How To Fight Socialism

I have news for you. There is not a single corporation that pays federal taxes. Every one of those corporations passes those taxes on to the consumers in increased costs for their products or services.
This maybe true, but when costs rise the consumer will not buy the product or services. Example, our ice maker kept freezing over and Samsung sent some jerk [customer service my ass) and for $99.00 told us we needed a new one and that would be over $300 dollars.

I put duck tape along the seam and solved the problem, It ain't pretty, but it worked.
I have news for you. There is not a single corporation that pays federal taxes. Every one of those corporations passes those taxes on to the consumers in increased costs for their products or services.
Still they pay federal taxes. Whether they pass the costs on or not, they pay.

And what those companies do is a lot different than what these companies are doing.

I'm sorry they have costs to do business and I know they pass those costs on to consumers.

Tell me something Governor. Of all the companies that Trump added to the list of companies who now pay no taxes, which ones passed on the savings to us? Or did they just give the CEO a big bonus?

CompanyU.S. IncomeFederal TaxEffective Tax Rate$10,835–129–1%
Delta Air Lines$5,073–187–4%
General Motors$4,320–104–2%
EOG Resources$4,067–304–7%
Occidental Petroleum$3,379–23–1%
Honeywell International$2,830–21–1%
American Electric Power$1,943–32–2%
Principal Financial$1,641–49–3%
Prudential Financial$1,440–346–24%
Xcel Energy$1,434–34–2%
Devon Energy$1,297–14–1%
DTE Energy$1,215–17–1%
Eli Lilly$598–54–9%
Goodyear Tire & Rubber$440–15–3%
Penske Automotive Group$393–16–4%
AECOM Technology$238–122–51%
Tech Data$203–10–5%
Performance Food Group$192–9–4%
Arrow Electronics$167–12–7%
This maybe true, but when costs rise the consumer will not buy the product or services. Example, our ice maker kept freezing over and Samsung sent some jerk [customer service my ass) and for $99.00 told us we needed a new one and that would be over $300 dollars.

I put duck tape along the seam and solved the problem, It ain't pretty, but it worked.

Regularly $499 I paid $110 for this cordless vacuum. And I believe this company paid federal taxes last year.
The problem is education. Economics is not taught in high schools and is an elective option in most universities in America. That's why the socialists can fool young people with their propaganda. We need to teach Economics in high schools and make it mandatory like English is.
WHY fight socialism? We all use and need it at one time or another.
That's unusual for you to say. I taught economics to high school students for many years. It was part of our curriculum.

Aren't you making a gross assumption?
Really? What was the title of the course? Did you teach them about the problems with socialism?
I have news for you. There is not a single corporation that pays federal taxes. Every one of those corporations passes those taxes on to the consumers in increased costs for their products or services.
That's a LIE

The United States imposes a tax on the profits of US resident corporations at a rate of 21 percent (reduced from 35 percent by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act). The corporate income tax raised $230.2 billion in fiscal 2019, accounting for 6.6 percent of total federal revenue, down from 9 percent in 2017.

The claim that corporations pass their income taxes on to consumers would be very difficult to prove. Let's see you prove it.
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I have news for you. There is not a single corporation that pays federal taxes. Every one of those corporations passes those taxes on to the consumers in increased costs for their products or services.
That is so simplistic, and it is wrong. Costs has nothing to do with price. If your claim were correct, then prices would have dropped for almost everything when the corporate tax was cut. Can you name one product in which the price dropped? Tell me, how does the market clearing price change when corporate taxes are increased? Most economists understand that concept, the market clearing price does not change simply because corporate taxes are increased. And most economist predict that it will be shareholders that will bear the burden of a future corporate tax increase, not consumers.
Really? What was the title of the course? Did you teach them about the problems with socialism?
Most Economics courses are called "Economics", duh!

Of course it explains all theories of economics and the various positives and negatives associated with each.
That's a LIE

The United States imposes a tax on the profits of US resident corporations at a rate of 21 percent (reduced from 35 percent by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act). The corporate income tax raised $230.2 billion in fiscal 2019, accounting for 6.6 percent of total federal revenue, down from 9 percent in 2017.

The claim that corporations pass their income taxes on to consumers would be very difficult to prove. Let's see you prove it.
Oh, come on! If a company has any expenses they are passed along to the consumer in increased prices. If a union negotiates a higher pay rate, those costs are passed on to the consumer. If raw materials increase I prices, those costs are passed on to the consumer. Do you think there is some magical pot of money that can be used to pay corporate taxes that has no impact on profit?

Businesses who do not pass their costs to consumers in terms of higher prices have a special name. It's called "out of business".

