How Trump's tax returns can be viewed by House Committees....

This means any information gained there can never be disclosed to anyone not in the session, nor the public.
But, the committee that requests and receives Trump's tax returns can simply vote to make them public . So the legal hurdles being tossed about in this thread are kind of moot.
Ok, I didnt read that in the law, but then I'm no law expert. I had assumed that the secrecy provision meant confidentiality unless authorized release was granted by the person whom the tax returns belonged to.

I was unaware that Congress could vote to violate the law and bypass the secrecy conditions.
they would not be violating the law, as it allows them to vote to make them public.


(already posted in the thread emoji) * eleventy

Wrong again, commie, your link didn't say what you claim. Reading is fundamental. LMAO

Name one president that hasn't. Shit, name ne politician that hasn't. You act as though Trump invented this.
And you act as though all instances are equivalent (even though any fool knows they are not), because that's all the defense of his unethical behavior that is left to you,.

OK, give us an instance of his "unethical" behavior?
Ha, no. If you cannot think of any possible examples all by your big boy self, then even discussing this topic with you is a waste of time and bandwidth.

And, don't care anyway. *Wink wink

Fucking coward.

Damn you whine a lot.

Not near as much as you lie.

Ok, I didnt read that in the law, but then I'm no law expert. I had assumed that the secrecy provision meant confidentiality unless authorized release was granted by the person whom the tax returns belonged to.

I was unaware that Congress could vote to violate the law and bypass the secrecy conditions.
they would not be violating the law, as it allows them to vote to make them public.
That's where I'm getting hung up. Where in the law does it state they can vote to make his records public, and bypass the secrecy conditions that are required due to being a closed executive session?
Here, I believe:

(B)Report by the Secretary

The Secretary shall, within 90 days after the close of each calendar year, furnish to the Joint Committee on Taxation a report with respect to, or summary of, the records or accountings described in subparagraph (A) in such form and containing such information as such joint committee or the Chief of Staff of such joint committee may designate. Such report or summary shall not, however, include a record or accounting of any request by the President under subsection (g) for, or the disclosure in response to such request of, any return or return information with respect to any individual who, at the time of such request, was an officer or employee of the executive branch of the Federal Government. Such report or summary, or any part thereof, may be disclosed by such joint committee to such persons and for such purposes as the joint committee may, by record vote of a majority of the members of the joint committee, determine

From the end of subparagraph (A)

except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure


Remind me again how we saw Nixon's tax returns? Or do you even know about that at all?

He released 4 years, other than that I don't know, not something I keep up on.

Poor little dumb ass, congress has no authority to prosecute anything.
He said:

"THEN lawmakers can and will relay their findings for further prosecution."... RELAY the findings. To those who can prosecute.

Pay attention, you insulting little dweeb

Why didn't you include that last half of that post. It answers you stupid crap.

Constitutionally he is justice, he can't obstruct himself.
Therefore, no president could ever be impeached for obstructing justice. You heard it right here folks, from the mouths of experts.


Tell me who the only person charged, by the Constitution, to enforce federal law is. All federal law enforcement authority is constitutionally derived from the president. I doubt you have a pocket Constitution so feel free to look it up and prove me wrong.

Nothing in the law allows for public release without consent. Stop with the fucking lies already.

Hey, moron with stripes.........How the fuck did Manafort get convicted for tax fraud??
Convicted by a jury, no

A judge granted a warrant for his tax documents, the 4th Amendment says that the only way the government can intrude on a person, their home or effects. Even then the prosecutors had to protect certain aspect of those documents. Any more questions dumb ass?

You guys did not care when Ted Kennedy refused to release his tax returns, not even when he ran for president in the Dem primary in 1980. So why do you care so much now?
Once again we see partisan hypocrisy

Dems only care when republicans don't release their tax forms
No your reading it right, Trump could tell the IRS no to release them .

Oh PLEASE advise the orange moron to obstruct the carrying out of justice even MORE......PLEASE.......LOL

Constitutionally he is justice, he can't obstruct himself.


You better ring up Nixon and get him back...

The defence that a President can't obstruct justice has been laughed at by any serious legal analysts... Try it as a defence, you will find a rude awakening...

By the way, confessing to a crime on TV doesn't give the President a pardon either...
Nothing in the law allows for public release without consent. Stop with the fucking lies already.

Hey, moron with stripes.........How the fuck did Manafort get convicted for tax fraud??
Convicted by a jury, no

A judge granted a warrant for his tax documents, the 4th Amendment says that the only way the government can intrude on a person, their home or effects. Even then the prosecutors had to protect certain aspect of those documents. Any more questions dumb ass?


LAME much???
Dems only care when republicans don't release their tax forms

Now, who could argue against such a well documented and erudite piece of crap?

It's just like debts and deficits

Dems only care when republicans run up debt and republicans only care when dems run up debt

your unhealthy obsession with tax returns is no different and I doubt you would be making the same stink if Shillary didn't publish her tax returns
your unhealthy obsession with tax returns is no different and I doubt you would be making the same stink if Shillary didn't publish her tax returns

You'd never know if I would, SkullFace...Fact is that the Clintons ALWAYS did.......

Find another way to "defend" your orange
your unhealthy obsession with tax returns is no different and I doubt you would be making the same stink if Shillary didn't publish her tax returns

You'd never know if I would, SkullFace...Fact is that the Clintons ALWAYS did.......

Find another way to "defend" your orange

I know. You would defend any democrat because you are the biggest partisan hack hypocrite sheep on this board.

Where I wouldn't give a fuck if Shillary didn't publish her tax forms because THERE IS NO LEGAL OBLIGATION T DO SO.
Where I wouldn't give a fuck if Shillary didn't publish her tax forms because THERE IS NO LEGAL OBLIGATION T DO SO.

Too bad.......Trump's tax returns WILL be exposed.....Stomp your feet all you want....LOL
Where I wouldn't give a fuck if Shillary didn't publish her tax forms because THERE IS NO LEGAL OBLIGATION T DO SO.

Too bad.......Trump's tax returns WILL be exposed.....Stomp your feet all you want....LOL

what part of the term I don't give a fuck is confusing you?

The only person ranting and whining and throwing a fit over tax returns here is you

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