How to Get your Prayers Answered

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
The 7 steps to getting answered prayer:

1. Decide what you are asking the Lord for. Is it a sick loved one? Marital problems? A wayward child? Be specific in your request to God.

2. Read the scriptures that promise the answer for you.

Sick loved ones? Look up these scriptures and believe they are yours because they are!

3 John 2
Matthew 9:35
Luke 6:19
Hebrews 13:8
1 Peter 2:24
Psalm 103:3
James 5:14 - 15
Mark 16:17-18
Isaiah 53:5
Jeremiah 17:14
Jeremiah 30:17
Exodus 15:26
Proverbs 4: 20-22
Psalm 107:20
Matthew 8:8

3. Now ask! Ask and it shall be given you, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened. - Matthew 7: 7,8

Claim that scripture, for instance - Lord! You said, I am the Lord that healeth thee! Lord I believe you are the healer and you will heal me! I believe it is your will to heal me of this sickness! Your word says, By his stripes I am healed! Lord, I believe your promises are true!

4. Receive. Therefore I say unto you: Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them.

Ut-oh! He said Believe you receive them! Not I hope I receive them! Not I wish I could receive them. NO. He said Believe you receive them! When? RIGHT NOW! And then what happens? He says You SHALL have them. Not you might have them. You have a 50-50 chance of having them. NO. He said you shall have them. See that? God is not a man that he should lie. If he said it? He will do it. Believe it! It is the truth! The Word of God is true! The Word of God is alive. The Word of God is Jesus Christ and you can depend upon him to do what he says he will do! Oh! What wonderful news this is! We have a God that hears our prayers and has promised to answer them! Hallelujah!

5. Refuse to doubt. This is where people get hung up. They do not see any difference and they begin to doubt. They say, I hope he answered that one. I guess he isn't going to answer that one. Oh yes he will! Line up with the word of God and REFUSE TO DOUBT.

How can you refuse to doubt? Here's how: James 4:7 Submit yourself to God ( what he says about the situation ) Resist the devil ( when in doubt? Cast it out! Do not allow your mind to go there! ) and he will flee! ( he has to go, it is written - therefore it is the truth )
Have faith. Faith is believing and receiving something BEFORE you see the evidence of it in the natural. You know that you know God is working behind the scenes and bringing it to pass! Why? Because you refuse to doubt! Without faith it is impossible to please God! Faith in God PLEASES him! Have Faith!

6. Meditate on the promises of God and see yourself as already in possession of the thing you asked for. Walk in it as if it is true because although you do not see it with your natural eyes - God is working to perform his word and it shall not return back void unto him until it has done what it was sent to do. Read Philippians 4:8 Read the scriptures on Faith. Read Hebrews 11 and see what Faith can do! Look at the Hall of Famers listed in Hebrews 11 who BY FAITH believed great things! Read Proverbs 4:20 - 22.

7. Give God praise! This is the final act for receiving the answer to your prayer. You praise him for his answers! You thank him because you know he has given you what you have asked for! You thank him because you see with the eyes of Faith that he has already placed what you requested into your hands. It's yours, beloved! BELIEVE IT!

Scripture for this: If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will and is shall be done unto you.

Where is the IF in that? The only "if" I can see is ...... if you abide in him and his words abide in you.

Did you know that as a believer you can stand in the gap for someone who does not believe and get their answer for them? You can! Jesus healed all kinds of unbelievers! Look at the New Testament! The stories of those who heard about Jesus and asked for healing, deliverance, their child to be healed? Did he answer those? You bet he did!

Anyone who tells you that your unbelieving neighbor cannot be healed through your prayers does not know what the word of God has to say about it. Do not let anyone cancel out your prayers. Remember the story of the Centaurion? Jesus said he had never seen such great faith! The man got a hold of the idea that Jesus was the healer! He said, you don't even need to come to my house to pray for the person! Just speak the word and I know it will be done! Why did he know that? Because he was a military man and understood the authority Jesus had! If Jesus gave the order? It was as good as done! Hallelujah! What will hinder your prayers? Unforgiveness, unbelief, doubt. What is the solution? Forgive quickly, Believe quickly, Expect the answer - be in a state of expectancy.

