How To End The Heroin Epidemic

The biggest problems with pot is it can negatively effect a person's serotonin levels, and over extended periods of time block the bodies production of it. That can cause weight gain, depression, sleep problems, low energy, low testosterone....
How do you know this?

I used to manage at GNC and had several ex-pot users come in to buy 5-HTP in hopes that it would help bring back up their serotonin levels that were wrecked from years of doing marijuana.
They did not legalize all drugs. They decriminalized them.
You're quite right. For the benefit of those who don't know the difference, decriminalization is administrative suspension of laws which remain on the books and may be enforced if desired.

Marijuana (alone) was decriminalized in New York City during the Koch Administration (1970s). What it meant was except for sale to and use by minors, large quantity trafficking, public use and sale, the police were ordered to ignore possession of less than 27 grams (one ounce) of marijuana, which they did. More than one ounce but less than one pound called for a summons and a $25 fine. As I recall, the arrest rate was substantially lower back then and there didn't seem to be any negative effect from the relaxed policy.

What I've read and heard about the situation in Portugal is all drug laws are administratively suspended except for major trafficking, public use and drug-related misbehavior. Drug possession and private use are effectively ignored by the police and thus far the situation appears to be beneficial overall. Crime is down and there does not appear to be an increase in drug use.
I used to manage at GNC and had several ex-pot users come in to buy 5-HTP in hopes that it would help bring back up their serotonin levels that were wrecked from years of doing marijuana.
So this is your professional medical opinion? Has it been published in the AMA Journal as yet, or can we look forward to it?
I used to manage at GNC and had several ex-pot users come in to buy 5-HTP in hopes that it would help bring back up their serotonin levels that were wrecked from years of doing marijuana.
So this is your professional medical opinion? Has it been published in the AMA Journal as yet, or can we look forward to it?

No, actually go look it up. It's called Serotonin syndrome. You think I just pulled this out of my ass? :badgrin:
Not to worry.
President Trump WILL 100% guaranteed bring the Israeli engineers who designed the WALL providing 100% protection against the Palestinians to the US.
The same type of WALL will be constructed using seized Mexican drug cartel money.
The WALL along with extreme border security will virtually stop the flow of illegal drugs from entering the US.
Have you seen their tunnels? Here is a photo of just one of them:


Secret underground illegal tunnel found close to border for drugs smuggling
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In Colorado the roads are all paved, schools have record funding, construction on infrastructure is booming, and Mexican drug cartels have lost an estimated $1 billion per year. That and statistics show a decrease in use by the youth since legalization and about the same usage by adults. Great news all around. :thup:
Bullshit lies. Easy access to marijuana increases the chance for teenage addiction to marijuana. Also bullshit is 1 billion dollar loss to drug cartels. They can deliver the marijuana drug with no taxes added on, so they still have a market.
For that matter they could just build a catapult to fling the goods over the wall to their contacts on the other side. Or fly it over in light planes, gliders, drones... The Mexican people are very resourceful. Hence the reason when their pot market was flooded over here, they immediately went to opium poppies.
No, actually go look it up. It's called Serotonin syndrome. You think I just pulled this out of my ass? :badgrin:
I just did a Google search and what I found is too much marijuana, along with too much alcohol, too much nicotine -- and too much turkey, can produce a negative effect on the serotonin levels of some individuals.

As previously mentioned, drinking too much water can cause a number of problems -- including drowning. So I'm sure some individuals will suffer the adverse effects you've described from using too much THC, which is why using too much of anything should be avoided.

One major reason why many people use too much marijuana is under the existing illegal circumstances it ranges from difficult to impossible to know the potency of every batch of weed one buys from a bootleg dealer, or what contaminants it might contain. This is just one very big reason why legalized pot will eventually eliminate the problem of unknown potency, just like legal booze has eliminated the problem of unknown "proof" levels -- which killed a lot of people during alcohol Prohibition.
In Colorado the roads are all paved, schools have record funding, construction on infrastructure is booming, and Mexican drug cartels have lost an estimated $1 billion per year. That and statistics show a decrease in use by the youth since legalization and about the same usage by adults. Great news all around. :thup:
Bullshit lies. Easy access to marijuana increases the chance for teenage addiction to marijuana. Also bullshit is 1 billion dollar loss to drug cartels. They can deliver the marijuana drug with no taxes added on, so they still have a market.
Funny you bring up "bullshit." Since you're so full of it.
No, actually go look it up. It's called Serotonin syndrome. You think I just pulled this out of my ass? :badgrin:
I just did a Google search and what I found is too much marijuana, along with too much alcohol, too much nicotine -- and too much turkey, can produce a negative effect on the serotonin levels of some individuals.

As previously mentioned, drinking too much water can cause a number of problems -- including drowning. So I'm sure some individuals will suffer the adverse effects you've described from using too much THC, which is why using too much should be avoided.

One major reason why many people use too much marijuana is under the existing circumstances it ranges from difficult to impossible to know the potency of every batch of weed one buys from a bootleg dealer, or what contaminants it might contain. This is just one very big reason why legalized pot will eventually eliminate the problem of unknown potency, just like legal booze has eliminated the problem of unknown "proof" levels -- which killed a lot of people during alcohol Prohibition.

