How to distinguish between a liar and not

Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.
Funny how that works. Obama could of closed Guantanamo if not for those old obstructionist Republicans.

In the real world Obama did sign an EO to close Guantanamo but both Democrats and Republicans oppose it. How many times will the Republicans deny Trump? Trump's a liar because of his lies, not the campaign promises (broken or not) told to the rubes.
Obama kept his campaign promises

He got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan
He got us out of a recession
He repealed the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy
He passed comprehensive healthcare

Trump seems to be backing away from his by holding off Obamacare repeal for a year, descoping his Great Wall

4 things, 8 years.... fantastic.

Oh, how'd he do with that whole "debit is immoral" thingy? Or the Gitmo thingy? Or the "shovel ready jobs" thingy?

Oh thanks for reminding me....he did cut the deficit in half like he promised

He never promised shovel ready jobs. Shovel ready was a condition that states had to meet in order to qualify for stimulus funding. Some states did well, others didn't
Obama kept his campaign promises

He got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan
He got us out of a recession
He repealed the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy
He passed comprehensive healthcare

Trump seems to be backing away from his by holding off Obamacare repeal for a year, descoping his Great Wall

4 things, 8 years.... fantastic.

Oh, how'd he do with that whole "debit is immoral" thingy? Or the Gitmo thingy? Or the "shovel ready jobs" thingy?

Not four things:

He got us out of Iraq....Notice how liberals change the narrative to suit them? Deserting Iraq proved to be an error. Their narrative is we had to leave because of an agreement on Bush's watch. So pick one liberals, we left Iraq because of Bush or because of Bush?

and Afghanistan.....Wholly shit. Really? Please tell me you didn't vote. Nothing like ill-informed people voting for something they know nothing about.

He got us out of a recession....Slowest recovery in industrialized history. If you understand history and economics, there was no where to go but up. He made campaign promises on the subject (some posted above). The standard of living continues to decline. He DID NOT keep his campaign promises.

He repealed the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy.....This is incorrect.

He passed comprehensive healthcare....Comprehensive to who? Answer: Anyone who doesn't pay for it.
No, he refused to work with Reps, as well as his Dems in Congressefused to as well.
The Real Story of Obamacare's Birth -

This is, of course, a huge victory for President Obama. But the passage, implementation, and ratification of Obamacare continue to be plagued by a widespread belief that it was tarnished by the way it was proposed and debated. A raft of reporters, commentators, and politicians argue that the president made a huge mistake in taking up healthcare at the beginning of his term, before building relationships of trust with Republicans, and then compounded that error by jamming it through quickly without any Republican input or efforts to find common ground.
Obama kept his campaign promises[/QUOTE

My Presidency Will Be ‘A One-Term Proposition’ If Economy Doesn't Turn In 3 Years

“Washington is broken. My whole campaign has been premised from the start on the idea that we have to fundamentally change how Washington works.”

“Guantanamo will be closed no later than one year from now.”

“I fought with you in the Senate for comprehensive immigration reform. And I will make it a top priority in my first year as President.”

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Obama pledges to halve budget deficit by 2013

Seems the voters agreed that the economy had turned

Guantanamo went from 280 inmates down to 80. Not bad considering Congress blocked him from closing it

Republicans refused to work with him from day one. Makes it hard to rework the culture in Washington

Obama promised a national healthcare program and he is the first President in 75 years to actually deliver it
Obama kept his campaign promises

He got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan
He got us out of a recession
He repealed the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy
He passed comprehensive healthcare

Trump seems to be backing away from his by holding off Obamacare repeal for a year, descoping his Great Wall

4 things, 8 years.... fantastic.

Oh, how'd he do with that whole "debit is immoral" thingy? Or the Gitmo thingy? Or the "shovel ready jobs" thingy?

Oh thanks for reminding me....he did cut the deficit in half like he promised

He never promised shovel ready jobs. Shovel ready was a condition that states had to meet in order to qualify for stimulus funding. Some states did well, others didn't
No he raised the government expenditures to a trillion then spent 600 billion reducing the rate but not the quantity, that is the falsehood that you stupid fuckers wont realize. At one time I felt sorry for how stupid a liberal was, but after all this time dealing with their lack of intelligence I just get frustrated. There are some thinga you cant change and that is the mentality of a left wing idiot(redundant statement)

Obama kept his campaign promises

He got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan
He got us out of a recession
He repealed the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy
He passed comprehensive healthcare

Trump seems to be backing away from his by holding off Obamacare repeal for a year, descoping his Great Wall

4 things, 8 years.... fantastic.

Oh, how'd he do with that whole "debit is immoral" thingy? Or the Gitmo thingy? Or the "shovel ready jobs" thingy?