God wants to answer our prayers. We hinder our own prayers through doubt and unbelief. I have prayed for people to be healed of the flu before and they say, I believe! Then someone walks up to them and says oh I hear you've "GOT" the flu! - they say yes, poor me, I've got the flu and it is surely hanging on. Well, I can tell you now, they are right. It will. Why? Because Jesus said, You'll have whatever you say.

Your tongue can speak life or death over a situation. Speak LIFE. Get in line with the will of God for your life. He wishes above ALL THINGS that you be in good health so believe it and line up with him instead of speaking negative words that cancel out your prayers. The answer to prayer lies with us. Jesus did everything he is ever going to do on the cross. Now it is up to us who believe - to believe it.

Do you know why Jesus could do no miracles in his own hometown? It was because of their unbelief! Oh that christians could have the faith of those who do not even know God! I've seen many of them get their answers while the believers did not! Why? The believers refused to believe! What kind of irony is that?!!
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I heard a pastor years ago say that his formula was love for God, love for others and seeking to spread the gospel. He had biblical examples.

There is more power when Christians get together in agreement in prayer.
I am in agreement with you, Brother! It starts with love for God, love for others and the two combined bring forth the fruit - spreading the gospel. It is the fruit of our relationship with God that defines the fruit of our labor in the harvest. the deeper the relationship? The greater the fruit! Ha! ha! It is so simple and yet so many miss it! I have heard preachers who had a great message! Every word of it was true and at the end of the sermon? Not a soul came to the altar! Why? He doesn't pray! Oh! He will pray in public! But in his private time? Nothing! He is too busy with his ministry ( Matthew 22 - they were invited but would not come! ) to spend time with Jesus in the morning! Too busy to sit at the Masters feet and find out what the Spirit of God is saying for the hour! Every day there is fresh bread! Fresh Manna from heaven! We do not need to eat stale bread yet the church is dining on stale bread! Even hard bread! Moldy bread! Yuck! I'll dine at my Fathers table thank you very much! He has laid out a banquet us. Why go dumpster diving?

I know of preachers who are getting their messages off the internet! They have no word from heaven. Some will even steal the words of others because they do not abide in Jesus, they do not have an abiding relationship to get a word from heaven. They are bearing no fruit. ( we can do nothing apart from Jesus - its all about John 14 ) The altars are empty and they wonder why. That is why. How terribly sad when Jesus has laid out a banquet for us every single morning!

I have told them before: Ministry is the fruit of a relationship with God. The greater the relationship? The greater the "Ministry". This is the truth. The truth offends them - their pride won't take it - they are destined for a fall because they refused to listen to the Bridegroom waking them up in the morning, saying come away with me, Beloved! I have prepared a feast for you! Instead they roll over and go back to sleep! Soon the Lord does not even bother to wake them up because he knows they won't come! He knows who has a willing heart! He knows those who are seeking him early! He knows us, Glory to God!

* I should mention:

I do not say this is true of all ministers but it is the plight of many. The Song of Solomon remains a locked door - a mystery for them and they cannot even preach from that book!

Going back to the subject of prayer, Chuck. This morning that was what the Lord laid on my heart. Tell them how to get an answer to prayer. Tell them I will answer their prayers! The truth is Jesus never once said no to anyone when they asked to be healed or delivered. Everyone who asked received. Even the ones who were not Jews! Who were unbelievers! Heathens! Anyone who asked and believed received from him.

The Holy Ghost always confirms the Word. Interesting He gives me this word about prayer early this morning. Then I come on later and who do I read? Irish Ram, talking about answered prayer! Then I posted the thread on prayer and get in my car to put on some worship music and go for a drive. Who is on the radio? Some preacher talking on the subject of prayer! Even of getting answers to prayer! Oh! Glory to God! Isn't it amazing how the Holy Spirit speaks the same word to everyone on the same day! Truly this is unity in the Spirit. What a life God has offered us through Jesus Christ and the Comforter He sent us - the Holy Spirit who guides us in getting the heart and mind of the Father for the day!

Here is another confirmation from the Holy Ghost:

I came back on to put another post up about how to pray for the Lost and here you are speaking about it. Again, more confirmation we are in one accord here.

On the matter of agreement - Jesus said in Matthew 18:19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them by my Father which is in heaven.

