How Trump's tax returns can be viewed by House Committees....

Maybe the issue is that after partnership debts he isn't so rich after all, then again it may have something to do with appointing another "independent" special prosecutor to investigate his business holdings. Its apparent that we now know why the best this country has to offer stays clear of politics.
One particular item of interest will be any compensation received from LLCs. LLCs are often used to obscure sources of funds and and reasons for compensation. Did Trump receive such compensation? Or, alternatively, was any portion of his income from the Trump co. derived from LLCs meant to obscure illegal activity?

Mueller , remember, has Trump's number one accountant under his thumb. No need to find experts...he can go right to the source...

Wow, do elaborate!!
How so? Are you looking for a free course in financial crime? If so, get off your dumb ass and take classes. I am not your mommy.

Fort.......remember the adage about wrestling with pigs???......Queasy is Squealing at the moon.....Give the moron a
I guess we'll just have to see how this plays out in the courts because from what I am reading here it's hard to discern who is blowing smoke up whoms ass.
I dont think any trump supporter is afraid if what is in his records, I think why you get so much pushback is because they dont like the Democrats running roughshod over the law, and it seems the left is out to deface and impeach trump under any circumstances, even if they have to fabricate allegations from out of context information.

Moron.........Right wingers are currently in charge of every aspect of government......
A republican was fired by the orange charlatan....A republican appointed another republican to investigate the orange charlatan......


Live with it.......Squeal all you want but Trump's corruption will be uncovered.
One particular item of interest will be any compensation received from LLCs. LLCs are often used to obscure sources of funds and and reasons for compensation. Did Trump receive such compensation? Or, alternatively, was any portion of his income from the Trump co. derived from LLCs meant to obscure illegal activity?

Mueller , remember, has Trump's number one accountant under his thumb. No need to find experts...he can go right to the source...

Wow, do elaborate!!
How so? Are you looking for a free course in financial crime? If so, get off your dumb ass and take classes. I am not your mommy.

Fort.......remember the adage about wrestling with pigs???......Queasy is Squealing at the moon.....Give the moron a

All you two do is hurl all kinds of "Trump did this, they have him on that, he's going down, etc., etc." When asked, politely I might add, to back it up, you respond with this sort of shit which of course means you're just talking out of your ass.
I dont think any trump supporter is afraid if what is in his records, I think why you get so much pushback is because they dont like the Democrats running roughshod over the law, and it seems the left is out to deface and impeach trump under any circumstances, even if they have to fabricate allegations from out of context information.

Moron.........Right wingers are currently in charge of every aspect of government......
A republican was fired by the orange charlatan....A republican appointed another republican to investigate the orange charlatan......


Live with it.......Squeal all you want but Trump's corruption will be uncovered.

Democrats are scared of offending everyone..

They never do shit

did, and the law states that those records can only be obtained in closed executive session. If you look at the rules for closed executive session, it means that secrecy and confidentiality rules apply, which means nothing in that session is allowed to be made public.

The tax returns will be reviewed in closed sessions.....HOWEVER, they will be reviewed by LAWMAKERS (like it or not) and if something rotten exists (CONFIRMED by Trump's reluctance to make them public) THEN lawmakers can and will relay their findings for further prosecution.

OTHERWISE, why have that law in the first place if not for a possible reason to prosecute.....for sure it was not written for reading pleasure.
did, and the law states that those records can only be obtained in closed executive session. If you look at the rules for closed executive session, it means that secrecy and confidentiality rules apply, which means nothing in that session is allowed to be made public.

The tax returns will be reviewed in closed sessions.....HOWEVER, they will be reviewed by LAWMAKERS (like it or not) and if something rotten exists (CONFIRMED by Trump's reluctance to make them public) THEN lawmakers can and will relay their findings for further prosecution.

And what year will that be in 2536?

No your reading it right, Trump could tell the IRS no to release them .

Oh PLEASE advise the orange moron to obstruct the carrying out of justice even MORE......PLEASE.......LOL
No your reading it right, Trump could tell the IRS no to release them .

Oh PLEASE advise the orange moron to obstruct the carrying out of justice even MORE......PLEASE.......LOL

Nats tax return

did, and the law states that those records can only be obtained in closed executive session. If you look at the rules for closed executive session, it means that secrecy and confidentiality rules apply, which means nothing in that session is allowed to be made public.

The tax returns will be reviewed in closed sessions.....HOWEVER, they will be reviewed by LAWMAKERS (like it or not) and if something rotten exists (CONFIRMED by Trump's reluctance to make them public) THEN lawmakers can and will relay their findings for further prosecution.

And what year will that be in 2536?


Why you laughing, democrats never do shit when in power .

No your reading it right, Trump could tell the IRS no to release them .

Oh PLEASE advise the orange moron to obstruct the carrying out of justice even MORE......PLEASE.......LOL

It's not justice poop head..its a right to privacy .


I believe that is EXACTLY what Al Capone's attorneys argued.......How did THAT turn out?


Haha the last time you got in power you didn't convict bush jr of war crimes .

How come?

Democrats are the stupidest people on the planet..

This means any information gained there can never be disclosed to anyone not in the session, nor the public.
But, the committee that requests and receives Trump's tax returns can simply vote to make them public . So the legal hurdles being tossed about in this thread are kind of moot.
Ok, I didnt read that in the law, but then I'm no law expert. I had assumed that the secrecy provision meant confidentiality unless authorized release was granted by the person whom the tax returns belonged to.

I was unaware that Congress could vote to violate the law and bypass the secrecy conditions.
they would not be violating the law, as it allows them to vote to make them public.
That's where I'm getting hung up. Where in the law does it state they can vote to make his records public, and bypass the secrecy conditions that are required due to being a closed executive session?
Here, I believe:

(B)Report by the Secretary

The Secretary shall, within 90 days after the close of each calendar year, furnish to the Joint Committee on Taxation a report with respect to, or summary of, the records or accountings described in subparagraph (A) in such form and containing such information as such joint committee or the Chief of Staff of such joint committee may designate. Such report or summary shall not, however, include a record or accounting of any request by the President under subsection (g) for, or the disclosure in response to such request of, any return or return information with respect to any individual who, at the time of such request, was an officer or employee of the executive branch of the Federal Government. Such report or summary, or any part thereof, may be disclosed by such joint committee to such persons and for such purposes as the joint committee may, by record vote of a majority of the members of the joint committee, determine
So, my legalize is terrible, but this section refers to sub paragraph A, which i assume is the subsection right above the one you quoted (which is sub section B)

Subsection B appears to be referring only to the request for records in relation to record keeping procedures. In other words, the secretary has to keep a permanent record keeping procedure, and the committee can make a request to inspect those record keeping procedures and the committee can vote to make those records public.

I dont think this section is in relation to the tax requests that are made by the joint committees when requesting actual tax record information.

But then again, my legalize is not so great so reading the mumbo jumbo, I may not be understanding.
No your reading it right, Trump could tell the IRS no to release them .

Oh PLEASE advise the orange moron to obstruct the carrying out of justice even MORE......PLEASE.......LOL

Nats tax return

View attachment 232572

Above, an example of a right winger's intelligentsia.........(No wonder Trump stated that he loves the poorly

No we have seen it a hundred times, the left will play with Barney.. instead of doing anything meaningful..

giphy (23).gif

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