How to distinguish between a liar and not

Silly Billi sez???? "If Obama was a lefty, why weren't there any in his Cabinet? Why are we still in Afghanistan? Why did he prosecute whistle-blowers? A liberal President would not have done those things.

As far as the ACA, he didn't even fight for the public option, which was the only thing that would've driven prices down.

And at the time of the Nobel prize, he was ramping up drone strikes in Afganistan."

My Reply: "Of course the Barrypuppet was a leftist and can throw in queer and a muslim to boot. There is also some very interesting circumstantial evidence via the leaked e-mails of John Podesta that suggests that Barrypuppet is also a pedophile and is in on the Pizzagate scandal. Are you a commie as well? If you think that Barrypuppet wasn't "left" enough for your liking? Methinks you are one of those card carrying CPUSA member.....thoughts???"

Silly Billi sez?? "You fuckers need to stop banging your cousins!"

This was the exchange we had that led me to to the conclusion that you were an intellectual "lightweight"....did I need to introduce myself before I kicked the shit out of you? Is that part of the board protocol? Can you direct me to that portion of the USB message board mandate that declares that I must slap you across the face with a cyber dueling glove before commencing with the ass kicking? Any help would be met with heartfelt gratitude.........(snickcer)

All sarcasm aside, I am fine with using dullards like you as if I were using props at a magic show....but your participation isn't really required. I have yet to find a leftard that has the stomach for the fight, stamina over the long haul or the ability to match me in knowledge or any kind of verbal jousting as it pertains to clever repartee and witticisms...shit, you proved that right off the bat with your lame attempt at combating my reply with a joke about cousins fucking I knew that I wasn't really dealing with a mental giant right from the "git-go"....but you played your stooge part well....and I was your foil.......and to the delight of the masses? You ended up with the proverbial creme pie to the face "Soupy Sales style"...........lick that whipped creme off of your lips and look into the faces of the cyber audience and "grin"!!!!.....atta boy!!!!
This sums up your post quite well...

I am fine with using dullards like you as if I were using props at a magic show....but your participation isn't really required.

If my "participation isn't really required", then none of your dumbass rant has anything to do with me. It's just you on a soap box, pontificating to the world. Which shows you're either one of two things:
  1. If you mean what you're saying, you're a fuckin' liar!
  2. If you don't, you're a fuckin' troll!
Just ranting off into space, then acting like you just said something, is pretty dumb. But that is what the republican right has become. A bunch of hayseed-dickboy-inbred-dumbass rednecks, lying this country into oblivion.
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.
maybe if your repub assholes didn't filibuster everything we'd be a lot better off

Obama had total control for two full years and didn't accomplish shit.

...except saving big chunk of American auto industry, passing Wall Street reform, administering bailouts, injecting millions of jobs into economy with stimulus and other expansionary policies, killing Bin Laden...and oh yea, passing historic Healthcare reform.

What the fuck did you do with your life while all that was going on?

What we need to do

Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.
maybe if your repub assholes didn't filibuster everything we'd be a lot better off

Obama had total control for two full years and didn't accomplish shit.

...except saving big chunk of American auto industry, passing Wall Street reform, administering bailouts, injecting millions of jobs into economy with stimulus and other expansionary policies, killing Bin Laden...and oh yea, passing historic Healthcare reform.

What the fuck did you do with your life while all that was going on?

What we need to do

Naaaa....we got here in just enough time to fix the democrat problem.....carry on.....
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.
If a progressive/regressive liberals lips are moving....

A lie is being perpetrated
Trump treated very unfairly…/trump-says-he-has-been-treated-v…

Trump Says He Has Been Treated Very Unfairly by People Who Wrote Constitution
“When literally everything I want to do is magically a violation of the Constitution, that’s very unfair and bad treatment,” Trump said.
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.
maybe if your repub assholes didn't filibuster everything we'd be a lot better off

Obama had total control for two full years and didn't accomplish shit.

...except saving big chunk of American auto industry, passing Wall Street reform, administering bailouts, injecting millions of jobs into economy with stimulus and other expansionary policies, killing Bin Laden...and oh yea, passing historic Healthcare reform.

What the fuck did you do with your life while all that was going on?

What we need to do

Naaaa....we got here in just enough time to fix the democrat problem.....carry on.....
Just like you fixed the Iraqui problem Find any BS WOMD ??You're not fixers you're destroyers ,,then dems have to clean up your mess AND if we don't do it fast enough you blame us
maybe if your repub assholes didn't filibuster everything we'd be a lot better off

Obama had total control for two full years and didn't accomplish shit.

...except saving big chunk of American auto industry, passing Wall Street reform, administering bailouts, injecting millions of jobs into economy with stimulus and other expansionary policies, killing Bin Laden...and oh yea, passing historic Healthcare reform.

What the fuck did you do with your life while all that was going on?

What we need to do

Naaaa....we got here in just enough time to fix the democrat problem.....carry on.....
Just like you fixed the Iraqui problem Find any BS WOMD ??You're not fixers you're destroyers ,,then dems have to clean up your mess AND if we don't do it fast enough you blame us
You mean the war your Obama surrendered?
Obama had total control for two full years and didn't accomplish shit.

...except saving big chunk of American auto industry, passing Wall Street reform, administering bailouts, injecting millions of jobs into economy with stimulus and other expansionary policies, killing Bin Laden...and oh yea, passing historic Healthcare reform.

What the fuck did you do with your life while all that was going on?

