How Trump Handles Protesters: 'Throw 'Em out into the Cold and Confiscate Their Coats'

why is that a problem ?
Clearly, a wimp would not understand so there would be little use explaining. Isn't Obama being Putin's bitch enough?
oh ok....Bernie sanders choosing to let them have their say is wimpy, rather than calling for security and inciting violence the way that trump, Mr. no guts , who is such a pussy and a diva he can't stand to be contradicted does all the time ?
You're confusing him with Obama.
the fuck I am.
The Man Beaten And Choked At A Donald Trump Rally Tells His Story
Trump Campaign Rally Erupts In Chaos And Ugly Confrontation
Muslim woman led out of Trump rally; group seeks apology
Donald Trump rally interrupted repeatedly by protesters -
need to see more?

Trump Campaign Rally Erupts In Chaos And Ugly Confrontation

Liberals in Rare form at the Trump Rally. Listen to their classy comments.

“Kick his ass!” yelled one supporter. “Shoot him!” shouted another.

“Light the motherfucker on fire!” one Trump supporter yelled.

When a white activist proclaimed “Black lives matter!”

yelled a German Nazi-era salute — “Sieg heil!” —

Liberals should be so proud.

they should have been ejected and in some cases got criminal complaints
filed against them--------ALL WHO THREATENED
Four Americans were left with their asses hanging out and died, lie after lie followed. Why was there a reason to lie? Think
2012 Obama re-election.
'Al Qaeida is on the run', the 'War on Terror is Over'... Nothing to see here....
at the time that was fact .....situations change so facts change.
then again I some times forget you are fact phobic.
Do you have an "Excuses Handbook" you refer to when posting?
I don't post excuses.
at the time that was fact .....situations change so facts change.
In front of a crowd of Sycophants who seem to justify every move Trump makes while the vitriol gets angrier and meaner but they are so invested at this point they have to excuse everything,,,,even taking someones coat in below freezing weather.

A Donald Trump rally in Burlington, Vermont, Thursday night was overflowing with thousands of Trump supporters who waited in line for hours in hopes of nabbing a seat. The event was also attended by Bernie Sanders supporters – for whom the Donald handed down a harsh message.

"Throw 'em out into the cold," the GOP frontrunner ordered security, as the protesters shouted, "Bernie! Bernie!"

"Don't give him his coat," Trump added. "Keep his coat, confiscate his coat."

"It's about 10 degrees below zero outside ... You can keep his coat. Tell him we'll send it to him in a couple of weeks," Trump told security.

"You know, it's sort of fun. Isn't this more exciting?" Trump told the crowd. "You know, you go to a Hillary thing. It's like, boring. You go to a Jeb thing and you fall asleep."

The protesters weren't the only ones ejected from the event. Trump's security turned away anyone who refused to pledge their allegiance to the billionaire businessman – even undecided voters.

VIDEO: How Trump Handles Protesters: 'Throw 'Em out into the Cold and Confiscate Their Coats'

I don't agree with everything Trump says or proposes, but I do like his attitude. Let the fuckers freeze.

I do not advocate-----"take his coat" crude
"Kill the bastard" would be what liberals like to say.
Clearly, a wimp would not understand so there would be little use explaining. Isn't Obama being Putin's bitch enough?
oh ok....Bernie sanders choosing to let them have their say is wimpy, rather than calling for security and inciting violence the way that trump, Mr. no guts , who is such a pussy and a diva he can't stand to be contradicted does all the time ?
You're confusing him with Obama.
the fuck I am.
The Man Beaten And Choked At A Donald Trump Rally Tells His Story
Trump Campaign Rally Erupts In Chaos And Ugly Confrontation
Muslim woman led out of Trump rally; group seeks apology
Donald Trump rally interrupted repeatedly by protesters -
need to see more?

Trump Campaign Rally Erupts In Chaos And Ugly Confrontation

Liberals in Rare form at the Trump Rally. Listen to their classy comments.

“Kick his ass!” yelled one supporter. “Shoot him!” shouted another.

“Light the motherfucker on fire!” one Trump supporter yelled.

When a white activist proclaimed “Black lives matter!”

yelled a German Nazi-era salute — “Sieg heil!” —

Liberals should be so proud.

they should have been ejected and in some cases got criminal complaints
filed against them--------ALL WHO THREATENED
It's call disturbing the peace.
In front of a crowd of Sycophants who seem to justify every move Trump makes while the vitriol gets angrier and meaner but they are so invested at this point they have to excuse everything,,,,even taking someones coat in below freezing weather.

