How To Define "Evolution"?

If one looks at Spriggina, towards the end of this video, you will see something that very well could have been the precursor to trilobites.

[ame=]Ediacaran Fauna Overview - YouTube[/ame]

Show the fossils in question.

Go ahead......after than you can spin straw into gold, Rumpelstiltskin.

BTW....look at the dope who posted after you.....he admits that none have been found...but says 'you don't know they don't exist.'

Imagine religious folk using that argument for the existence of God.
You'd accept that?

Didn't think so.

Seems neither science nor logic are your strong points....
Stick to your first job, modeling socks on the radio.

Stromatolites are about 3+ billion years old.


Without their terraforming the planet you would not be here to make your adorable little posts.

Then there are the cyanobacteria fossils that date back about 3.5 billion years.


Perhaps your day job in a call center is making you cranky. Have you considered a career change to something with more prospects like fast food? :D

Those self-improvement CD’s you’ve been listening to? ….not workin’

This is like arguing with a three year old.

What you need to produce is the transitional fossils leading to the trilobites and brachiopods.

Not organisms related to bacteria.


You ordered pre-Cambrian fossils. Having shipped your order you now want something else instead. Unfortunately the variety of fossils you prefer are not available from Amazon. The specific fossils that you want are on "back order". We suggest that you check back on a regular basis. Alternatively you could try looking for them yourself by enrolling in college and learning something useful. :)
If one looks at Spriggina, towards the end of this video, you will see something that very well could have been the precursor to trilobites.

Ediacaran Fauna Overview - YouTube

"....could have been..."

Wait! Wait!

I have a '...could have been..." too!

" An image of Jesus: All that in a bag of chips

A St. Petersburg woman finds what she considers a holy image. Will she keep the chip or sell it? She's not sure yet."
Neighborhoodtimes: An image of Jesus: All that in a bag of chips

I sure love the science lessons you bring to the table, Rocks!

Keep up the good work!
Stromatolites are about 3+ billion years old.


Without their terraforming the planet you would not be here to make your adorable little posts.

Then there are the cyanobacteria fossils that date back about 3.5 billion years.


Perhaps your day job in a call center is making you cranky. Have you considered a career change to something with more prospects like fast food? :D

Those self-improvement CD’s you’ve been listening to? ….not workin’

This is like arguing with a three year old.

What you need to produce is the transitional fossils leading to the trilobites and brachiopods.

Not organisms related to bacteria.


You ordered pre-Cambrian fossils. Having shipped your order you now want something else instead. Unfortunately the variety of fossils you prefer are not available from Amazon. The specific fossils that you want are on "back order". We suggest that you check back on a regular basis. Alternatively you could try looking for them yourself by enrolling in college and learning something useful. :)

"You ordered pre-Cambrian fossils. "

No I didn't, you idiot!!!

What do you do, read alternate words????

Fossils-of-transitional-forms- leading-to-the-biological-assays-of-the-Cambrian-Explosion!!!

How many times have trilobites and brachiopods been mentioned in this thread?????

No wonder you still have a job that requires a name tag.
I note that with consistency, the most effective way to confront your ignorance is to present you with the facts.

Your usual response is to stutter and mumble some supposed insult but honestly, your sweaty, chest-heaving tirades are comedy gold. fossils of the major species of the Cambrian Explosion?

Just obfuscation? Just one of your usual 'stutter and mumble's'?

But....since you said "stutter and mumble'.....remember this:
This was your post: “"But to claim that Christianity had anything to do with liberty is to fly in the face of the blueprint for Christianity -- the Bible. Please cite your references..."…and I posted:

a. The most quoted source was the Bible. Established in the original writings of our Founding Fathers we find that they discovered in Isaiah 33:22 the three branches of government: Isaiah 33:22 “For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.” Here we see the judicial, the legislative and the executive branches. In Ezra 7:24 we see where they established the tax exempt status of the church: Ezra 7:24 “Also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, or ministers of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or custom, upon them.”

When we look at our Constitution we see in Article 4 Section 4 that we are guaranteed a Republican form of government, that was found in Exodus 18:21: “Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:” This indicates that we are to choose, or elect God fearing men and women. Looking at Article 3 Section 3 we see almost word for word Deuteronomy 17:6: ‘No person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses. . .’ Deuteronomy 17:6 “At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses. . .”. The next paragraph in Article 3 Section 3 refers to who should pay the price for treason. In England, they could punish the sons for the trespasses of the father, if the father died.
Roger Anghis -- Bring America Back To Her Religious Roots, Part 7

….and you went ‘omminna…oommmmina…omminnnal….” But no denial of the facts.You are so much fun!