I said, one of the problems with marijuana, is that those that use it a lot (I left out at a young age) can develop problems with their serotonin levels which can lead to all those problems. You called me out on it trying to say I was full of it... and making a sarcastic comment about it being my medical opinion.

I'm sorry I'm an informed person. I learned A LOT as a manger at GNC. I've also taken college courses on drugs and drug abuse. I also had to take seminars on drugs while working for the prisons. I'm not a doctor, but that doesn't mean I'm not informed and just spitting out bullshit... just because it is negative to your pro-pot agenda. At first I thought you were a polite open-minded poster, but your response to my last few posts has changed that idea altogether.
For that matter they could just build a catapult to fling the goods over the wall to their contacts on the other side. Or fly it over in light planes, gliders, drones... The Mexican people are very resourceful. Hence the reason when their pot market was flooded over here, they immediately went to opium poppies.
I agree with your comments about alternative means of delivering weed -- with emphasis on drones. But I strongly disagree with your theory that heroin is replacing marijuana. These are two very different drugs and they appeal to two very different user mentalities.

I used marijuana rather regularly during the 1970s. So did my late wife and most of our friends -- not one of whom would consider using heroin. While I can't account for the increase in heroin use I absolutely reject the notion that it has anything to do with marijuana.
The biggest problems with pot is it can negatively effect a person's serotonin levels, and over extended periods of time block the bodies production of it. That can cause weight gain, depression, sleep problems, low energy, low testosterone....
How do you know this?

I used to manage at GNC and had several ex-pot users come in to buy 5-HTP in hopes that it would help bring back up their serotonin levels that were wrecked from years of doing marijuana.
What is 5 HTP? I have never heard of that before.
For that matter they could just build a catapult to fling the goods over the wall to their contacts on the other side. Or fly it over in light planes, gliders, drones... The Mexican people are very resourceful. Hence the reason when their pot market was flooded over here, they immediately went to opium poppies.
I agree with your comments about alternative means of delivering weed -- with emphasis on drones. But I strongly disagree with your theory that heroin is replacing marijuana. These are two very different drugs and they appeal to two very different user mentalities.

I used marijuana rather regularly during the 1970s. So did my late wife and most of our friends -- not one of whom would consider using heroin. While I can't account for the increase in heroin use I absolutely reject the notion that it has anything to do with marijuana.
Well, you're wrong. It's more about the Mexican economy being dependent upon illegal drug sales in the US...and how the Mexicans are resourceful. Who gets hooked on what in the US is only a secondary concern and certainly not the quick solution to the heroin epidemic. The solution is to understand the politics of why the heroin imports increased dramatically when pot became legal here.

It goes to follow that cartels know a depressed populace in the US might want a quick and easy copout. They know if you build it, they will come... And with Dr.s playing their role paving that social-acceptance niche, overprescribing opiate pain meds to the soccer moms and dads, the Mexicans just took over and rode that wave on its natural course anyway.

In short, the heroin epidemic is the Mexican quick-fix to their crippled economy when pot became legal here. The heroin epidemic is purely a child of politics. The Mexican penchant for passive aggression... "Ok gringos, you want to flood our pot market? We'll just sell your kids heroin instead!"
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The biggest problems with pot is it can negatively effect a person's serotonin levels, and over extended periods of time block the bodies production of it. That can cause weight gain, depression, sleep problems, low energy, low testosterone....
How do you know this?

I used to manage at GNC and had several ex-pot users come in to buy 5-HTP in hopes that it would help bring back up their serotonin levels that were wrecked from years of doing marijuana.
What is 5 HTP? I have never heard of that before.

5-HTP is 5-hydoxytryptophan. It is an amino acid and precursor in the brain that helps make serotonin, melatonin, and tryptophan. You can buy it as a supplement, but studies vary on whether the supplement actually helps with the production in the body.
I said, one of the problems with marijuana, is that those that use it a lot (I left out at a young age) can develop problems with their serotonin levels which can lead to all those problems. You called me out on it trying to say I was full of it... and making a sarcastic comment about it being my medical opinion.

I'm sorry I'm an informed person. I learned A LOT as a manger at GNC. I've also taken college courses on drugs and drug abuse. I also had to take seminars on drugs while working for the prisons. I'm not a doctor, but that doesn't mean I'm not informed and just spitting out bullshit... just because it is negative to your pro-pot agenda. At first I thought you were a polite open-minded poster, but your response to my last few posts has changed that idea altogether.
Apologies for my sarcasm and for offending you. I generally try to be polite but the reason I came off that way is I've grown weary of the, "Here's what happens if you use marijuana," category of comments and, whether you realize it or not, yours did come across that way.

I respectfully suggest when presenting information of that specific nature you include an authoritative link or some explanation as to how you know what you're talking about.
The biggest problems with pot is it can negatively effect a person's serotonin levels, and over extended periods of time block the bodies production of it. That can cause weight gain, depression, sleep problems, low energy, low testosterone....
How do you know this?

