How Trump's tax returns can be viewed by House Committees....

So, your quest for truth and justice includes illegally obtaining tax returns. Duly noted.
Mea Culpa. I think this is a national crisis, and the facts need to become public. Clearly the checks that are expected of our legislative branch can be completely undermined, as has been shown for the last 2+ years.

You only consider it a national crisis because you refuse to believe the bitch got beat fair and square. Accept it, she did. She was flawed form the get.

You only consider it a national crisis because you refuse to believe the bitch got beat fair and square.
No, that's just you, being stupid. You create little dolls for yourself to kick over, then you pat yourself on the back and are now king of your cheetoh-stained computer chair.
And just what is Trump doing and show the proof to your answer
I believe his behavior shows he will compromise american interests to kowtow to his personal profits. I believe his behavior to Saudi Arabia and Russia demonstrates this. I am sure you don't agree. That's fine.

I think taking profit from meetings/gatherings with foreign agents at his properties is ethically wrong and should stop immediately. I think not divesting from his business, which has overseas interests, is unethical and should cease immediately. I think he should immediately eliminate the official positions held by his family members, as it is unethical and in that they also profit from the businesses. I think rejecting and undermining the institutions of the United States is unethical, and I think that always seems to align with his personal image and business, which are roughly the same thing.

But, again, I am sure you're fine with this. good for you. Will I bet treated to a lecture on Obama, or will it be Clinton? i cant wait. zzzzzzzzzz
I guarantee Trump is audited every year... if there were anything nefarious going on, we'd know. Do you moonbats really think there is anything in a tax filing pointing to illegal activities? What woeful ignorance.

Why do you INSIST on showing what an asshole you are?

What the IRS screens...and what a House committee reviews does NOT have the same objectives.

What the tax returns WOULD reveal is Trump's possible loans through Russian oligarchs, the Deutsche Bank (a notorious Russian money laundry-network) and possible emolument breaches.......THAT is the scope of inquiry by the House committees...and not the IRS' responsibility.

Finish up on those GED courses.

So tell the class how you spot an emolument breach in a tax return. Come on ya little commie bitch, show us your genius.

What are you doing here? An "expert" like you should be advising federal judges!

Federal judge allows emoluments case against Trump to proceed

Any bets it will eventually be dismissed for lack of standing?

No, because they ran into that brick wall already, and took steps to clear it. That's why this is news.

Neither the States or the courts have jurisdiction over the emoluments clause, it requires a congressional decision, both houses.

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Neither that States or the courts have jurisdiction over the emoluments clause, it requires a congressional decision, both houses.
Wow, have you informed the federal Judge (who just shot down the president, by the way) of this?!?! Imagine his surprise!!
Ill-gotten gains don't tend to make it onto tax returns
Unless they are part of an elaborate money laundering scheme. That is, in fact, precisely the point of laundering money: to make ill-gotten gains appear legitimate.

And where do you think something like that might be, a corporate return or an individual return?

And just what is Trump doing and show the proof to your answer
I believe his behavior shows he will compromise american interests to kowtow to his personal profits. I believe his behavior to Saudi Arabia and Russia demonstrates this. I am sure you don't agree. That's fine.

I think taking profit from meetings/gatherings with foreign agents at his properties is ethically wrong and should stop immediately. I think not divesting from his business, which has overseas interests, is unethical and should cease immediately. I think he should immediately eliminate the official positions held by his family members, as it is unethical and in that they also profit from the businesses. I think rejecting and undermining the institutions of the United States is unethical, and I think that always seems to align with his personal image and business, which are roughly the same thing.

But, again, I am sure you're fine with this. good for you. Will I bet treated to a lecture on Obama, or will it be Clinton? i cant wait. zzzzzzzzzz

Trump Org donated $151,470 to gov't from foreign profits at hotels
This means any information gained there can never be disclosed to anyone not in the session, nor the public.
But, the committee that requests and receives Trump's tax returns can simply vote to make them public . So the legal hurdles being tossed about in this thread are kind of moot.

You better read that law again.