So when we agree in prayer for the salvation of souls? It's done. We've got it. All we have to do is praise God for it because His word will not return back unto him void! It is going to go forth and perform that which it was sent to do. We know the will of the Father is that none should perish. We know this is his will so we can pray along those lines and watch it come to pass. As I often pray alone I count the Holy Ghost as my prayer partner also. .........and what a glorious prayer partner He is!
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How to pray for the Lost - Get Desperate!

The word of God says the effectual fervent prayer of a praying man or woman availeth much - much power is going forth when that prayer is fervent and it will be effectual!

Fervent means passionate. How passionate are your prayers for the lost? Are you praying with a passion, with an urgency as if it were your own children? If not - here is some help on getting there.....

Envision this picture. You are a praying Christian. Your son is a soldier over in Iraq. He is your only son and you love deeply. There is breaking news on the television and the report is that your son has been captured by the enemy and they are showing his face with his captors who are threatening to execute him if their demands are not met.

You are stunned! That is your son that has been captured and is about to die! You cry out! No, Lord! Do not let this happen to my son! I'm begging you God! Send your angels! Protect his life! I'm desperate, Lord! Please hear my prayer! Rescue him now!

Then you begin to declare the scripture promises to mothers, Lord! You said! Then you quote that verse! Lord! You said! No weapon formed against thee shall prosper! Lord! You said you have given me all authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over ALL the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm me! This harms me greatly! I will not accept this verdict over my sons life! I decree and declare this very moment! He shall live and not die! Now you are going into warfare such as Ephesians 6:10 teaches you.. yes, you are in warfare mode! The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force! You become violent in your prayer! The gates of hell shall not prevail against you!! You have been given all authority ( Luke 10:19 ) , your taking ground now.. your taking enemy ground....oh yeah! Your prayers are invading heaven! Conquering the forces of evil below..... ........get the picture?

Why are you praying for this young man with such love, such passion, such urgency?! Because it is YOUR son whose life is on the line here!

Now consider this! God is no respector of persons and as hard as this is going to be -for some to accept - even for some Christians - there should be no difference in the way you'd pray for your own son and you would for someone elses! Oh yeah! It is a hard word but I tell you the truth is not about some little bless my four and no more service! This is about WAR! A Spiritual War! Last night the Lord reminded me of something he showed me years ago... whoever loves them the most? Wins them! Ha! Ha! Oh! Yeah! Satan has his own company busy trying to win these lost ones - deceiving them into believing the world loves them more than God does, more than Jesus does, more than Gods people do! The devil is a liar! How do we love the lost? By telling them Jesus loves them? Ahhh... baby steps but good.... preaching the word? Aaahhhh ...better... Praying for them like they are your own children? ...YES!

True prevailing prayer will put on the mind of Christ to see these ones as your own children which you are in labor for, travailing for until they are birthed into the Kingdom of heaven. Why does much of the church have a barren womb? Why is she not producing spiritual children - birthing others into the kingdom of heaven? Because she won't go into labor and pray. She'll pray for her own with great passion but not the worlds children. Then many in the church wonder why little Johnny won't come back to the Lord and leave the bars! I'd like to know how fervently those people are praying for the children of other people, praying for them as if they were their own children!

Why should God be concerned about your business when you are not concerned about His? Many times the person holding up answers for your own family members is YOU. Because you won't pray for the lost and find that which the Lord has asked you to go find! ( that isn't always the case - God could be teaching you how to wait upon him, how to trust him and hold onto the answer when it takes years instead of months... )

To be clear I'm not praying for the lost because of what God will do for my own family. I do not even pray for myself and he knows it. Sometimes my own son is the last person I pray for! Still even yesterday he sent my husband a text message and said, Guess who just became _______ ? He got a promotion. Yes! He got the promotion at his job that he had been waiting over a year to get! I prayed once about it and forgot it after that. But God didn't forget about it because until it is answered? He can't forget about it!

Some of you have parents who have gone onto heaven. They prayed for you to come to Jesus and you still haven't returned to him but you will! Some of you have grandparents who prayed for you to come to Jesus and you still have not come! But you will! How do I know this? Because even after these praying people left the earth their prayers must still be answered. God does not allow his own word to return back to him empty. There are prayers still being answered today and the people who prayed them? They have been in heaven for years!!

