How to stop violent crime.


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
What do you think of this idea. It's pretty harsh, and some might even say it's unconstitutional. But it would work.

It's pretty simple. If anyone commits a crime with a deadly weapon, they receive an automatic death penalty. This would require two reliable witnesses, DNA evidence, fingerprint evidence, ballistics, or other irrefutable evidence.. If found guilty, you get two appeals. That's it. Sentence to be carried out immediately after the third appeal. If we had a law like this, the people who commit such crimes would all be dead.
Agreed. Let’s be more like China.
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What do you think of this idea. It's pretty harsh, and some might even say it's unconstitutional. But it would work.

It's pretty simple. If anyone commits a crime with a deadly weapon, they receive an automatic death penalty. This would require two reliable witnesses, DNA evidence, fingerprint evidence, ballistics, or other irrefutable evidence.. If found guilty, you get two appeals. That's it. Sentence to be carried out immediately after the third appeal. If we had a law like this, the people who commit such crimes would all be dead.
Never get past the Constitution..
5,000 jumping jacks first, then a little waterboarding, then some cake. Then death.
What do you think of this idea. It's pretty harsh, and some might even say it's unconstitutional. But it would work.

It's pretty simple. If anyone commits a crime with a deadly weapon, they receive an automatic death penalty. This would require two reliable witnesses, DNA evidence, fingerprint evidence, ballistics, or other irrefutable evidence.. If found guilty, you get two appeals. That's it. Sentence to be carried out immediately after the third appeal. If we had a law like this, the people who commit such crimes would all be dead.

Death penalty prosecution takes too long and costs millions more per case.
If people BELIEVE in paying for that, let taxpayers CHOOSE to fund it.
If people don't, then by religious freedom, let those taxpayers pay for life in prison with programs in rehab and restitution where they work to pay back victims
and society. See letter copied below on this issue involving religious beliefs.

Better to set up citizenship agreements
where people agree to 2 years in military service or law enforcement
or 4 years in health care or education; and agree to comply with all laws
and authority to live in a district with this policy or pay all costs incurred to taxpayers
and victims if they are convicted of a crime (which requires full compliance and disclosure)
or agree to DEPORTATION and trade places with sweatshop workers in Mexican prisons.

If we make it an even exchange where anyone applying for citizenship
has to take over the work owed by a criminal getting deported, then
we can pay taxpayers back for crimes and costs, reward citizenship
to people who work and obey laws, and deport anyone who refused to comply.

Death penalty alternative
Regarding "Jury sentences Bellaire cop killer to death" (Page B1, Wednesday), I believe the law should
include other alternatives besides either the death penalty or life in prison without parole,
which adds to the burden on taxpayers and security risks to prison personnel.

I applaud the prosecuting attorneys for meting out the most severe punishment to those such as Harlem Lewis III,
found guilty of deliberately killing a law officer; but I believe the government should offer the option of
revoking citizenship in place of imposing the death penalty. Not everyone agrees the state has authority to
terminate life, but since government grants citizenship, it should equally exercise full power to revoke it
and to deport individuals who refuse to comply with law enforcement, regardless of birthright.

Perhaps it's time the U.S. government started a prison exchange program with Mexico and other countries,
where convicts who commit premeditated crimes could face deportation.

Considering Lewis' young age at 23, he could still work for the rest of his life to pay restitution to society,
such as through a Mexican prison, losing his rights to live freely in the U.S. as a consequence for abusing
those freedoms and as a stronger deterrent against capital offenses.

Emily T. Nghiem

Thursday letters: Death penalty, immigration, marijuana
Copyright 2014: Houston Chronicle | July 30, 2014 | Updated: July 30, 2014 7:26pm
Very Special Thanks to the Editors:
The Houston Chronicle, July 30, 2014

Death is a spiritual issue
Regarding Dudley Sharp's article
on defense lawyers in death penalty
cases ("Facts don't support ABA's
death penalty action," Outlook, Feb.
15), I agree with his suggestion the
American Bar Association police its
own members and disbar attorneys
providing inadequate counsel.

However, I would take such
scrutiny one step further. Since life
and death are inherently spiritual
issues, the decision to terminate life
clearly becomes a religious matter.
Thus no execution [can] be en-
dorsed or carried out by the state
without violating constitutional law.

Public resources are better spent
on mediation training and lawful
alternatives to capital punishment,
instead of being wasted fighting
unconstitutional practices.

Emily T. Nghiem, Houston
Houston Chronicle (Viewpoints), February 20, 1997
they receive an automatic death penalty
That is a caring and sensitive Christian idea.

