How to Understand Obama's Unemployment Figures

Unemployment goes down when those receiving unemployment benefits shrink.

Of course unemployment numbers don't speak for the other 10-18% who don't have a job and exhausted their benefits...

Obamafuck has shrunk the workforce - and that is his goal - destroy the workforce until ONLY UNIONIZED businesses exist...

Like this?
DOJ Advises Gibson Guitar to Export Labor to Madagascar
DOJ Advises Gibson Guitar to Export Labor to Madagascar | RedState
Election year propaganda from a dishonest GOP site.
The CBO stated these numbers are not to be trusted and 1.6% should be added for a real picture. Damn government punking government.

They said no such thing...that's your interpretation.

So says the one that denies obama's appointed people run those departments that issues the numbers.

Because the Sec Labor has ZERO involvement with the numbers, and the outgoing and current commissioners were not appointed by Obama.
OH you mean that information obama's appointed people produces?

Name those people. Or STFU.

Who's in charge of the department of labor, and the census bureau? Shouldn't the people in charge know what the people are doing in their charge and what information they are producing and where they get the information?

Yes, but they should have no involvement in the production or dissemination of the numbers.
Name those people. Or STFU.

Who's in charge of the department of labor, and the census bureau? Shouldn't the people in charge know what the people are doing in their charge and what information they are producing and where they get the information?

Yes, but they should have no involvement in the production or dissemination of the numbers.

Now it's they should not have involvement? Is obama and the people whom he has appointed trust worthy?
They said no such thing...that's your interpretation.

So says the one that denies obama's appointed people run those departments that issues the numbers.

Because the Sec Labor has ZERO involvement with the numbers, and the outgoing and current commissioners were not appointed by Obama.

So she doesn't control the people that works for him? They work independently of her direction? They can submit any number they want too?
Unemployment goes down when those receiving unemployment benefits shrink.

Of course unemployment numbers don't speak for the other 10-18% who don't have a job and exhausted their benefits...

Obamafuck has shrunk the workforce - and that is his goal - destroy the workforce until ONLY UNIONIZED businesses exist...

Like this?
DOJ Advises Gibson Guitar to Export Labor to Madagascar
DOJ Advises Gibson Guitar to Export Labor to Madagascar | RedState
Election year propaganda from a dishonest GOP site.

September 13, 2011 WAS NOT ELECTION YEAR
So says the one that denies obama's appointed people run those departments that issues the numbers.

Because the Sec Labor has ZERO involvement with the numbers, and the outgoing and current commissioners were not appointed by Obama.

So she doesn't control the people that works for him? They work independently of her direction?
Correct. BLS is an independent statistical agency. They only fall under DOL for admin purposes...payroll, training, etc. Operationally, they are completely independent of the main DOL. They're even in a different building from the rest of DOL.

They can submit any number they want too?
No, there are rules, proceedures, laws and oversight by the OMB and Congress. But no, they don't need approval from anyone but the commissioner to publish the numbers, and that's a formality.
Every month the Commissioner is required to go before Congress for the Employment report.

Again, no one outside the production office is allowed access to the data. The day before publication, the Commissoner looks and signs off and it's sent to GPO for publication. Then the Chief of the Council of Economic Advisors is given a copy. There is literally no time to go back and fiddle with the numbers.
Because the Sec Labor has ZERO involvement with the numbers, and the outgoing and current commissioners were not appointed by Obama.

So she doesn't control the people that works for him? They work independently of her direction?
Correct. BLS is an independent statistical agency. They only fall under DOL for admin purposes...payroll, training, etc. Operationally, they are completely independent of the main DOL. They're even in a different building from the rest of DOL.

They can submit any number they want too?
No, there are rules, proceedures, laws and oversight by the OMB and Congress. But no, they don't need approval from anyone but the commissioner to publish the numbers, and that's a formality.
Every month the Commissioner is required to go before Congress for the Employment report.

Again, no one outside the production office is allowed access to the data. The day before publication, the Commissoner looks and signs off and it's sent to GPO for publication. Then the Chief of the Council of Economic Advisors is given a copy. There is literally no time to go back and fiddle with the numbers.

So you're saying that the people who work for her can submit any numbers that they wish too? She the boss and has nothing to say about what they submit? She has to sign off on them at least. Why does a newspaper have a editor?
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So she doesn't control the people that works for him? They work independently of her direction?
Correct. BLS is an independent statistical agency. They only fall under DOL for admin purposes...payroll, training, etc. Operationally, they are completely independent of the main DOL. They're even in a different building from the rest of DOL.

