How to Pro Lifer feel about the Texas case

Pro lifers were the ones who fought to put laws like this in place. Pro choice supporters obviously don’t agree with Paxton. The interesting element of this story that caused me to create a thread about it was to engage with the “spectrum” of pro life supporters and talk about the gray area.

That’s not an intently politics game, it’s a legit focus for discussion
Do pro choicers want people to make their choice before or after intercourse?
If there was no intent, you would have said, "Everyone". Obviously you didn't realise your bias came out and on display.
Of course there’s intent to engage with pro lifers. But it had nothing to do with bias and it wasn’t an identity politics game. Am I not allowed to ask people who support a position where the lines are?
I can’t speak for everybody but in my case… both
Common sense would dictate that you make choices before, afterwards is called hindsight.

I chose to mountain bike through a forest and break my knee. Hindsight taught me that I shouldn't have been so competitive, and bought the knee, elbow, and hand protection pads BEFORE setting off and not afterwards.

If you don't wish to be a mother or a father, simply make your choice before intercourse, before breaking your knee.
Common sense would dictate that you make choices before, afterwards is called hindsight.

I chose to mountain bike through a forest and break my knee. Hindsight taught me that I shouldn't have been so competitive, and bought the knee, elbow, and hand protection pads BEFORE setting off and not afterwards.

If you don't wish to be a mother or a father, simply make your choice before intercourse, before breaking your knee.
You made the choice to mountain and knew the risks. You broke your knee. You now have another choice, you can put it in a cast or you can get surgery and pins… that’s your choice to make with you doctor.

Get it? ;-)
Common sense would dictate that you make choices before, afterwards is called hindsight.

I chose to mountain bike through a forest and break my knee. Hindsight taught me that I shouldn't have been so competitive, and bought the knee, elbow, and hand protection pads BEFORE setting off and not afterwards.

If you don't wish to be a mother or a father, simply make your choice before intercourse, before breaking your knee.
Such would require a great understanding of the causation principle, of consequences, of sound decision making, of accountability, of personal responsibility.
All of the aforementioned are areas of extreme struggle for Leftists / Slade3200
You made the choice to mountain and knew the risks. You broke your knee. You now have another choice, you can put it in a cast or you can get surgery and pins… that’s your choice to make with you doctor.

Get it? ;-)
You chose to have intercourse, you didn't want to be a mother/father, you knew the risk. You now have another choice, which baby grows and cot to buy.

Get it? ;-)
Such would require a great understanding of the causation principle, of consequences, of sound decision making, of accountability, of personal responsibility.
All of the aforementioned are areas of extreme struggle for Leftists / Slade3200
You’re trying very hard to sound smart but you’re supporting a flawed analogy as I pointed out in my reply. You’re always good for a laugh I’ll give you that
You chose to have intercourse, you didn't want to be a mother/father, you knew the risk. You now have another choice, which baby grows and cot to buy.

Get it? ;-)
Super smart. Since raising a baby so so easy and inexpensive let’s force everybody to just do it even those who are prepared, willing and or able to raise a kid… that’s gonna turn out great for the parents and the kids! You don’t think things through very well do you?
Any Pro Lifers out there see something wrong with what’s happening in Texas? A woman who wants to be a mother has a non viable pregnancy… meaning the fetus will not survive and aborting the pregnancy is the best thing for her health and for her future ability to have kids.

I judge ruled that she can have the abortion and Paxton is petitioning the Texas Supreme Court to stop it… he is also threatening hospitals so they will not help this woman.

Anybody see something wrong with this situation??
Clearly those who support the state denying this woman her right to reproductive autonomy are not ‘pro-life.’
If there was no intent, you would have said, "Everyone". Obviously you didn't realise your bias came out and on display.

There’s nothing ‘biased’ about asking those who support the state forcing women to give birth against their will how they can claim to be ‘pro-life’ when doing so jeopardizes the life of the mother.

It’s clear hypocrisy – reprehensible, dystopian, and cruel.
Just making a pertinent comment about Moon Bats.

You lack the necessary qualifications to considered an intelligent life form. What you lack in basic understanding is more than made by your lack of comprehensive thinking. Telling some one to do something that you have failed to do yourself (on more than one occasion) is truly laughable.
No, you are ranting about generalities and stereotypes. See if you can engage directly for once
I have participated in numerous discussions about abortion on this forum over the years.

The fact of the matter is that the shitheads that support abortion on demand for the sake of convenience are so morally deficient that they only deserve to be ridiculed. You can't teach what is morally wrong with killing a child as a method of birth control to a stinky turd. The turds will never get it.

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