The other day the Lord showed me something I had never seen before! He showed me Psalm 83 - guess what he showed me? Psalm 83 was not King Davids "Prophecy"! That was King Davids prayer that TURNED INTO a prophecy! Ha! Ha! It could be at the door of happening right now but make no mistake about it, folks! That was a prayer that God had not answered yet...........but will. Now folks are calling it a prophecy. I made the same mistake until he corrected me the other day. Thank you, Lord! See the difference when the Holy Ghost teaches you compared to man? Truly, there is no comparison. Is there!
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How to pray for the Lost - Get Desperate!

The word of God says the effectual fervent prayer of a praying man or woman availeth much - much power is going forth when that prayer is fervent and it will be effectual!

Fervent means passionate. How passionate are your prayers for the lost? Are you praying with a passion, with an urgency as if it were your own children? If not - here is some help on getting there.....

Envision this picture. You are a praying Christian. Your son is a soldier over in Iraq. He is your only son and you love deeply. There is breaking news on the television and the report is that your son has been captured by the enemy and they are showing his face with his captors who are threatening to execute him if their demands are not met.

You are stunned! That is your son that has been captured and is about to die! You cry out! No, Lord! Do not let this happen to my son! I'm begging you God! Send your angels! Protect his life! I'm desperate, Lord! Please hear my prayer! Rescue him now!

Then you begin to declare the scripture promises to mothers, Lord! You said! Then you quote that verse! Lord! You said! No weapon formed against thee shall prosper! Lord! You said you have given me all authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over ALL the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm me! This harms me greatly! I will not accept this verdict over my sons life! I decree and declare this very moment! He shall live and not die! Now you are going into warfare such as Ephesians 6:10 teaches you.. yes, you are in warfare mode! The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force! You become violent in your prayer! The gates of hell shall not prevail against you!! You have been given all authority ( Luke 10:19 ) , your taking ground now.. your taking enemy ground....oh yeah! Your prayers are invading heaven! Conquering the forces of evil below..... ........get the picture?

Why are you praying for this young man with such love, such passion, such urgency?! Because it is YOUR son whose life is on the line here!

Now consider this! God is no respector of persons and as hard as this is going to be -for some to accept - even for some Christians - there should be no difference in the way you'd pray for your own son and you would for someone elses! Oh yeah! It is a hard word but I tell you the truth is not about some little bless my four and no more service! This is about WAR! A Spiritual War! Last night the Lord reminded me of something he showed me years ago... whoever loves them the most? Wins them! Ha! Ha! Oh! Yeah! Satan has his own company busy trying to win these lost ones - deceiving them into believing the world loves them more than God does, more than Jesus does, more than Gods people do! The devil is a liar! How do we love the lost? By telling them Jesus loves them? Ahhh... baby steps but good.... preaching the word? Aaahhhh ...better... Praying for them like they are your own children? ...YES!

True prevailing prayer will put on the mind of Christ to see these ones as your own children which you are in labor for, travailing for until they are birthed into the Kingdom of heaven. Why does much of the church have a barren womb? Why is she not producing spiritual children - birthing others into the kingdom of heaven? Because she won't go into labor and pray. She'll pray for her own with great passion but not the worlds children. Then many in the church wonder why little Johnny won't come back to the Lord and leave the bars! I'd like to know how fervently those people are praying for the children of other people, praying for them as if they were their own children!

Why should God be concerned about your business when you are not concerned about His? Many times the person holding up answers for your own family members is YOU. Because you won't pray for the lost and find that which the Lord has asked you to go find! ( that isn't always the case - God could be teaching you how to wait upon him, how to trust him and hold onto the answer when it takes years instead of months... )

To be clear I'm not praying for the lost because of what God will do for my own family. I do not even pray for myself and he knows it. Sometimes my own son is the last person I pray for! Still even yesterday he sent my husband a text message and said, Guess who just became _______ ? He got a promotion. Yes! He got the promotion at his job that he had been waiting over a year to get! I prayed once about it and forgot it after that. But God didn't forget about it because until it is answered? He can't forget about it!

