How Trump Handles Protesters: 'Throw 'Em out into the Cold and Confiscate Their Coats'

Four Americans were left with their asses hanging out and died, lie after lie followed. Why was there a reason to lie? Think
2012 Obama re-election.
'Al Qaeida is on the run', the 'War on Terror is Over'... Nothing to see here....
at the time that was fact .....situations change so facts change.
then again I some times forget you are fact phobic.
Do you have an "Excuses Handbook" you refer to when posting?
I don't post excuses.
at the time that was fact .....situations change so facts change.
not an excuse, a fact too bad you can't tell the difference , then again ,I'm not surprised,
Should I start a Pro take your shit thread to make you feel better bitch?

I feel really good myself. I'm not the one afraid my little house of government dependency is about to come tumbling down.

Trump literally takes someones shit, you defend it, then claim that I am scared of someone taking my shit.

Very astute observation. Very Conservative

I'm not the one who started the OP. You're scared shitless of Trump. He may tear your little Liberal playhouse down and make you earn your keep.

Of course you didnt start the OP Einstein. But when people in power takes peoples shit and you defend it, then its you who has the problem.

Dont let me catch you in one of those "Government has too much power" threads after this you sycophant

Here's my answer to you dimwit and yes, the government has far too much power:

Dear Liberal, Why I'm So Hostile...And How "Your political beliefs are a threat to liberty – not just for me, but for my three boys" »
About Us

We are two moms inspired by the life of Andrew Breitbart. We’re exposing the lies of the left & MSM propagandists.

Our lives took an unexpected turn on the day that conservative activist Andrew Breitbart died. Together, we came to the realization that we could no longer sit on the sidelines and watch the country we loved, being destroyed by an apathetic citizenry. Our children don’t deserve to grow up in a world where they will be slaves to the debt we have recklessly saddled them with. Our goal it is to expose the lies and hypocrisy of the progressives in academia, the entertainment industry and MSM through the use of social media.

Here is a sampling of our hero Andrew Breitbart, a fearless warrior who worked tirelessly to expose the lies of the left:

the phrase absolutely no credibility was coined just for site like the one the not quite a human is using as an informed source .:rofl:
In front of a crowd of Sycophants who seem to justify every move Trump makes while the vitriol gets angrier and meaner but they are so invested at this point they have to excuse everything,,,,even taking someones coat in below freezing weather.

A Donald Trump rally in Burlington, Vermont, Thursday night was overflowing with thousands of Trump supporters who waited in line for hours in hopes of nabbing a seat. The event was also attended by Bernie Sanders supporters – for whom the Donald handed down a harsh message.

"Throw 'em out into the cold," the GOP frontrunner ordered security, as the protesters shouted, "Bernie! Bernie!"

"Don't give him his coat," Trump added. "Keep his coat, confiscate his coat."

"It's about 10 degrees below zero outside ... You can keep his coat. Tell him we'll send it to him in a couple of weeks," Trump told security.

"You know, it's sort of fun. Isn't this more exciting?" Trump told the crowd. "You know, you go to a Hillary thing. It's like, boring. You go to a Jeb thing and you fall asleep."

The protesters weren't the only ones ejected from the event. Trump's security turned away anyone who refused to pledge their allegiance to the billionaire businessman – even undecided voters.

VIDEO: How Trump Handles Protesters: 'Throw 'Em out into the Cold and Confiscate Their Coats'

I know. Isn't it refreshing to see a man handle something instead of Pussy Obama?
Anyone referring to the president as a "pussy" is a partisan hack. Like yourself.
desperate too!

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