How to get over religious prejudice

I'll bet 43% is a lot lower than it was 9.5 years ago.

The best way of getting over your prejudice is getting to know people from the group your prejudice against. I was born and grew up in the inner city, lots of black were anti-white. Why? They didn't know many besides me. I moved out to the sticks in middle school, lots of whites were anti-black. Why? Never interacted with them.Luckily I've gotten to know a lot of each race, jews and muslims and that's why I'm not prejudice against anyone. Sure there's cultural differences but humans mostly share a lot of similar moral values. Real world experience is better than the boogeyman stories you hear from secondhand.


This is Gods honest truth, most Muslims who spit anti American fire like moonlite have never even met an American in their life.
Are you prejudiced against the religion of Islam or just the politics of Islamic countries?

Neither. I have reservations about the politics of Islam.

I understand. I don't have a problem with Christians either except for some of their politics, (abortion, DADT, marriage equality) and their annnoying habit of proselytizing.

I have a problem with state sponsored religion and theocracy and with the politics of some Islamic countries. I have a problem with the ruler of Iran. I have a problem with stoning, beheading, whipping and other forms of execution practiced in Islamic countries. I have a problem with punishing victims of rape instead of the rapist.

I have a problem with the way women are treated by the Taliban and gays are treated in Islamic theocracies.

I don't have a problem with individual Muslims or their scriptures. I have no problem with mosques being built in the US or with Muslims practicing Islam in America.

You really do have a problem with reading comprehension, don't you?

Islam has its own code of law because Islam is not a religion, it is a political system with the goal of subjugating the world. (Notice how I use a biased, pro Islamic, religious tolerance website to make my point here. That way you cannot reject it out of hand as being the work of Islamaphobes.)

Sharia law: A brief introduction

You can complain about the beliefs of individual and groups of Christians all day long but you will find that there is no equivalence to Sharia anywhere in the Bible. In fact, Jesus specifically pointed out that his Kingdom is not of the world, and rejected political aspirations.

You really need to get your head out of your ass and stop letting the actions of a group who have a different point of view than you blind you to the facts. You also need to stop letting the lies of a group that wants to either kill you or marry you off to a Muslim blind you to their actions.
Neither. I have reservations about the politics of Islam.

I understand. I don't have a problem with Christians either except for some of their politics, (abortion, DADT, marriage equality) and their annnoying habit of proselytizing.

I have a problem with state sponsored religion and theocracy and with the politics of some Islamic countries. I have a problem with the ruler of Iran. I have a problem with stoning, beheading, whipping and other forms of execution practiced in Islamic countries. I have a problem with punishing victims of rape instead of the rapist.

I have a problem with the way women are treated by the Taliban and gays are treated in Islamic theocracies.

I don't have a problem with individual Muslims or their scriptures. I have no problem with mosques being built in the US or with Muslims practicing Islam in America.

You really do have a problem with reading comprehension, don't you?

Islam has its own code of law because Islam is not a religion, it is a political system with the goal of subjugating the world. (Notice how I use a biased, pro Islamic, religious tolerance website to make my point here. That way you cannot reject it out of hand as being the work of Islamaphobes.)

Sharia law: A brief introduction

You can complain about the beliefs of individual and groups of Christians all day long but you will find that there is no equivalence to Sharia anywhere in the Bible. In fact, Jesus specifically pointed out that his Kingdom is not of the world, and rejected political aspirations.

You really need to get your head out of your ass and stop letting the actions of a group who have a different point of view than you blind you to the facts. You also need to stop letting the lies of a group that wants to either kill you or marry you off to a Muslim blind you to their actions.

Islam is a religion. It has spiritual practices like prayers, meditation, fasting, and religious scripture. It has houses of worship and spiritual leaders.

"According to Jan Michiel Otto, Professor of Law and Governance in Developing Countries at Leiden University, "Anthropological research shows that people in local communities often do not distinguish clearly whether and to what extent their norms and practices are based on local tradition, tribal custom, or religion. Those who adhere to a confrontational view of sharia tend to ascribe many undesirable practices to sharia and religion overlooking custom and culture, even if high ranking religious authorities have stated the opposite."

You need to talk to me more respectfully in the future. Bye.
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Neither. I have reservations about the politics of Islam.

I understand. I don't have a problem with Christians either except for some of their politics, (abortion, DADT, marriage equality) and their annnoying habit of proselytizing.

I have a problem with state sponsored religion and theocracy and with the politics of some Islamic countries. I have a problem with the ruler of Iran. I have a problem with stoning, beheading, whipping and other forms of execution practiced in Islamic countries. I have a problem with punishing victims of rape instead of the rapist.

