How to distinguish between a liar and not

Not fulfilling a campaign promise is not a lie unless you never had any intention of doing it
Making an economic projection that does not come true is not a lie

Using "facts" that you know are not correct or have been provided with the true facts is a LIE

That is what Trump does repeatedly
And I'm saying he never had any intention of keeping them.
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.
maybe if your repub assholes didn't filibuster everything we'd be a lot better off
50% promises were kept, 25% half kept, 25% not-kept.

The Obameter: Tracking Obama's promises

Clearly Obama took his promises seriously.
Obama was a politician. Politician's are well versed in saying what you want to hear. He ran as an anti-war President, yet continued the wars of his predecessor. The only reason we left Iraq, was because the Iraqi's would not back down from prosecuting American GI's.

I voted for Obama twice and I'm saying right now he's a fuckin' liar!

That's nice...but the facts are quite clear.
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.

the orange sociopath pursuing the white supremacist agenda that any idiot could see he was pushing does not make him honest.

not lying every time he opens his ugly yap... now that would be honest.
White supremacist! What a joke. The surest sign some one on the left is losing an argument, call racism. Oh, and by the way, you forgot the rest of your buzzwords, fascist, patriarchy, homophobe, islamaphobe, ..........
lol and who do you think the trump voters were?? Patriots ?? lol lol
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.

Well you start by looking at facts and comparing them to claims:

Obama kept 280 of his campaign promises (50%) and delivered compromise on 25% more, fully failing on 25%.

Now maybe you are ignorant like most Trumpsters or maybe you are lying, I'd say it's the former.

Here is the quantified difference between a pathological liar like Trump that you can't trust on anything, and just a politician like Obama who will not always state the full truth of the matter, but at least makes an effort not to flat out lie:


On promises Turmp actually delivered on just 5 promises out of about 200-300, tallying it up as a yardstick of him not being a liar is premature at best.
No much of a scientific study. I wonder how they decided which 50 statements were used for each. That might affect the outcome a little.

They didn't say they selected 50 statements, they said that they graded at at least 50 for each. There was no picking and choosing as you seem to say.

All of the stamens can be reviewed individually too, so you don't have to take their word for it.

Donald Trump's file

Barack Obama's file
That's nice...but the facts are quite clear.
And the facts are, Obama lied as much as his predecessor.

How can you possibly run as a liberal candidate, yet not have any liberals in your Cabinet?

I never seen any quantifying of Bush's statements, so I don't know if what you just said is true or false.

What I do know is that it is very tough to beat Trump the-not-politician on volume and quality of lying.

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

I mean just READ IT for 5 min. Mindbogglingly ridiculous.
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.

the orange sociopath pursuing the white supremacist agenda that any idiot could see he was pushing does not make him honest.

not lying every time he opens his ugly yap... now that would be honest.
White supremacist! What a joke. The surest sign some one on the left is losing an argument, call racism. Oh, and by the way, you forgot the rest of your buzzwords, fascist, patriarchy, homophobe, islamaphobe, ..........
lol and who do you think the trump voters were?? Patriots ?? lol lol
Well the people I know that voted for him for the most part voted for Obama twice. So somehow in the last 4 years they suddenly became white supremacists. Face it when people on the left run out of rational responses, they automatically run to their favorite virtue signal, racism.

I can sum up why most people voted for Trump in 2 words, Hillary Clinton.
Obama kept his campaign promises

He got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan
He got us out of a recession
He repealed the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy
He passed comprehensive healthcare

Trump seems to be backing away from his by holding off Obamacare repeal for a year, descoping his Great Wall

Delusional, Or liar? YOU decide.
I never seen any quantifying of Bush's quality of statements, so I don't know if what you just said is true or false.

What I do know is that it is very tough to beat Trump the-not-politician on volume and quality of lying.

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All I'm saying is, in the end, Obama was no better than Bush. It was business as usual.

You're absolutely right about Trump.

And I'm saying I don't know that it is true and you saying so doesn't exactly convince me.

My problem with Bush wasn't lying so much as his honest, but completely wrong, policies
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.

Well you start by looking at facts and comparing them to claims:

Obama kept 280 of his campaign promises (50%) and delivered compromise on 25% more, fully failing on 25%.

Now maybe you are ignorant like most Trumpsters or maybe you are lying, I'd say it's the former.

Here is the quantified difference between a pathological liar like Trump that you can't trust on anything, and just a politician like Obama who will not always state the full truth of the matter, but at least makes an effort not to flat out lie:


On promises Turmp actually delivered on just 5 promises out of about 200-300, tallying it up as a yardstick of him not being a liar is premature at best.
No much of a scientific study. I wonder how they decided which 50 statements were used for each. That might affect the outcome a little.

They didn't say they selected 50 statements, they said that they graded at at least 50 for each. There was no picking and choosing as you seem to say.

