How we know Hitler was right wing.

Take the standard hitler speech and swap the word jew with "the rich" and you have a liberal rant.

Really? I've yet to hear anyone call for the killing of any rich people, nor have I heard anyone say that the rich should be taken away from society and put into concentration camps.

BTW...............the rich people still have their guns as well, Hitler made it illegal for Jews to own guns.

And.................finally.........................where is the identifying patch that they're supposed to wear, do they get Stars of David like the Jews did, or do they get to sew dollar signs on their lapels?

Those "eat the rich" are endorsing what exactly? People can remain alive after being eaten?

Hitler didn't come right out of the chute and tell people "I'munna wipe out the jews, elect me". They didn't even acknowledge when they were doing it.

I listened to plenty of occutards, and it seems to me that mob would be as delighted as any other bunch to repeat the murders of the nazi's or bolsheviks. "For the people" of course.
Hitler's own words indicate that he considered Communism/Marxism the antithesis of German National Socialism.

1. Hitler makes repreated reference to God, while Communism/Marxism denies the existance of God.

-"I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

"Who says I am not under the special protection of God."
- Adolf Hitler, after winning elections of 1933 in Germany

2. Hitler believes in the family unit as being essential unit in the building of the State, the Communist/Marxists repeatedly attempted to replace the family unit.

"The family is the smallest but most precious unit in the building of a State."
- Adilf Hitler

3. Hitler recognized and accepted the existance of different economic classes in German society. The Communisms attempted to create a "classless" society.

"Our social welfare system is so much more than just charity because we do not say to the rich people "Please, give something to the poor." Instead we say "German people, help yourself!" Everyone must help, whether you are rich or poor. Everyone must have the belief that there's always someone in a much worse situation than I am, and this person I want to help as a comrade.
- Adolf Hitler

4. Hitler considered Marxism a "plague" that had to be removed from "the German way pf life."

"The struggle against Marxism has for the first time evolved into a united struggle. For the first time, I allow myself as an unknown man to start a war, and not rest until this plague has been removed from the German way of life."
- Adolf Hitler

5. Hitler felt that National Socialism and Communism/Marxism were 2 competing ideologies that could never coexist and that the latter had to be "annihilated."

(Regarding the invasion of the USSR) "We must forget the concept of comradeship between soldiers. A Communist is no comrade before or after this battle. This is a war of annihilation."
- Adolf Hitler

“What matters is that Bolshevism be exterminated.”
- Adolf Hitler

6. Hitler perceived Communism/Marxism as an invention of the Jews (Marx) that attempts to trick mankind by promising happiness on earth ( a variation of the Messiah conception) with historic materialism. Only an inferior race, such as the Slavs, would be deceived by this Jewish ploy.

Furthermore, thanks to the Marxist religion, they (the Russians) have everything required to make them patient. They have been promised happiness on earth (a feature which distinguishes Marxism from the Christian religion)—but in the future. The Jew, Mardochee Marx, like the good Jew that he was, was awaiting the coming of the Messiah. He has placed the Messiah conception in a setting of historic materialism by asserting that terrestrial happiness is a factor in an almost endless process of evolution. "Happiness is within your reach," he says, "that I promise you. But you must let evolution take its course and not try to hurry matters." Mankind always falls for a specious trick of that sort... Lenin did not have the time, but Stalin will carry on the good work, and so on and so on... Marxism is a very powerful force.
- Hitler, 25th February 1945

"By instinct, the Russian does not incline towards a higher form of society. Certain peoples can live in such a way that with them a collection of family units does not make a whole; and although Russia has set up a social system which, judged by Western standards, qualifies for the designation " State ", it is not, in fact, a system which is either congenial or natural to her."
- Hitler's Table Talk. 2nd ed. New York City: Enigma Books, 200. pp. 3-5.

"The war against Russia will be such that it cannot be conducted in a knightly fashion. This struggle is one of ideologies and racial differences and will have to be conducted with unprecedented, unmerciful and unrelenting harshness.
- Adolf Hitler (to conference of senior officers of Wehrmacht, March 1941)

7. Hitler argued that by its very nature, the goals of Communist/Marxism deceived mankind by pomising an "unattainable paradise." This in turn made men slaves to a view of society that they could never achieve. National Socialism, on the the other hand, was viewed as an ideology that provided attainable goals, that unlike Communist/Marxism, would improve the "lot of the German people."