Talk about 'stutter and mumble'!!!

I so look forward to your appearance.
If you didn't exist, I'd have to invent you.

Any truth to the story that P.T Barnum sent a congratulatory note when you were born?
That was quite an effort to side step your inability to address the salient points.

Why do you think Philip Johnson, a non-scientist with no academic credentials in the biological sciences, is qualified to provide any authoritative data on evolutionary biology?

Because, unlike you, he has a brain, the ability to consider and analyze....

But...really get back to that '….and you went ‘omminna…oommmmina…omminnnal….” But no denial of the facts.You are so much fun!'

I'm still chuckling over how you set yourself up for the ol' one-two punch!!

Please....don't mistake dealing with you ever....ever....requiring any effort.
You are the proverbial 'fish in a barrel.'
Those self-improvement CD’s you’ve been listening to? ….not workin’

This is like arguing with a three year old.

What you need to produce is the transitional fossils leading to the trilobites and brachiopods.

Not organisms related to bacteria.


You ordered pre-Cambrian fossils. Having shipped your order you now want something else instead. Unfortunately the variety of fossils you prefer are not available from Amazon. The specific fossils that you want are on "back order". We suggest that you check back on a regular basis. Alternatively you could try looking for them yourself by enrolling in college and learning something useful. :)

"You ordered pre-Cambrian fossils. "

No I didn't, you idiot!!!

What do you do, read alternate words????

Fossils-of-transitional-forms- leading-to-the-biological-assays-of-the-Cambrian-Explosion!!!

How many times have trilobites and brachiopods been mentioned in this thread?????

No wonder you still have a job that requires a name tag.

Calm down, sweetums. Your blood pressure will thank you. :) I was just busting your "virtual balls". Now take 10 deep breaths and go for a little walk. fossils of the major species of the Cambrian Explosion?

Just obfuscation? Just one of your usual 'stutter and mumble's'?

But....since you said "stutter and mumble'.....remember this:
This was your post: “"But to claim that Christianity had anything to do with liberty is to fly in the face of the blueprint for Christianity -- the Bible. Please cite your references..."…and I posted:

a. The most quoted source was the Bible. Established in the original writings of our Founding Fathers we find that they discovered in Isaiah 33:22 the three branches of government: Isaiah 33:22 “For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.” Here we see the judicial, the legislative and the executive branches. In Ezra 7:24 we see where they established the tax exempt status of the church: Ezra 7:24 “Also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, or ministers of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or custom, upon them.”

When we look at our Constitution we see in Article 4 Section 4 that we are guaranteed a Republican form of government, that was found in Exodus 18:21: “Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:” This indicates that we are to choose, or elect God fearing men and women. Looking at Article 3 Section 3 we see almost word for word Deuteronomy 17:6: ‘No person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses. . .’ Deuteronomy 17:6 “At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses. . .”. The next paragraph in Article 3 Section 3 refers to who should pay the price for treason. In England, they could punish the sons for the trespasses of the father, if the father died.
Roger Anghis -- Bring America Back To Her Religious Roots, Part 7

….and you went ‘omminna…oommmmina…omminnnal….” But no denial of the facts.You are so much fun!

Talk about 'stutter and mumble'!!!

I so look forward to your appearance.
If you didn't exist, I'd have to invent you.

Any truth to the story that P.T Barnum sent a congratulatory note when you were born?
That was quite an effort to side step your inability to address the salient points.

Why do you think Philip Johnson, a non-scientist with no academic credentials in the biological sciences, is qualified to provide any authoritative data on evolutionary biology?

Because, unlike you, he has a brain, the ability to consider and analyze....

But...really get back to that '….and you went ‘omminna…oommmmina…omminnnal….” But no denial of the facts.You are so much fun!'

I'm still chuckling over how you set yourself up for the ol' one-two punch!!

Please....don't mistake dealing with you ever....ever....requiring any effort.
You are the proverbial 'fish in a barrel.'

Stomping your feet like a petulant child only serves to demonstrate your inability to offer a coherent comment.

Unfortunately, we have no reason to believe that Philip Johnson, previously a lawyer with no training or academic credentials in evolutionary biology, is in any position to author a book on a subject he has no formal training in.