They can submit any number they want too?
No, there are rules, proceedures, laws and oversight by the OMB and Congress. But no, they don't need approval from anyone but the commissioner to publish the numbers, and that's a formality.
Every month the Commissioner is required to go before Congress for the Employment report.

Again, no one outside the production office is allowed access to the data. The day before publication, the Commissoner looks and signs off and it's sent to GPO for publication. Then the Chief of the Council of Economic Advisors is given a copy. There is literally no time to go back and fiddle with the numbers.

So you're saying that the people who work for her can submit any numbers that they wish too?
No, I did not say that. I said she has nothing to do with the production of any BLS data. That's not the same thing as saying they can just make up numbers out of thin air.

She the boss and has nothing to say about what they submit? She has to sign off on them at least. Why does a newspaper have a editor?
No, she does not sign off on them...she has nothing to do with them except for pay, training and other administrative functions. She can certainly apply pressure if there is something wrong with the data (actually wrong, not just if she doesn't like them), but otherwise no involvement.
So she doesn't control the people that works for him? They work independently of her direction?
Correct. BLS is an independent statistical agency. They only fall under DOL for admin purposes...payroll, training, etc. Operationally, they are completely independent of the main DOL. They're even in a different building from the rest of DOL.

They can submit any number they want too?
No, there are rules, proceedures, laws and oversight by the OMB and Congress. But no, they don't need approval from anyone but the commissioner to publish the numbers, and that's a formality.
Every month the Commissioner is required to go before Congress for the Employment report.

Again, no one outside the production office is allowed access to the data. The day before publication, the Commissoner looks and signs off and it's sent to GPO for publication. Then the Chief of the Council of Economic Advisors is given a copy. There is literally no time to go back and fiddle with the numbers.

So you're saying that the people who work for her can submit any numbers that they wish too? She the boss and has nothing to say about what they submit? She has to sign off on them at least. Why does a newspaper have a editor?

The thought that ANY government agency has authority to act without oversight or supervision or permission from anybody is pretty damn scary to me. If that is the way it is we have already lost our Republic and are operating under unseen influences that may or may not have our best interests at heart.
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Correct. BLS is an independent statistical agency. They only fall under DOL for admin purposes...payroll, training, etc. Operationally, they are completely independent of the main DOL. They're even in a different building from the rest of DOL.

No, there are rules, proceedures, laws and oversight by the OMB and Congress. But no, they don't need approval from anyone but the commissioner to publish the numbers, and that's a formality.
Every month the Commissioner is required to go before Congress for the Employment report.

Again, no one outside the production office is allowed access to the data. The day before publication, the Commissoner looks and signs off and it's sent to GPO for publication. Then the Chief of the Council of Economic Advisors is given a copy. There is literally no time to go back and fiddle with the numbers.

So you're saying that the people who work for her can submit any numbers that they wish too? She the boss and has nothing to say about what they submit? She has to sign off on them at least. Why does a newspaper have a editor?

The thought that ANY government agency has authority to act without oversight or supervision or permission from anybody is pretty damn scary to me. If that is the way it is we have already lost our Republic and are operating under unseen influences that may or may not have our best interests at heart.
I specifically said there IS oversight and there's certainly accountability. There is NOT political interference or micromanaging.

There are many many laws and regulations governing BLS. OMB and Congress both provide oversight. The Commissioner is responsible to the Sec Labor, and Congress, for any issues that arise.

I'm at a loss as to why anyone thinks that political meddling of important statistics is a good idea. It's not.
I specifically said there IS oversight and there's certainly accountability. There is NOT political interference or micromanaging.

There are many many laws and regulations governing BLS. OMB and Congress both provide oversight. The Commissioner is responsible to the Sec Labor, and Congress, for any issues that arise.

I'm at a loss as to why anyone thinks that political meddling of important statistics is a good idea. It's not.

This thread demonstrates that ~99% of people are clueless on ~99% of things on which they have an opinion.

We had a dumbass journo writing garbage about us, and it was hilarious reading the utter ignorance of the posters below the articles - almost all of them political - which were multiples of degrees away from anything that resembled reality.
So you're saying that the people who work for her can submit any numbers that they wish too? She the boss and has nothing to say about what they submit? She has to sign off on them at least. Why does a newspaper have a editor?

The thought that ANY government agency has authority to act without oversight or supervision or permission from anybody is pretty damn scary to me. If that is the way it is we have already lost our Republic and are operating under unseen influences that may or may not have our best interests at heart.
I specifically said there IS oversight and there's certainly accountability. There is NOT political interference or micromanaging.

There are many many laws and regulations governing BLS. OMB and Congress both provide oversight. The Commissioner is responsible to the Sec Labor, and Congress, for any issues that arise.

