How Trump's tax returns can be viewed by House Committees....

You'd be lost after the name and address line.
No, and i would likely have to explain them to you

Do try.. and while you're at it, what are your credentials in this department?

I am highly educated. Thanks for asking!

Yet dumb as a box of rocks. AKA educated idiot.

Dude, you sure do whine a lot. "Waaaah, you're stupid. ".... good grief, sack up...
Maybe the privacy guaranteed in US law? That's reason enough for me
Haha, Trumpkin lies. You only take your position because president babyman dictates that you do so. Not sure who you think you are fooling...

Really, some of us still believe we are a nation of laws, I know you commie assholes don't.

Nah, you're a posturing, angry little dweeb. Laws mean exactly shit to you, until it serves trump cult doctrine to pretend they do. Not sure who you think you are fooling.

And look at you, embarrassing yourself by calling people commies. Your dumb ass would get laughed out of any educated company.

Child as far as I'm concerned you're about three stages below whale shit. You and all your commie brethren could kick it tomorrow and all I'd do is giggle. That's really more than you deserve for refusing to accept an election.

Accept Like you slugs accepted obama ?? I'm watching a funeral now of a good man ,,,wish trump could change places with him

Well child, maobama was a born and raised commie that did everything he could to destroy this country, I had absolutely no use for the man but I never questioned his election. And when did you get a machine to look into the future, 41's funeral isn't until Wed. If things work out I'll post some photos of his train coming through my little town Thur. Hopefully it won't be going too fast.

What line of the return do Secret Deals go on, or is it s special schedule?

Why are you Trumpo ass lickers so damn afraid of those tax returns????

If there's nothing problem, correct????..........LMAO

The point is you would support criminal activity to get a peek. That makes you a co-conspirator and a generally un-American POS.

Congress getting tax returns has nothing to do with Russian hacking. Your dumbassery is showing again.

Did morons like you stop kissing Trump's ass long enough to actually read what Mueller's investigative mandate entails??

(ooops, sorry, wait for Hannity to read it for

Yep, in fact I believe I posted it in this very thread challenging one of your fellow morons.

Haha, Trumpkin lies. You only take your position because president babyman dictates that you do so. Not sure who you think you are fooling...

Really, some of us still believe we are a nation of laws, I know you commie assholes don't.

Nah, you're a posturing, angry little dweeb. Laws mean exactly shit to you, until it serves trump cult doctrine to pretend they do. Not sure who you think you are fooling.

And look at you, embarrassing yourself by calling people commies. Your dumb ass would get laughed out of any educated company.

Child as far as I'm concerned you're about three stages below whale shit. You and all your commie brethren could kick it tomorrow and all I'd do is giggle. That's really more than you deserve for refusing to accept an election.

Accept Like you slugs accepted obama ?? I'm watching a funeral now of a good man ,,,wish trump could change places with him

Well child, maobama was a born and raised commie that did everything he could to destroy this country, I had absolutely no use for the man but I never questioned his election. And when did you get a machine to look into the future, 41's funeral isn't until Wed. If things work out I'll post some photos of his train coming through my little town Thur. Hopefully it won't be going too fast.

Obamy sure did mess up the insurance
Really, some of us still believe we are a nation of laws, I know you commie assholes don't.

Nah, you're a posturing, angry little dweeb. Laws mean exactly shit to you, until it serves trump cult doctrine to pretend they do. Not sure who you think you are fooling.

And look at you, embarrassing yourself by calling people commies. Your dumb ass would get laughed out of any educated company.

Child as far as I'm concerned you're about three stages below whale shit. You and all your commie brethren could kick it tomorrow and all I'd do is giggle. That's really more than you deserve for refusing to accept an election.

Accept Like you slugs accepted obama ?? I'm watching a funeral now of a good man ,,,wish trump could change places with him

Well child, maobama was a born and raised commie that did everything he could to destroy this country, I had absolutely no use for the man but I never questioned his election. And when did you get a machine to look into the future, 41's funeral isn't until Wed. If things work out I'll post some photos of his train coming through my little town Thur. Hopefully it won't be going too fast.