This is a consistent pattern we see with creationist hacks. I’m always suspicious of “authors” who claim expertise in a subject yet have no formal training in that subject. The fact that you are forced to continually cut and paste from authors who frequently have no formal training in the subject matter they blather on about puts you in the position of being a mere cut and paster of creationist propaganda.
Those self-improvement CD’s you’ve been listening to? ….not workin’

This is like arguing with a three year old.

What you need to produce is the transitional fossils leading to the trilobites and brachiopods.

Not organisms related to bacteria.


You ordered pre-Cambrian fossils. Having shipped your order you now want something else instead. Unfortunately the variety of fossils you prefer are not available from Amazon. The specific fossils that you want are on "back order". We suggest that you check back on a regular basis. Alternatively you could try looking for them yourself by enrolling in college and learning something useful. :)

"You ordered pre-Cambrian fossils. "

No I didn't, you idiot!!!

What do you do, read alternate words????

Fossils-of-transitional-forms- leading-to-the-biological-assays-of-the-Cambrian-Explosion!!!

How many times have trilobites and brachiopods been mentioned in this thread?????

No wonder you still have a job that requires a name tag.

For the gazillionth time, ALL SPECIES ARE TRANSITIONAL (except creationists, of course. They are on a side branch heading for extinction due to failure to adapt).
That was quite an effort to side step your inability to address the salient points.

Why do you think Philip Johnson, a non-scientist with no academic credentials in the biological sciences, is qualified to provide any authoritative data on evolutionary biology?

Because, unlike you, he has a brain, the ability to consider and analyze....

But...really get back to that '….and you went ‘omminna…oommmmina…omminnnal….” But no denial of the facts.You are so much fun!'

I'm still chuckling over how you set yourself up for the ol' one-two punch!!

Please....don't mistake dealing with you ever....ever....requiring any effort.
You are the proverbial 'fish in a barrel.'

Stomping your feet like a petulant child only serves to demonstrate your inability to offer a coherent comment.

Unfortunately, we have no reason to believe that Philip Johnson, previously a lawyer with no training or academic credentials in evolutionary biology, is in any position to author a book on a subject he has no formal training in.

This is a consistent pattern we see with creationist hacks. I’m always suspicious of “authors” who claim expertise in a subject yet have no formal training in that subject. The fact that you are forced to continually cut and paste from authors who frequently have no formal training in the subject matter they blather on about puts you in the position of being a mere cut and paster of creationist propaganda.

You're such a transparent dunce.....and the fear is palpable.

You won't accept the considered opinion of Professor Johnson....'cause he's a lawyer?'s because he reveals that you are wrong.

What would you say if he had expertise?


Phillip E. Johnson
Title: Jefferson E. Peyser Professor of Law (Emeritus)
Tel: 510-642-5370
Fax: 510-643-2673
Email Address: [email protected]
After law school, Phillip Johnson clerked for Chief Justice Roger Traynor of the California Supreme Court and Chief Justice Earl Warren of the U.S. Supreme Court. He joined the Boalt faculty in 1967.

Johnson has served as deputy district attorney while on leave from his teaching duties and has held visiting professorships at Emory University and at University College, London.

He is the author of two books on evolution and naturalistic philosophy for the general reader, Darwin on Trial (2nd ed., 1993) and Reason in the Balance (1995). He frequently lectures and writes on subjects relating to science, philosophy, and religion.

A.B., Harvard University (1961)
J.D., University of Chicago (1965)


You're such a jerk.

C' it one more time:

You ordered pre-Cambrian fossils. Having shipped your order you now want something else instead. Unfortunately the variety of fossils you prefer are not available from Amazon. The specific fossils that you want are on "back order". We suggest that you check back on a regular basis. Alternatively you could try looking for them yourself by enrolling in college and learning something useful. :)

"You ordered pre-Cambrian fossils. "

No I didn't, you idiot!!!

What do you do, read alternate words????

Fossils-of-transitional-forms- leading-to-the-biological-assays-of-the-Cambrian-Explosion!!!

How many times have trilobites and brachiopods been mentioned in this thread?????

No wonder you still have a job that requires a name tag.

For the gazillionth time, ALL SPECIES ARE TRANSITIONAL (except creationists, of course. They are on a side branch heading for extinction due to failure to adapt).



Why are you trying to change the term fossils to species?

Oh...'cause you've lost, and have been revealed as a fraud and a liar.

