How to stop the police from breaking the law, Arizona style.

Why do you want to be in the middle of a confrontation? You would be involving and possibly interfering but like I said, I don't and won't agree with you are I see it as sensible and you see it differently and I am good with it.
I am not in the middle of anything. I am 8 feet away.

But if I start recording video, I am suddenly in violation of the law.

Now why is that? Why should that be?
I think its good they have officially set a limit,, from watching a lot of the 1st auditors stuff they are just fine with it and are usually more than 8 ft,

think about if you were a cop and what youve seen some cops go through with wild nutjobs, 8 ft is less than two steps away and if a subject decided to attack you wouldnt want to be tripping over someone with a camera with your fist step,,

I'm ok with it as long as cops dont abuse it even though I know some will,,
I'm not particularly against an 8 foot rule if the Courts would hold it firm but we know they do not. And, once again, as others have said, this law didn't ban playing Angry Birds within 8 feet, only recording.

Others, perhaps you - I don't remember who, said that there are already laws about interfering that cover the activities such as playing Angry Birds. If that's the case then wouldn't those other laws also cover recording?

This law is not about officer safety; it's about protecting criminal cops.
No, I simply understand reality. You either don't or pretend you don't.
The reality is that unconstitutional laws do get enforced until overturned, you are correct.

What I understand and it turns out that you don't understand or care about is that we have a Constitution that is intended to make sure that emotional assholes don't get to abuse our rights. It's hard to change the Constitution intentionally. And then there are people like you who encourage the government to violate it when it suits you and then you whine and cry like a baby when they violate your own rights.

You have no moral right to ever again complain about violations of anyone's rights, any right. You not only accept intentional violations of the Constitution, you encourage it. You are an anti-constitutional enemy of the United States.

A law in the US state of Arizona will ban people from filming police officers at short distances, with possible fines or jail for those who don't comply.

Critics call the law a threat to free speech and the right to a free press.

Police are often filmed by bystanders and footage has occasionally resulted in officer misconduct being exposed."

If it's not filmed, it's not illegal.... WAYYYHEYYYYY!!!
Republicans voters will of course defend this because they are morons. We all know how they’d react if a democrat did this instead.
Did you bother to read the article? The law bans people filming police within EIGHT FEET. People that close are interfering with the police and endangering themselves, the suspect and the officer. Beyond eight feet it’s still legal to film.
Lol shut up. If a democrat passed this instead you’d be whining like a bitch right now.
Clearly frigid weirdo likes it when hoodlums surround cops in action. Makes it easier for one of them to pull a weapon and take the officer out.
Weirdo hates cops.
If that made any sense as justification, it would have to be illegal to be within 8 feet of a cop period.
Anyone else want to venture an answer, where Papageorgio tapped out?
I didn’t tap out asshole, my whole life isn’t dedicated to a message board, I can’t help if that is all you have in your life Is this board, didn’t realize how pathetic your life is. Why do you need to be within 8 feet of law enforcement questioning a suspicious person. Why do you need to be filming within 8 feet of an officer conducting an arrest, issuing a summons or enforcing the law? Why do you need to be within eight feet of an officer handling an emotionally disturbed or disorderly person who is exhibiting abnormal behavior. It seems you are putting yourself in harms way, and potential for getting hurt by any sort of scuffle that may or may not happen. You have failed to convince me why this law is bad, seems reasonable.
Police are obviously going to abuse this shit. Someone could be clearly 10 feet away and some small dick douche bag cop is going to order them to stop filming or else.
You had 3 chances. This makes 4.

You tapped out. Let's see if someone else will grow a pair.

Why should I be fine standing 8 feet away, but then suddenly in violation of the law, if I start recording a video?
Cops will inevitably abuse this. You can be 10 feet away and some small dick cop is going to tell someone to turn it off.
You didn't answer the question at all. You dodged it.
Because a law was passed and they consider it obstruction, being to close to law enforcement when they are performing their duty and is putting yourself in potential danger zone and if the police tell you to back up and you don’t it is obstruction and you can be arrested. No right is being taken away from you and if you want to challenge it go for it.

Even if you did have some examples , so what ? There are thousands of cops in America. Every occupation has a few bad apples. That's normal.
What is not normal is accusing innocent cops of murder, arresting them, and in some cases, throwing them in jail.

And I DO HAVE EXAMPLES >> Derek Chauvin, Michael Slager, Betty Shelby, Jeronimo Yanez.

Cops will inevitably abuse this. You can be 10 feet away and some small dick cop is going to tell someone to turn it off.
They dont carry tape measures around with them. For safety's sake, stay 15 feet away. It;s still pretty close and cell phone cameras have Zoom. Nobody needs to be close to the police.
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