How to distinguish between a liar and not

Yes indeed. Obastard gutted the military, allowed race hatred to get worse than it's ever been, made the debt huge, and ushered in the most fucked up medical plan, along with tax penalties if you don't have insurance, allowed perverts into womens bathrooms, etc, etc. He was great.

yesterday and today.jpg
Yes indeed. Obastard gutted the military, allowed race hatred to get worse than it's ever been, made the debt huge, and ushered in the most fucked up medical plan, along with tax penalties if you don't have insurance, allowed perverts into womens bathrooms, etc, etc. He was great.

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Obama never gutted the military

The only cuts to the military were due to sequestration that resulted from a Congress unable to do its job
And I'm saying I don't know that it is true and you saying so doesn't exactly convince me.
Don't believe me. Find out for yourself. Ask yourself, "How can an anti-war candidate, continue the wars of his predecessor?" "How can an anti-war candidate, hire his predecessor's defense secretary?" "How can a candidate, speaking about government transparency, expand illegal wire-tapping?"

My problem with Bush wasn't lying so much as his honest, but completely wrong, policies
That's total bullshit! Bush knew exactly what he was doing. He told the British, he was going to "fix the intel, to match the policy..."

That's the smoking gun proving he was anything but honest.

People tend to concentrate on narrow specifics instead of overall picture. This post is a perfect example. Overall, Obama delivered most of what he promised.

Yes, Obama under-delivered for peaceniks, but he was still to the left of Bush and thousand times better than current carpet-bomber-slash-oil-field-grabber-in-charge. He didn't have "Intel fixing" or getting us into country building projects. I see that as a result of his deliberative pragmatism and growth on the job. As a moderate lefty and a pragmatist myself I feel Obama hit right near the sweet spot of balancing foreign policy.
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.

Well you start by looking at facts and comparing them to claims:

Obama kept 280 of his campaign promises (50%) and delivered compromise on 25% more, fully failing on 25%.

Now maybe you are ignorant like most Trumpsters or maybe you are lying, I'd say it's the former.

Here is the quantified difference between a pathological liar like Trump that you can't trust on anything, and just a politician like Obama who will not always state the full truth of the matter, but at least makes an effort not to flat out lie:


On promises Turmp actually delivered on just 5 promises out of about 200-300, tallying it up as a yardstick of him not being a liar is premature at best.
No much of a scientific study. I wonder how they decided which 50 statements were used for each. That might affect the outcome a little.

They didn't say they selected 50 statements, they said that they graded at at least 50 for each. There was no picking and choosing as you seem to say.

All of the stamens can be reviewed individually too, so you don't have to take their word for it.

Donald Trump's file

Barack Obama's file
What I'm saying is that if they didn't check every statement each person said then the percentages are irrelevant. At best they can say "of the statements we studied". Let's face it if you went through every politicians political career you could undoubtedly find 100 statement that were false and find 100 statements that were true. Again, the percentages in this table are meaningless.

False equivalence and defeatist bullcrap. Everybody is 100/100, nothing can be objectively quantified. :rolleyes:

Why don't you go ahead and read through the their statements.

There is a CLEAR pattern of how much more often TRUMP lies. On the compaign he told a blatant lie every three minutes of speaking in a week when they recorded everything he said.
What nonsense. The only way those numbers could mean anything is if you were able to say "in time frame A Trump made 1000 statements and 150 were false. Clinton made 1000 statements and 100 were false. In your chart it might as well say "in time frame A we randomly chose 50+ Trump statements and 20 were false, we randomly chose 50+ Clinton statements and 15 were false." If you were to go back to the same time frame and choose a different 50+ statements for both there is nothing to suggest that it might not come out the opposite.

I'm not trying to stand up for Trump, I just hate nonsensical statistics.
Well you start by looking at facts and comparing them to claims:

Obama kept 280 of his campaign promises (50%) and delivered compromise on 25% more, fully failing on 25%.

Now maybe you are ignorant like most Trumpsters or maybe you are lying, I'd say it's the former.

Here is the quantified difference between a pathological liar like Trump that you can't trust on anything, and just a politician like Obama who will not always state the full truth of the matter, but at least makes an effort not to flat out lie:


On promises Turmp actually delivered on just 5 promises out of about 200-300, tallying it up as a yardstick of him not being a liar is premature at best.
No much of a scientific study. I wonder how they decided which 50 statements were used for each. That might affect the outcome a little.

They didn't say they selected 50 statements, they said that they graded at at least 50 for each. There was no picking and choosing as you seem to say.

All of the stamens can be reviewed individually too, so you don't have to take their word for it.

Donald Trump's file

Barack Obama's file
What I'm saying is that if they didn't check every statement each person said then the percentages are irrelevant. At best they can say "of the statements we studied". Let's face it if you went through every politicians political career you could undoubtedly find 100 statement that were false and find 100 statements that were true. Again, the percentages in this table are meaningless.

False equivalence and defeatist bullcrap. Everybody is 100/100, nothing can be objectively quantified. :rolleyes:

Why don't you go ahead and read through the their statements.

There is a CLEAR pattern of how much more often TRUMP lies. On the compaign he told a blatant lie every three minutes of speaking in a week when they recorded everything he said.
What nonsense. The only way those numbers could mean anything is if you were able to say "in time frame A Trump made 1000 statements and 150 were false. Clinton made 1000 statements and 100 were false. In your chart it might as well say "in time frame A we randomly chose 50+ Trump statements and 20 were false, we randomly chose 50+ Clinton statements and 15 were false." If you were to go back to the same time frame and choose a different 50+ statements for both there is nothing to suggest that it might not come out the opposite.