A Donald Trump rally in Burlington, Vermont, Thursday night was overflowing with thousands of Trump supporters who waited in line for hours in hopes of nabbing a seat. The event was also attended by Bernie Sanders supporters – for whom the Donald handed down a harsh message.

"Throw 'em out into the cold," the GOP frontrunner ordered security, as the protesters shouted, "Bernie! Bernie!"

"Don't give him his coat," Trump added. "Keep his coat, confiscate his coat."

"It's about 10 degrees below zero outside ... You can keep his coat. Tell him we'll send it to him in a couple of weeks," Trump told security.

"You know, it's sort of fun. Isn't this more exciting?" Trump told the crowd. "You know, you go to a Hillary thing. It's like, boring. You go to a Jeb thing and you fall asleep."

The protesters weren't the only ones ejected from the event. Trump's security turned away anyone who refused to pledge their allegiance to the billionaire businessman – even undecided voters.

VIDEO: How Trump Handles Protesters: 'Throw 'Em out into the Cold and Confiscate Their Coats'

I don't agree with everything Trump says or proposes, but I do like his attitude. Let the fuckers freeze.

I do not advocate-----"take his coat" crude
"Kill the bastard" would be what liberals like to say.

yeah----well------the rallies should be handled like privately sponsored
affairs giving the people doing the organizing the RIGHT to eject and even
make a criminal complaint...... of course the sponsors should use
DISCRETION-------their actions would be made subject to scrutiny-----Ie ---
public record
Because he does so many different hateful things. They each deserve their own thread. On the other hand, how many RWNJ threads have we seen about Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi?
Those lives lost do not deserve the thoughts of our members? Hillary has this topping her list of accomplishments.

The crazy right wing threads are using those deaths as an excuse for political games.

Four Americans were left with their asses hanging out and died, lie after lie followed. Why was there a reason to lie? Think

All the lies I heard were from right wingers.
I don't think Benghazi was a big deal. I mean, it sucks but it happens.. I think the continuous efforts on this is partisan hackery. But it has shed some light on a few things. And one of them is she lied about that shit. Only a partisan hack would deny it.. Seriously..
"I don't think Benghazi was a big deal. I mean, it sucks but it happens." !!!! Stevens asked for more protection over and over again!!!! Then they took away protection he already had!!!! And you say it wasn't a big deal and that it sucks?!!! I don't use the word "moron," But I just have to here.
Moron, maybe you attitude would be different if you were one of the three trying to save him. Maybe if your husband or wife was killed over this.!!!!! 9/11!!!!!
Those lives lost do not deserve the thoughts of our members? Hillary has this topping her list of accomplishments.

The crazy right wing threads are using those deaths as an excuse for political games.

Four Americans were left with their asses hanging out and died, lie after lie followed. Why was there a reason to lie? Think

All the lies I heard were from right wingers.
I don't think Benghazi was a big deal. I mean, it sucks but it happens.. I think the continuous efforts on this is partisan hackery. But it has shed some light on a few things. And one of them is she lied about that shit. Only a partisan hack would deny it.. Seriously..
"I don't think Benghazi was a big deal. I mean, it sucks but it happens." !!!! Stevens asked for more protection over and over again!!!! Then they took away protection he already had!!!! And you say it wasn't a big deal and that it sucks?!!! I don't use the word "moron," But I just have to here.
Moron, maybe you attitude would be different if you were one of the three trying to save him. Maybe if your husband or wife was killed over this.!!!!! 9/11!!!!!
And at one point he turned down help, twice. Maybe that was another lie IDK. I don't feel like ANY OF US know what really happened. Sometimes, I feel like Benghazi was just a victim of US corruption but I don't know that..
Trump is awesome. Take their coats...brilliant, and yet so simple food stamp recipients can't survive if you take their trappings.

I crack up every time a retard says "shut off the power to the refuge!" in the Malheur refuge threads hahahaha. Like ranchers and cattlemen will run screaming if they don't have electricity hahahahahahaha so cracks me up. I grew up in Grant best friend didn't have running water or electricity, and neither did my brother's best friend. They cooked and had heat, too! And water!

no its you kind are are the food stamp queens

Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN

southern baptists

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

The crazy right wing threads are using those deaths as an excuse for political games.

