How to destroy a conservative party, by the GOP geniuses at Turning Point USA

To this day I believe that was a bluff, meant to call Peloski and Schumer on policies that they had supported a mere six months ago.....It worked...Those two were totally in favor of what Trump floated when Oboingo was prez, yet were against it when it was proposed by him.

Ther rest of the list is 100% on the mark, tho.
Thats fair.
A. You don't know what a RINO is. You just regurgitate that term to describe anyone who isn't part of your cult.

B. You need them to secure a majority and get your ideas through. This country is not a far-right country. Extremism won't give you a majority.
DTMB, I hate to point it out to you, but the Republican Party is not as far-right as you think. Many Republicans who are conservative also work very hard with the Democrats on global conservation issues to make sure that stuff like mirrors on roofs that provide electricity to those who own them, but also distract birds who are not killed by electrocution from these gimmicks die, because the mirrors confuse their migrational paths to forests they therefore do not reach. My concern is that the error of selling too many electric companies for each household will kill nearby forested areas. I would hate to see Sam Houston Forest disappear into being a cow pasture again. It's so hot here in the summer that shade is a prize. I don't want Texas to loose the prizes that forests are, but without bird manure, they won't last without more expenses put out than the every-mirrored-roof-is-a-personal-electric-company-deal. My leftover money from buying food and gas from my old-age social security is spent on supporting a single mom family in which the father is spending years in prison for violating his drug addiction state-inflicted orders to not be caught with drugs in his blood system. He flunked the test, and now his wife and 5 children do not have any other income that what she can make at night when the kids are sleeping, and beg money off relatives and friends. Even so, I will not go for saving money on electricity by installing "free" solar panels. Migrating birds took eons (literally) to develop where the forests are, but tend to lose their food source (and potty grounds that feed the trees), and they will not quickly be survivors, but victims due to the stubborn dna their generations took a million years to develop. Bird brains are programed, and we did not know it until someone proved the birds could be distracted of going to their ancestral forest for food, seasonally by migration. It's complicated. I'd rather be poor than to lose a forest because birds could not find it due to their programming we know so little of. :(

I find comfort in the beautiful forests nature gives us. I don't want to lose them because of the cost of feeding a lot of mouths electric companies have to put out. They have to pay for safety classes to prevent millions of dollars they lost in the 20th century, which also costs millions of dollars, with the advantage that surviving employees do not have to make a trip to a wife alone with the sad news of her husband dying of electrocution 40 feet off the ground because he forgot to wear rubber shoes or rubber gloves that prevent such tragedy. Electricity is dangerous because its lightning nature tends to escape now and then from the safest high wires. If you've ever visited an electric transmission post and see a sign that says "do not enter," you better teach your children the kind of death they will have if they ignore the signs as a kinky thing to do when actually, it is a lethal thing to do. But teenage humans do not always follow instructions to prove they are independent of all else on earth, when in reality, they can get killed for an error in judgment when acting unwisely. As they age and endure natural phenomenons, how safe will the electric mirrors on the roof be? I'm not convinced of total safety when electricity is not put in the hands of the highly trained professionals in power plants. My late husband wrote the book on safety for his company and won the lowest rate of lost-time accidents in a 7-state area every year because of the safety meetings to the men on the high wires in one area. IOW, when people sell their houses with electric power generated on the roof 40 years from today, will the newly wed owners be safe, and who will read them the riot act about carelessness around produced electric energy? Just a thought for those of you who enjoy lower prices you can get when you put solar panels up. No one has had a chance to prove that the panels are safe for eternity without highly expensive maintenance when elderly age hits the homeowner along with forgetfulness, sore knees that fall off ladders higher than 20 feet for the upstairs dodads, brittle bones that break from a 2-foot fall, much less one of 20 feet in the air on a ladder that has also aged 40 years due to use and degredation of wood and nail metals that have a little bit more rust or acid breakdown on them after a rain.
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You don't get your ideas through if you're relying on RINO votes. That's why we get those omnibus budget bills larded down with liberal spending.

By "extremism" you mean "principled." What's the point of getting a majority if you're just going to pass the leftwing agenda?

Enjoy losing and getting nothing at all.
You mentioned it twice, asshole. What do you imagine the following refers to if not the budgets with COVID spending in them?

Conservative presidents do not submit the 4 largest budget request in historyConservative presidents do not double the deficit in 2 years with a Republican House and Senate

Trump submitted his final budget request before COVID hit.

Trump doubled the deficit with a GOP House and Senate in his first two years, long before COVID hit.

Are you truly this fucking stupid, or is it just an act?
Neither do they.
Yes we do. A RINO means "Republican In Name Only." Don't tell me you weren't a little upset with Bernie Sanders when one of his commie sycophant former employees, a Mr. Hutchkinson, attempted the murders of Republican Congressman at a baseball practice in Virginia on June 14, 2017. Was he a real Democrat or just another a DINO? C'mon man, answer me that. :heehee: On second thought, nah, you don't have to.
This person has a higher rating with the Heritage foundation than Jim Jordan and MTG and the same rating as Gaetz....and you all will still drive them from the is almost as if him being Hispanic is the true problem.
As opposed to supposedly "winning" and still getting nothing?

Were you getting nothing when the SCOTUS judges got confirmed?

Were you getting nothing when the tax cut package was passed?

Without the "RINOs" you wouldn't have any of that.

But keep whining like a big baby and sabotaging the effort because you can't get every single, solitary thing the way you want it.
As opposed to supposedly "winning" and still getting nothing?
As we recall those six golden years between '01 and '06, where the (R)s controlled everything, and The State spent more and grew at a faster rate than its "liberal" predecessor.

This person has a higher rating with the Heritage foundation than Jim Jordan and MTG and the same rating as Gaetz....and you all will still drive them from the is almost as if him being Hispanic is the true problem.

They are simply going by their programming. Facts don't matter. The cult says jump, so they jump.
TPUSA is a grooming grifting religious cult linked to Trump and Don Jr.
Were you getting nothing when the SCOTUS judges got confirmed?

Were you getting nothing when the tax cut package was passed?

Without the "RINOs" you wouldn't have any of that.

But keep whining like a big baby and sabotaging the effort because you can't get every single, solitary thing the way you want it.

I'm more talking when Republicans have the house.

And without Trump you wouldn't have them either.

But keep thinking the Dems will support you when you shit on the rest of your party.
I don't really see things in terms of Rinos and conservatives.

I see it more as business as usual and populists.

Trump is not more CONSERVATIVE, not by a long shot. He is merely a much stronger Nationalist.
As we recall those six golden years between '01 and '06, where the (R)s controlled everything, and The State spent more and grew at a faster rate than its "liberal" predecessor.


What happened in 2001?

Did Clinton have to deal with any war or major terrorist attack?
Were you getting nothing when the SCOTUS judges got confirmed?

Were you getting nothing when the tax cut package was passed?

Without the "RINOs" you wouldn't have any of that.

But keep whining like a big baby and sabotaging the effort because you can't get every single, solitary thing the way you want it.
Ooooo....A few shiny toys while the nation's industry is hollowed out and turned over to slave labor, more idiotic foreign wars, the currency is devalued 40%, the federal police state turns its guns on those it's supposed to be protecting, an invasion of the southern border at a number in excess of 30 army divisions, $5.00 gasoline, the median price of a modest house in many areas in excess of $400,000....

And don't let those few extra shekels in that paycheck burn a hole in your pocket!

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