How Trump's tax returns can be viewed by House Committees....

This means any information gained there can never be disclosed to anyone not in the session, nor the public.
But, the committee that requests and receives Trump's tax returns can simply vote to make them public . So the legal hurdles being tossed about in this thread are kind of moot.
Ok, I didnt read that in the law, but then I'm no law expert. I had assumed that the secrecy provision meant confidentiality unless authorized release was granted by the person whom the tax returns belonged to.

I was unaware that Congress could vote to violate the law and bypass the secrecy conditions.
they would not be violating the law, as it allows them to vote to make them public.
That's where I'm getting hung up. Where in the law does it state they can vote to make his records public, and bypass the secrecy conditions that are required due to being a closed executive session?
Here, I believe:

(B)Report by the Secretary

The Secretary shall, within 90 days after the close of each calendar year, furnish to the Joint Committee on Taxation a report with respect to, or summary of, the records or accountings described in subparagraph (A) in such form and containing such information as such joint committee or the Chief of Staff of such joint committee may designate. Such report or summary shall not, however, include a record or accounting of any request by the President under subsection (g) for, or the disclosure in response to such request of, any return or return information with respect to any individual who, at the time of such request, was an officer or employee of the executive branch of the Federal Government. Such report or summary, or any part thereof, may be disclosed by such joint committee to such persons and for such purposes as the joint committee may, by record vote of a majority of the members of the joint committee, determine

From the end of subparagraph (A)

except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure

Ok, not seeing the connection to Al capone, whom you have cited a few time in this post.

A bit dense, poster????

Al Capone was convicted for tax evasion and fraud.....
The IRS tax code has become even STRICTER since the 1930 s and what you stubborn Trump acolytes refuse to acknowledge is that Manafort would not have been convicted if no one could prosecute based on the court exposure of his tax returns.
Again, I didn't write the law. All I'm saying is that it says in black-and-white that Congress cannot subpoena his tax returns To the public or anybody else who's not on the committee.

Yes, I understand that it doesn't make sense but that's what the law States.

Personally, I don't care if you see trump's tax returns or not, all I'm saying is just do it according to the law and don't go around just looking for stuff hoping something will stick. You can't go around prying into someone's personal life just hoping you can find some sort of wrong doing. find reasonable cause that's legitimate And then go from there.

Likely what happened in manafort's case is he got caught by an IRS audit and because of his lavish spending they found that he filed fraudulent tax returns and did not report income.

Nothing in those articles stated that Congress subpoenaed his tax returns and then reveal that information to anybody outside of that session. If they had then they would have been breaking the law
But, the committee that requests and receives Trump's tax returns can simply vote to make them public . So the legal hurdles being tossed about in this thread are kind of moot.
Ok, I didnt read that in the law, but then I'm no law expert. I had assumed that the secrecy provision meant confidentiality unless authorized release was granted by the person whom the tax returns belonged to.

I was unaware that Congress could vote to violate the law and bypass the secrecy conditions.
they would not be violating the law, as it allows them to vote to make them public.
That's where I'm getting hung up. Where in the law does it state they can vote to make his records public, and bypass the secrecy conditions that are required due to being a closed executive session?
Here, I believe:

(B)Report by the Secretary

The Secretary shall, within 90 days after the close of each calendar year, furnish to the Joint Committee on Taxation a report with respect to, or summary of, the records or accountings described in subparagraph (A) in such form and containing such information as such joint committee or the Chief of Staff of such joint committee may designate. Such report or summary shall not, however, include a record or accounting of any request by the President under subsection (g) for, or the disclosure in response to such request of, any return or return information with respect to any individual who, at the time of such request, was an officer or employee of the executive branch of the Federal Government. Such report or summary, or any part thereof, may be disclosed by such joint committee to such persons and for such purposes as the joint committee may, by record vote of a majority of the members of the joint committee, determine

From the end of subparagraph (A)

except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure


Remind me again how we saw Nixon's tax returns? Or do you even know about that at all?
did, and the law states that those records can only be obtained in closed executive session. If you look at the rules for closed executive session, it means that secrecy and confidentiality rules apply, which means nothing in that session is allowed to be made public.

The tax returns will be reviewed in closed sessions.....HOWEVER, they will be reviewed by LAWMAKERS (like it or not) and if something rotten exists (CONFIRMED by Trump's reluctance to make them public) THEN lawmakers can and will relay their findings for further prosecution.

