How to win the drug war and stop the violence.

How about catch and release II?

Catch the mules.
Add cyanide to their cargo.
Give them back their goods.
Apologize them for the inconvenience (that'll make liberals feel all warm and fuzzy).
Turn 'em loose to go forth and sell again.

Problem resolves itself so long as reported ODs are allowed to be given low priority.
How about catch and release II?

Catch the mules.
Add cyanide to their cargo.
Give them back their goods.
Apologize them for the inconvenience (that'll make liberals feel all warm and fuzzy).
Turn 'em loose to go forth and sell again.

Problem resolves itself so long as reported ODs are allowed to be given low priority.
so youre saying we should support murdering innocent americans because they choose to believe their bodies belong to them,,,

youre one sick fuck,,
Close the southern border. Warehouse drug users. Give them free drugs obtained by confiscation all they want as much as they want. Until they die. The trouble caused is by users, crime, homelessness, is the result of them being loose. Provide housing, food, drugs, until they die.

Abandoned malls would make excellent treatment centers.

China has a novel way. Drug use is treated as a medical condition. No lawyer, court or trial. Test positive and the user goes to work rehab. They work without pay in a Chinese mega factory and live in a government dormitory. They serve two years. If they violate again they serve another two years, if they violate again they are judged a habitual drug user and not released - ever.
How about catch and release II?

Catch the mules.
Add cyanide to their cargo.
Give them back their goods.
Apologize them for the inconvenience (that'll make liberals feel all warm and fuzzy).
Turn 'em loose to go forth and sell again.

Problem resolves itself so long as reported ODs are allowed to be given low priority.
Very good idea
Close the southern border. Warehouse drug users. Give them free drugs obtained by confiscation all they want as much as they want. Until they die. The trouble caused is by users, crime, homelessness, is the result of them being loose. Provide housing, food, drugs, until they die.

Abandoned malls would make excellent treatment centers.

China has a novel way. Drug use is treated as a medical condition. No lawyer, court or trial. Test positive and the user goes to work rehab. They work without pay in a Chinese mega factory and live in a government dormitory. They serve two years. If they violate again they serve another two years, if they violate again they are judged a habitual drug user and not released - ever.
thats one fucking stupid idea,,
thats because you arrest people not gangs,,

and there are also thousand of rehab facilities around the country,, the problem is we are a free country and cant force people against their will to go to them or remain sober once they leave,,

as for your last statement both still exist because your idea doesnt work,, the only sure solution to reduce or stop violence os to make drugs legal and use taxs for treatment of those that ask for it,,
We just need the right laws passed.

Legalizing drug use would delight the cartels and drug gangs no end, and of course hasten the destruction of the country.
Gang members get arrested every day. Involuntary medical treatment hasn't been legal, except in extreme cases, and those being very temporary, since the '80s.
Entire gangs are involved in selling drugs, therefore 'racketeering' laws should be applied to all of them. Gang drug sales is a very sophisticated operation that involves everyone in the gang and can only be stopped by arresting the entire gang. Conspiracy to sell drugs is easily proven.

No need for medical treatment in most cases. Just hold them in detention for 30 days. Judges routinely sentence street drunks to "Rebos" for 14 days. That's 30 days clean of drugs and 14 days clean of booze. It's a good start. The purpose isn't to cure or rehab the addict but to take the money out of the drug trade. Addicts spend huge sums of money on drugs each year. Take this away and most street drug dealers will leave the trade.
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if it legal there wouldnt be any cartels and gangs selling it you stupid fucking twit,,
Look at the 'legal' pot trade. It's a preview of what would happen if all drugs were legalized. Pot store owners are actually selling their pot out of the back door in order to compete with the illegal sales going on all around them. With legalization come government regulation, which drives up the prices making the illegal market even stronger.
We can stop the violence by legalizing drugs, making them cheaper, and controlling the ability of rehab and clean use issues.
But you can't make them cheaper, they will be more expensive.

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