How to fix SS Trump style

Welfare recipients do not pay a dime into the pot from which their welfare comes. Someone on food stamps isn't paying the specific taxes from which the funding for those food stamps come. The numbers don't add up.

1 - What "specific" taxes fund food stamps? Can you even identify them?
2 - How would it be any different than a family who rents their home with children in public school?
3 - On what basis do you assume that someone currently on food stamps has never paid the taxes of #1 above? How would their former payment of such taxes be any different than a current recipient of Social Security previously paying SS tax?

1. Income taxes. Why do you think those of us that actually pay them call April 15 Tax Day and those that don't consider it just another day on the calendar? Income taxes, whether it be personal or corporate, accounted for 58% of the federal revenue in 2015. 9% came from excise or estate taxes. 33% was payroll taxes. Eliminate the payroll tax percentage because those fund don't fund social welfare. They are SS and Medicare. That leave 67%. That means 58% of that 67% come from income taxes.

2. Being one that has rental property, the property taxes are part of the calculation used to determine the amount of rent. Being someone that understand property taxes are a state and/or local things, you even mentioning it as part of the conversation is irrelevant.

3. On what basis do you assume the ever did pay income taxes? You have no proof they ever did but I have proof that, at least in the current time frame, they aren't. When it comes to comparing income taxes to social security taxes, it's apples and oranges. If you work and have an income, you pay social security no matter how much you made. It's automatic However, earning an income doesn't automatically mean you pay income taxes.


Wow, that was a steaming pile of bullshit. Okay, I see what time you're on. You're one of those obsessive fools who complain about other people's welfare, as if they're the scum of the earth, but holy fucking shit we better give you YOUR welfare!

You're the one who is actually the scum of the earth. Liberals want welfare for everyone. Misguided, but at least it's for altruistic reasons. You want welfare for yourself and fuck everyone else. Fuck off, leech.

What welfare are you claiming I receive? Provide a list.

Liberals aren't altruistic. Altruism involves a disinterested or selfless concern for others. Liberals are anything but that. If they were, their push for others to be forced to pay wouldn't exist and they'd simply provide it to those they say are in need.
SS is an insurance policy for Americans . Cause we all know americans don't save shit for retirement and don't bother getting disability insurance .

If Americans 40 and under depend on social security as an insurance polacy they are just stupid. Social se urity is a lie, nothing more. I be all for getting rid of it and just keeping the deduction to do with as I please.

The only thing SS insures me against is having too much money. It will be gone by the time I retire. We're paying so Baby Boomers can live off our money.

I started paying social security taxes when I was 16. That was 1976.

I've been paying for generations before me for 40 years now and will continue to do so until 2027.

I have no problem with this. I wouldn't have what I have today without generations before me.

Especially what's called "The Greatest Generation."

My generation and I paid for their retirement and social security. Without those people, we could be speaking German and Japanese right now. America could be split in half by those two nations. The west Japanese controlled and the east nazi controlled.

Just like all before me, I was told all my life that I would be eligible for full SS benefits at age 65. Unlike everyone before me, the rules were changed on me more than half way to 65. The law was changed and I now have to wait a couple more years, until I'm 67 to get full SS benefits.

So we all have paid for what those before us sacrificed their lives just so we can have the nation we have today. With all the benefits we have such as schools, hospitals and health care, roads, interstates, national and state parks, the list goes on and on.

So I have no problem with paying to make sure we don't have seniors dying younger and having no food. I don't believe it's right to take someone's money all their working life, tell them they will get back, then not give it back to them as promised.

I have no problem with giving back to the generations before me who paid all their lives into the system and gave all they did for me, you and future generations.

As far as the "greatest" generation go's, they are all almost dead, and the deal was made with them, not their children or grand children in my case. Social security is a lie. I work 10 hours a day, over the dig season that go's up to 14 plus. The majority of all that OT go's to that shitty program. It's money I could use to send my kid school or even put someplace that it works for me so I don't have to live on a stupid stipend of 1200 a month. I should not have to provide a living for burnt out baby boomers or any other generarion for that matter. I should get to keep the money I work for and earn and spend it how i see fit. Not hand it over to some old ass fart who was to stupid to plan ahead because some group of assholes in Washington say I should.
What welfare are you claiming I receive? Provide a list.

You want to collect Social Security. SS is welfare. Period.

What welfare are you claiming I receive? Provide a list.

You want to collect Social Security. SS is welfare. Period.

So you missed my statements about how I believe people should be able to opt out of SS and save/invest themselves?