All of the stamens can be reviewed individually too, so you don't have to take their word for it.

Donald Trump's file

Barack Obama's file
What I'm saying is that if they didn't check every statement each person said then the percentages are irrelevant. At best they can say "of the statements we studied". Let's face it if you went through every politicians political career you could undoubtedly find 100 statement that were false and find 100 statements that were true. Again, the percentages in this table are meaningless.
Obama kept his campaign promises

He got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan
He got us out of a recession
He repealed the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy
He passed comprehensive healthcare

Trump seems to be backing away from his by holding off Obamacare repeal for a year, descoping his Great Wall
We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan;

Obama quashed all hope for a speedy economic recovery. GDP has been dismal.

Congress adjusted tax laws, Obama signed off on it, after weeks of tantrums, gov shut down, and sequestration;

The ACA is a huge disaster by all measures.

Oh yeah, what about Guantanamo, bitch? Or the "if you like your doctor ... blah blah blah!"

Look, you can like Barry if you like. I don't care. But lying is not necessary. Your post is the equivalent of banging Susan Boyle but saying you banged an NFL cheerleader. It is just ridiculous, and it ruins your credibility.

You, my friend, banged a Susan Boyle, then you went back for more (and got some dribbling down your chin). That is a shame that you, and only you, own. Do I think less of you for it? Yes. Is it worse to do it, have everyone know it, and not own up to it? Yes.

We are still in Germany too. Having ten thousand non-combat troops is not the same as having over 100,00 combat troops.
ACA is the most successful universal healthcare program in our nations history. If it is so bad.....why can't Republicans come up with something better after 8 years?

Obama saved us from a Depression, added 11 million jobs, cut unemployment by 5%, added 13,000 to theDow, added $55 trillion to our nations wealth the way...I kept my doctor
And I'm saying I don't know that it is true and you saying so doesn't exactly convince me.
Don't believe me. Find out for yourself. Ask yourself, "How can an anti-war candidate, continue the wars of his predecessor?" "How can an anti-war candidate, hire his predecessor's defense secretary?" "How can a candidate, speaking about government transparency, expand illegal wire-tapping?"

My problem with Bush wasn't lying so much as his honest, but completely wrong, policies
That's total bullshit! Bush knew exactly what he was doing. He told the British, he was going to "fix the intel, to match the policy..."

That's the smoking gun proving he was anything but honest.
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.

Well you start by looking at facts and comparing them to claims:

Obama kept 280 of his campaign promises (50%) and delivered compromise on 25% more, fully failing on 25%.

Now maybe you are ignorant like most Trumpsters or maybe you are lying, I'd say it's the former.

Here is the quantified difference between a pathological liar like Trump that you can't trust on anything, and just a politician like Obama who will not always state the full truth of the matter, but at least makes an effort not to flat out lie:


On promises Turmp actually delivered on just 5 promises out of about 200-300, tallying it up as a yardstick of him not being a liar is premature at best.

I've posted several times for you imbeciles how easy it is to manipulate these bullshit graphs, but you don't care. Well here's mine. It's 100 percent accurate. Plus, you liars somehow forget he's only been in for a few weeks. I'm laughing at you and so is anyone else seeing this that isn't an infected mental libtard.

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Obama kept his campaign promises

He got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan
He got us out of a recession
He repealed the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy
He passed comprehensive healthcare

Trump seems to be backing away from his by holding off Obamacare repeal for a year, descoping his Great Wall

4 things, 8 years.... fantastic.

Oh, how'd he do with that whole "debit is immoral" thingy? Or the Gitmo thingy? Or the "shovel ready jobs" thingy?

Oh thanks for reminding me....he did cut the deficit in half like he promised

He never promised shovel ready jobs. Shovel ready was a condition that states had to meet in order to qualify for stimulus funding. Some states did well, others didn't
No he raised the government expenditures to a trillion then spent 600 billion reducing the rate but not the quantity, that is the falsehood that you stupid fuckers wont realize. At one time I felt sorry for how stupid a liberal was, but after all this time dealing with their lack of intelligence I just get frustrated. There are some thinga you cant change and that is the mentality of a left wing idiot(redundant statement)

View attachment 111579

Obama cut the deficit in promised

Funny how you can cut the deficit in half and have an increase of deficit spending creating 10 trillion dollars of debt over his 8 years. Are you really that stupid? Don't answer that, as the smart people here already know the answer.


By the way if FDR never took US off the gold standard the 1st time, our debt wouldn't be so damn high, as when the dollar is locked to the gold we have, then no FAUX dollars can be created and inflation is held in check. But then the welfare state would never have been created and more people would have to work, and they would be Republican.
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.

Well you start by looking at facts and comparing them to claims:

Obama kept 280 of his campaign promises (50%) and delivered compromise on 25% more, fully failing on 25%.

