How to end violence against black people

It's amazing the grief this country is going through right now for or because of 13% of the population.

It's like anything else. A small percentage that can't do what they're supposed to do cause problems for the larger percentage that do.
No, fairness should not conditional

So you are OK with blacks committing acts of violence on other blacks.

Fairness shouldnt be conditional
I think it's perfectly fair that blacks continue to vote for Democrats and reap the violence, poverty, and despair that only Democrats bring.

Republicans have all the answers but never show up. Darn

They show up but blacks run because the ideas involve personal responsibility not enabling.

Well, gosh....You guys are too awesome to vote for? Thats cool. o_O
So you are OK with blacks committing acts of violence on other blacks.

Fairness shouldnt be conditional
I think it's perfectly fair that blacks continue to vote for Democrats and reap the violence, poverty, and despair that only Democrats bring.

Republicans have all the answers but never show up. Darn
Republicans aren't elected where black people live. You fuckers OWN this problem.

I know, so why dont republicans put forth their winning ideas?

They do. Blacks simply don't like them because it involves effort rather than being enabled to not have to do anything. Republicans don't accept excuses blacks offer for their own problem. Democrats take those excuses and demand others offset them.
So you are OK with blacks committing acts of violence on other blacks.

Fairness shouldnt be conditional
I think it's perfectly fair that blacks continue to vote for Democrats and reap the violence, poverty, and despair that only Democrats bring.

Republicans have all the answers but never show up. Darn

They show up but blacks run because the ideas involve personal responsibility not enabling.

Well, gosh....You guys are too awesome to vote for? Thats cool. o_O

No, just unwilling to accept excuses like Democrats.
You're a winner its just that other people cant see it. Gotcha! You are special too. Remember that :itsok:
How to end violence against black people? Easy. They start taking responsibility for their actions.

That doesnt stop violence. Why do you guys have so many answers that doesnt deal with the violence part?
Well what you want to hear is we should give blacks a pass and room to destroy! Right? They can murder whoever they want and as many as they want and as many cops as they want. We should stop the violence against them though right?

Sounds about it. He wants to give them what they want

This guy explains it nicely

it was interesting until the whiny bitch blamed Slavery for his actions.

only a moron would think that's a good explanation

Noooo, saying that blacks are monolithic is a better more reasoned argument.

that was actually part of what he was saying.

even their mothers think they were spiders.

and yes, blaming slavery is a useless excuse that only morons fall for. No one forces them to be hood or stay in the hood.

This guy explains it nicely

This guy is an idiot! How has America enslaved Blacks for 400 years? We have only been a country for a little over 200. It's because facts have no bearing on this particular argument.

A culture that glorifies "Thuggery" can not be trusted. Regardless of the color of the culture. I will be the first to state that I hate many groups. I hate them based on the things they glorify not based on the color of the participants. White, Asian, Latino, African, African American and whatever else there is means nothing! If I see a dog on the end of it's chain snarling and striping its teeth, I don't try to play with it. Having said that, I love dogs. I am not Canine(ist) in any way.
Is there any race in America more obsessed with itself than black people?

IDK, what was slavery based on? Personality?
There are no slaves or slave owners alive today. That argument has no meaning. Or are you saying that injustice to ancestors somehow leaves a genetic mark? If so I I need to have reparations from North Africa! Seeing as how my ancestors were part of the European slaves traded on the Barbary Coast. Given my genetic link is it now okay for me to say that I can't ever trust and African?

Slavery is not unique to any race you idiot!
So you are OK with blacks committing acts of violence on other blacks.

Fairness shouldnt be conditional
I think it's perfectly fair that blacks continue to vote for Democrats and reap the violence, poverty, and despair that only Democrats bring.

Republicans have all the answers but never show up. Darn
Republicans aren't elected where black people live. You fuckers OWN this problem.

I know, so why dont republicans put forth their winning ideas?

Because telling people to "get off your ass and take responsibility for your lives" isn't as popular as telling people "it isn't your fault that you are failures", and "here's a handout because of shit that happened to ancestors you never met".
Fairness shouldnt be conditional
I think it's perfectly fair that blacks continue to vote for Democrats and reap the violence, poverty, and despair that only Democrats bring.

Republicans have all the answers but never show up. Darn
Republicans aren't elected where black people live. You fuckers OWN this problem.

I know, so why dont republicans put forth their winning ideas?

Because telling people to "get off your ass and take responsibility for your lives" isn't as popular as telling people "it isn't your fault that you are failures", and "here's a handout because of shit that happened to ancestors you never met".

When people don't want to do for themselves, it's easy to trick them into believing that their failures aren't their own fault.
So you are OK with blacks committing acts of violence on other blacks.

Fairness shouldnt be conditional
I think it's perfectly fair that blacks continue to vote for Democrats and reap the violence, poverty, and despair that only Democrats bring.

Republicans have all the answers but never show up. Darn
Republicans aren't elected where black people live. You fuckers OWN this problem.

I know, so why dont republicans put forth their winning ideas?
We've come up with many good ideas. My personal favorite was Abraham Lincoln's surmising that the negro is primitive and incompatible with civilized society and thus the most expedient course of action is to ship them back to Africa. Who knew that 150 years later he would be proven right?
When asked about good ideas you have so many that you 150 years back? Lol
Blacks first need to stop being black. Everything will begin to take care of itself after that.

Sad but that's pretty much what it is all about..........

I watched a Town Hall meeting tonight on FOX.......Megyn Kelly Show...........a few BLM supporters and a couple of BLM heavies. Let me tell you something.............there's zero hope here. People are beyond gone..........

35 years ago, an old Irish boss of mine used to say, "What do you expect, these people are only one generation removed from the tree's!". You watched that Town Hall s how and its pretty evident that a level of civilized is still missing here.........

BLM needs to be officially identified as a terror organization.......then maybe some kind of dialogue can start.:coffee:
Another factor..........most ( by far ) of America is now sick and tired of the black victimhood crap after 12 trillion in government assistance since the early 60's..............nobody is caring with this shit. Most ( by far ) Americans are realizing that no matter what this country does for blacks, they will never be satisfied. In their minds, its time for these people to buckle up their chinstraps like other races and stfu.:bye1:

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