How to distinguish between a liar and not

Of course the Barrypuppet was a leftist and can throw in queer and a muslim to boot. There is also some very interesting circumstantial evidence via the leaked e-mails of John Podesta that suggests that Barrypuppet is also a pedophile and is in on the Pizzagate scandal. Are you a commie as well? If you think that Barrypuppet wasn't "left" enough for your liking? Methinks you are one of those card carrying CPUSA member.....thoughts???
You fuckers need to stop banging your cousins!

Of course the Barrypuppet was a leftist and can throw in queer and a muslim to boot. There is also some very interesting circumstantial evidence via the leaked e-mails of John Podesta that suggests that Barrypuppet is also a pedophile and is in on the Pizzagate scandal. Are you a commie as well? If you think that Barrypuppet wasn't "left" enough for your liking? Methinks you are one of those card carrying CPUSA member.....thoughts???
You fuckers need to stop banging your cousins!

Wow, looks like you have a big ol bag of nothin'........tis a pity.

Wow, looks like you have a big ol bag of nothin'........tis a pity.

Why? Are you in to men's bags?

I don't know what you could be a male pretending to be a chick or vice versa....but that wasn't my point (which flew over your head at MACH 4 speed)....but it's pretty obvious to me that you are an intellectual lightweight.

Carry on, little "whatever you are"........seems that you have no "game" whatsoever......
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.

Well you start by looking at facts and comparing them to claims:

Obama kept 280 of his campaign promises (50%) and delivered compromise on 25% more, fully failing on 25%.

Now maybe you are ignorant like most Trumpsters or maybe you are lying, I'd say it's the former.

Here is the quantified difference between a pathological liar like Trump that you can't trust on anything, and just a politician like Obama who will not always state the full truth of the matter, but at least makes an effort not to flat out lie:


On promises Turmp actually delivered on just 5 promises out of about 200-300, tallying it up as a yardstick of him not being a liar is premature at best.

Trump 's been in office 3 weeks! Obama took 8 years to develop that lousy record.

You are an incomparable propagandist if you believe your own tripe.
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.
maybe if your repub assholes didn't filibuster everything we'd be a lot better off

Obama had total control for two full years and didn't accomplish shit.
I don't know what you could be a male pretending to be a chick or vice versa....but that wasn't my point (which flew over your head at MACH 4 speed)....but it's pretty obvious to me that you are an intellectual lightweight.

Carry on, little "whatever you are"........seems that you have no "game" whatsoever......
WTF do you know about my intelligence?
I don't know what you could be a male pretending to be a chick or vice versa....but that wasn't my point (which flew over your head at MACH 4 speed)....but it's pretty obvious to me that you are an intellectual lightweight.

Carry on, little "whatever you are"........seems that you have no "game" whatsoever......
WTF do you know about my intelligence?

Or the lack thereof?

Obama delivered on the majority of his campaign promises and all of his major objectives including a Comprehensive healthcare system...I know. That's part of the problem and (if you dig your doctor you'll still dig your doctor).

getting us out of Iraq According to the liberal narrative, we deserted Iraq because Bush said so. Perhaps that only works when we're discussing middle east turmoil e.g., ISIS. Pretty much have to pick one.

and Afghanistan Awesome, we're out of Aphgan. now? I need to watch the news more often.

rescuing the economy ILMAO......Took him long enough and we still haven't recovered. Besides, stimulus packages can only go so far, and low interest rates was a disguise left for future administrations.

and ending the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy. He didn't do as he said he would. Perhaps that's one reason our economy is slow to recover? Could be.

The only one he did not deliver was closing Gitmo. ONLY ONE? What planet is your Obama on?

where he reduced the population from 280 down to 80. What does that prove exactly? There could be 2000 for all I care.

Lets see how Trump does with his wall: He's going to build it, wall and/or otherwise.

and Muslim ban. He's going to make it rough on immigration, as he should.
Or the lack thereof?

Are you going to answer the question, or just keep trolling the thread?

Did I not answer it or do you struggle with the written word? Too many multi-syllable words?

I thought my first response to you was rather clear......your reply? You implied that I mated with my blood relatives......that's not exactly the signs of someone with a high I.Q score......

Just keepin' it real, lil "whatever" you are......
Obama kept his campaign promises

He got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan
He got us out of a recession
He repealed the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy
He passed comprehensive healthcare

Trump seems to be backing away from his by holding off Obamacare repeal for a year, descoping his Great Wall
I didn't know you didn't have a job....
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Did I not answer it or do you struggle with the written word? Too many multi-syllable words?