But the NRA would lobby against it. Arms manufactures would loose a gun-tote'n customer.
they receive an automatic death penalty
That is a caring and sensitive Christian idea.

But the NRA would lobby against it. Arms manufactures would loose a gun-tote'n customer.
If someone commits a crime, knowing what the penalty is, they deserve what they get. Yes. That is a Christian idea. And less than one tenth of one percent of guns are ever involved in a crime. You are a blithering idiot. You should kill yourself. It will stop the pain.
What do you think of this idea. It's pretty harsh, and some might even say it's unconstitutional. But it would work.

It's pretty simple. If anyone commits a crime with a deadly weapon, they receive an automatic death penalty. This would require two reliable witnesses, DNA evidence, fingerprint evidence, ballistics, or other irrefutable evidence.. If found guilty, you get two appeals. That's it. Sentence to be carried out immediately after the third appeal. If we had a law like this, the people who commit such crimes would all be dead.

You know, one time my command pulled into Jiddah Saudi Arabia. One of the things we were told is that we HAD to be back on the ship from 1500 to 1700 on Friday afternoon, because that is when the executions were done in the town square. The day before, they take and dump a whole big pile of sand in the square. People who were to be executed were marched to the top of the hill and killed. My command thought that it would be too extreme for us to see which is why we were required to be back on the ship.

A day or two later, some of the American families there offered to have some of us over to their house for dinner. One of the subjects that came up was the executions and how they went about doing it. What you just described in your OP is pretty much how they do it in Saudi Arabia. If you are convicted of a crime, you get 3 appeals, which are heard once a month by a circuit judge when he comes by. Lose your 3rd appeal? Lose your head.

So OP, do you support Sharia law? You pretty much just described it.
If someone commits a crime, knowing what the penalty is, they deserve what they get. Yes. That is a Christian idea. And less than one tenth of one percent of guns are ever involved in a crime. You are a blithering idiot. You should kill yourself. It will stop the pain.
Wow. You are sure a murder monger and abrasive for a Christian.
If someone commits a crime, knowing what the penalty is, they deserve what they get. Yes. That is a Christian idea. And less than one tenth of one percent of guns are ever involved in a crime. You are a blithering idiot. You should kill yourself. It will stop the pain.
Wow. You are sure a murder monger and abrasive for a Christian.

Actually, his "solution" sounds more like Sharia law than it does Christian.

BTW, cool name Wuwei. Are you a Taoist?
Actually, his "solution" sounds more like Sharia law than it does Christian.

BTW, cool name Wuwei. Are you a Taoist?
Sometimes I really don't understand the mind of an evangelical.
And yes, a Taoist.
Actually, his "solution" sounds more like Sharia law than it does Christian.

BTW, cool name Wuwei. Are you a Taoist?
Sometimes I really don't understand the mind of an evangelical.
And yes, a Taoist.

You know, growing up in foster care, I ended up living with a few different families, and every time I switched families, they had a different brand of Christianity than where I had just come from. Each family told me when I got there that the people I lived with before had religion wrong, and I now had to believe as they did.

Heavy trip for a young kid through teenager.

When I got older and joined the Navy, I started to look for some type of belief system that I could get behind, but none of them seemed "right" to me because of all the bigotry, especially against others who weren't just like them.

Well, I started to look into the Eastern belief systems and was pretty cool with Buddhism, but I couldn't get behind the idea that a man could in effect become a deity (a Buddha), because I felt a need to believe in a higher power.

A friend of mine saw me reading a book on Buddhism and asked me what I thought. I told him about the idea of becoming a Buddha sounding wrong to me, so he went and got me a book that had a chapter on Tao in it. I really liked what I read, and told him so. He then told me to get a copy of "The Tao of Pooh", read it and get back to him. I really liked what was in there, and we discussed it some more, and then he told me what copy of the Tao Te Ching to buy. It's the one with a blue cover with a red border that is translated by Red Pine and has the original Mangwari texts in the corner, with several interpretations of the verse by various scholars down through the years. If you don't have a copy of that one, I recommend checking it out. Probably the best Tao Te Ching translation that I've ever seen.

Yeah, I'm a Taoist as well.
If someone commits a crime, knowing what the penalty is, they deserve what they get. Yes. That is a Christian idea. And less than one tenth of one percent of guns are ever involved in a crime. You are a blithering idiot. You should kill yourself. It will stop the pain.
Wow. You are sure a murder monger and abrasive for a Christian.
Dispensing justice is not murder. And think about how many lives it would save. The reason, the ONLY reason, we have high crime rates is because we are too soft on crime.

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