Obamy sure did mess up the insurance
And to was the best idea republicans could come up with.
This means any information gained there can never be disclosed to anyone not in the session, nor the public.
But, the committee that requests and receives Trump's tax returns can simply vote to make them public . So the legal hurdles being tossed about in this thread are kind of moot.
Ok, I didnt read that in the law, but then I'm no law expert. I had assumed that the secrecy provision meant confidentiality unless authorized release was granted by the person whom the tax returns belonged to.

I was unaware that Congress could vote to violate the law and bypass the secrecy conditions.

It's not in the law and they can't release anything that is identifiable to an individual without consent of the individual.

This means any information gained there can never be disclosed to anyone not in the session, nor the public.
But, the committee that requests and receives Trump's tax returns can simply vote to make them public . So the legal hurdles being tossed about in this thread are kind of moot.
Ok, I didnt read that in the law, but then I'm no law expert. I had assumed that the secrecy provision meant confidentiality unless authorized release was granted by the person whom the tax returns belonged to.

I was unaware that Congress could vote to violate the law and bypass the secrecy conditions.
they would not be violating the law, as it allows them to vote to make them public.


This means any information gained there can never be disclosed to anyone not in the session, nor the public.
But, the committee that requests and receives Trump's tax returns can simply vote to make them public . So the legal hurdles being tossed about in this thread are kind of moot.
Ok, I didnt read that in the law, but then I'm no law expert. I had assumed that the secrecy provision meant confidentiality unless authorized release was granted by the person whom the tax returns belonged to.

I was unaware that Congress could vote to violate the law and bypass the secrecy conditions.
they would not be violating the law, as it allows them to vote to make them public.


(already posted in the thread emoji) * eleventy
See? So, how did Trump put his personal profit motives above the interests of the U.S.?

Here, nitwit....learn something.......LOL

Donald Trump Reports He's Getting Richer as President - The Atlantic

Name one president that hasn't. Shit, name ne politician that hasn't. You act as though Trump invented this.
And you act as though all instances are equivalent (even though any fool knows they are not), because that's all the defense of his unethical behavior that is left to you,.

OK, give us an instance of his "unethical" behavior?
Ha, no. If you cannot think of any possible examples all by your big boy self, then even discussing this topic with you is a waste of time and bandwidth.

And, don't care anyway. *Wink wink

Fucking coward.

The point is you would support criminal activity to get a peek. That makes you a co-conspirator and a generally un-American POS

A constipated Tigger is fun to watch squirm.....

Name one president that hasn't. Shit, name ne politician that hasn't. You act as though Trump invented this.
And you act as though all instances are equivalent (even though any fool knows they are not), because that's all the defense of his unethical behavior that is left to you,.

OK, give us an instance of his "unethical" behavior?
Ha, no. If you cannot think of any possible examples all by your big boy self, then even discussing this topic with you is a waste of time and bandwidth.

And, don't care anyway. *Wink wink

Fucking coward.

Damn you whine a lot.
See? You can never backup your ridiculous claims.
Of course i can. Just because I won't do it on demand for a dishonest dweeb like you doesn't mean I cannot. Go pester someone else.

Fucking coward and liar. Prove your point or admit you're full of shit.

No, i will refuse you for the same reason I refused him. You'll have to catch me another time, when talking to someone else. You might even be able to to do that in this thread, if you settle down enough to pay attention.
What pain? You think I am agonizing over your claims of educational prowess?
Yes, clearly. Notice that is now all you want to talk about, and you're the one who brought it up. So yes, clearly.

I brought up pain?

Anyhoo, let's review:

10 years of Trump's tax returns will be made public in 2019.

And , well, that about sums it up!

Under what law?
"Through section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code, those three committees can request 10 years of Trump's tax documents from the Secretary of the Treasury. They can then vote to make the returns public." - Business insider.

Section 6103:
26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

Nothing in the law allows for public release without consent. Stop with the fucking lies already.


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