I thought my first response to you was rather clear......your reply? You implied that I mated with my blood relatives......that's not exactly the signs of someone with a high I.Q score......

Just keepin' it real, lil "whatever" you are......
It seems you have time issues, because you don't know when to start the clock? Which was when you personally attacked someone you don't even know. That, in itself, is pretty mental.

Then you brought up my intelligence and I asked you what you knew about it? And no, you did not answer that question.

You're either a fuckin' liar, or a troll. Now which is it?
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.

Well you start by looking at facts and comparing them to claims:

Obama kept 280 of his campaign promises (50%) and delivered compromise on 25% more, fully failing on 25%.

Now maybe you are ignorant like most Trumpsters or maybe you are lying, I'd say it's the former.

Here is the quantified difference between a pathological liar like Trump that you can't trust on anything, and just a politician like Obama who will not always state the full truth of the matter, but at least makes an effort not to flat out lie:


On promises Turmp actually delivered on just 5 promises out of about 200-300, tallying it up as a yardstick of him not being a liar is premature at best.

Trump 's been in office 3 weeks! Obama took 8 years to develop that lousy record.

You are an incomparable propagandist if you believe your own tripe.

On promises Turmp actually delivered on just 5 promises out of about 200-300, tallying it up as a yardstick of him not being a liar is premature at best.

What part of PREMATURE don't you understand dummy?

It means it's too early to judge.
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.
maybe if your repub assholes didn't filibuster everything we'd be a lot better off

Obama had total control for two full years and didn't accomplish shit.

...except saving big chunk of American auto industry, passing Wall Street reform, administering bailouts, injecting millions of jobs into economy with stimulus and other expansionary policies, killing Bin Laden...and oh yea, passing historic Healthcare reform.

What the fuck did you do with your life while all that was going on?
Did I not answer it or do you struggle with the written word? Too many multi-syllable words?

I thought my first response to you was rather clear......your reply? You implied that I mated with my blood relatives......that's not exactly the signs of someone with a high I.Q score......

Just keepin' it real, lil "whatever" you are......
It seems you have time issues, because you don't know when to start the clock? Which was when you personally attacked someone you don't even know. That, in itself, is pretty mental.

Then you brought up my intelligence and I asked you what you knew about it? And no, you did not answer that question.

You're either a fuckin' liar, or a troll. Now which is it?

Silly Billi sez???? "If Obama was a lefty, why weren't there any in his Cabinet? Why are we still in Afghanistan? Why did he prosecute whistle-blowers? A liberal President would not have done those things.

As far as the ACA, he didn't even fight for the public option, which was the only thing that would've driven prices down.

And at the time of the Nobel prize, he was ramping up drone strikes in Afganistan."

My Reply: "Of course the Barrypuppet was a leftist and can throw in queer and a muslim to boot. There is also some very interesting circumstantial evidence via the leaked e-mails of John Podesta that suggests that Barrypuppet is also a pedophile and is in on the Pizzagate scandal. Are you a commie as well? If you think that Barrypuppet wasn't "left" enough for your liking? Methinks you are one of those card carrying CPUSA member.....thoughts???"

Silly Billi sez?? "You fuckers need to stop banging your cousins!"

This was the exchange we had that led me to to the conclusion that you were an intellectual "lightweight"....did I need to introduce myself before I kicked the shit out of you? Is that part of the board protocol? Can you direct me to that portion of the USB message board mandate that declares that I must slap you across the face with a cyber dueling glove before commencing with the ass kicking? Any help would be met with heartfelt gratitude.........(snickcer)

All sarcasm aside, I am fine with using dullards like you as if I were using props at a magic show....but your participation isn't really required. I have yet to find a leftard that has the stomach for the fight, stamina over the long haul or the ability to match me in knowledge or any kind of verbal jousting as it pertains to clever repartee and witticisms...shit, you proved that right off the bat with your lame attempt at combating my reply with a joke about cousins fucking I knew that I wasn't really dealing with a mental giant right from the "git-go"....but you played your stooge part well....and I was your foil.......and to the delight of the masses? You ended up with the proverbial creme pie to the face "Soupy Sales style"...........lick that whipped creme off of your lips and look into the faces of the cyber audience and "grin"!!!!.....atta boy!!!!
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.
maybe if your repub assholes didn't filibuster everything we'd be a lot better off

Obama had total control for two full years and didn't accomplish shit.