Where are the transitional FOSSILs of the species that have been named in this thread?
Because, unlike you, he has a brain, the ability to consider and analyze....

But...really get back to that '….and you went ‘omminna…oommmmina…omminnnal….” But no denial of the facts.You are so much fun!'

I'm still chuckling over how you set yourself up for the ol' one-two punch!!

Please....don't mistake dealing with you ever....ever....requiring any effort.
You are the proverbial 'fish in a barrel.'

Stomping your feet like a petulant child only serves to demonstrate your inability to offer a coherent comment.

Unfortunately, we have no reason to believe that Philip Johnson, previously a lawyer with no training or academic credentials in evolutionary biology, is in any position to author a book on a subject he has no formal training in.

This is a consistent pattern we see with creationist hacks. I’m always suspicious of “authors” who claim expertise in a subject yet have no formal training in that subject. The fact that you are forced to continually cut and paste from authors who frequently have no formal training in the subject matter they blather on about puts you in the position of being a mere cut and paster of creationist propaganda.

You're such a transparent dunce.....and the fear is palpable.

You won't accept the considered opinion of Professor Johnson....'cause he's a lawyer?'s because he reveals that you are wrong.

What would you say if he had expertise?


Phillip E. Johnson
Title: Jefferson E. Peyser Professor of Law (Emeritus)
Tel: 510-642-5370
Fax: 510-643-2673
Email Address: [email protected]
After law school, Phillip Johnson clerked for Chief Justice Roger Traynor of the California Supreme Court and Chief Justice Earl Warren of the U.S. Supreme Court. He joined the Boalt faculty in 1967.

Johnson has served as deputy district attorney while on leave from his teaching duties and has held visiting professorships at Emory University and at University College, London.

He is the author of two books on evolution and naturalistic philosophy for the general reader, Darwin on Trial (2nd ed., 1993) and Reason in the Balance (1995). He frequently lectures and writes on subjects relating to science, philosophy, and religion.

A.B., Harvard University (1961)
J.D., University of Chicago (1965)


You're such a jerk.

C' it one more time:


Gentle hint for PC, the topic is evolution. Your source has no academic credentials in any scientific discipline and you just threw him under the creationist bus. Your buddy KG throws a hissyfit whenever anyone who doesn't have a doctorate in divinity dares to discuss the bible. If you want to defend your position you are going to have to find more credible sources. Too bad there aren't any.
Having a law degree does not qualify him to be called a scientist. No doubt, you would have your mechanic perform the lobotomy you so desperately need instead of a skilled neurosurgeon.
"You ordered pre-Cambrian fossils. "

No I didn't, you idiot!!!

What do you do, read alternate words????

Fossils-of-transitional-forms- leading-to-the-biological-assays-of-the-Cambrian-Explosion!!!

How many times have trilobites and brachiopods been mentioned in this thread?????

No wonder you still have a job that requires a name tag.

For the gazillionth time, ALL SPECIES ARE TRANSITIONAL (except creationists, of course. They are on a side branch heading for extinction due to failure to adapt).



Why are you trying to change the term fossils to species?

Oh...'cause you've lost, and have been revealed as a fraud and a liar.

Where are the transitional FOSSILs of the species that have been named in this thread?

Calling me a liar without proof is called slander. Careful.

ALL species are transitional. Homo Sapiens is transitional. Cockroaches are transitional. There is no life form on Earth that is not transitional, and never has been.
For the gazillionth time, ALL SPECIES ARE TRANSITIONAL (except creationists, of course. They are on a side branch heading for extinction due to failure to adapt).



Why are you trying to change the term fossils to species?

Oh...'cause you've lost, and have been revealed as a fraud and a liar.

Where are the transitional FOSSILs of the species that have been named in this thread?

Calling me a liar without proof is called slander. Careful.

ALL species are transitional. Homo Sapiens is transitional. Cockroaches are transitional. There is no life form on Earth that is not transitional, and never has been.

Step off, liar.


Why are you trying to change the term fossils to species?

Oh...'cause you've lost, and have been revealed as a fraud and a liar.

Where are the transitional FOSSILs of the species that have been named in this thread?

Calling me a liar without proof is called slander. Careful.

ALL species are transitional. Homo Sapiens is transitional. Cockroaches are transitional. There is no life form on Earth that is not transitional, and never has been.

Step off, liar.