I'm not trying to stand up for Trump, I just hate nonsensical statistics.

You are exercising your IMAGINATION, instead of knowledge.

Want to claim that this is cherry picked? Ok find me a false public statement in the last year by Clinton or Trump that Politifact didn't cover.

Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.

False premise. False analogy.

Trump isn't being called a liar because of his campaign promises.
People tend to concentrate on narrow specifics instead of overall picture. This post is a perfect example. Overall, Obama delivered most of what he promised.

Yes, Obama under-delivered for peaceniks, but he was still to the left of Bush and thousand times better than current carpet-bomber-slash-oil-field-grabber-in-charge. He didn't have "Intel fixing" or getting us into country building projects. I see that as a result of his deliberative pragmatism and growth on the job. As a moderate lefty and a pragmatist myself I feel Obama hit right near the sweet spot of balancing foreign policy.
I voted for Obama. I'm as liberal as it gets. And I was against Bush as legally as one could get. But 18 months into Obama's Presidency, I withdrew my support for his policies.

His foreign policy was the neocon agenda straight out of the PNAC.
He would not fight for the public option in the healthcare bill.
He did not launch an investigation into Bush war crimes.
He continued the "kill list".
He didn't stand up to Congress when he needed to.
He went after whistle-blowers.
He kissed too much Israeli ass!
He didn't have 1 liberal in his Cabinet.
And he accepted the Nobel peace prize after starting 2 wars.​

I wanted to believe in Obama, but in the end, if it walks like a duck...
Trump makes campaign promises and just two weeks into his service proves he was being forthright. Not in all respects, but by most important measures. He's a liar.

makes campaign promises and doesn't keep any. I don't know, maybe a few. He's honest.
People tend to concentrate on narrow specifics instead of overall picture. This post is a perfect example. Overall, Obama delivered most of what he promised.

Yes, Obama under-delivered for peaceniks, but he was still to the left of Bush and thousand times better than current carpet-bomber-slash-oil-field-grabber-in-charge. He didn't have "Intel fixing" or getting us into country building projects. I see that as a result of his deliberative pragmatism and growth on the job. As a moderate lefty and a pragmatist myself I feel Obama hit right near the sweet spot of balancing foreign policy.
I voted for Obama. I'm as liberal as it gets. And I was against Bush as legally as one could get. But 18 months into Obama's Presidency, I withdrew my support for his policies.

His foreign policy was the neocon agenda straight out of the PNAC.
He would not fight for the public option in the healthcare bill.
He did not launch an investigation into Bush war crimes.
He continued the "kill list".
He didn't stand up to Congress when he needed to.
He went after whistle-blowers.
He kissed too much Israeli ass!
He didn't have 1 liberal in his Cabinet.
And he accepted the Nobel peace prize after starting 2 wars.​

I wanted to believe in Obama, but in the end, if it walks like a duck...

You are as liberal as it gets and Obama is a centrist lefty, so yea I can see why you weren't satisfied.

P.S. ACA barely squeaked by even without public option and Nobel was received at very beginning of his presidency.
Obama kept his campaign promises[/QUOTE

My Presidency Will Be ‘A One-Term Proposition’ If Economy Doesn't Turn In 3 Years

“Washington is broken. My whole campaign has been premised from the start on the idea that we have to fundamentally change how Washington works.”

“Guantanamo will be closed no later than one year from now.”

“I fought with you in the Senate for comprehensive immigration reform. And I will make it a top priority in my first year as President.”

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Obama pledges to halve budget deficit by 2013

Seems the voters agreed that the economy had turned

Guantanamo went from 280 inmates down to 80. Not bad considering Congress blocked him from closing it

Republicans refused to work with him from day one. Makes it hard to rework the culture in Washington

No one is going to work with them now. The thugs they're doing are vile and compromise is beyond the ability of the rightwingnuts
You are as liberal as it gets and Obama is a centrist lefty, so yea I can see why you weren't satisfied.

P.S. ACA barely squeaked by even without public option and Nobel was received at very beginning of his presidency.
If Obama was a lefty, why weren't there any in his Cabinet? Why are we still in Afghanistan? Why did he prosecute whistle-blowers? A liberal President would not have done those things.

As far as the ACA, he didn't even fight for the public option, which was the only thing that would've driven prices down.

And at the time of the Nobel prize, he was ramping up drone strikes in Afganistan.
You are as liberal as it gets and Obama is a centrist lefty, so yea I can see why you weren't satisfied.

P.S. ACA barely squeaked by even without public option and Nobel was received at very beginning of his presidency.
If Obama was a lefty, why weren't there any in his Cabinet? Why are we still in Afghanistan? Why did he prosecute whistle-blowers? A liberal President would not have done those things.

As far as the ACA, he didn't even fight for the public option, which was the only thing that would've driven prices down.

And at the time of the Nobel prize, he was ramping up drone strikes in Afganistan.

Of course the Barrypuppet was a leftist and can throw in queer and a muslim to boot. There is also some very interesting circumstantial evidence via the leaked e-mails of John Podesta that suggests that Barrypuppet is also a pedophile and is in on the Pizzagate scandal. Are you a commie as well? If you think that Barrypuppet wasn't "left" enough for your liking? Methinks you are one of those card carrying CPUSA member.....thoughts???
Of course the Barrypuppet was a leftist and can throw in queer and a muslim to boot. There is also some very interesting circumstantial evidence via the leaked e-mails of John Podesta that suggests that Barrypuppet is also a pedophile and is in on the Pizzagate scandal. Are you a commie as well? If you think that Barrypuppet wasn't "left" enough for your liking? Methinks you are one of those card carrying CPUSA member.....thoughts???
You fuckers need to stop banging your cousins!

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