I used to manage at GNC and had several ex-pot users come in to buy 5-HTP in hopes that it would help bring back up their serotonin levels that were wrecked from years of doing marijuana.
What is 5 HTP? I have never heard of that before.

5-HTP is 5-hydoxytryptophan. It is an amino acid and precursor in the brain that helps make serotonin, melatonin, and tryptophan. You can buy it as a supplement, but studies vary on whether the supplement actually helps with the production in the body.
That is interesting. I don't need it but it is good to know so I can tell someone else about it. I have a relative who went to rehab and used to smoke marijuana so this could help them get their brain back in good health I would think.
The biggest problems with pot is it can negatively effect a person's serotonin levels, and over extended periods of time block the bodies production of it. That can cause weight gain, depression, sleep problems, low energy, low testosterone....
How do you know this?

I used to manage at GNC and had several ex-pot users come in to buy 5-HTP in hopes that it would help bring back up their serotonin levels that were wrecked from years of doing marijuana.
What is 5 HTP? I have never heard of that before.

5-HTP is 5-hydoxytryptophan. It is an amino acid and precursor in the brain that helps make serotonin, melatonin, and tryptophan. You can buy it as a supplement, but studies vary on whether the supplement actually helps with the production in the body.
That is interesting. I don't need it but it is good to know so I can tell someone else about it. I have a relative who went to rehab and used to smoke marijuana so this could help them get their brain back in good health I would think.

They just have to be careful, some view it in a way similar to St. John's Wart. If a person is taking any kind of anti-depressant they shouldn't take it with it. Even if they are on any kind of anti-psychotic medicine, they should ask their psychiatrist before taking it.
Guess what will get worse under open borders Hillary? Heroin will get cheaper as more of it comes across the border hidden in trucks and some of it being humped on the backs of illegals crossing the Southwestern deserts. Controlling the border matters.
How do you know this?

I used to manage at GNC and had several ex-pot users come in to buy 5-HTP in hopes that it would help bring back up their serotonin levels that were wrecked from years of doing marijuana.
What is 5 HTP? I have never heard of that before.

5-HTP is 5-hydoxytryptophan. It is an amino acid and precursor in the brain that helps make serotonin, melatonin, and tryptophan. You can buy it as a supplement, but studies vary on whether the supplement actually helps with the production in the body.
That is interesting. I don't need it but it is good to know so I can tell someone else about it. I have a relative who went to rehab and used to smoke marijuana so this could help them get their brain back in good health I would think.

They just have to be careful, some view it in a way similar to St. John's Wart. If a person is taking any kind of anti-depressant they shouldn't take it with it. Even if they are on any kind of anti-psychotic medicine, they should ask their psychiatrist before taking it.
She's about to graduate from a teen challenge program and doesn't even take an aspirin so far as I know. She's doing very well but if there is a vitamin supplement to help her I'd buy it and send it to her. It seems to me it would be the same as the vitamin supplements they have that remove metals from your body if you used to have mercury based fillings in your teeth. It's good to get that garbage out of your system.
I used to manage at GNC and had several ex-pot users come in to buy 5-HTP in hopes that it would help bring back up their serotonin levels that were wrecked from years of doing marijuana.
What is 5 HTP? I have never heard of that before.

5-HTP is 5-hydoxytryptophan. It is an amino acid and precursor in the brain that helps make serotonin, melatonin, and tryptophan. You can buy it as a supplement, but studies vary on whether the supplement actually helps with the production in the body.
That is interesting. I don't need it but it is good to know so I can tell someone else about it. I have a relative who went to rehab and used to smoke marijuana so this could help them get their brain back in good health I would think.

They just have to be careful, some view it in a way similar to St. John's Wart. If a person is taking any kind of anti-depressant they shouldn't take it with it. Even if they are on any kind of anti-psychotic medicine, they should ask their psychiatrist before taking it.
She's about to graduate from a teen challenge program and doesn't even take an aspirin so far as I know. She's doing very well but if there is a vitamin supplement to help her I'd buy it and send it to her. It seems to me it would be the same as the vitamin supplements they have that remove metals from your body if you used to have mercury based fillings in your teeth. It's good to get that garbage out of your system.

As long as she is an older teen and not younger, I think things are fine according to what I remember, but it still might be something she might want to talk with her doctor about. Though so many doctors these days don't like any supplements at all. I did find this about what drugs interact with it.:

Interaction with Other Drugs
5 HTP may interact with other drugs being taken especially in children who are being treated for other medical conditions including depression, anxiety disorders, ADHD and migraine.

The list of drugs that may cause serious side effects with 5 HTP supplements include:

  • Carbidopa, for reducing the gastrointestinal symptoms of 5 HTP but causes sclereoderma-like symptoms
  • Tramadol, used for pain
  • Triptans, used for treating migraines
  • Dextromethorphan, used to suppress cough
  • Antidepressants including SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) such as Zoloft and Prozac; MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) and tricyclic antidepressants
Is 5-HTP Safe for Children -

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