Gee, I finally figured out why you are so clueless. You're a homeschooler. That's just sad.
Stomping your feet like a petulant child only serves to demonstrate your inability to offer a coherent comment.

Unfortunately, we have no reason to believe that Philip Johnson, previously a lawyer with no training or academic credentials in evolutionary biology, is in any position to author a book on a subject he has no formal training in.

This is a consistent pattern we see with creationist hacks. I’m always suspicious of “authors” who claim expertise in a subject yet have no formal training in that subject. The fact that you are forced to continually cut and paste from authors who frequently have no formal training in the subject matter they blather on about puts you in the position of being a mere cut and paster of creationist propaganda.

You're such a transparent dunce.....and the fear is palpable.

You won't accept the considered opinion of Professor Johnson....'cause he's a lawyer?'s because he reveals that you are wrong.

What would you say if he had expertise?


Phillip E. Johnson
Title: Jefferson E. Peyser Professor of Law (Emeritus)
Tel: 510-642-5370
Fax: 510-643-2673
Email Address: [email protected]
After law school, Phillip Johnson clerked for Chief Justice Roger Traynor of the California Supreme Court and Chief Justice Earl Warren of the U.S. Supreme Court. He joined the Boalt faculty in 1967.

Johnson has served as deputy district attorney while on leave from his teaching duties and has held visiting professorships at Emory University and at University College, London.

He is the author of two books on evolution and naturalistic philosophy for the general reader, Darwin on Trial (2nd ed., 1993) and Reason in the Balance (1995). He frequently lectures and writes on subjects relating to science, philosophy, and religion.

A.B., Harvard University (1961)
J.D., University of Chicago (1965)


You're such a jerk.

C' it one more time:


Gentle hint for PC, the topic is evolution. Your source has no academic credentials in any scientific discipline and you just threw him under the creationist bus. Your buddy KG throws a hissyfit whenever anyone who doesn't have a doctorate in divinity dares to discuss the bible. If you want to defend your position you are going to have to find more credible sources. Too bad there aren't any.

What ever made you believe that you'd be assigned to decide who has the proper credentials to discuss the subject?

I have defended, and proven my position, a number of times in this thread.

Because you, Betty and Moronica claim 'is not, is not,' doesn't reverse the fact that none of you has been able to provide the proof of Darwin's premise.

I'm perfectly copacetic with the fact that your acceptance is based on faith.
Calling me a liar without proof is called slander. Careful.

ALL species are transitional. Homo Sapiens is transitional. Cockroaches are transitional. There is no life form on Earth that is not transitional, and never has been.

Step off, liar.

Gee, I finally figured out why you are so clueless. You're a homeschooler. That's just sad.

Whipped by a 'homeschooler.'

Add that to your loser resume.
IMHO -- we've gone WAAAY past Darwin in terms of looking at the entire picture of evolution, the fossil record, missing links, survival thru mass extinctions, ect. And it does a dis-service to concentrate SOLELY on Darwin's natural selection as the prime explanation for the tree of life on earth..

The Three Big Bangs: Comet Crashes, Exploding Stars, and the Creation of the ... - Philip M. Dauber, Richard Muller - Google Books

"The Three Big Bangs"-Dauber and Muller

Generally speaking, however, the molecular machinery that allows organisms to generate variety cannot run fast enough to respond to catastrophic changes in their environment. That is why mass extinctions due to extraterrestrial impacts force us to rethink evolution. An obsessive preoccupation with the question of "fitness" may have distracted scientists from examining the accumulating evidence for mass extinctions. As a result, we know think it likely that they have been misled for more than a hundred years. They have fooled themselves into thinking that the primary driving force of evolution has been competition among individuals and species under ORDINARY circumstances, when in fact the driving force has been another phenomenon entirely.

Their theory is large jumps in evolutionary process can occur in times of extreme stress.
The authors also the discovery and implications of "jumping genes" in the evolutionary mutation process. From another source on macroevolution::

Jumping genes helped evolution - Joshua Rampling - Science Alert -

Local research theory gives further proof to evolution and may help explain big evolutionary jumps in species.

Murdoch Univeristy Professor Wayne Greene and PhD student Keith Oliver have posited that transposons —also known as jumping genes—have had a larger role in primate and human evolution than is traditionally thought.

Prof Greene says the theory will help strengthen the argument for evolution and may be useful in explaining and understanding the large-scale changes that occur in a species, known as macroevolution.