I have a problem with the way women are treated by the Taliban and gays are treated in Islamic theocracies.I don't have a problem with individual Muslims or their scriptures. I have no problem with mosques being built in the US or with Muslims practicing Islam in America.

Not just theocracies Sky Dancer, Islam in general does not tolerate homosexuality.

Neither does Christianity, but at least they don't kill us over it. (they'd like to in Uganda).
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An eye for an eye is about looking towards restricting to a compensated remuneration rather than vengeance. A judged payment in equal and penalties for defaulting. This was to create a method to deal with lawful judgments in events removing them from vengeance.


Vengeance is mine saith the L-rd.

I am speaking as a Jew. Letting you know what it means to a Jewish believer with regards to "An Eye For An Eye" and it's interpretation in Rabbinic Law.

An eye for an eye is about looking towards restricting to a compensated remuneration rather than vengeance. A judged payment in equal and penalties for defaulting. This was to create a method to deal with lawful judgments in events removing them from vengeance.


Vengeance is mine saith the L-rd.

Rabbinic interpretation

The rabbinic interpretation - the law "an eye for an eye etc." demands an adequate financial or other substitution of a physical damage - is supported by the biblical context itself. In Exodus chapter 21, verses 23-24 this law first appears: It is clearly related to cases of physical damage in a fight between men, in extreme with mortal consequences for a pregnant woman (vers 22). The adequate substitution is a certain amount of money, which the victims partner and the judges have to find out together. The verse that follows the quotation of the law applies it to a case of physical damage to a slave: the adequate punishment for his owner is not to let him take one of his eyes but to set him free for the rest of his lifetime!

The understanding of this law as a law principle which cannot be taken literally is also supported by the context of it´s other appearances in the bible.

And also by the historical comparison to the babylonic actually it was because i had sex with your mother"Lex Hammurabi" which shows a totally other understanding of retaliation by using almost the same words as the bible.

Last but not least: This law does NOT necessarily support the death punishment, despite it´s common abuse by most christian fundamentalists. This an article with an encyclopedic approach should point out! -- 20:25, 17 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Talk:Eye for an eye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe someone else might want to know this then, if you don't. Considering I did not quote you, I was not posting directly to you Sky Dancer.

Thanks Ropey. I didn't know that. I thought 'an eye for an eye' meant if someone killed your relative you kill one in return. If someone puts your eye out, you put one out in return.

The Rabbinic interpretation seems very sane.
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Prejudice is only a problem when you actually "pre-judge" an individual person based solely on a particular demographic they belong to. I never do that so I have nothing to get over. :thup:
I confess to having had a religious prejudice early in my childhood that was passed to me by my family.

How I got over it was to make friends with many people of that faith.
How do you work to get over your own? Part of how I work on it is to post here where are so many different points of view.

Which religions do you harbor a prejudice against? How do you know you have prejudice?
Is it valuable to you to be free of prejudice?

I havent looked over this thread yet... I wanted to answer your question the best I could without influence.

Here goes.... How do I get over my own (prejudices)? I don't really have any prejudices against a "religion" per say. I do have a prejudice against certain behaviors. Such as suicide bombers, sharia law being thrust upon me against my will or convert or die mentality... With that being said, I have absolutely no prejudice against Muslims, Buddhists, Hinduists, Christians, or Wickens etc etc..... anyone who has deep religious beliefs are just fine in my opinion.
I happen to be a christian.... not a very good one at times, but a christian none the less.
I have had "religious zealots" tell me Im no christian because I like to drink alcohol, occasionally I curse (time & place for everything), and I dont attend church every sunday, and I just tell them thanks but this is between me and God.
When a "religion" tries to get between me and my relationship with God or a person tries to get between me and my relationship with God, then we have a problem.

Is it valuable to you to be free of prejudice?
No.... this is what gives us our core character and beliefs. I am prejudice against racism, I am prejudice against murder, I am prejudice against radical Islam, I am prejudice against The Arien Brotherhood, I am prejudice against child molesters, and on and on.

So Yes prejudice is a good thing in moderation.

Thats my .02 cents

Excellent post. :clap2:
I understand. I don't have a problem with Christians either except for some of their politics, (abortion, DADT, marriage equality) and their annnoying habit of proselytizing.

I have a problem with state sponsored religion and theocracy and with the politics of some Islamic countries. I have a problem with the ruler of Iran. I have a problem with stoning, beheading, whipping and other forms of execution practiced in Islamic countries. I have a problem with punishing victims of rape instead of the rapist.