I'm at a loss as to why anyone thinks that political meddling of important statistics is a good idea. It's not.

I'm at a loss as to why anyone thinks that political meddling of important statistics is a good idea. It's not.

It's election year obama is running for re-election his appointee's control the release of the numbers, obama is a corrupt politician, and his appointee's are less than reliable not trust worthy corrupt people, and you say you are at a loss why would anyone want to manipulate the numbers?

I specifically said there IS oversight and there's certainly accountability. There is NOT political interference or micromanaging.

Who does the oversight? The government?
Correct. BLS is an independent statistical agency. They only fall under DOL for admin purposes...payroll, training, etc. Operationally, they are completely independent of the main DOL. They're even in a different building from the rest of DOL.

No, there are rules, proceedures, laws and oversight by the OMB and Congress. But no, they don't need approval from anyone but the commissioner to publish the numbers, and that's a formality.
Every month the Commissioner is required to go before Congress for the Employment report.

Again, no one outside the production office is allowed access to the data. The day before publication, the Commissoner looks and signs off and it's sent to GPO for publication. Then the Chief of the Council of Economic Advisors is given a copy. There is literally no time to go back and fiddle with the numbers.

So you're saying that the people who work for her can submit any numbers that they wish too? She the boss and has nothing to say about what they submit? She has to sign off on them at least. Why does a newspaper have a editor?

The thought that ANY government agency has authority to act without oversight or supervision or permission from anybody is pretty damn scary to me. If that is the way it is we have already lost our Republic and are operating under unseen influences that may or may not have our best interests at heart.

Yep I agree.
Correct. BLS is an independent statistical agency. They only fall under DOL for admin purposes...payroll, training, etc. Operationally, they are completely independent of the main DOL. They're even in a different building from the rest of DOL.

No, there are rules, proceedures, laws and oversight by the OMB and Congress. But no, they don't need approval from anyone but the commissioner to publish the numbers, and that's a formality.
Every month the Commissioner is required to go before Congress for the Employment report.

Again, no one outside the production office is allowed access to the data. The day before publication, the Commissoner looks and signs off and it's sent to GPO for publication. Then the Chief of the Council of Economic Advisors is given a copy. There is literally no time to go back and fiddle with the numbers.

So you're saying that the people who work for her can submit any numbers that they wish too?
No, I did not say that. I said she has nothing to do with the production of any BLS data. That's not the same thing as saying they can just make up numbers out of thin air.

She the boss and has nothing to say about what they submit? She has to sign off on them at least. Why does a newspaper have a editor?
No, she does not sign off on them...she has nothing to do with them except for pay, training and other administrative functions. She can certainly apply pressure if there is something wrong with the data (actually wrong, not just if she doesn't like them), but otherwise no involvement.

That's just plain everyday old horseshit.
Who's in charge of the department of labor, and the census bureau? Shouldn't the people in charge know what the people are doing in their charge and what information they are producing and where they get the information?

Yes, but they should have no involvement in the production or dissemination of the numbers.

Now it's they should not have involvement? Is obama and the people whom he has appointed trust worthy?

Probably more than you are on the Board.
Here's the process:
On January 15th, collection for the Employment Situation started. Census sent out interviewers to over 15,000 households across the country and made telephone calls to about 45,000 more (who all had previously been interviewed in person). This was for the Current Population Survey (Labor Force Data) and it took all week with all questions being about the week of Jan 8-14.

At the same time, BLS employees recieved reports or initiated interviews with around 486,000 individual worksites asking about the pay period that included Jan 8-14. This was the Current Employment Statistics Survey (non-farm gained/lost).

Initial processing, collation, follow-ups etc happened during the week of Jan 22-28.

January 30, the Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics went into lockdown with no one outside the office could not enter the offices without escort (this includes cleaning and maintenance staff) as the final report was put together (Employment Situation) 42 pages. On Thursday, February 2nd, the report was given to the Commissioner to sign off, and the report was sent to GPO for publishing. The Chief of the Council of Economic Advisors was given an advance copy.

At 8:00am on February 3rd, the Secretary of Labor was given a copy and the press were put into a tiny room and their computers, tablets, and phones were confiscated. Then they were given the release and could write their notes with pen and paper.

At exactly 8:30 am by the Naval Observatory, the report was issued.

So riddle me this Batman....At what point would it have been possible to review and make changes? Keep in mind the number of tables and the huge amount of data for both reports. You change one data cell, you can change the numbers by thousands. You want to change the number of unemployed, you have to specify age, race, veteran status, disability, duration of unemployment, reason for unemploymnent, occupation, native or immigrant and probably a whole lot of things I'm forgetting.

So how do you think it could be manipulated?

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