How To Fix the Economy


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
This thread is for everyone to add suggestions on how to fix the economy. I have two ideas.

1. Economies such as India and China have a populace which has a large amount of savings. So America should manufacture products that the people of such nations would want. Apparently they do not practice materialism and probably would want products which are cheap and practical; products that a developing country would want. Perhaps auto manufacturers should produce cars which are extremely cheap and gas efficient since the people of such nations desire transportation. If such products could be created, it would bring foreign capitol into America.

2. The government should subsidize American entrepreneurs. Citizens could go to the government with proposals for either new products or services. The government should look into each proposal to see if it has any merit and if so loan the entrepreneurs the money they need to actualize their goal; though each loan would have to be paid back with interest and the terms of the loan would specify that any product manufactured or service created would have to remain in America.

That is my two cents. Anyone else have any ideas? :cuckoo:
These entrepreneurs aren't subsidized and never have been.
One might look at this graphic and think "gee, if Obama opened federal lands and waters to these entrepreneurs then they would be able to help the economy even more so".


Reduce the over regulation on businesses. Repeal Obama Care, reduce taxes, end the failed Keynesian Economic Policy, reduce the Federal Deficit. The result will be a much greater creation of jobs. The lack of jobs is one reason for the economic gap that the middle-class is experiencing. Taxes end up hurting them most.

Texas has no Corporate Income Tax which is why more companies keep relocating there.
The US has the 2nd largest Corporate Tax Rate.

If you want to keep businesses here and bring in new ones, you have to cut the Corporate Tax Rate as well as reducing suffocating business regulations.
Make it nonprofitable for corporations to leave or stay gone...Reimpose the tariff. Get rid of the illegals that drive down wages, working conditions and benefits and send billions of usd's out of the country, pay a good wage, give workers good benefits and retirement, mine our own ore, make our own metals, build our own products and sell them to ourselves. Yes, I am a "protectionist". We need to return to the practices that were in place after WW 2 that built the middle class when people had money, spent that money and were allowed credit. If we remain a consumer nation and just print money and manufacture nothing, then we are doomed. People make a fraction of what we used to make so the tax base is depleted because less tax is being paid because we make less money. What we DO NOT need is to give huge tax breaks to corporations that pay no tax anyway. Remove this ridiculous "person hood" that has been awarded to corporations by bought off politicians. Has a corporation ever voted?? Or drove a car or drank a cup of water or eaten food?? No. End unfettered, unregulated capitalism.
Workers spending money and securing credit make a healthy economy.
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Make it nonprofitable for corporations to leave or stay gone...Reimpose the tariff. Get rid of the illegals that drive down wages, working conditions and benefits and send billions of usd's out of the country, pay a good wage, give workers good benefits and retirement, mine our own ore, make our own metals, build our own products and sell them to ourselves. Yes, I am a "protectionist". We need to return to the practices that were in place after WW 2 that built the middle class when people had money, spent that money and were allowed credit. If we remain a consumer nation and just print money and manufacture nothing, then we are doomed. People make a fraction of what we used to make so the tax base is depleted because less tax is being paid because we make less money. What we DO NOT need is to give huge tax breaks to corporations that pay no tax anyway. Remove this ridiculous "person hood" that has been awarded to corporations by bought off politicians. Has a corporation ever voted?? Or drove a car or drank a cup of water or eaten food?? No. End unfettered, unregulated capitalism.
Workers spending money and securing credit make a healthy economy.

OK, I want you to start. From now on you're going to spin your own thread, weave your own cloth, sew your own garments, raise your own food, generate your own electricity, and build your own house. That's how most people did it when this country was founded and we didnt have poverty back then!

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