How to Pro Lifer feel about the Texas case

Woman has two kids. Had them by c-section. Gets pregnant with a healthy fetus but decides now is not a good time for a third. You know, starting a new job and all. Decides she does not want to undergo a surgical procedure right now.

Why would she not have the same right?
She should have the same right
Blah blah blah bullshit bullshit bullshit.
Just an attempt to use the courts to persue the pro abort agenda. Middle/upper class Dallas woman fully able to travel doing the lawyers and publicity game. Shreveport is 3 hours east on I-20 if this is an actual medical necessity.
She should have to travel out of state. Many women who go through the same thing don’t have means to just travel to a different state. The law and gov shouldn’t be preventing her from doing what she needs to do.
It is rather telling that, after fighting abortion for decades, the right had exactly zero plans on what to do when they won the fight. If there ever was an example of pols simply spouting off BS to garner support from the base, abortion is it.

The fastest way to force abortions as a right up until birth is to create edge cases exactly like this. No one outside of the rabid partisans support this kind of idiocy. And is is not as though this was a surprise. These cases have existed forever and are extremely easy to deal with in the law - a basic exception for IDLH and severe medical complications is not complicated.
Well said. This should be a no brainer no matter what you view is on abortions
This is a case of Twilight Zone filth / Leftists pushing for extreme bullshit. All you disgusting abnormals have to do is stop with the…..”abortion used as contraception should be embraced”….the “abortions at delivery is acceptable”…..the “ABORTIONS ARE SO FUCKING COOL!” bunch of bullshit and you won’t see this extreme pushback against your filthy desires.
It’s time you become reasonable and logical like all legit human beings are.
Don’t come in here with your distortions and pretend like you care about life. You’ve made you views of humans very clear.
Texas conservatives: Hmmmm what can we do to really piss women off and try to turn this state blue?
I can offer an answer of sorts to the OP question. I am a “pro-lifer.” As such, I have long recognized some necessary exceptions to any law against abortions. The main one has always been the risk of the loss of life to the mother. Second is: the risk of genuine danger to her continuing health.

I include a few others such as: any outcome requiring a child to give birth; cases of rape; cases of incest. These are not necessarily logically consistent since the innocent life is still an innocent life. But the alternative demands that we consider some exceptions, I believe.

Now to address the Texas case. The pregnant woman is married and has had two prior pregnancies (live births). She goes to preserve her ability to have another child in the future, but this pregnancy puts that prospect at grave risk. Plus, the medical status of the embryo is that it won’t survive anyway.

Under this circumstances, I don’t understand how Texas can deny her the medical right to get treated.
What did I say to make you think I was playing the identity politics game?
You equated the story/link to those that are "pro life", as though they have to defend the story. But there's a spectrum, like myself, if abortion is for healthcare reasons and not for a standard normal pregnancy, the the medical treatment should be abortion.

So rather than single out "pro lifers", why not ask everyone their thoughts. So you were blatant in the intent of your op. This is due to American culture, the majority are binary thinkers.
You equated the story/link to those that are "pro life", as though they have to defend the story.
Not at all. I would expect pro life supporters to recognize that there is something wrong with this situation and support condemning Paxton’s actions and making necessary changes. Those who would defend Paxton I’de happily debate the merits of their argument.
Not at all. I would expect pro life supporters to recognize that there is something wrong with this situation and support condemning Paxton’s actions and making necessary changes. Those who would defend Paxton I’de happily debate the merits of their argument.
If there was no intent, you would have said, "Everyone". Obviously you didn't realise your bias came out and on display.
So rather than single out "pro lifers", why not ask everyone their thoughts.
Pro lifers were the ones who fought to put laws like this in place. Pro choice supporters obviously don’t agree with Paxton. The interesting element of this story that caused me to create a thread about it was to engage with the “spectrum” of pro life supporters and talk about the gray area.

That’s not an identity politics game, it’s a legit focus for discussion
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