I have a problem with the way women are treated by the Taliban and gays are treated in Islamic theocracies.

I don't have a problem with individual Muslims or their scriptures. I have no problem with mosques being built in the US or with Muslims practicing Islam in America.

You really do have a problem with reading comprehension, don't you?

Islam has its own code of law because Islam is not a religion, it is a political system with the goal of subjugating the world. (Notice how I use a biased, pro Islamic, religious tolerance website to make my point here. That way you cannot reject it out of hand as being the work of Islamaphobes.)

Sharia law: A brief introduction

You can complain about the beliefs of individual and groups of Christians all day long but you will find that there is no equivalence to Sharia anywhere in the Bible. In fact, Jesus specifically pointed out that his Kingdom is not of the world, and rejected political aspirations.

You really need to get your head out of your ass and stop letting the actions of a group who have a different point of view than you blind you to the facts. You also need to stop letting the lies of a group that wants to either kill you or marry you off to a Muslim blind you to their actions.

Islam is a religion. It has spiritual practices like prayers, meditation, fasting, and religious scripture. It has houses of worship and spiritual leaders.

"According to Jan Michiel Otto, Professor of Law and Governance in Developing Countries at Leiden University, "Anthropological research shows that people in local communities often do not distinguish clearly whether and to what extent their norms and practices are based on local tradition, tribal custom, or religion. Those who adhere to a confrontational view of sharia tend to ascribe many undesirable practices to sharia and religion overlooking custom and culture, even if high ranking religious authorities have stated the opposite."

You need to talk to me more respectfully in the future. Bye.

Why the fuck do I need to talk to you respectfully when you spout nonsense? Respect is something you earn, and you have not earned my respect. You refuse to acknowledge any opinion that disagrees with your expectations of the way the world works, ignore history, and defend a political philosophy that cares nothing about you, or me, or our way of life.

By the way, trying to say I have a closed mind because I cannot think past my little village is so stupid the only response it deserves is scorn. Tolerance is not unquestioned acceptance of anyone and everything that is different, it is accepting that difference and praying that for understanding.

If someone is trying to kill you the only rational response is to defend yourself. It is insane to ignore them in the hope that, if you just accept them the way they are, they will leave you alone.

Islam is a political philosophy, and a religion, but it is primarily a political philosophy.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- More than 4 in 10 Americans (43%) admit to feeling at least "a little" prejudice toward Muslims -- more than twice the number who say the same about Christians (18%), Jews (15%) and Buddhists (14%). The findings are based on a new Gallup Center for Muslim Studies report, "Religious Perceptions in America: With an In-Depth Analysis of U.S. Attitudes Toward Muslims and Islam," released Thursday.
In U.S., Religious Prejudice Stronger Against Muslims

How do you work to get over your own? Part of how I work on it is to post here where are so many different points of view.

Which religions do you harbor a prejudice against? How do you know you have prejudice?
Is it valuable to you to be free of prejudice?

I'm aware of some discomfort with LDS, with Scientology and with the Catholic Church. How I know I have the prejudice is there an inner attitude of not being willing to look at evidence to the contrary when I harbor a stereotype. It is valuable to me to be free of prejudice. For that reason, I have to work on it. mean it's important to you that you point out to Christians that they shouldn't believe as they do.

If by *working* on your prejudice, you mean you come here to express it, I have to agree.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- More than 4 in 10 Americans (43%) admit to feeling at least "a little" prejudice toward Muslims -- more than twice the number who say the same about Christians (18%), Jews (15%) and Buddhists (14%). The findings are based on a new Gallup Center for Muslim Studies report, "Religious Perceptions in America: With an In-Depth Analysis of U.S. Attitudes Toward Muslims and Islam," released Thursday.
In U.S., Religious Prejudice Stronger Against Muslims

How do you work to get over your own? Part of how I work on it is to post here where are so many different points of view.

Which religions do you harbor a prejudice against? How do you know you have prejudice?
Is it valuable to you to be free of prejudice?

I'm aware of some discomfort with LDS, with Scientology and with the Catholic Church. How I know I have the prejudice is there an inner attitude of not being willing to look at evidence to the contrary when I harbor a stereotype. It is valuable to me to be free of prejudice. For that reason, I have to work on it. mean it's important to you that you point out to Christians that they shouldn't believe as they do.

If by *working* on your prejudice, you mean you come here to express it, I have to agree.

No. Christians are free to believe whatever they choose.

What working on my prejudice means to me is learning to separate a stereotype from the truth. That happens by getting to know many adherent of LDS, Scientology and the Catholic Church.
You really do have a problem with reading comprehension, don't you?

