How to "Make America Great Again"

Make America GREAT....again????

Wtf?? America is GREAT right now. Of course I am in that top 20%.

If you damn lazy assed people would get off your ASSES, quit whining and get a job, things might take a while to be GREAT, but a job will at least make things better for YOU.
Let's compile a list of all the ways to Make America Great Again
  • Mock handicapped people
  • Call decorated POWs "losers"
  • Get your military advice by watching TV shows
  • Brand all Mexican immigrants as rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
  • Be a crazy birfer
  • Insult Seventh-Day Adventists
  • Threaten lawsuits against someone running negative ads against you
  • Be super thin-skinned that you feel the need to insult everyone and anyone
  • Say that a woman can't be President because she's ugly
What else?

you lefties are soooo sensitive and thin-skinned.....guess that's why you hate the 1st Amendment....

What? I use the first amendment every day. Don't make me laugh!

You may use it, but that doesn't mean you don't hate it. The Nazis and the Commies both too advantage of the free speech their government afforded them. The minute they got into power, they silenced it.
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Compile our forces and take over every country we can.
Make them be nice "or else"!

That will only work if we take all children away from their parents and raise them to be good Christians.
Let's compile a list of all the ways to Make America Great Again
  • Mock handicapped people
  • Call decorated POWs "losers"
  • Get your military advice by watching TV shows
  • Brand all Mexican immigrants as rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
  • Be a crazy birfer
  • Insult Seventh-Day Adventists
  • Threaten lawsuits against someone running negative ads against you
  • Be super thin-skinned that you feel the need to insult everyone and anyone
  • Say that a woman can't be President because she's ugly
What else?

Marry an Immigrant from a socialist country. Play the "trump" card everywhere you go.
Engage in endless smear campaigns against the current leader of the opposing party instead of discussing the policies of your own candidate and how your candidate's policies might help the American people. In other words, since your candidate has no real policies worthy of discussion, attack the opposing candidate over and over in hopes something will stick with someone somewhere. Lay a dense smokescreen.

What can they say? "Here is the new candidate, same as the old candidate..."

"Nominate this Romney/McCain/Dole/Bush us, this will work out way better."

Proverbial definition of insanity...doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Time to try something different.
"Making America Great Again" means being scared of the outside world and of foreigners.

That's "greatness" defined.


The outside world is a mess. Why would any sane person want to import all their problems to our country?
We make America great again by voting out every single liberal out of office and don't let them back in. When you give mentally ill people power over you, your life WILL get screwed up.
"Making America Great Again" means being scared of the outside world and of foreigners.

That's "greatness" defined.


Saying nobody should be rewarded for breaking the law isn't the same as being scared. You come here legally, more power to ya, welcome to the family. Break the law...sorry, but it's time to go home now.

Saying it is prudent to verify that we aren't importing terrorists isn't the same as being scared.

Saying we are tired of exporting American jobs isn't the same as being scared.

Saying we, American Workers, are sick and tired of being on the butt end of every trade agreement isn't the same as being scared.

Saying that instead of sending billions to foreign governments that we are borrowing, and running a 20 trillion dollar debt, we a spending that money here in America...that certainly isn't the same as being scared.

What you call "being scared" is what the rest of us call Common Sense.
Let's compile a list of all the ways to Make America Great Again
  • Mock handicapped people
  • Call decorated POWs "losers"
  • Get your military advice by watching TV shows
  • Brand all Mexican immigrants as rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
  • Be a crazy birfer
  • Insult Seventh-Day Adventists
  • Threaten lawsuits against someone running negative ads against you
  • Be super thin-skinned that you feel the need to insult everyone and anyone
  • Say that a woman can't be President because she's ugly
What else?

Looks like Trump has you panicking, Sonny-boy.

Frankly, I'm appalled by the guy, but I am enjoying watching him make people like you piss yourselves.
OH NO! Another poooooooooor wittle regressivecrat. :itsok:
Trump is great just because he gives so many regressivecrats heart burn. I bet Prilosec sales are going through the roof in blue states.

Uh, Toro is one of you guys. He's just smart enough to realize that the GOP is not well served by a Reality TV Rodeo Clown.

Me. I think that Trump is exactly the candidate that people like Toro deserve. Decades of playing on the religious, racial and sexual fears of white males to get them to vote against their own economic interests, they now have a guy who is scrapping that and just playing to the bile.
Looks like Trump has you panicking, Sonny-boy.

Frankly, I'm appalled by the guy, but I am enjoying watching him make people like you piss yourselves.

He'd create a registry of Mormons, so disgusting douchebag bigots like you will support him.

Oh wait, did I say Mormon? I meant to say "Jews."

Whoops. I meant "Muslims."


Why aren't you supporting Trump? Losers like you is whom he is appealing to.
"Making America Great Again" means being scared of the outside world and of foreigners.

That's "greatness" defined.


I don't think it's a matter of being "scared", it's a matter of realizing that the big corporatists who run both parties and support free trade and amnesty aren't looking out for the economic interests of most Americans.

Trump is the guy who screams the Globalism/Free Trade Emperor has no clothes.
He'd create a registry of Mormons, so disgusting douchebag bigots like you will support him.

Oh wait, did I say Mormon? I meant to say "Jews."

Whoops. I meant "Muslims."


Why aren't you supporting Trump? Losers like you is whom he is appealing to.

You mean people who've worked hard all their lives and watched parasites like you Wall Street types steal it all?

Yeah... you know, you are kind of talking me into it. I know that Trump would be an awful president, but the misery he'd inflict on people like you might make it worth it.
"Making America Great Again" means being scared of the outside world and of foreigners.

That's "greatness" defined.


I don't think it's a matter of being "scared", it's a matter of realizing that the big corporatists who run both parties and support free trade and amnesty aren't looking out for the economic interests of most Americans.

Trump is the guy who screams the Globalism/Free Trade Emperor has no clothes.

Oooohhh, poor bigoted communist is a loser in life.

Support Trump. He's your man!

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