"The universalists, the idealists, the Utopians all aim too high. They give promises of an unattainable paradise, and by doing so they deceive mankind. Whatever label they wear, whether they call themselves Christians, Communists, humanitarians, whether they are merely sincere but stupid or wire-pullers and cynics, they are all makers of slaves. I myself have always kept my eye fixed on a paradise which, in the nature of things, lies well within our reach. I mean an improvement in the lot of the German people."
- Hitler, 21st February 1945
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My bad. I thought this was the other thread. :redface: Too early in the morning for me. :eek:

Hitler was an authoritarian opposed to individual liberty.

Obama is an authoritarian opposed to individual liberty.

You are an authoritarian opposed to individual liberty.

Nuff said.

Exactly HOW is Obama opposed to individual liberty? I've yet to hear of any liberties that he has personally taken from anyone in this country.

You don't think killing American citizens without due process counts?
The ultimate expression of the right is anarchy. The ultimate expression of the left is totalitarianism. Hitler was no anarchist.

And therein lies the problem, folks.

That ever popular canard that right = freedom and left = slavery.

History shows us instead that:


and what KIND of government or what KIND of economy really doesn't amount to a hill of beans because NO SYSTEM, HOWEVER NOBLE, CAN NOT BE TURNED INTO AN AUTHORITARIAN NIGHTMARE.

Hell folks most of us sense this is happening to our system which most of us agree could be a great society based on the noble stuctures upon which it was conceived.

I fail to see how anarchy can be turned in an authoritarian nightmare. "Anarchy" simply means "no government." The worst thing that could happen under anarchy is that someone establishes a government. In other words, we couldn't possibly be worse off than we are now. We already live under an "authoritarian nightmare."

A socialist system is already an authoritarian nightmare. Anarchy is entirely on the other end of the spectrum. What you're saying is that it's as easy to go from the complete opposite end of the spectrum to authoritarian nightmare as it is if you are starting out at an authoritarian nightmare. That theory just doesn't wash.
This is my question too. Do they believe the Neo-Nazis are left-wing or right-wing?

Ohhhh, I know - the answer is "mentally retarded."

Frauds like Pogo spew about the Aryans and Neo-Nazis, but have any of you ever read Richard Butler, or any of the other scum from that group?

They ain't exactly Ayn Rand capitalists.

Oh yeah, and the fuckers are in bed with Al Qaeda.

You sir, are a fucking liar. I've said nothing about either Aryans or Neo-Nazis.
Is fabrication all you have then?
They all have differing degrees, unless you are a moronic absolutist. As you say it isn't rocket science. So spare me your moronic stupidity.

Expect an answer? Lol! The only reason to answer you is to expose your illogical deductions.

All afternoon and that's all you can come up with?

Not your fault really -- there isn't anything else to come up with. That's the point I made in the first place. Should have just cut your losses and stayed off it.
And yes, I "expected an answer" as distinguished from a rhetorical question that doesn't. I challenged you to back up your wanker statement, and you came up empty.

You wanker crybabies just can't bring yourselves to admit when you've been owned. :eusa_boohoo:

What a dumb fuck you are. Do you not have the mental capacity to know that you can have varying degrees of anything.

You have no way to back up your bullshit and every person on this board with a brain knows you can't back it up.

And you're another one. I made no claim to "back up"-- you did. You said here:
You got that out of his comments? Wow! I thought you were smarter than that.

-- I then challenged you to explain what else such a comparison could mean, and you ran away. Then you came back with nothing. And you still have nothing.
Back that up.
In his own words, Hitler's view of of the ideology of National Socialism in Nazi Germany was totally different from that Communism/Marxism in the following areas:

1. the existance of God

2. the role of the family unit

3. acceptance of economic classes

4. view of Communism/Marxism as a "plague"

5. conclusion that these 2 competing ideologies could never coexist

6. Communism/Marxism viewed as a Jewish inspired ideology adopted by an inferior race (Slavs)

7. Communism/Marxism as a deception, an ideology based on unattainable goals that makes men "slaves"
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Hitler was a socialist. His Nazi Germany of 1933 followed the Communist Manifesto to a tee.