Oh thanks for reminding me....he did cut the deficit in half like he promised

He never promised shovel ready jobs. Shovel ready was a condition that states had to meet in order to qualify for stimulus funding. Some states did well, others didn't
No he raised the government expenditures to a trillion then spent 600 billion reducing the rate but not the quantity, that is the falsehood that you stupid fuckers wont realize. At one time I felt sorry for how stupid a liberal was, but after all this time dealing with their lack of intelligence I just get frustrated. There are some thinga you cant change and that is the mentality of a left wing idiot(redundant statement)

View attachment 111579

Obama cut the deficit in promised

Obama kept his campaign promises

He got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan
He got us out of a recession
He repealed the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy
He passed comprehensive healthcare

Trump seems to be backing away from his by holding off Obamacare repeal for a year, descoping his Great Wall

4 things, 8 years.... fantastic.

Oh, how'd he do with that whole "debit is immoral" thingy? Or the Gitmo thingy? Or the "shovel ready jobs" thingy?

Oh thanks for reminding me....he did cut the deficit in half like he promised

He never promised shovel ready jobs. Shovel ready was a condition that states had to meet in order to qualify for stimulus funding. Some states did well, others didn't
No he raised the government expenditures to a trillion then spent 600 billion reducing the rate but not the quantity, that is the falsehood that you stupid fuckers wont realize. At one time I felt sorry for how stupid a liberal was, but after all this time dealing with their lack of intelligence I just get frustrated. There are some thinga you cant change and that is the mentality of a left wing idiot(redundant statement)

View attachment 111579

Obama cut the deficit in promised


Actually it went down by two-thirds....and will undoubtedly double up again under Trump's spending and tax-cutting.
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Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.

Liberal Lying, mouth open Hope/Change Not liberal has done what ran on.
View attachment 111575 View attachment 111576

LOL "Not liberal" - love the choice words.

When did he Replace Obamacare btw? One of his major promises that has clearly lied on because he never had an actual replacement plan.
Obama kept his campaign promises
No he did not. He didn't close GITMO. He was he most secretive government we ever had. He continued the neocon foreign policy agenda. And there were absolutely no liberals in his cabinet.

Obama was center-right.

He got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan
Half right. We're still in Afghanistan.

He got us out of a recession

He repealed the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy

He passed comprehensive healthcare
Without the public option.

Trump seems to be backing away from his by holding off Obamacare repeal for a year, descoping his Great Wall
Trump is the biggest lying President since Nixon. And he's not even a good liar!
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.

the orange sociopath pursuing the white supremacist agenda that any idiot could see he was pushing does not make him honest.

not lying every time he opens his ugly yap... now that would be honest.
50% promises were kept, 25% half kept, 25% not-kept.

The Obameter: Tracking Obama's promises

Clearly Obama took his promises seriously.
Obama was a politician. Politician's are well versed in saying what you want to hear. He ran as an anti-war President, yet continued the wars of his predecessor. The only reason we left Iraq, was because the Iraqi's would not back down from prosecuting American GI's.

I voted for Obama twice and I'm saying right now he's a fuckin' liar!
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.

Well you start by looking at facts and comparing them to claims:

Obama kept 280 of his campaign promises (50%) and delivered compromise on 25% more, fully failing on 25%.

Now maybe you are ignorant like most Trumpsters or maybe you are lying, I'd say it's the former.

Here is the quantified difference between a pathological liar like Trump that you can't trust on anything, and just a politician like Obama who will not always state the full truth of the matter, but at least makes an effort not to flat out lie:


On promises Turmp actually delivered on just 5 promises out of about 200-300, tallying it up as a yardstick of him not being a liar is premature at best.
No much of a scientific study. I wonder how they decided which 50 statements were used for each. That might affect the outcome a little.
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.

Hey TheDude.

Show everyone how much you support Trump by telling everyone you believe the murder rate is the highest in 47 years. Or will you dodge it and prove you dont believe him either?
Not fulfilling a campaign promise is not a lie unless you never had any intention of doing it
Making an economic projection that does not come true is not a lie

Using "facts" that you know are not correct or have been provided with the true facts is a LIE

That is what Trump does repeatedly
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

Obama makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.

You should check the facts before you make your claims. 48% kept and 28% kept with compromises is a far cry from "doesn't keep any." And that was with an opposing party holding Congressional power. Trump and the GOP hold the WH and Congress.

But more to the point of your OP, what makes Trump a liar is:
  • his inveterately making claims that are patently fabricated or in clear contravention of facts
  • his promising to take an action that, as POTUS, he has unilateral authority to perform and he doesn't follow through as promised
  • his misrepresenting his own or other people's statements and intents
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.

the orange sociopath pursuing the white supremacist agenda that any idiot could see he was pushing does not make him honest.

not lying every time he opens his ugly yap... now that would be honest.
White supremacist! What a joke. The surest sign some one on the left is losing an argument, call racism. Oh, and by the way, you forgot the rest of your buzzwords, fascist, patriarchy, homophobe, islamaphobe, ..........

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