Now maybe you are ignorant like most Trumpsters or maybe you are lying, I'd say it's the former.

Here is the quantified difference between a pathological liar like Trump that you can't trust on anything, and just a politician like Obama who will not always state the full truth of the matter, but at least makes an effort not to flat out lie:


On promises Turmp actually delivered on just 5 promises out of about 200-300, tallying it up as a yardstick of him not being a liar is premature at best.
No much of a scientific study. I wonder how they decided which 50 statements were used for each. That might affect the outcome a little.

They didn't say they selected 50 statements, they said that they graded at at least 50 for each. There was no picking and choosing as you seem to say.

All of the stamens can be reviewed individually too, so you don't have to take their word for it.

Donald Trump's file

Barack Obama's file
What I'm saying is that if they didn't check every statement each person said then the percentages are irrelevant. At best they can say "of the statements we studied". Let's face it if you went through every politicians political career you could undoubtedly find 100 statement that were false and find 100 statements that were true. Again, the percentages in this table are meaningless.

False equivalence and defeatist bullcrap. Everybody is 100/100, nothing can be objectively quantified. :rolleyes:

Why don't you go ahead and read through the their statements.

There is a CLEAR pattern of how much more often TRUMP lies. On the compaign he told a blatant lie every three minutes of speaking in a week when they recorded everything he said.
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Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.

Well you start by looking at facts and comparing them to claims:

Obama kept 280 of his campaign promises (50%) and delivered compromise on 25% more, fully failing on 25%.

Now maybe you are ignorant like most Trumpsters or maybe you are lying, I'd say it's the former.

Here is the quantified difference between a pathological liar like Trump that you can't trust on anything, and just a politician like Obama who will not always state the full truth of the matter, but at least makes an effort not to flat out lie:


On promises Turmp actually delivered on just 5 promises out of about 200-300, tallying it up as a yardstick of him not being a liar is premature at best.
No much of a scientific study. I wonder how they decided which 50 statements were used for each. That might affect the outcome a little.

They didn't say they selected 50 statements, they said that they graded at at least 50 for each. There was no picking and choosing as you seem to say.

All of the stamens can be reviewed individually too, so you don't have to take their word for it.

Donald Trump's file

Barack Obama's file
What I'm saying is that if they didn't check every statement each person said then the percentages are irrelevant. At best they can say "of the statements we studied". Let's face it if you went through every politicians political career you could undoubtedly find 100 statement that were false and find 100 statements that were true. Again, the percentages in this table are meaningless.

False equivalence and defeatist bullcrap. Everybody is 100/100, nothing can be objectively quantified. :rolleyes:

Why don't you go ahead and read through the their statements.

There is a CLEAR pattern of how much more often TRUMP lies. On the compaign he told a lie a blatant lie every three minutes of speaking in a week when they recorded everything he said.
box of rocks2.jpg
Obama kept his campaign promises

He got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan
He got us out of a recession
He repealed the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy
He passed comprehensive healthcare

Trump seems to be backing away from his by holding off Obamacare repeal for a year, descoping his Great Wall

Delusional, Or liar? YOU decide.

Obama delivered on the majority of his campaign promises and all of his major objectives including a Comprehensive healthcare system, getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, rescuing the economy and ending the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy
The only one he did not deliver was closing Gitmo where he reduced the population from 280 down to 80

Lets see how Trump does with his wall and Muslim ban
Obama kept his campaign promises

He got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan
He got us out of a recession
He repealed the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy
He passed comprehensive healthcare

Trump seems to be backing away from his by holding off Obamacare repeal for a year, descoping his Great Wall

4 things, 8 years.... fantastic.

Oh, how'd he do with that whole "debit is immoral" thingy? Or the Gitmo thingy? Or the "shovel ready jobs" thingy?

Oh thanks for reminding me....he did cut the deficit in half like he promised

He never promised shovel ready jobs. Shovel ready was a condition that states had to meet in order to qualify for stimulus funding. Some states did well, others didn't
No he raised the government expenditures to a trillion then spent 600 billion reducing the rate but not the quantity, that is the falsehood that you stupid fuckers wont realize. At one time I felt sorry for how stupid a liberal was, but after all this time dealing with their lack of intelligence I just get frustrated. There are some thinga you cant change and that is the mentality of a left wing idiot(redundant statement)

View attachment 111579

Obama cut the deficit in promised

Funny how you can cut the deficit in half and have an increase of deficit spending creating 10 trillion dollars of debt over his 8 years. Are you really that stupid? Don't answer that, as the smart people here already know the answer.

View attachment 111659

By the way if FDR never took US off the gold standard the 1st time, our debt wouldn't be so damn high, as when the dollar is locked to the gold we have, then no FAUX dollars can be created and inflation is held in check. But then the welfare state would never have been created and more people would have to work, and they would be Republican.

Math is not one of your strong points is it?

Add up the deficits and see what you get

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