Four Americans were left with their asses hanging out and died, lie after lie followed. Why was there a reason to lie? Think

All the lies I heard were from right wingers.
I don't think Benghazi was a big deal. I mean, it sucks but it happens.. I think the continuous efforts on this is partisan hackery. But it has shed some light on a few things. And one of them is she lied about that shit. Only a partisan hack would deny it.. Seriously..
"I don't think Benghazi was a big deal. I mean, it sucks but it happens." !!!! Stevens asked for more protection over and over again!!!! Then they took away protection he already had!!!! And you say it wasn't a big deal and that it sucks?!!! I don't use the word "moron," But I just have to here.
Moron, maybe you attitude would be different if you were one of the three trying to save him. Maybe if your husband or wife was killed over this.!!!!! 9/11!!!!!
And at one point he turned down help, twice. Maybe that was another lie IDK. I don't feel like ANY OF US know what really happened. Sometimes, I feel like Benghazi was just a victim of US corruption but I don't know that..
I have read and listened to everything I found and NEVER did I hear that he turned down protection. I listened to the hearings as well. The Democrats would have brought that up.
Every week we have a thread on Obama taking their guns, Who knew they were for taking stuff just not guns. Show off that conservative spirit!
We are lucky here in America. In China and North Korea protesting in public like that leads to execution. In Russia, they just make you disappear or murder you in the street on a dark night a week or two later. Here in the USA, we just take your coat and throw you out into the cold. No comparison.
Four Americans were left with their asses hanging out and died, lie after lie followed. Why was there a reason to lie? Think

All the lies I heard were from right wingers.
I don't think Benghazi was a big deal. I mean, it sucks but it happens.. I think the continuous efforts on this is partisan hackery. But it has shed some light on a few things. And one of them is she lied about that shit. Only a partisan hack would deny it.. Seriously..
"I don't think Benghazi was a big deal. I mean, it sucks but it happens." !!!! Stevens asked for more protection over and over again!!!! Then they took away protection he already had!!!! And you say it wasn't a big deal and that it sucks?!!! I don't use the word "moron," But I just have to here.
Moron, maybe you attitude would be different if you were one of the three trying to save him. Maybe if your husband or wife was killed over this.!!!!! 9/11!!!!!
And at one point he turned down help, twice. Maybe that was another lie IDK. I don't feel like ANY OF US know what really happened. Sometimes, I feel like Benghazi was just a victim of US corruption but I don't know that..
I have read and listened to everything I found and NEVER did I hear that he turned down protection. I listened to the hearings as well. The Democrats would have brought that up.
Official: Amb. Stevens Refused Additional Security |
Trump is awesome. Take their coats...brilliant, and yet so simple food stamp recipients can't survive if you take their trappings.

I crack up every time a retard says "shut off the power to the refuge!" in the Malheur refuge threads hahahaha. Like ranchers and cattlemen will run screaming if they don't have electricity hahahahahahaha so cracks me up. I grew up in Grant best friend didn't have running water or electricity, and neither did my brother's best friend. They cooked and had heat, too! And water!

no its you kind are are the food stamp queens

Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN

southern baptists

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

You make a statement like that and then show a picture of a black lady.(or mixed?) I agree that not only blacks are on food stamps. All welfare was supposed to be for temporary situations when times get tough. People (black AND white) are making it a career choice!
We are lucky here in America. In China and North Korea protesting in public like that leads to execution. In Russia, they just make you disappear or murder you in the street on a dark night a week or two later. Here in the USA, we just take your coat and throw you out into the cold. No comparison.

Of course its no comparison which is why you made a stupid comparison in the first place
All the lies I heard were from right wingers.
I don't think Benghazi was a big deal. I mean, it sucks but it happens.. I think the continuous efforts on this is partisan hackery. But it has shed some light on a few things. And one of them is she lied about that shit. Only a partisan hack would deny it.. Seriously..
"I don't think Benghazi was a big deal. I mean, it sucks but it happens." !!!! Stevens asked for more protection over and over again!!!! Then they took away protection he already had!!!! And you say it wasn't a big deal and that it sucks?!!! I don't use the word "moron," But I just have to here.
Moron, maybe you attitude would be different if you were one of the three trying to save him. Maybe if your husband or wife was killed over this.!!!!! 9/11!!!!!
And at one point he turned down help, twice. Maybe that was another lie IDK. I don't feel like ANY OF US know what really happened. Sometimes, I feel like Benghazi was just a victim of US corruption but I don't know that..
I have read and listened to everything I found and NEVER did I hear that he turned down protection. I listened to the hearings as well. The Democrats would have brought that up.
Official: Amb. Stevens Refused Additional Security |

This flies in the face of Steven's emails begging for security in emails released during the hearings
Trump is awesome. Take their coats...brilliant, and yet so simple food stamp recipients can't survive if you take their trappings.