Hitler distrusted capitalism for being unreliable due to its egotism, and he preferred a state-directed economy that is subordinated to the interests of the Volk.[151]

Hitler said in 1927, "We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions."

Hitler told a party leader in 1934, "The economic system of our day is the creation of the Jews."[151] Hitler said to Benito Mussolini that "Capitalism had run its course".[151] Hitler also said that the business bourgeoisie "know nothing except their profit. 'Fatherland' is only a word for them."[153] Hitler admired Napoleon as a role model for his anti-conservative, anti-capitalist and anti-bourgeois attitudes

The Nazis argued that capitalism damages nations due to international finance, the economic dominance of big business, and Jewish influences.[144] Nazi propaganda posters in working class districts emphasized anti-capitalism, such as one that said: "The maintenance of a rotten industrial system has nothing to do with nationalism. I can love Germany and hate capitalism."[150]

Adolf Hitler, both in public and in private, expressed disdain for capitalism, arguing that it holds nations ransom in the interests of a parasitic cosmopolitan rentier class.[151] He opposed free market capitalism's profit-seeking impulses and desired an economy in which community interests would be upheld

Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Hitler was a socialist. His Nazi Germany of 1933 followed the Communist Manifesto to a tee.

Hitler distrusted capitalism for being unreliable due to its egotism, and he preferred a state-directed economy that is subordinated to the interests of the Volk.[151]

Hitler said in 1927, "We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions."

Hitler told a party leader in 1934, "The economic system of our day is the creation of the Jews."[151] Hitler said to Benito Mussolini that "Capitalism had run its course".[151] Hitler also said that the business bourgeoisie "know nothing except their profit. 'Fatherland' is only a word for them."[153] Hitler admired Napoleon as a role model for his anti-conservative, anti-capitalist and anti-bourgeois attitudes

The Nazis argued that capitalism damages nations due to international finance, the economic dominance of big business, and Jewish influences.[144] Nazi propaganda posters in working class districts emphasized anti-capitalism, such as one that said: "The maintenance of a rotten industrial system has nothing to do with nationalism. I can love Germany and hate capitalism."[150]

Adolf Hitler, both in public and in private, expressed disdain for capitalism, arguing that it holds nations ransom in the interests of a parasitic cosmopolitan rentier class.[151] He opposed free market capitalism's profit-seeking impulses and desired an economy in which community interests would be upheld

Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From the same link:
A majority of scholars identify Nazism in practice as a form of far-right politics.[23] Far-right themes in Nazism include the argument that superior people have a right to dominate over other people and purge society of supposed inferior elements.[10] Adolf Hitler and other proponents officially portrayed Nazism as being neither left- nor right-wing, but syncretic.[24][25]

... The Nazis were strongly influenced by the post-World War I far-right in Germany, which held common beliefs such as anti-Marxism, anti-liberalism, and anti-Semitism, along with nationalism, contempt towards the Treaty of Versailles, and condemnnation of the Weimar Republic for signing the armistice in November 1918 that later led to their signing of the Treaty of Versailles.[28] A major inspiration for the Nazis were the far-right nationalist Freikorps, paramilitary organizations that engaged in political violence after World War I.[28]

... Hitler took a pragmatic position between the conservative and radical factions of the Nazi Party, in that he accepted private property and allowed capitalist private enterprises to exist as long as they adhered to the goals of the Nazi state. However, if a capitalist private enterprise resisted Nazi goals, he sought to destroy it.[34]

... Though Hitler for "tactical" reasons had rhetorically declared a 1920 party platform with socialist platitudes "unshakable," actually "many paragraphs of the party program were obviously merely a demagogic appeal to the mood of the lower classes at a time when they were in bad straits and were sympathetic to radical and even socialist slogans...Point 11, for example...Point 12...nationalization...Point 16...communalization.... put in at the insistence of Drexler and Feder, who apparently really believed in the 'socialism' of National Socialism."[98] In actual practice, such points were mere slogans, "most of them forgotten by the time the party came to power.... the Nazi leader himself was later to be embarrassed when reminded of some of them."[98] Historian Conan Fischer argues that the Nazis were sincere in their use of the adjective socialist, which they saw as inseparable from the adjective national, and meant it as a socialism of the master race, rather than the socialism of the "underprivileged and oppressed seeking justice and equal rights."[99]

Hitler viewed individual races as being part of a hierarchy, and he espoused the "aristocratic idea of nature". This view led to his assertion of superior and higher qualities of the Aryan race.[111]

Your own link, and just from that page alone. And we did all this before.

