How to lower gun crime...very easy step....10-20-life.....boom....drops the mic.

Bob, the Constitution isn't a suicide pact.

Said by criminals who do not want the Constitution to be obeyed; who want government to have the power to engage in all the abuses that the Constitution was explicitly written to prohibit.

Nobody can make that statement, and still have any credibility at all.
I wouldn't want to live in 1787 and neither would you.
America isn't great because of those guys, we are great because of what we've done since.

Those guys in 1787 built the very foundation that allowed us to do all that we've done since. Without their brilliants, America would just be another tyrannical like all the Eurotrash countries, or like Canaduh. But if that was how we were, then we would have no other country to prop us up the way we've been propping up the Eurotrash nations.
Let me know when you have something to add to a conversation.

There's no good reason to have a stockpile of weapons.

And as we saw with Adam Lanza's Mom and that nutback who shot up the concert in Las Vegas, the ones with stockpiles are the ones you need to watch out for.

12 mass public shootings in 2023......

12 people out of over 350 million Americans, 600 million guns, and over 22 million Americans who can carry guns for self defense....

You have no legitimate argument.
Said by criminals who do not want the Constitution to be obeyed; who want government to have the power to engage in all the abuses that the Constitution was explicitly written to prohibit.

Nobody can make that statement, and still have any credibility at all.

Actually, the first person to say something like that was Thomas Jefferson.

It was formally part of law from the case of Terminiello v. City of Chicago where it was said by Justice Robert Jackson.

Those guys in 1787 built the very foundation that allowed us to do all that we've done since. Without their brilliants, America would just be another tyrannical like all the Eurotrash countries, or like Canaduh. But if that was how we were, then we would have no other country to prop us up the way we've been propping up the Eurotrash nations.

Oh, bullshit.

If the Founders had lost in 1787, we'd be Canadians today. I've been to Canada, it's nice. Probably too cold for me, and I'm from Chicago.

If the Founders had lost, we'd have ended slavery in 1830 without a civil war, and we'd have single-payer health care.
That's nothing to be proud of. America sucked for people who weren't white, straight males up until 1965.

Every whete sucked up till then....but in this country we have worked hard to change it including going ronwar aganist the democrat party to free their black slaves
They are lying...

There were 12

No, they just don't use the ridiculous definition you want to use.

They use the common sense one.. more than one person hit by a bullet.

Every whete sucked up till then....but in this country we have worked hard to change it including going ronwar aganist the democrat party to free their black slaves
Dude, did you have a stroke in the middle of typing that?
Let me know when you have something to add to a conversation.

There's no good reason to have a stockpile of weapons.

And as we saw with Adam Lanza's Mom and that nutback who shot up the concert in Las Vegas, the ones with stockpiles are the ones you need to watch out for.
Mrs Lanza owned two pistols, two bolt action hunting rifles and the AR-15 he used to murder her. That’s not a stockpile by any sane standard.
Mrs Lanza owned two pistols, two bolt action hunting rifles and the AR-15 he used to murder her. That’s not a stockpile by any sane standard.
For those with an irrational fear of firearms, its a freaking arsenal.
Mrs Lanza owned two pistols, two bolt action hunting rifles and the AR-15 he used to murder her. That’s not a stockpile by any sane standard.

The list of weapons found in the home reads like the contents of a survivalist bunker. The guns included an Enfield Albion bolt-action rifle, a Savage Mark II .22-caliber rifle, a black BB gun and a starter pistol. In addition, investigators found several large-capacity magazines, along with a huge array of ammunition: at least 126 shotgun shells and 1,526 bullets, including 661 .22-caliber bullets, 178 .45-caliber bullets and 161 9mm bullets. There were also nine knives, three Samurai swords, a pole outfitted with a spear and blade and a bayonet.

He started with his mother, shooting her in the forehead with a .22 caliber rifle. Then he took four guns to the scene: a .223 caliber Bushmaster rifle, which he used to shoot the students and school workers; a Glock 10mm handgun, which he used on himself; a loaded 9 mm Sig-Sauer handgun found on his body; and a 12-gauge Izhmash Canta shotgun, which he left behind in his mother's Honda Civic outside the school. In the car there were two magazines containing 70 shotgun rounds.

ust owning BB gun is a stockpile to joe

You're just sad that your ideal woman was taken off the market when her crazy son killed her with her own weapon.
The list of weapons found in the home reads like the contents of a survivalist bunker. The guns included an Enfield Albion bolt-action rifle, a Savage Mark II .22-caliber rifle, a black BB gun and a starter pistol. In addition, investigators found several large-capacity magazines, along with a huge array of ammunition: at least 126 shotgun shells and 1,526 bullets, including 661 .22-caliber bullets, 178 .45-caliber bullets and 161 9mm bullets. There were also nine knives, three Samurai swords, a pole outfitted with a spear and blade and a bayonet.

He started with his mother, shooting her in the forehead with a .22 caliber rifle. Then he took four guns to the scene: a .223 caliber Bushmaster rifle, which he used to shoot the students and school workers; a Glock 10mm handgun, which he used on himself; a loaded 9 mm Sig-Sauer handgun found on his body; and a 12-gauge Izhmash Canta shotgun, which he left behind in his mother's Honda Civic outside the school. In the car there were two magazines containing 70 shotgun rounds.

You're just sad that your ideal woman was taken off the market when her crazy son killed her with her own weapon.
Lanza could just as easily run over pedestrians with the Honda Civic entering or leaving the school

Its our modern liberal/progressive that is the threat, not guns
Lanza could just as easily run over pedestrians with the Honda Civic entering or leaving the school
But he didn't, did he?
Its our modern liberal/progressive that is the threat, not guns
Not sure how that is to blame, as Lanza's mom was a right wing nut who wouldn't let the state take care of her disturbed son.

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