-----done by a strong baritone it is a delight. Elijah
is still flying around in his magic chariot. --------(no reindeer)

What I said, Rosie, was perhaps we see what we are looking for. The prophets of God were slain after they delivered their message. John the Baptist had fulfilled the call of God upon his life. There was not one greater than John the Baptist.

what prophets were "slain" ?? I am not suggesting that none were-----but the sunday school teaching that DA JOOOOOS KILLED ALL DA PROPHETS---is just as idiotic as the deicide myth. Bitch jezebel did kill a prophet----but she was not a JOOOOS She was a gentile like you are. --------What did John the Baptist do that was so exciting before HEROD----the EDOMITE roman shill------killed him?

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