Islam has its own code of law because Islam is not a religion, it is a political system with the goal of subjugating the world. (Notice how I use a biased, pro Islamic, religious tolerance website to make my point here. That way you cannot reject it out of hand as being the work of Islamaphobes.)

Sharia law: A brief introduction

You can complain about the beliefs of individual and groups of Christians all day long but you will find that there is no equivalence to Sharia anywhere in the Bible. In fact, Jesus specifically pointed out that his Kingdom is not of the world, and rejected political aspirations.

You really need to get your head out of your ass and stop letting the actions of a group who have a different point of view than you blind you to the facts. You also need to stop letting the lies of a group that wants to either kill you or marry you off to a Muslim blind you to their actions.

Islam is a religion. It has spiritual practices like prayers, meditation, fasting, and religious scripture. It has houses of worship and spiritual leaders.

"According to Jan Michiel Otto, Professor of Law and Governance in Developing Countries at Leiden University, "Anthropological research shows that people in local communities often do not distinguish clearly whether and to what extent their norms and practices are based on local tradition, tribal custom, or religion. Those who adhere to a confrontational view of sharia tend to ascribe many undesirable practices to sharia and religion overlooking custom and culture, even if high ranking religious authorities have stated the opposite."

You need to talk to me more respectfully in the future. Bye.

Why the fuck do I need to talk to you respectfully when you spout nonsense? Respect is something you earn, and you have not earned my respect. You refuse to acknowledge any opinion that disagrees with your expectations of the way the world works, ignore history, and defend a political philosophy that cares nothing about you, or me, or our way of life.

By the way, trying to say I have a closed mind because I cannot think past my little village is so stupid the only response it deserves is scorn. Tolerance is not unquestioned acceptance of anyone and everything that is different, it is accepting that difference and praying that for understanding.

If someone is trying to kill you the only rational response is to defend yourself. It is insane to ignore them in the hope that, if you just accept them the way they are, they will leave you alone.

Islam is a political philosophy, and a religion, but it is primarily a political philosophy.

Islam is a religion and a poltical philsophy. Christianity is a religion and a political philosophy.

The way I look at it. We see it differently. It's not necessary to tear each other down over a difference of opinion.

Some things are unsupportable for me. Any philosophy of world domination or military or terrorist aggression I don't support. If someone is trying to kill you, it is sensible to defend yourself. That doesn't mean to start to see someone who isn't interested in killing you as an enemy because they happen to practice a form of religion in common with your enemy.

What I support is my fellow Americans being able to practice their religion freely in the US, that includes Muslims.

If you want to discuss what tolerance means to each of us, we can do that. I don't tolerate violence or illegal activity. Terrorists are criminals and they need to be vigorously opposed.

You see it differently, I acknowledge that and I accept it. I respect your opinion. I don't find it necessary to call you names because we differ in our views. I would prefer the same treatment. If you insist on being purposefully unpleasant or hostile I'll just stop answering your posts.

Take care.
Why would one not have a negative bias toward a genocidal ideology?

People have negative biases for many reasons.

Well that isnt very helpful, Why would anyone have a positive bias toward a genocidal ideology?

Terrorism is a genocidal ideology. Islam is not, as a whole. Do some terrorists use religious rhetoric to justify their violence, yes.

Dominionists in America use Biblical references to justify their position that the US should be a Christian theocracy.

That doesn't mean that Christian theocracy and poltical activism is a Christian teaching. It depends on how it's interpreted.

The same is true for Islam. I get the impression some posters would like me to be prejudiced against the religion of Islam and Muslims.

I have a hard enough time overcoming the negative biases I already have without taking on new ones, lol.
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People have negative biases for many reasons.

Well that isnt very helpful, Why would anyone have a positive bias toward a genocidal ideology?

Terrorism is a genocidal ideology. Islam is not, as a whole. Do some terrorists use religious rhetoric to justify their violence, yes.

Dominionists in America use Biblical references to justify their position that the US should be a Christian theocracy.

That doesn't mean that Christian theocracy and poltical activism is a Christian teaching. It depends on how it's interpreted.

The same is true for Islam. I get the impression some posters would like me to be prejudiced against the religion of Islam and Muslims.

I have a hard enough time overcoming the negative biases I already have without taking on new ones, lol.

So, Sky, how do you explain having extreme negative biases in some aspects yet you're so willing to be accepting of other religions such as Islam and give it the benefit of the doubt? Why are you at two opposite ends of the spectrum with Christianity and Islam whenever Islam in today's world is clearly the more violent of the two? It doesn't make any logical sense?

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