...except saving big chunk of American auto industry, passing Wall Street reform, administering bailouts, injecting millions of jobs into economy with stimulus and other expansionary policies, killing Bin Laden...and oh yea, passing historic Healthcare reform.

What the fuck did you do with your life while all that was going on?

Barrypuppet didn't know a fucking thing about the auto industry nor did he have the slightest clue on how to "save" it. What happened was that he signed off on the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers to extend "credit" created by nothing that we were responsible for........WOW! Brilliant move, Barrypuppet!!!!

What is hilarious to me about the leftard clown posse of commies and their claim of "obstruction" and "filibustering"??? Can anyone tell me what incredible "middle class saving" legislation that the Barrypuppet wanted to pass that was obstructed even though he had a phone and a pen????? I do know that he had a particular hatred for the 2nd amendment and participated in false flag and staged events like Sandy Hoax and the Charleston church shootings where he wiped away a fake tear....... (that was some really shitty acting....just saying)

Barrypuppet created jobs? Do tell? With the 2,700 pork-filled piece of legislation written for insurance companies for the insurance companies benefit? He turned full-time workers into part-timers....
Barrypuppet was behind the taking out of Osama bin Laden/ Tim Osman???? Bzzzzzt....WRONG! Osama died in December of 2001.,...this was the ultimate in fake news and the alleged Seal team that took him out died in a helicopter crash shortly after that.

You, my leftard friend, are an idiot.
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.
If a progressive/regressive liberals lips are moving....

A lie is being perpetrated
No much of a scientific study. I wonder how they decided which 50 statements were used for each. That might affect the outcome a little.

They didn't say they selected 50 statements, they said that they graded at at least 50 for each. There was no picking and choosing as you seem to say.

All of the stamens can be reviewed individually too, so you don't have to take their word for it.

Donald Trump's file

Barack Obama's file
What I'm saying is that if they didn't check every statement each person said then the percentages are irrelevant. At best they can say "of the statements we studied". Let's face it if you went through every politicians political career you could undoubtedly find 100 statement that were false and find 100 statements that were true. Again, the percentages in this table are meaningless.

False equivalence and defeatist bullcrap. Everybody is 100/100, nothing can be objectively quantified. :rolleyes:

Why don't you go ahead and read through the their statements.

There is a CLEAR pattern of how much more often TRUMP lies. On the compaign he told a blatant lie every three minutes of speaking in a week when they recorded everything he said.
What nonsense. The only way those numbers could mean anything is if you were able to say "in time frame A Trump made 1000 statements and 150 were false. Clinton made 1000 statements and 100 were false. In your chart it might as well say "in time frame A we randomly chose 50+ Trump statements and 20 were false, we randomly chose 50+ Clinton statements and 15 were false." If you were to go back to the same time frame and choose a different 50+ statements for both there is nothing to suggest that it might not come out the opposite.

I'm not trying to stand up for Trump, I just hate nonsensical statistics.

You are exercising your IMAGINATION, instead of knowledge.

Want to claim that this is cherry picked? Ok find me a false public statement in the last year by Clinton or Trump that Politifact didn't cover.

And I have access to every statement made by the two of them? Politifact has access to every statement? I'm not saying cherry picked, I"m just pointing out that the chart in question doesn't give enough information to mean anything. Whatever the time frame, we do not know the criteria for choosing the statements included in the chart. Were they the first 50+ to pop up? Were they the first 50+ uttered on weekdays between the hours of 4 & 7 pm? Were they the first 50+ to use more than 3 words that begin with a vowel?

Think of it this way. If I walk into a doughnut shop and select 3 random doughnuts. As luck would have it 2 of the 3 have grape filling. Can I now logically conclude that 2/3 of the doughnuts in that shop are grape filled?

Another way of thinking about it.

Candidate A makes 5 statements

Red is red
blue is blue
green is yellow
black is white
orange is orange

Candidate B makes 5 statements

Red is red
blue is blue
green is yellow
black is white
orange is orange

Choose 2 random statements from each

Candidate A

Red is red
blue is blue

Candidate B

blue is blue
green is yellow


Candidate A tells the truth 100% of the time.
Candidate B lies 50% of the time.
Even the most advanced lie detector machine can't out a pathological liar. Skilled face reading humans and computers can't detect a pathological liar. I have met and caught two pathological liars before by observing their mood and words that I knew to be untrue. A normal liar is too horrendous to mention.
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.

You've exposed yourself as a liar with your first post.

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