You don't have a list? Didn't think so.
SS is not welfare.

Sorry dude, it's welfare. No other way to look at it. I have to pay I to that ponzi scheme, but I'll never get the money back and all so some dumbass who did not plan for the furore doesn't have to stand in a soup line. That's bull shit. Give them what they paied in and leave my money alone. No generation before me has any right to the fruits of my labor and I don't give a shit what generation they were part of.
I'd be fine with getting rid of Social Security altogether. It's a pyramid scheme.

Give my wife and I back the money we have paid into it for 50 years, and get out of my country. If the politician scum you support would stop stealing from SS, it wouldn't be in trouble.

Politicians have been stealing from Social Security long before I was ever old enough to vote. I also oppose the addition of Social Security Disability and all this other frivolous shit it's been used for over the years, further harming the solvency of the program, so speak for yourself as far as who is supporting those politicians, because I'd bet money you have plenty of times.

You do, however, exemplify exactly why it's going to be hard to fix the program. The Baby Boomers, the most greedy, self-centered, and destructive generation this country has ever seen, won't budge on taking even a small cut in benefits to help save the system, but you have no issue draining it dry and leaving your kids with nothing even though, we too, will have paid into it out entire lives. But that's who you people are. It's always been all about you, you, you.
I'd be fine with getting rid of Social Security altogether. It's a pyramid scheme.

Give my wife and I back the money we have paid into it for 50 years, and get out of my country. If the politician scum you support would stop stealing from SS, it wouldn't be in trouble.

Politicians have been stealing from Social Security long before I was ever old enough to vote. I also oppose the addition of Social Security Disability and all this other frivolous shit it's been used for over the years, further harming the solvency of the program, so speak for yourself as far as who is supporting those politicians, because I'd bet money you have plenty of times.

You do, however, exemplify exactly why it's going to be hard to fix the program. The Baby Boomers, the most greedy, self-centered, and destructive generation this country has ever seen, won't budge on taking even a small cut in benefits to help save the system, but you have no issue draining it dry and leaving your kids with nothing even though, we too, will have paid into it out entire lives. But that's who you people are. It's always been all about you, you, you.

Never mind. I take all that back. You call greed wanting to get what you have already paid for. You aren't worth talking to.
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SS is not welfare.

Sorry dude, it's welfare. No other way to look at it. I have to pay I to that ponzi scheme, but I'll never get the money back and all so some dumbass who did not plan for the furore doesn't have to stand in a soup line. That's bull shit. Give them what they paied in and leave my money alone. No generation before me has any right to the fruits of my labor and I don't give a shit what generation they were part of.

Yeah we all know how the liberals don't give e shit. Look at the way you shit on our veterans. You're a real man.
SS is an insurance policy for Americans . Cause we all know americans don't save shit for retirement and don't bother getting disability insurance .

If Americans 40 and under depend on social security as an insurance polacy they are just stupid. Social se urity is a lie, nothing more. I be all for getting rid of it and just keeping the deduction to do with as I please.

The only thing SS insures me against is having too much money. It will be gone by the time I retire. We're paying so Baby Boomers can live off our money.

I started paying social security taxes when I was 16. That was 1976.

I've been paying for generations before me for 40 years now and will continue to do so until 2027.

I have no problem with this. I wouldn't have what I have today without generations before me.

Especially what's called "The Greatest Generation."

My generation and I paid for their retirement and social security. Without those people, we could be speaking German and Japanese right now. America could be split in half by those two nations. The west Japanese controlled and the east nazi controlled.

Just like all before me, I was told all my life that I would be eligible for full SS benefits at age 65. Unlike everyone before me, the rules were changed on me more than half way to 65. The law was changed and I now have to wait a couple more years, until I'm 67 to get full SS benefits.

So we all have paid for what those before us sacrificed their lives just so we can have the nation we have today. With all the benefits we have such as schools, hospitals and health care, roads, interstates, national and state parks, the list goes on and on.

So I have no problem with paying to make sure we don't have seniors dying younger and having no food. I don't believe it's right to take someone's money all their working life, tell them they will get back, then not give it back to them as promised.

I have no problem with giving back to the generations before me who paid all their lives into the system and gave all they did for me, you and future generations.

If you want to pay for previous generations so badly, why don't you pay for your own parents' retirement? Stop robbing me for it.

I did.

My dad retired in the 90s when Boeing gave early retirement packages to their engineers. He didn't live on any social security or medicare benefits until he was 65. Until then, he retired on his pension, annuities and other investments from working all his life.