Some of you have parents who have gone onto heaven. They prayed for you to come to Jesus and you still haven't returned to him but you will! Some of you have grandparents who prayed for you to come to Jesus and you still have not come! But you will! How do I know this? Because even after these praying people left the earth their prayers must still be answered. God does not allow his own word to return back to him empty. There are prayers still being answered today and the people who prayed them? They have been in heaven for years!!

The other day the Lord showed me something I had never seen before! He showed me Psalm 83 - guess what he showed me? Psalm 83 was not King Davids "Prophecy"! That was King Davids prayer that TURNED INTO a prophecy! Ha! Ha! It could be at the door of happening right now but make no mistake about it, folks! That was a prayer that God had not answered yet...........but will. Now folks are calling it a prophecy. I made the same mistake until he corrected me the other day. Thank you, Lord! See the difference when the Holy Ghost teaches you compared to man? Truly, there is no comparison. Is there!

No man was used to make prophecies. God had His prophets write prophecies about the future that the prophets didn't understand because they didn't have "Christ" in their mind. It was blocked by the Old Covenant that blocked all God's people from Christ, His invisible knowledge without deception.

No Christian has ever known the Holy Spirit ( Christ ) of God's. The Holy Spirit is the "Word of God".

I Colossians 1:
15: He ( the invisible Holy Spirit, Word of God, Christ, Kingdom of God, etc. ) is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation;
16: for in him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or authorities – all things were created through him and for him.
17: He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
18: He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the first-born from the dead, that in everything he might be pre-eminent.
19: For in him all the fulness of God was pleased to dwell,

Acts 17: 24-29
24: The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by man,
25: nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all men life and breath and everything.
26: And he made from one every nation of men to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their habitation,
27: that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel after him and find him. Yet he is not far from each one of us,
28: for ..In him we live and move and have our being'; as even some of your poets have said, ..For we are indeed his offspring.'
29: Being then God's offspring, we ought not to think that the Deity is like gold, or silver, or stone, a representation by the art and imagination of man.
The easiest way to get your prayers answered is to make sure you are praying.

If you are praying for certain knowledge and wisdom, study out the process in your mind and heart and then ask the Lord about it.

If you are praying for a specific virture, make sure you make an effort to build that virtue in your life.

If you are praying for humility, expect something bad to happen.:)

If you are praying for others, make sure you are helping others.

Strive to follow the principles and covenants of the Gospel.

Make sure you act out of faith and never fear on whatever you are praying for.
Out of 1000 mortal cancer patients who are the targets of prayers one survives and all the xtians cry "A MIRACLE, OUR PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED, PRAISE JEBUS".

What happened to all the prayers for 6 million holocaust victims or the hundred thousand poor kids who were the targets of pedophile priests? Why weren't THEIR prayers answered?

Guess they didn't pray hard enough or donate enough to the church.
Out of 1000 mortal cancer patients who are the targets of prayers one survives and all the xtians cry "A MIRACLE, OUR PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED, PRAISE JEBUS".

What happened to all the prayers for 6 million holocaust victims or the hundred thousand poor kids who were the targets of pedophile priests? Why weren't THEIR prayers answered?

Guess they didn't pray hard enough or donate enough to the church.

You are blind to the Eternal nature of things. You won't be able to understand them until you recognize Eternity.

Life is not the end. Nor have prayers not been answered because people die. I may ask the Lord for a million dollars, but if His answer is no and i never recieve it, that doesn't mean He didn't answer my prayer.

All those people who have died from cancer, from the holocaust, or any other ways imaginable will be restored to life. And that will happen whether they believe in Christ or not.

Some blessings do require more prayer. Some require work on our part. Some answers to prayers us being told no because we are asking amiss.

I've asked the Lord to show me things in the past that He has chosen not to show me. That doesn't mean He didn't answer my prayer. Nor does it even mean He wont show me those things. The timing wasn't right.

When it comes to blessings for healing, sometimes a lot of faith is necessary. You cannot ask without faith. Sometimes fasting is necessary with the prayer.

Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out?

And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. (Matthew 17:19-21)

I've seen people healed. I've been healed by the power of God. Miracles occur. The Lord has a plan for everything in our life. And there is wisdom in that plan that is often not observable by people unless they ponder it and ask the Lord to understand it.

The Lord wants us to learn to rely on Him. He will test our faith and resolve. And miracles come after our faith.

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