"Ignorance is Strength", comrade.
See, the problem with this entire thread is that many of you people seem to be under the impression that there have been only two philosophies in the entire history of the planet.

Everything to some of you folks MUST be assigned to either left or right.

Nazi's were FASCISTS. They weren't "Leftists" and they weren't "Rightists", they were Authoritarians.

While you are correct, the key here is that in American usage, left is more government, and right is less government.

Hitler was a totalitarian, total government. Just like Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Chavez, Castro, Ho, et al.

Total government is the ultimate expression of leftism, As Obama piles more and more government on, he moves closer to the leftist ideal of total government.

Thus, by even your own argument, to deny that Hitler was a leftist is absurd.

The ultimate expression of the right is anarchy. The ultimate expression of the left is totalitarianism. Hitler was no anarchist.

They didn't just want control over the means of production like left-wingers, or just control over morality, like right-wingers. They didn't want to spread the wealth evenly like communists.

They wanted control over EVERYTHING.

So, pretty much like the democrats today?

But, again, that is simply not true, even within the confines of US politics.

Left does not equal more government.

Left equals more regulation of business and economics.

Right equals more regulation of morality and individual freedoms.

The people you seem to be calling "Right" are "Libertarians", while the people you are calling "Left" are Authoritarians.

This is a false dichotomy invented by right-wing media, and is simply not accurate.

I, for instance, am a libertarian-leaning Left-winger, in that I am a strong advocate of individual freedoms, but at the same time an equally strong advocate of corporate regulation, and the creation of a social safety net.

An example of an authoritarian leaning right-winger would be Rick Santorum. There are examples of authoritarian types on the Left as well.
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... Hitler took a pragmatic position between the conservative and radical factions of the Nazi Party, in that he accepted private property and allowed capitalist private enterprises to exist as long as they adhered to the goals of the Nazi state. However, if a capitalist private enterprise resisted Nazi goals, he sought to destroy it.[34]

Here's the thing with that.

In reality, there was no private property in Nazi Germany. There wasn't a free-market economy either.

The closest economic system we can use to describe Nazi Germany's economy is socialism.

I don't know of any extreme right-winger that will advocate for a centrally planned economy and no private property rights. That's a polar opposite of conservatism.
... Hitler took a pragmatic position between the conservative and radical factions of the Nazi Party, in that he accepted private property and allowed capitalist private enterprises to exist as long as they adhered to the goals of the Nazi state. However, if a capitalist private enterprise resisted Nazi goals, he sought to destroy it.[34]

Here's the thing with that.

In reality, there was no private property in Nazi Germany. There wasn't a free-market economy either.

The closest economic system we can use to describe Nazi Germany's economy is socialism.

I don't know of any extreme right-winger that will advocate for a centrally planned economy and no private property rights. That's a polar opposite of conservatism.

Hitler had no economic philosophy. He was only interested in social philosophy, nationalism, militarism, a historical fantasy and "glory". Whatever actions he took could have come from right, left or center, as long as they advanced his quest for power and nation-building. So you can't make a case for Nazism's placement on the political spectrum based on economics. You can however do so based on social structure philosophies, which is entirely what it was all about.

That's why I included the passage about hierarchy. Socialism as we use the term is egalitarian, not hierarchical, and Hitler's gang was intensely hierarchical. Along with hypernationalism/hyperpatriotism, "Kinder, Kirche, Kuche", the appeal to past glory and the obsession with the strong military, these are what place Hitler on the right. Or more correctly, off the right side of the scale into Insanityland. But they're certainly not "leftist" ideals.