He died one week after his 67th birthday. He got social security and medicare for 2 years.

My mom did better. She retired in the early 2000s at 65. She died last year at the age of 78.

I'm telling you that you're no different from me. We all paid for those before us. The people who gave so much so we can have what we take for granted everyday.

As I stated. I paid for all the generations before me.
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Never mind. I take all that back. You call greed wanting to get what you have already paid for. You aren't worth talking to.

Not at all, but I do call making a small sacrifice, like a minor cut in the proposed benefits in order to sustain the system for another generation or two to come, pretty reasonable and selfless. You know, much like the sacrifice your parents made for you during WWII, but who am I kidding. The Baby Boomers will never agree to that because it's always been all about you.
My last word to all you pos, go ahead. Take it. I'm old enough not to care and still in good enough shape to fight.
I'd be fine with getting rid of Social Security altogether. It's a pyramid scheme.

Give my wife and I back the money we have paid into it for 50 years, and get out of my country. If the politician scum you support would stop stealing from SS, it wouldn't be in trouble.

Politicians have been stealing from Social Security long before I was ever old enough to vote. I also oppose the addition of Social Security Disability and all this other frivolous shit it's been used for over the years, further harming the solvency of the program, so speak for yourself as far as who is supporting those politicians, because I'd bet money you have plenty of times.

You do, however, exemplify exactly why it's going to be hard to fix the program. The Baby Boomers, the most greedy, self-centered, and destructive generation this country has ever seen, won't budge on taking even a small cut in benefits to help save the system, but you have no issue draining it dry and leaving your kids with nothing even though, we too, will have paid into it out entire lives. But that's who you people are. It's always been all about you, you, you.

Excuse me but unlike all generations before me, including those at the beginning of the baby boom, those of us at the end of the baby boom are seeing cuts.

Unlike all before us and unlike we were told all our lives, we have to wait until 67 not 65 to receive full benefits. Meanwhile our benefits don't go up.

That's two more years than generations before us.

So yes, we, at least at the end of the baby boom, are making sacrifices and are seeing cuts.
Unlike all before us and unlike we were told all our lives, we have to wait until 67 not 65 to receive full benefits. Meanwhile out benefits don't go up..

Oh boo fucking hoo. I'll be lucky to see any of it at all.

And the original age for receiving SS benefits was 60, so you aren't the first group to have a wait an extra year or two to collect.
Unlike all before us and unlike we were told all our lives, we have to wait until 67 not 65 to receive full benefits. Meanwhile out benefits don't go up..

Oh boo fucking hoo. I'll be lucky to see any of it at all.

And the original age for receiving SS benefits was 60, so you aren't the first group to have a wait an extra year or two to collect.

You're talking about early retirement benefits. Which isn't what I stated.

Unlike all generations before me, I have to wait 2 more years for full benefits. Which I and the vast majority of those my age will work until 67 and beyond. I can't speak for others but I will do what my parents and grandparents did. Work until full retirement age then receive the benefits.

You stated that baby boomers should take a cut but are too selfish to do so.

I showed where you're not correct. We have taken a cut. A cut no one else before us has had to take.

Also this whining about you won't get it started in the reagan years. My generation was the first to be told such lies. Meanwhile social security goes on.

The reason why you're told such things by some people is to encourage you to want to get rid of it. Not for your benefit or the benefit of our nation but for their own.
Unlike all before us and unlike we were told all our lives, we have to wait until 67 not 65 to receive full benefits. Meanwhile out benefits don't go up..

Oh boo fucking hoo. I'll be lucky to see any of it at all.

And the original age for receiving SS benefits was 60, so you aren't the first group to have a wait an extra year or two to collect.

You're talking about early retirement benefits. Which isn't what I stated.

Unlike all generations before me, I have to wait 2 more years for full benefits. Which I and the vast majority of those my age will work until 67 and beyond. I can't speak for others but I will do what my parents and grandparents did. Work until full retirement age then receive the benefits.

You stated that baby boomers should take a cut but are too selfish to do so.

I showed where you're not correct. We have taken a cut. A cut no one else before us has had to take.

Also this whining about you won't get it started in the reagan years. My generation was the first to be told such lies. Meanwhile social security goes on.

The reason why you're told such things by some people is to encourage you to want to get rid of it. Not for your benefit or the benefit of our nation but for their own.

You're not saying anything other than making an emotion based argument that is devoid of logic. Welfare makes you feel good, so you endorse it and expect other people to feel good to hand out welfare as well.

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