What we need to do

Naaaa....we got here in just enough time to fix the democrat problem.....carry on.....
Just like you fixed the Iraqui problem Find any BS WOMD ??You're not fixers you're destroyers ,,then dems have to clean up your mess AND if we don't do it fast enough you blame us
You mean the war your Obama surrendered?
No I mean the war your last repub moron started that started all the ME chaos that came after Now your latest idiot wants to go to war with Iran? How many will he be willing to see die??? BTW wonder how his ankle is that kept him out of serving??
Silly Billi sez???? "If Obama was a lefty, why weren't there any in his Cabinet? Why are we still in Afghanistan? Why did he prosecute whistle-blowers? A liberal President would not have done those things.

As far as the ACA, he didn't even fight for the public option, which was the only thing that would've driven prices down.

And at the time of the Nobel prize, he was ramping up drone strikes in Afganistan."

My Reply: "Of course the Barrypuppet was a leftist and can throw in queer and a muslim to boot. There is also some very interesting circumstantial evidence via the leaked e-mails of John Podesta that suggests that Barrypuppet is also a pedophile and is in on the Pizzagate scandal. Are you a commie as well? If you think that Barrypuppet wasn't "left" enough for your liking? Methinks you are one of those card carrying CPUSA member.....thoughts???"

Silly Billi sez?? "You fuckers need to stop banging your cousins!"

This was the exchange we had that led me to to the conclusion that you were an intellectual "lightweight"....did I need to introduce myself before I kicked the shit out of you? Is that part of the board protocol? Can you direct me to that portion of the USB message board mandate that declares that I must slap you across the face with a cyber dueling glove before commencing with the ass kicking? Any help would be met with heartfelt gratitude.........(snickcer)

All sarcasm aside, I am fine with using dullards like you as if I were using props at a magic show....but your participation isn't really required. I have yet to find a leftard that has the stomach for the fight, stamina over the long haul or the ability to match me in knowledge or any kind of verbal jousting as it pertains to clever repartee and witticisms...shit, you proved that right off the bat with your lame attempt at combating my reply with a joke about cousins fucking I knew that I wasn't really dealing with a mental giant right from the "git-go"....but you played your stooge part well....and I was your foil.......and to the delight of the masses? You ended up with the proverbial creme pie to the face "Soupy Sales style"...........lick that whipped creme off of your lips and look into the faces of the cyber audience and "grin"!!!!.....atta boy!!!!
This sums up your post quite well...

I am fine with using dullards like you as if I were using props at a magic show....but your participation isn't really required.
If my "participation isn't really required", then none of your dumbass rant has anything to do with me. It's just you on a soap box, pontificating to the world. Which shows you're either one of two things:
  1. If you mean what you're saying, you're a fuckin' liar!
  2. If you don't, you're a fuckin' troll!
Just ranting off into space, then acting like you just said something, is pretty dumb. But that is what the republican right has become. A bunch of hayseed-dickboy-inbred-dumbass rednecks, lying this country into oblivion.

Au contraire, it had everything to do with your fool-fueled rants. When I shine the light (but most of all make light) of the poop flinging, angst-filled leftard it:

1: Is extremely amusing and entertaining......
2: Always informative and the leftad clown posse here already know that they have no chance in a debate or discussion...none, nada, zero....zilch.

I am a constitutionalist...the organic one that was passed in 1789 and not the corporate charter constitution for the District of Columbia when the united states of America became USA.INC in 1871 so there is no party you can put me in. Both political parties are the same at the very top. The leftard clown posse has been by far the best friend of the global elites and banking oligarchs as their end game is a feudalistic, technocratric communist system with them being in middle class whatsoever. You see, leftards are not about raising people up insomuch as they are bringing everyone else down. We know that McCarty was absolutely correct about the commie infiltration into the government and it persists to this day. 70 congressmen and women have ties to communist front groups and all are "demcrat". You dig on communism, do ya? Because you supporting it willingly or not by being a "demcrat". The repubs on the right were infiltrated by Trotsky-ites and I refer to them as the neocons and they work together with the far left. Ever read Carroll Quigley's book "Tragedy And Hope"? It's a long book but I suggest you at least Google it and read some of the quotes.

BTW, see how charitable I am by bestowing just a smidgen of the heavy lifting I have done to wake up the sheeple? No need to "thank me" as I am a giver.
...except saving big chunk of American auto industry, passing Wall Street reform, administering bailouts, injecting millions of jobs into economy with stimulus and other expansionary policies, killing Bin Laden...and oh yea, passing historic Healthcare reform.

What the fuck did you do with your life while all that was going on?

What we need to do

Naaaa....we got here in just enough time to fix the democrat problem.....carry on.....
Just like you fixed the Iraqui problem Find any BS WOMD ??You're not fixers you're destroyers ,,then dems have to clean up your mess AND if we don't do it fast enough you blame us
You mean the war your Obama surrendered?
No I mean the war your last repub moron started that started all the ME chaos that came after Now your latest idiot wants to go to war with Iran? How many will he be willing to see die??? BTW wonder how his ankle is that kept him out of serving??

Edds, what about Libya? What about Syria? Do you know the disastrous results of those interventions were just a continuation of the neocon/globalist PNAC plan? Nothing changed when the Barrypuppet was selected. If there is a war with Iran, then Trump is just like every pawn put in office since JFK.
It would be great if liberals could get their narratives straight. Too many instances to list, but here are two typical points of rhetoric:

Choose one:
A. "Obama got us out of Iraq. He's awesome."
B. "The reason Obama got us out of Iraq is because of an agreement under Bush. So it's Bush's fault the region is since in turmoil."

Inconsistent thinking:
"Obama bailed out the auto industry. He's awesome."
Fact: Bush initiated the bail-outs and Obama followed his lead. .

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