You're going to have to face the fact that, by the word "socialist" (which Hitler objected to being in the name of the party), they meant a social contract, not an economic system.

In 1922, Hitler defined a socialist as "whoever is prepared to make the national cause his own to such an extent that he knows no higher ideal than the welfare of his nation; whoever has understood our great national anthem, "Deutschland Über Alles", to mean that nothing in the wide world surpasses in his eyes this Germany, people and land-- that man is a Socialist." -- Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, p. 85

Clearly a definition of nationalism, not economics.

"(2) I was not an economist, which means that I have never been a theorist during my whole life... Economic activity in itself is no dogma and never can be such. There is no economic theory or opinion which can claim to be considered as sacrosanct." (Reichstag speech, 1937)

"The main plank in the National Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute therefore the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood." (ibid)

Again, clearly a raison d'être based on nationalism, not economics.
But, again, that is simply not true, even within the confines of US politics.

Left does not equal more government.

Left equals more regulation of business and economics.

Right equals more regulation of morality and individual freedoms.


The only freedom the left thinks exists is that to kill one's offspring. While the right correctly points out that abortion belongs with the states, this is hardly a regulation of individual freedom.

Now the Obama NDAA on the other hand...

The people you seem to be calling "Right" are "Libertarians", while the people you are calling "Left" are Authoritarians.

The left are authoritarian - look at the Obama left.

And Mitt Romney was no Libertarian, but he offered VASTLY more support for individual liberty than Obama and his group do. The democrats demand to micromanage every aspect of a persons life, down to how much salt they may have or what size soda can be purchased.

Michelle Obama can fuck off, I'll decide my own life.

This is a false dichotomy invented by right-wing media, and is simply not accurate.

Right wing media, ROFL.

A single cable news station is not directed by the democratic party and you have the chutzpah to talk about "Right wing media" :cuckoo:

I, for instance, am a libertarian-leaning Left-winger, in that I am a strong advocate of individual freedoms, but at the same time an equally strong advocate of corporate regulation, and the creation of a social safety net.

So, you support the right of people to do as the party tells them, then?

I mean, what individuals freedoms? The freedom to make a film that insults Muhammad without being put in prison by our King? The right to follow one's own religious choice and not have the King order you to provide abortificants and birth control? The right to due process, charges or indictment prior to summary execution on the order of the King?

That kind of thing?

An example of an authoritarian leaning right-winger would be Rick Santorum.

I mean yeah, the hate sites say to hate him, so uh, that means he's really bad and stuff.

There are examples of authoritarian types on the Left as well.

Great example you gave on the right, loads of detail and proof - not just mindless ad hom spewed at an enemy of the party....

The correct title for this thread is "How we know saigon is a political-historical illiterate".
You're missing my point though, Pogo.

Not to take away from anything you said as it's all correct, but my point is simply that at the end of the day, Nazi Germany was just as socialist as the USSR, for example.

Hitler may not have wanted to associate with the Soviet Union, but their economic systems were very much alike. And I'm not going by what Hitler said, I'm going by what Hitler accomplished during his time in power. And you can't ignore their economic system when classifying them politically.

If you judge Nazis based on their ideology alone, I suppose you could make a case for them as type of extreme right-wingers. But in practice they emulated everything from the leftist socialist dictatorships throughout history.

With that said, I think it would probably be fair to refrain from classifying Nazi Germany or the USSR as simply right or left wing.
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You're missing my point though, Pogo.

Not to take away from anything you said as it's all correct, but my point is simply that at the end of the day, Nazi Germany was just as socialist as the USSR, for example.

Hitler may not have wanted to associate with the Soviet Union, but their economic systems were very much alike. And I'm not going by what Hitler said, I'm going by what Hitler accomplished during his time in power. And you can't ignore their economic system when classifying them politically.

If you judge Nazis based on their ideology alone, I suppose you could make a case for them as type of extreme right-wingers. But in practice they emulated everything from the leftist socialist dictatorships throughout history.

With that said, I think it would probably be fair to refrain from classifying Nazi Germany or the USSR as simply right or left wing.

You're still hung up on economics. The NSDAP wasn't a party of economics wonks. They were authoritarian nationalism wonks. Or wanks.

