How To End The Heroin Epidemic

What is 5 HTP? I have never heard of that before.

5-HTP is 5-hydoxytryptophan. It is an amino acid and precursor in the brain that helps make serotonin, melatonin, and tryptophan. You can buy it as a supplement, but studies vary on whether the supplement actually helps with the production in the body.
That is interesting. I don't need it but it is good to know so I can tell someone else about it. I have a relative who went to rehab and used to smoke marijuana so this could help them get their brain back in good health I would think.

They just have to be careful, some view it in a way similar to St. John's Wart. If a person is taking any kind of anti-depressant they shouldn't take it with it. Even if they are on any kind of anti-psychotic medicine, they should ask their psychiatrist before taking it.
She's about to graduate from a teen challenge program and doesn't even take an aspirin so far as I know. She's doing very well but if there is a vitamin supplement to help her I'd buy it and send it to her. It seems to me it would be the same as the vitamin supplements they have that remove metals from your body if you used to have mercury based fillings in your teeth. It's good to get that garbage out of your system.

As long as she is an older teen and not younger, I think things are fine according to what I remember, but it still might be something she might want to talk with her doctor about. Though so many doctors these days don't like any supplements at all. I did find this about what drugs interact with it.:

Interaction with Other Drugs
5 HTP may interact with other drugs being taken especially in children who are being treated for other medical conditions including depression, anxiety disorders, ADHD and migraine.

The list of drugs that may cause serious side effects with 5 HTP supplements include:

  • Carbidopa, for reducing the gastrointestinal symptoms of 5 HTP but causes sclereoderma-like symptoms
  • Tramadol, used for pain
  • Triptans, used for treating migraines
  • Dextromethorphan, used to suppress cough
  • Antidepressants including SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) such as Zoloft and Prozac; MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) and tricyclic antidepressants
Is 5-HTP Safe for Children -

You might want to read this page.
Thank you very much, Lew. She is 32 yrs. old. She's going to be a counselor for Teen Challenge when she graduates as she wants to dedicate her life to helping others. I think she will do a wonderful job.
5-HTP is 5-hydoxytryptophan. It is an amino acid and precursor in the brain that helps make serotonin, melatonin, and tryptophan. You can buy it as a supplement, but studies vary on whether the supplement actually helps with the production in the body.
That is interesting. I don't need it but it is good to know so I can tell someone else about it. I have a relative who went to rehab and used to smoke marijuana so this could help them get their brain back in good health I would think.

They just have to be careful, some view it in a way similar to St. John's Wart. If a person is taking any kind of anti-depressant they shouldn't take it with it. Even if they are on any kind of anti-psychotic medicine, they should ask their psychiatrist before taking it.
She's about to graduate from a teen challenge program and doesn't even take an aspirin so far as I know. She's doing very well but if there is a vitamin supplement to help her I'd buy it and send it to her. It seems to me it would be the same as the vitamin supplements they have that remove metals from your body if you used to have mercury based fillings in your teeth. It's good to get that garbage out of your system.

As long as she is an older teen and not younger, I think things are fine according to what I remember, but it still might be something she might want to talk with her doctor about. Though so many doctors these days don't like any supplements at all. I did find this about what drugs interact with it.:

Interaction with Other Drugs
5 HTP may interact with other drugs being taken especially in children who are being treated for other medical conditions including depression, anxiety disorders, ADHD and migraine.

The list of drugs that may cause serious side effects with 5 HTP supplements include:

  • Carbidopa, for reducing the gastrointestinal symptoms of 5 HTP but causes sclereoderma-like symptoms
  • Tramadol, used for pain
  • Triptans, used for treating migraines
  • Dextromethorphan, used to suppress cough
  • Antidepressants including SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) such as Zoloft and Prozac; MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) and tricyclic antidepressants
Is 5-HTP Safe for Children -

You might want to read this page.
Thank you very much, Lew. She is 32 yrs. old. She's going to be a counselor for Teen Challenge when she graduates as she wants to dedicate her life to helping others. I think she will do a wonderful job.

No problem. Also if she is dealing with complications that could be related to Serotonin Syndrome, it's also a good idea to combine 5-HTP with a good B-Complex vitamin. Those are the vitamins for the nerves and brain.

In short, the heroin epidemic is the Mexican quick-fix to their crippled economy when pot became legal here. The heroin epidemic is purely a child of politics. The Mexican penchant for passive aggression... "Ok gringos, you want to flood our pot market? We'll just sell your kids heroin instead!"
I absolutely reject this notion. The difference between heroin and marijuana is analogous to the difference between firecrackers and hand grenades, diving from a 3' board or a 40' platform, engaging in a fistfight or a knife fight -- and many other examples of extreme difference in effect, expectation and intention.