“You can understand microevolution, small scale changes with a few little mutations here and there, but to make the big jumps in evolution it is really hard to understand without major changes to genomes which jumping genes can facilitate,” he says.

There is plenty of science that backs me up when I LEAP to the conclusion that Darwin is so yesterday.

There have been periods of time in history where MASSIVE mutations in SHORT periods of time having NOTHING to do with "natural selection" could have occurred. Replicating all those "10 days to a new species" irradiation experiments that we've already done in the lab.. Don't like radiation? Plenty of science to suggest that CHRONIC STRESS on an eco-system WILL generate massive rates of mutation.. Like during the bottoms of all those historical extinction events..

So ask yourself the question -- is a massive cosmic radiation storm -- "an act of God"???
I think State Farm would say it was..
Last edited:
You're such a transparent dunce.....and the fear is palpable.

You won't accept the considered opinion of Professor Johnson....'cause he's a lawyer?'s because he reveals that you are wrong.

What would you say if he had expertise?


Phillip E. Johnson
Title: Jefferson E. Peyser Professor of Law (Emeritus)
Tel: 510-642-5370
Fax: 510-643-2673
Email Address: [email protected]
After law school, Phillip Johnson clerked for Chief Justice Roger Traynor of the California Supreme Court and Chief Justice Earl Warren of the U.S. Supreme Court. He joined the Boalt faculty in 1967.

Johnson has served as deputy district attorney while on leave from his teaching duties and has held visiting professorships at Emory University and at University College, London.

He is the author of two books on evolution and naturalistic philosophy for the general reader, Darwin on Trial (2nd ed., 1993) and Reason in the Balance (1995). He frequently lectures and writes on subjects relating to science, philosophy, and religion.

A.B., Harvard University (1961)
J.D., University of Chicago (1965)


You're such a jerk.

C' it one more time:


Gentle hint for PC, the topic is evolution. Your source has no academic credentials in any scientific discipline and you just threw him under the creationist bus. Your buddy KG throws a hissyfit whenever anyone who doesn't have a doctorate in divinity dares to discuss the bible. If you want to defend your position you are going to have to find more credible sources. Too bad there aren't any.

What ever made you believe that you'd be assigned to decide who has the proper credentials to discuss the subject?

I have defended, and proven my position, a number of times in this thread.

Because you, Betty and Moronica claim 'is not, is not,' doesn't reverse the fact that none of you has been able to provide the proof of Darwin's premise.

I'm perfectly copacetic with the fact that your acceptance is based on faith.

Since when does a single "missing link" overturn the all of the corroborating scientific disciplines, dearie? Hint, it can't. Better luck next time. :D
You're such a transparent dunce.....and the fear is palpable.

You won't accept the considered opinion of Professor Johnson....'cause he's a lawyer?'s because he reveals that you are wrong.

What would you say if he had expertise?


Phillip E. Johnson
Title: Jefferson E. Peyser Professor of Law (Emeritus)
Tel: 510-642-5370
Fax: 510-643-2673
Email Address: [email protected]
After law school, Phillip Johnson clerked for Chief Justice Roger Traynor of the California Supreme Court and Chief Justice Earl Warren of the U.S. Supreme Court. He joined the Boalt faculty in 1967.

Johnson has served as deputy district attorney while on leave from his teaching duties and has held visiting professorships at Emory University and at University College, London.

He is the author of two books on evolution and naturalistic philosophy for the general reader, Darwin on Trial (2nd ed., 1993) and Reason in the Balance (1995). He frequently lectures and writes on subjects relating to science, philosophy, and religion.

A.B., Harvard University (1961)
J.D., University of Chicago (1965)


You're such a jerk.

C' it one more time:


Gentle hint for PC, the topic is evolution. Your source has no academic credentials in any scientific discipline and you just threw him under the creationist bus. Your buddy KG throws a hissyfit whenever anyone who doesn't have a doctorate in divinity dares to discuss the bible. If you want to defend your position you are going to have to find more credible sources. Too bad there aren't any.

What ever made you believe that you'd be assigned to decide who has the proper credentials to discuss the subject?

I have defended, and proven my position, a number of times in this thread.

Because you, Betty and Moronica claim 'is not, is not,' doesn't reverse the fact that none of you has been able to provide the proof of Darwin's premise.

I'm perfectly copacetic with the fact that your acceptance is based on faith.

I can fully appreciate the fact that the only understanding you have is faith-based. After all, you believe in talking snakes.

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