Adolf Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: "the basic ideas of the National-Socialist movement are populist (völkisch) and the populist (völkisch) ideas are National-Socialist." The economics are irrelevant. You'll find no one to argue that the goals of the NSDAP had anything to do with economics. It wasn't what they were about in any sense except as it might serve to glorify Germany. And for that they would have taken any step that worked; they didn't really care.

But I'll agree on your end point; it's not that simple. And it's certainly not valid to point to the word "socialist" in the party's name and draw conclusions while ignoring the whole context in which it lived.
I get what you're trying to say, but economic policies play a huge role in politics. We can't just ignore them.

I also don't buy for a second that Hitler had no economic plan. He may have said it, along with countless other things he said that didn't turn out to be true.

But you're right; placing the Nazis on the political spectrum is a little tricky, as they don't represent modern liberal or conservative beliefs.
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Who gives a crap, both leftist/Marxist governments and the Nazis are murdering bastards, the only difference being the Nazis where amatuers when it came to murdering their own citizens when compared to their Marxist brethren. I mean what Hitler did seems like an Ice Cream Social when compared to what Stalin and Mao did.

I don't think Birkenau was an "ice cream social", and neither do you.

Stalin, Mao and Hitler was all tyrants and dictators, without question, but to understand anthing at all about modern politics, one has to understand the political spectrum from far left to far right, and where those men sat on that spectrum.

Nope, but the 700,000-1,000,000 killed there is but a drop in the bucket when compared to the almost 130,000,000 killed by the communist regimes in just China and Russia alone, forget about the millions more killed by the other leftist regimes. The popular terms fascist liberal, femi-nazi or liberal fascism are quite fitting if you ask me. The left has adopted the worst of both fascism and marxism and the only thing in this nation keeping them from acting like Hitler, Mao or Stalin is that we have approx 80,000,000 armed citizens. In my opinion the very real reason why the left in this nation is doing it's damndest to infringe upon the Citizen's 2nd amendment rights.
I think you are wrong to link all on the left with the goal of infringing on our 2nd amendment rights. One can be leaning to the left and still be in favor of the citizens right to own guns. Also, fascism is by definition both distinct from the leftist view of equal rights for all and the right wing view of limited government rights to control its people.
approx 80,000,000 armed citizens. In my opinion the very real reason why the left in this nation is doing it's damndest to infringe upon the Citizen's 2nd amendment rights.
I think you are wrong to link all on the left with the goal of infringing on our 2nd amendment rights. One can be leaning to the left and still be in favor of the citizens right to own guns. Also, fascism is by definition both distinct from the leftist view of equal rights for all and the right wing view of limited government rights to control its people.

that may be the case

and i am sure it is

most of my family is left

all strong 2nd amendment lovers

all wondering why they voted

for this
Take the standard hitler speech and swap the word jew with "the rich" and you have a liberal rant.

Really? I've yet to hear anyone call for the killing of any rich people, nor have I heard anyone say that the rich should be taken away from society and put into concentration camps.

BTW...............the rich people still have their guns as well, Hitler made it illegal for Jews to own guns.

And.................finally.........................where is the identifying patch that they're supposed to wear, do they get Stars of David like the Jews did, or do they get to sew dollar signs on their lapels?
Hitler made it illegal for the Jews to have guns eh, so if Obama could, would he make it illegal for us to own guns or maybe even either of his cronies to do the same against us if they had that power as of yet ? I mean just listen to all the democrats and libs speaking out there, and then answer this honestly.

Hmmm, isn't it funny how nothing sticks to Obama, just as you sit back and say over and over here, and why is this one wonders ? Is it because he is an expert at letting others sacrifice themselves for him, just as the emperor of Japan did with his people during world war two ?

First, Obama is not planning, nor is anyone, to make it illegal to own guns. Certain types of assault guns and certain amounts of ammunition may be restricted. Many kinds of regulations about owning guns are desired by the majority of people in the country. So it isn't Obama doing anything on his own; it is the voice of the majority, people who want more gun controls. The comparison of him to emperors and dictators is ludicrous. I don't know who you think is buying that. It just seems like hysterical ranting.
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