It is obvious you never took economics or slept through the classes.
Oh, come on! If a company has any expenses they are passed along to the consumer in increased prices. If a union negotiates a higher pay rate, those costs are passed on to the consumer. If raw materials increase I prices, those costs are passed on to the consumer. Do you think there is some magical pot of money that can be used to pay corporate taxes that has no impact on profit?

Businesses who do not pass their costs to consumers in terms of higher prices have a special name. It's called "out of business".

It is obvious you never took economics or slept through the classes.
I happen to be a retired CPA. I have prepared corporate financial statements for 15 years.I have also prepared corporation income tax returns for 15 years. You are the dummy. All corporations have competition. If they raise their prices, some of their customers will buy from their competitors-they will lose business.
What most businesses do when their taxes go up is cut expenses somewhere else so they can maintain their profit margins. They will reduce labor costs by eliminating unnecessary jobs, or renegotiate with their vendors to reduce material costs. Corporate profits after taxes go up and down year after year. No company expects to make exactly the same profit every year. Another solution is to call a stockbroker to invest some of the corporations cash in stocks or bonds to bring in more income.
I happen to be a retired CPA. I have prepared corporate financial statements for 15 years.I have also prepared corporation income tax returns for 15 years. You are the dummy. All corporations have competition. If they raise their prices, some of their customers will buy from their competitors-they will lose business.
What most businesses do when their taxes go up is cut expenses somewhere else so they can maintain their profit margins. They will reduce labor costs by eliminating unnecessary jobs, or renegotiate with their vendors to reduce material costs. Corporate profits after taxes go up and down year after year. No company expects to make exactly the same profit every year. Another solution is to call a stockbroker to invest some of the corporations cash in stocks or bonds to bring in more income.
It is a good thing you are retired because you are an idiot. All those competitors pay the same tax. All of those other steps you mentioned are to maintain profit, which has nothing to do with taxes because their profits are what is being taxed. Small businesses don't have stockbrokers investing cash in stocks and bonds. You might have been a CPA but if you ran a company, you would surely go bankrupt with thinking like you have shown.
The problem is education. Economics is not taught in high schools and is an elective option in most universities in America. That's why the socialists can fool young people with their propaganda. We need to teach Economics in high schools and make it mandatory like English is.
No, the problem is ignorance and dishonesty – the thread premise being an example of both.

This sort of inane rhetoric illustrates just how ignorant most are as to what β€˜socialism’ actually is.

There is no need to β€˜fight’ β€˜socialism’ – β€˜socialism’ isn’t a β€˜threat.’

What needs to be fought are lies and demagoguery as expressed by this ridiculous thread premise.
Crony capitalism is something ignorant people created. There is no such thing. Its either capitalism, or it isnt. There are already terms to describe what you posted. Its called corporatism.
You are a perfect example of why the OP is correct.
You whine about corporations running everything, getting rich off the small people.. yet, you duopoly dumbfucks KEEP VOTING IN THE PEOPLE THAT MAKE IT HAPPEN.
It's in the dictionary. Look it up. There is a such thing.
That's because you're an idiot. When things don't go Trump's way you admit the system is rigged but then you deny crony capitalism exists. You're a fucking idiot.
Wtf does trump have to do with this, you fucking idiot? Not to mention, I dont even like that stupid fuck.
Crony capitalism is corporatism. Corporatism actually exists. There are not branches of capitalism. That is something authoritarians made up to attack the free market that barely even exists. We are not a capitalist Nation. We are a corporatist Nation.
Read a book, you stupid mother fucker.
No, the problem is ignorance and dishonesty – the thread premise being an example of both.

This sort of inane rhetoric illustrates just how ignorant most are as to what β€˜socialism’ actually is.

There is no need to β€˜fight’ β€˜socialism’ – β€˜socialism’ isn’t a β€˜threat.’

What needs to be fought are lies and demagoguery as expressed by this ridiculous thread premise.
The problem is education. Economics is not taught in high schools and is an elective option in most universities in America. That's why the socialists can fool young people with their propaganda. We need to teach Economics in high schools and make it mandatory like English is.

The real problem is lack of education. For a country full of universities and colleges, it churns out a disproportionate amount of brain dead conspiracy theorists, alarming levels of ignorance and racism, none of which are in the curriculum.

Considering the vast amounts of money spent educating idiots to be bigger idiots, fools like you suggesting It's socialism etc, I can't help feeling the government is due a massive refund on you lot.

The socialism aspect has bern active in America like every other western society. All public buildings roads and infrastructure is built with taxpayers money. You use them everyday. You take the free medical at hospitals, you take your free education, you never return the child allowance you get but refuse to use socialism.
Do you clowns ever think?

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