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How to talk to complete idiots

It IS pretty rewarding when that happens. And our demeanor in engaging another determines whether they will be receptive to our ideas or not.

I have never and will never understand the point of posting in a forum just as a cheerleader or propagandist appealing to emotions. It seems so nonproductive. The only folks who will agree with you are already in your same camp. How boring.

One sometimes grows tired of the constant BS and naming calling. Notice it is the messenger who gets shot - is there any validity to the message is the real question. Few ever face that harder fact.

Once when someone asked me to join their forum they put forth the philosophy that you cannot change the Garyds or the Ringel05s, and Eots is a conspiracy buff. Their point was you post for the anonymous readers, for the searchers, for those still open to ideas. Who can change the birthers, the tea partiers, or the fundies? How can you change what is beyond reason?

I was going to change my avatar after the election, but a few told me it made them sick so obviously being the contrarian I am, I kept it and will keep it till .... jeez hard to say.

I do not write for those who agree with me, I do not write for those who will always disagree with me, I write for those who can still think. midcan

I've maybe managed to have one person change their point of view in my life. Well worth it.

What does your avatar say? I cannot read the comic.
The irony is you are everything you say others are, but from the point of view of Obama worship.

Its amusing and ironic to hear you attempt to wax poetic on the faults of others while missing the face that stares back at you in a mirror, to paraphrase an earlier comment.

For every 'birther' there is a midcan5, willing to say or do anything in support of a political leader you probaly never heard of two years ago.

If you wish to see an example of how to speak to an idiot, I just provided it for you.

So you're attempting to compare criticism of a political ideology to the bizarro world of the birthers as an "example"???

Right and left political debating has been with us since God gave us political parties. Midcan argues his side, and you argue yours.

What's strange about that? The "idiots" are those on the fringe who attempt to make everything in their lives either to the right or to the left, right down to the food they prefer or the shoes they wear. I remember when Howard Dean was running and he was accused by the fringe right at that time of being supported by "latte drinking, Berkinstalk wearing elitists" when in fact that label hardly defined true Vermonters but ironically the conservative big city elitists that Vermonters label "flatlanders."
Three basic options. Choose wisely, lest you go totally insane

By Mark Morford

"The absolute best way to speak to complete idiots is, of course, not to speak to them at all.

That is, you work around them, ignore them completely, disregard the rants and the spittle and the misspelled protest signs and the fervent prayers for apocalypse on Fox News. Complete refusal to take the fringe nutballs even the slightest bit seriously is the only way to make true progress."

How to talk to complete idiots / Three basic options. Choose wisely, lest you go totally insane

YouTube - Frank Schaeffer on Rachel Maddow

Just talk to Rachel Maddow, she will spread the news to the other idiots who listen to her, including you.
Only from the standpoint of haughty elitist snobs, like yourself.

Yep, that's usually how cons tend to describe anyone from the left who is well-read, smart and articulate. They just can't stand it that they might just be, er, right so out come the smug references.
How to talk to complete idiots

Unfortunately, this columnist suffers from the same level of idiocy he decries. For example:

This Rule of Idiocy also explains why, when you show certain jumpy, conservative Americans the irrefutable facts about, say, skyrocketing health care costs that are draining their bank accounts, and then show how Obama's rather modest overhaul is meant to save members of all ages and genders and party affiliations a significant amount of money while providing basic insurance for their family, they, too, will scream and kick like a child made to eat a single bite of broccoli.

With this one sentence he has chosen to ignore the massive inefficiency and debt for which the government is famous. Medicare is going broke, yet he closes his eyes to that fact. Somehow he believes that Obama is going to make everything better with a 'modest overhaul' that will save everyone money. It takes a brainwashed idiot to believe that.

This was a funny read. Do you have anymore comedy pieces you would like to share? :lol:

Frankly, I don't think either of those arguments is "idiotic," which is why there has been so much debate over the health care reform issue. Both points are accurate.
Nah if Sarah spoe the language of idiots the left woulod understand her rather than fear her.

Then someday you must explain her two resignation speeches, which I listened to three times and each time left me, well, speechless and scratching my head.
Just continually use the terms "Hope" and "Change"... the idiots will stay riveted to you and hang on your every word... probably vote for you too... and will be so captivated that when the cracks in your painted on armor do show, they will still focus on those 2 words and repeat them for you ad nauseum

The words hope and change are used by every party in every campaign. It's what new elections are all about!! Obama just happened to capture the words as part of his slogan. There, I just proved an idiot statement. Why is that deemed important in any event?
How to talk to complete idiots

Unfortunately, this columnist suffers from the same level of idiocy he decries. For example:

This Rule of Idiocy also explains why, when you show certain jumpy, conservative Americans the irrefutable facts about, say, skyrocketing health care costs that are draining their bank accounts, and then show how Obama's rather modest overhaul is meant to save members of all ages and genders and party affiliations a significant amount of money while providing basic insurance for their family, they, too, will scream and kick like a child made to eat a single bite of broccoli.

With this one sentence he has chosen to ignore the massive inefficiency and debt for which the government is famous. Medicare is going broke, yet he closes his eyes to that fact. Somehow he believes that Obama is going to make everything better with a 'modest overhaul' that will save everyone money. It takes a brainwashed idiot to believe that.

This was a funny read. Do you have anymore comedy pieces you would like to share? :lol:

Frankly, I don't think either of those arguments is "idiotic," which is why there has been so much debate over the health care reform issue. Both points are accurate.

Point taken, but this guy fails to acknowledge the problems with government run anything, and calls people 'idiots' who do not believe as he does. That kind of blatant arrogance proves he's the real idiot.
Unfortunately, this columnist suffers from the same level of idiocy he decries. For example:

With this one sentence he has chosen to ignore the massive inefficiency and debt for which the government is famous. Medicare is going broke, yet he closes his eyes to that fact. Somehow he believes that Obama is going to make everything better with a 'modest overhaul' that will save everyone money. It takes a brainwashed idiot to believe that.

This was a funny read. Do you have anymore comedy pieces you would like to share? :lol:

Frankly, I don't think either of those arguments is "idiotic," which is why there has been so much debate over the health care reform issue. Both points are accurate.

Point taken, but this guy fails to acknowledge the problems with government run anything, and calls people 'idiots' who do not believe as he does. That kind of blatant arrogance proves he's the real idiot.

and a hypocrite .....

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