How to Pro Lifer feel about the Texas case


There’s nothing ‘biased’ about asking those who support the state forcing women to give birth against their will how they can claim to be ‘pro-life’ when doing so jeopardizes the life of the mother.

It’s clear hypocrisy – reprehensible, dystopian, and cruel.

A very valid point. How is it pro-life to force a woman to bring to term a child, knowing mother and quite possibly the infant will at birth. Scaraficing on life for another is NOT pro life, nor is forcing woman bring to term a fetus that on delivery kills both mother and child.
Super smart. Since raising a baby so so easy and inexpensive let’s force everybody to just do it even those who are prepared, willing and or able to raise a kid… that’s gonna turn out great for the parents and the kids! You don’t think things through very well do you?
It's not super smart, it's called basic sex education.

I think everything through, that's why you guys fail.

So you think this through - Basic sex education is basic, so why do people want abortions, or do those people find basic sex education tricky?
A lot of draconian decisions are made by Congress, yet nothing is done except voting those same people back into office. If we do not object to the draconian laws they pass, then we cannot complain when a state follows suit, one way or the other.
Texas is hyper gerrymandered. Your vote for non state wide elections means practically nothing.

There’s nothing ‘biased’ about asking those who support the state forcing women to give birth against their will how they can claim to be ‘pro-life’ when doing so jeopardizes the life of the mother.

It’s clear hypocrisy – reprehensible, dystopian, and cruel.
There you go, you just reinforced what I just said. You fucking numpty.
I have participated in numerous discussions about abortion on this forum over the years.

The fact of the matter is that the shitheads that support abortion on demand for the sake of convenience are so morally deficient that they only deserve to be ridiculed. You can't teach what is morally wrong with killing a child as a method of birth control to a stinky turd. The turds will never get it.

You do not have the right to decide for a Woman you do not know, what medical procedures she may or maynot under go. You have no right to decide anything for a person you do not know.

Are you willing to pay for the public education of this child. Are you willing insure this child has a roof over it's head, nutritional food eat and health care. Will you insure that the child is NOT killed active shooter in their school. Forcing the birth is one thing, you have to be willing to do the rest as well.
It's not super smart, it's called basic sex education.

I think everything through, that's why you guys fail.

So you think this through - Basic sex education is basic, so why do people want abortions, or do those people find basic sex education tricky?

In the Tex-Ass case the fetus is NOT viable after birth. It will die in pain.
I have participated in numerous discussions about abortion on this forum over the years.

The fact of the matter is that the shitheads that support abortion on demand for the sake of convenience are so morally deficient that they only deserve to be ridiculed. You can't teach what is morally wrong with killing a child as a method of birth control to a stinky turd. The turds will never get it.

Ridiculed, at the very least.

Sterilized works for me.

After baby-murder #2, if they get that far, capital punishment.

The Texas law allows exceptions to save the health/life of the mother if she can find a doctor to perform the medical procedure.
And that is clearly not good enough. There needs to be exceptions for the condition of the child as well.
A very valid point. How is it pro-life to force a woman to bring to term a child, knowing mother and quite possibly the infant will at birth. Scaraficing on life for another is NOT pro life, nor is forcing woman bring to term a fetus that on delivery kills both mother and child.

And in this case the fetus isn’t even viable due to a fatal disease, where both the mother and fetus end up dead, or the mother unable to have more children.

Conservatives aren’t ‘pro-life,’ they’re anti-life.
I have participated in numerous discussions about abortion on this forum over the years.

The fact of the matter is that the shitheads that support abortion on demand for the sake of convenience are so morally deficient that they only deserve to be ridiculed. You can't teach what is morally wrong with killing a child as a method of birth control to a stinky turd. The turds will never get it.
I’m not talking about any of that hyperbolic crap. I’m talking about this case in Texas. Do better
This is a case of Twilight Zone filth / Leftists pushing for extreme bullshit. All you disgusting abnormals have to do is stop with the…..”abortion used as contraception should be embraced”….the “abortions at delivery is acceptable”…..the “ABORTIONS ARE SO FUCKING COOL!” bunch of bullshit and you won’t see this extreme pushback against your filthy desires.
It’s time you become reasonable and logical like all legit human beings are.
In other words you have to put your poopy pants on because some posters have a more medically knowledgeable, not southern evangelical slurring of the gospels opinions than you.

Make sure you take the adult sized wipes with you.
There you go, you just reinforced what I just said. You fucking numpty.
Conservatives are as much cowards and they are hypocrites, lacking the courage and honesty to acknowledge their own hypocrisy.

For conservatives, abortion ‘bans’ aren’t about ‘saving babies,’ they’re about the right’s authoritarian agenda to compel conformity and punish dissent, to increase the power of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
It's not super smart, it's called basic sex education.

I think everything through, that's why you guys fail.

So you think this through - Basic sex education is basic, so why do people want abortions, or do those people find basic sex education tricky?
Because sex isn’t only about making babies. It’s an animal instinct and act of connection, expression, love and pleasure. It’s not up to the government to force people have children if they don’t want children. Do you expect people who don’t want kids to not have sex?
Because sex isn’t only about making babies. It’s an animal instinct and act of connection, expression, love and pleasure. It’s not up to the government to force people have children if they don’t want children. Do you expect people who don’t want kids to not have sex?
If these "God Complex" fools have their way there will be no sex for any reason save pregnancy.

Remember they want to ban all contraceptives also.
How long before they attempt to make teenagers go to prison for sex outside of marriage.
For conservatives, abortion ‘bans’ aren’t about ‘saving babies,’

For probably all of us conservatives that don't let The Bible dictate our politics it is. The religious right SO fu(ked themselves and me when they pushed abortion on SCOTUS. I called this last mid-term election 'the price of gas vs. abortion' and abortion won. Not by a landslide but a win is a win. If it wasn't for the Hobbs deal the last mid-term would have been a shellacking for the left. The religious right snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. We had the abortion deal as good as it gets before and some 70% of America agreed. The other 30% wanted to kill babies up to after birth or force their religion on you blasphemous heathens.

they’re about the right’s authoritarian agenda to compel conformity and punish dissent, to increase the power of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

Fu(k them people. They want a theocracy. I call them the 'Christian Taliban.' I could go on and on but you people have a very short attention span and I'd get the...


Ridiculed, at the very least.

Sterilized works for me.

After baby-murder #2, if they get that far, capital punishment.

These stupid Moon Bats are incapable of understanding what is wrong with killing children as a birth control method, which is what all those turds support. They simply don't have the moral foundation to know that it is wrong.

You can't reason with turds like that. Ridicule is well deserved.

And in this case the fetus isn’t even viable due to a fatal disease, where both the mother and fetus end up dead, or the mother unable to have more children.

Conservatives aren’t ‘pro-life,’ they’re anti-life.

More like Anti-Woman. The Misogny runs deep in MAGA land. Killing a Mother and Child is NOT pro-life, it is double murder.

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