I'm not talking about the occasional psychologically disordered individual who is desperately seeking release from some emotional torment or who might be subliminally suicidal. There is one hell of a big difference between taking a few hits on a doobie to feel nice and sticking a needle in your arm to make the world go away. The vast majority of those who enjoy marijuana from time to time would not under any circumstances consider using heroin.

And I challenge anyone who can speak from actual experience with either or both substances to disagree with what I've said.

In short, the heroin epidemic is the Mexican quick-fix to their crippled economy when pot became legal here. The heroin epidemic is purely a child of politics. The Mexican penchant for passive aggression... "Ok gringos, you want to flood our pot market? We'll just sell your kids heroin instead!"
I absolutely reject this notion. The difference between heroin and marijuana is analogous to the difference between firecrackers and hand grenades, diving from a 3' board or a 40' platform, engaging in a fistfight or a knife fight -- and many other examples of extreme difference in effect, expectation and intention....I'm not talking about the occasional psychologically disordered individual who is desperately seeking release from some emotional torment or who might be subliminally suicidal. There is one hell of a big difference between taking a few hits on a doobie to feel nice and sticking a needle in your arm to make the world go away. The vast majority of those who enjoy marijuana from time to time would not under any circumstances consider using heroin......And I challenge anyone who can speak from actual experience with either or both substances to disagree with what I've said.

So you're saying that if our culture has become opiate-infatuated; it's definitely NOT from MDs overprescribing highly addictive pain pills or the Mexican border shoving tons of the stuff through. Newsflash, some smoke opium laced on stuff. My theory is that the more heroin the local pushers are peddling, the more peer pressure will be brought in their customers to give it a try. Also, the "forbidden fruit" syndrome of those seeking to rebel by using some substance society deems "bad" plays right into the opiate surge just since pot became legal. There's a psychology to the rebel too. And Mexican politics. Please factor these things into your philosophy.
Decriminalizing all drugs has worked in other countries

We waste billions a year and trillions over decades of the failed war on drugs. We could save all that money and allocate a small portion of it to offer rehab to anyone who wants it
Decriminalizing all drugs has worked in other countries

We waste billions a year and trillions over decades of the failed war on drugs. We could save all that money and allocate a small portion of it to offer rehab to anyone who wants it
Oh hell no! No money for rehab. You wanna be a drug addict then be a drug addict. Don't make the rest of us fix you up when it is not fun anymore. Be a man.
Decriminalizing all drugs has worked in other countries

We waste billions a year and trillions over decades of the failed war on drugs. We could save all that money and allocate a small portion of it to offer rehab to anyone who wants it

Here's a better idea. :D

Take just a little bit of that money, earmark it and sink it into our schools. The hell with the PTA.

Start a dialogue in our public schools... Very slowly, I must admit, but tell them how and why drugs CAN MORE than ruin your entire life... With no possible escape.
Not to worry.
President Trump WILL 100% guaranteed bring the Israeli engineers who designed the WALL providing 100% protection against the Palestinians to the US.
The same type of WALL will be constructed using seized Mexican drug cartel money.
The WALL along with extreme border security will virtually stop the flow of illegal drugs from entering the US.
Have you seen their tunnels? Here is a photo of just one of them:


Secret underground illegal tunnel found close to border for drugs smuggling
There are ZERO tunnels under Israeli walls. That's right ZERO!
Israeli walls have two hundred foot long 4" 'schedule 80' steel rods spaced every hundred feet. There is a 1000 ampere electric charge between each rod.
There is not a single living thing beneath the walls. That's the WALL Trump will build.
I live in Oregon, and I can tell you, if you think legalization is the answer you're sadly mistaken. There is absolutely no doubt that legalizing pot has increased use. You absolutely cannot walk through any neighborhood without the stink of pot in the air. It is shocking, plants are in a huge percentage of backyards.
Meanwhile up north you smell it much more often walking through stores and I doubt the stoners have chauffeurs.
For that matter they could just build a catapult to fling the goods over the wall to their contacts on the other side. Or fly it over in light planes, gliders, drones... The Mexican people are very resourceful. Hence the reason when their pot market was flooded over here, they immediately went to opium poppies.
I agree with your comments about alternative means of delivering weed -- with emphasis on drones. But I strongly disagree with your theory that heroin is replacing marijuana. These are two very different drugs and they appeal to two very different user mentalities.

I used marijuana rather regularly during the 1970s. So did my late wife and most of our friends -- not one of whom would consider using heroin. While I can't account for the increase in heroin use I absolutely reject the notion that it has anything to do with marijuana.
Well, you're wrong. It's more about the Mexican economy being dependent upon illegal drug sales in the US...and how the Mexicans are resourceful. Who gets hooked on what in the US is only a secondary concern and certainly not the quick solution to the heroin epidemic. The solution is to understand the politics of why the heroin imports increased dramatically when pot became legal here.