I crack up every time a retard says "shut off the power to the refuge!" in the Malheur refuge threads hahahaha. Like ranchers and cattlemen will run screaming if they don't have electricity hahahahahahaha so cracks me up. I grew up in Grant best friend didn't have running water or electricity, and neither did my brother's best friend. They cooked and had heat, too! And water!

no its you kind are are the food stamp queens

Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN

southern baptists

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Sorry, my computer blocks those sites. Apparently it thinks there's malware.
oh ok....Bernie sanders choosing to let them have their say is wimpy, rather than calling for security and inciting violence the way that trump, Mr. no guts , who is such a pussy and a diva he can't stand to be contradicted does all the time ?
You're confusing him with Obama.
the fuck I am.
The Man Beaten And Choked At A Donald Trump Rally Tells His Story
Trump Campaign Rally Erupts In Chaos And Ugly Confrontation
Muslim woman led out of Trump rally; group seeks apology
Donald Trump rally interrupted repeatedly by protesters -
need to see more?

Trump Campaign Rally Erupts In Chaos And Ugly Confrontation

Liberals in Rare form at the Trump Rally. Listen to their classy comments.

“Kick his ass!” yelled one supporter. “Shoot him!” shouted another.

“Light the motherfucker on fire!” one Trump supporter yelled.

When a white activist proclaimed “Black lives matter!”

yelled a German Nazi-era salute — “Sieg heil!” —

Liberals should be so proud.

they should have been ejected and in some cases got criminal complaints
filed against them--------ALL WHO THREATENED
It's call disturbing the peace.

I think it can be called "criminal trespass" if I includes a prohibited action or threat
I don't think Benghazi was a big deal. I mean, it sucks but it happens.. I think the continuous efforts on this is partisan hackery. But it has shed some light on a few things. And one of them is she lied about that shit. Only a partisan hack would deny it.. Seriously..
"I don't think Benghazi was a big deal. I mean, it sucks but it happens." !!!! Stevens asked for more protection over and over again!!!! Then they took away protection he already had!!!! And you say it wasn't a big deal and that it sucks?!!! I don't use the word "moron," But I just have to here.
Moron, maybe you attitude would be different if you were one of the three trying to save him. Maybe if your husband or wife was killed over this.!!!!! 9/11!!!!!
And at one point he turned down help, twice. Maybe that was another lie IDK. I don't feel like ANY OF US know what really happened. Sometimes, I feel like Benghazi was just a victim of US corruption but I don't know that..
I have read and listened to everything I found and NEVER did I hear that he turned down protection. I listened to the hearings as well. The Democrats would have brought that up.
Official: Amb. Stevens Refused Additional Security |

This flies in the face of Steven's emails begging for security in emails released during the hearings
very true!
Four Americans were left with their asses hanging out and died, lie after lie followed. Why was there a reason to lie? Think

All the lies I heard were from right wingers.
I don't think Benghazi was a big deal. I mean, it sucks but it happens.. I think the continuous efforts on this is partisan hackery. But it has shed some light on a few things. And one of them is she lied about that shit. Only a partisan hack would deny it.. Seriously..
"I don't think Benghazi was a big deal. I mean, it sucks but it happens." !!!! Stevens asked for more protection over and over again!!!! Then they took away protection he already had!!!! And you say it wasn't a big deal and that it sucks?!!! I don't use the word "moron," But I just have to here.
Moron, maybe you attitude would be different if you were one of the three trying to save him. Maybe if your husband or wife was killed over this.!!!!! 9/11!!!!!
And at one point he turned down help, twice. Maybe that was another lie IDK. I don't feel like ANY OF US know what really happened. Sometimes, I feel like Benghazi was just a victim of US corruption but I don't know that..
I have read and listened to everything I found and NEVER did I hear that he turned down protection. I listened to the hearings as well. The Democrats would have brought that up.

You might want to read this.
Benghazi report: AFRICOM general offered ambassador help before attack

Trump Campaign Rally Erupts In Chaos And Ugly Confrontation

Liberals in Rare form at the Trump Rally. Listen to their classy comments.

“Kick his ass!” yelled one supporter. “Shoot him!” shouted another.

“Light the motherfucker on fire!” one Trump supporter yelled.

When a white activist proclaimed “Black lives matter!”

yelled a German Nazi-era salute — “Sieg heil!” —

Liberals should be so proud.

they should have been ejected and in some cases got criminal complaints
filed against them--------ALL WHO THREATENED
It's call disturbing the peace.

I think it can be called "criminal trespass" if I includes a prohibited action or threat

You can call it anything you like. It's all just a desperate attempt to make legal things illegal.

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