And where do you think something like that might be, a corporate return or an individual return?
Could be both, or just one. You see, often LLCs are created to pay other LLCs that then pay other LLCs. This is part of layering, which is why it is suspicious activity. So the feds and the State will look into these shell companies to see which is being paid as an officer, if anyone. Then they trace the money backwards, often through security exchanges and corporation buyouts (cannibal style). A similar tactic was used to catch Deutsch Bank in money laundering. The investigators had to do a deep dive to see where the oversight did not exist, and they caught them in an ongoing scheme to elude compliance. Oh, and they were just raided again a few days ago, for... you guessed it: suspicion of laundering money. That's twice in only a few years now.
Congress getting tax returns has nothing to do with Russian hacking.
So what? Not that I agree, because what is found in his tax returns may very well be part and parcel of the entire Russian dbeacle, including their hacking to benefit Trump.

But even if what you say is what? Your contrived reductionism is a charlatan's tactic.

Your dumbassery is showing again, who ever hacked the DNC was already in their system months before Trump announced, do try to keep up.

Hey dumb ass, nothing in your post indicated you think Trump did a damn thing illegal. Did business prior to sanctions, REALLY?

OT GHWBush lived a life dedicated to his country Trump lives one dedicated to himself

Why the deflection? Starting to think your lies are being exposed and you don't know near as much as you think you do?

Lets talk about lies Did you or didn't you hear this garbage in our WH say he WOULD reveal his taxes ,,,then change that to do so only if elected?? He lied right to your face Guess texas guys are used to getting lied to

More deflection, has nothing to do with this thread. And one is entitled to change their mind. Deal with it snowflake.

What you call a change of mind in reality is called a lie Nothing new for this disgrace in our WH

If that's the case here's an example of a lie you swallowed hook line and sinker. Remember when maobama said marriage was only between one man and one woman? Didn't he say he changed his mind, come to think of it, the bitch did the same thing. Did you call them liars? I could name many more you accepted without comment, but you get my drift. Hypocrite!

That's not what they want because they wouldn't understand them.
Of course, many people who want to see them would fully understand them. I know I would. So you seem to be soothing yourself.

Not without seeing the corporate returns he drew income from. If you say different you're a liar, his returns would only show income he drew from each company.

Not without seeing the corporate returns he drew income from. If you say different you're a liar, his returns would only show income he drew from each company.
Oh yes, I would need to compare them to the others, to get a full understanding. No doubt. I would still then have an understanding of his income, though not so much the details of the sources.
Claims without knowledge,
That doesn't make any sense at all. One would not have to know what was being hidden in order to surmise that he has withheld them in order to keep people from seeing them, which is to say hiding them. What a stupid thing for you to say. You embarrass yourself.

So you not posting you returns on this forum means you're hiding something illegal? Should I report you to the FBI just because I suspect you're dishonest?

So you not posting you returns on this forum means you're hiding something illegal?
The rerasons we would want to see trump's tax returns don't apply to me. So, go compare your apples and hand grenades all by yourself in the corner.
So what you are saying is it will be illegally leaked to the NYT by the Deep State and no one will pay for the abuse of power b/c of our two-tiered system of law?

If THAT is what you got from the O/P .........................I'd suggest you get hold of a copy of English Comprehension for [fucking] Dummies......
Except you forget that no one is legally bound to release tax or medical documents in order to be president.
True but afraid to show them doesn't lead you to think something smells bad?? IMHO It stinks

It doesn't matter

Would you make your private information public if you had no legal obligation to do so?

I sure as hell wouldn't

Yet all other Presidential Candidates did as a matter of transparency..

It is as simple as this your kid come up to you with his hand behind his back.. You say what you got, he says nothing.. Then you wouldn't mind showing me, No...

If Trump has nothing to hide then show it voluntarily like every other President.

Biggest problem Trump has is, he acts Guilty

Keep telling that lie, Romney never released his returns.

So you not posting you returns on this forum means you're hiding something illegal? Should I report you to the FBI just because I suspect you're dishonest?

What an asinine comparison by Tigger.....but, after all, he is a fucking moron....LOL
Claims without knowledge,
That doesn't make any sense at all. One would not have to know what was being hidden in order to surmise that he has withheld them in order to keep people from seeing them, which is to say hiding them. What a stupid thing for you to say. You embarrass yourself.

OK, if then you know what is being hidden, what is the point?
I said i didn'tknow. Pay attention!

Yep, claims without knowledge, just as I said.


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