It goes to follow that cartels know a depressed populace in the US might want a quick and easy copout. They know if you build it, they will come... And with Dr.s playing their role paving that social-acceptance niche, overprescribing opiate pain meds to the soccer moms and dads, the Mexicans just took over and rode that wave on its natural course anyway.

In short, the heroin epidemic is the Mexican quick-fix to their crippled economy when pot became legal here. The heroin epidemic is purely a child of politics. The Mexican penchant for passive aggression... "Ok gringos, you want to flood our pot market? We'll just sell your kids heroin instead!"
If the US decriminalize heroin the Mexican Cartel AKA Government would synthesize some other highly addictive substance to sell to the 'gringo's' children.
Without US dollars the Mexican Government would collapse in a week.
Decriminalizing all drugs has worked in other countries

We waste billions a year and trillions over decades of the failed war on drugs. We could save all that money and allocate a small portion of it to offer rehab to anyone who wants it

Here's a better idea. :D

Take just a little bit of that money, earmark it and sink it into our schools. The hell with the PTA.

Start a dialogue in our public schools... Very slowly, I must admit, but tell them how and why drugs CAN MORE than ruin your entire life... With no possible escape.
we already spend more per student than any other country
and people have been telling kids drugs are bad for you since way before you and I were kids so I don't know why you think telling them drugs are bad will help
Decriminalizing all drugs has worked in other countries

We waste billions a year and trillions over decades of the failed war on drugs. We could save all that money and allocate a small portion of it to offer rehab to anyone who wants it

Here's a better idea. :D

Take just a little bit of that money, earmark it and sink it into our schools. The hell with the PTA.

Start a dialogue in our public schools... Very slowly, I must admit, but tell them how and why drugs CAN MORE than ruin your entire life... With no possible escape.
we already spend more per student than any other country
and people have been telling kids drugs are bad for you since way before you and I were kids so I don't know why you think telling them drugs are bad will help

The education in our across-the-board liberal public schools are directed at preparing our children for lives of perversion, since that is what the recent trend is. It could be in home room for all I care.

The message MUST be brought to the children by people they trust. Otherwise, they will close they ears. It is not impossible to deliver this message to first graders or second graders. There are some of them even getting high at that age. If teachers had the least of scupples, they WOULD deliver this message. But no... They must learn on their own.


That is exactly why we must vote for vouchers, before the liberals turn our kids into a wishing well forever.
Denver is too afraid to compile the statistics. Legalization was supposed to increase employment. Instead there is record homelessness.

Their only hope is a freezing winter.
You say Denver is too afraid to compile the statistics. How do you know that? Are you an undercover insider working for some news agency? How do you know the homeless statistics in Colorado?

If it's true that Colorado is undergoing an increase in its homeless population rest assured its because the homeless from other states are flocking there because of the legal marijuana. If the rest of the Nation would go legal this imbalance would quickly subside.
Your answer is to turn the whole country into one big colony of stoners? Really? You want to rethink that?

What happens when the non addicted decides that packs of stray stoners should be treated like stray dogs?
There are ZERO tunnels under Israeli walls. That's right ZERO!
Israeli walls have two hundred foot long 4" 'schedule 80' steel rods spaced every hundred feet. There is a 1000 ampere electric charge between each rod.
There is not a single living thing beneath the walls. That's the WALL Trump will build.

With who's money? Yours? Have you taken a real look at the actual economic problems we're in? Mexico would slap yo' momma silly before they pay one peso for building a wall where 1/4 of their economy flows in from.
There are ZERO tunnels under Israeli walls. That's right ZERO!
Israeli walls have two hundred foot long 4" 'schedule 80' steel rods spaced every hundred feet. There is a 1000 ampere electric charge between each rod.
There is not a single living thing beneath the walls. That's the WALL Trump will build.

With who's money? Yours? Have you taken a real look at the actual economic problems we're in? Mexico would slap yo' momma silly before they pay one peso for building a wall where 1/4 of their economy flows in from.
Who is paying for the illegal immigrants and the Syrian immigrants? I would rather spend the money on a wall.
Adult use in Colorado has increased, and as pot becomes mainstream, use will eventually increase all around.
The number of people who can't work due to pot addiction (now called mental illness) has made the homeless situation outrageous.
Really- what is the number?
Do you think the last few years of pot legalization had an effect?s

Still looking for that number- what is the outragious number of people who can't work because of pot addiction?
Denver is too afraid to compile the statistics. Legalization was supposed to increase employment. Instead there is record homelessness.

Their only hope is a freezing winter.

You are hoping that the homeless all freeze to death?

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