OTHERWISE, why have that law in the first place if not for a possible reason to prosecute.....for sure it was not written for reading pleasure.

Poor little dumb ass, congress has no authority to prosecute anything. What are they gonna do, refer something to Trumps DOJ? How'd that work with criminal referrals the republicans sent to maobama's DOJ?

Poor little dumb ass, congress has no authority to prosecute anything.
He said:

"THEN lawmakers can and will relay their findings for further prosecution."... RELAY the findings. To those who can prosecute.

Pay attention, you insulting little dweeb
That tax law was passed after capone was dead. This law wasn't around when capone was in his criminal empire.

Why do I even bother......???

Here....,How do you "think" that Manafort was found guilty of tax fraud???

Are you helping Bongino sell his novels???............LOL
No. Did you watch the video? Was there anything in it that was inaccurate? If so, please let me know.
Again, read the rules regarding closed executive session. I dont believe, even if they find the information they are looking for, that they can release those records.

Please use whatever brain cells you may have left........WHY would a law be enacted and codified if NOTHING could be done to utilize that law toward prosecution?

What you and your ilk are moronically "concluding" is that a House select committee can SEE an unlawful and/or unethical activity, but can do nothing about it....???

Make sense right wingers...your desperation is making you into raving morons..

OH, that elusive "if". LMAO
Is that really the best you can do?

Ok, not seeing the connection to Al capone, whom you have cited a few time in this post.

A bit dense, poster????

Al Capone was convicted for tax evasion and fraud.....
The IRS tax code has become even STRICTER since the 1930 s and what you stubborn Trump acolytes refuse to acknowledge is that Manafort would not have been convicted if no one could prosecute based on the court exposure of his tax returns.

Congress is not the DOJ dumb ass.

Nothing in the law allows for public release without consent. Stop with the fucking lies already.

Hey, moron with stripes.........How the fuck did Manafort get convicted for tax fraud??
Convicted by a jury, no
You only consider it a national crisis because you refuse to believe the bitch got beat fair and square.
No, that's just you, being stupid. You create little dolls for yourself to kick over, then you pat yourself on the back and are now king of your cheetoh-stained computer chair.

Nope, too busy kicking the shit out of dumb ass commies like you. Only really ignorant people draw conclusions with zero evidence to support them.

Neither that States or the courts have jurisdiction over the emoluments clause, it requires a congressional decision, both houses.
Wow, have you informed the federal Judge (who just shot down the president, by the way) of this?!?! Imagine his surprise!!

The supremes will do that in due time, hopefully they'll define the emoluments clause for commies like you with a major case of dumbassery.

And where do you think something like that might be, a corporate return or an individual return?
Could be both, or just one. You see, often LLCs are created to pay other LLCs that then pay other LLCs. This is part of layering, which is why it is suspicious activity. So the feds and the State will look into these shell companies to see which is being paid as an officer, if anyone. Then they trace the money backwards, often through security exchanges and corporation buyouts (cannibal style). A similar tactic was used to catch Deutsch Bank in money laundering. The investigators had to do a deep dive to see where the oversight did not exist, and they caught them in an ongoing scheme to elude compliance. Oh, and they were just raided again a few days ago, for... you guessed it: suspicion of laundering money. That's twice in only a few years now.

Once again, claims with no evidence. You can lay out a million wishful scenarios and you still have no proof of the first one. Children and retards do things like that, not the highly educated. LMAO

Not without seeing the corporate returns he drew income from. If you say different you're a liar, his returns would only show income he drew from each company.
Oh yes, I would need to compare them to the others, to get a full understanding. No doubt. I would still then have an understanding of his income, though not so much the details of the sources.

Sounds like you just admitted the information you're looking for probably isn't in his personal returns. See how easy that was?

So you not posting you returns on this forum means you're hiding something illegal?
The rerasons we would want to see trump's tax returns don't apply to me. So, go compare your apples and hand grenades all by yourself in the corner.

You just admitted what you want wouldn't be in his personal returns, and crooks are crooks I don't think you're any better than any of the demacrooks in DC.

So you not posting you returns on this forum means you're hiding something illegal? Should I report you to the FBI just because I suspect you're dishonest?

What an asinine comparison by Tigger.....but, after all, he is a fucking moron....LOL

Hey if we're going to engage in baseless accusation let's go whole hog. You whiny bitches aren't the only ones with imaginations. I see you don't like being held to your own standards. Fucking hypocrite.


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