How we know Hitler was right wing.

I see you haven't distinguished between contradiction and argument yet. Simply saying that it isn’t so, or, that it is something else is not an argument. My emoticon assessment is, and will always be, spot on. This video should help.

Oh please. You wanna quote Monty Python to me of all people? What a rookie.:rofl:

No rookie, posting a Monty Python video neither makes nor refutes an argument. What I did, I'll explain yet again, was to point out that what you're using as a basis is a bullshit propaganda piece put out by an organization that specialized in bullshit propaganda. It has no more value as a basis of argument than pointing at the word "socialist" in the name of the NSDAP. Even less actually. You're asking us to believe what the Nazis used to sell themselves is gospel truth. God only knows what that means we should believe about, say, Jews.

In short, your basis is utter worthless bullshit. I don't know how I can reduce it to anything simpler.

You keep calling official statements of the Nazi party "propaganda," and saying that direct quotes from Hitler or other politicians stating that they are socialist and the enemies of capitalism don't mean what any 5-year-old would think they mean, but what do you offer in opposition? so far all we've seen is some vague complaint from Hitler than he didn't want "socialism" in the Party title. He never says anywhere that he opposes socialism. You have never posted a single thing where any Nazi party official says they are opposed to socialism.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Uh- really. "All we've seen" meaning "all you've chosen to read" is not the same as "all there is".

I posted this here six days ago, on the 80th anniversary of the opening of Dachau:

... The Nazis were strongly influenced by the post-World War I far-right in Germany, which held common beliefs such as anti-Marxism, anti-liberalism, and anti-Semitism, along with nationalism, contempt towards the Treaty of Versailles, and condemnation of the Weimar Republic for signing the armistice in November 1918 that later led to their signing of the Treaty of Versailles. A major inspiration for the Nazis were the far-right nationalist Freikorps, paramilitary organizations that engaged in political violence after World War I.

-- Nazism

March 20, 1933 - Dachau Opens - Heinrich Himmler, SS leader and chief of the Munich police, announces the opening of the Dachau concentration camp. The camp is located about 10 miles northwest of Munich in southern Germany. Dachau is one of the first concentration camps the Nazis establish. The first prisoners arrive two days later. They are mainly Communists and Socialists and other political opponents of the Nazi party.

In the space of fourteen months in 1935-36, 2,197 persons from left-wing circles were arrested in Berlin alone. In 1936, 11,687 persons were arrested throughout Germany for illegal socialist activity. In 1936 the Gestapo seized 1,643,200 illicit leaflets distributed by the Communist and Social-Democratic Parties alone and, in 1937, 927,430.
-- History of the German Resistance, 1933-1945 (p. 16)​

Between 1933 and 1945, Nazi Germany established about 20,000 camps to imprison its many millions of victims. These camps were used for a range of purposes including forced-labor camps, transit camps which served as temporary way stations, and extermination camps built primarily or exclusively for mass murder. From its rise to power in 1933, the Nazi regime built a series of detention facilities to imprison and eliminate so-called "enemies of the state." Most prisoners in the early concentration camps were German Communists, Socialists, Social Democrats, Roma (Gypsies), Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, and persons accused of "asocial" or socially deviant behavior.

More recently there was 882 today.

And your response to all this is:

- and a little boy giving the finger.
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Take the standard hitler speech and swap the word jew with "the rich" and you have a liberal rant.
According to that theory we can call Lenin a capitalist because all his talk about socialism was just propaganda, wasn't it?

So you're saying -- what? That Nazi propaganda is plausible enough to hang your hat on?


Prove it's propaganda. Is the platform of the Democrat Party "propaganda?" If you can't believe the official platform of a political party and statements made by party leaders, what can you believe, the claims of a bunch of pinko intellectuals who have no quotes of any kind to support their claims?

Uh, it's written by them. Duuuuh.

So now you're saying "if we can't believe the Nazis, who can we believe??"

OK, let's watch it again in slow motion...

"Hitler = Obama = Esmerelda". Hence "Hitler = Esmerelda".
Diga me, what else can you possibly get out of that?? Ain't rocket surgery.

That's not a rhetorical question; I expect an answer, and something more substantive than a gaping disbelief in the absence of an alternative. Or a wanker ad hominem.

They all have differing degrees, unless you are a moronic absolutist. As you say it isn't rocket science. So spare me your moronic stupidity.

Expect an answer? Lol! The only reason to answer you is to expose your illogical deductions.

All afternoon and that's all you can come up with?

Not your fault really -- there isn't anything else to come up with. That's the point I made in the first place. Should have just cut your losses and stayed off it.
And yes, I "expected an answer" as distinguished from a rhetorical question that doesn't. I challenged you to back up your wanker statement, and you came up empty.

You wanker crybabies just can't bring yourselves to admit when you've been owned. :eusa_boohoo:

What a dumb fuck you are. Do you not have the mental capacity to know that you can have varying degrees of anything.

You have no way to back up your bullshit and every person on this board with a brain knows you can't back it up.
See, the problem with this entire thread is that many of you people seem to be under the impression that there have been only two philosophies in the entire history of the planet.

Everything to some of you folks MUST be assigned to either left or right.

Nazi's were FASCISTS. They weren't "Leftists" and they weren't "Rightists", they were Authoritarians.

They didn't just want control over the means of production like left-wingers, or just control over morality, like right-wingers. They didn't want to spread the wealth evenly like communists.

They wanted control over EVERYTHING.

You won't get them to comment because they don't want to admit that they are stupid.
So you're saying -- what? That Nazi propaganda is plausible enough to hang your hat on?


Prove it's propaganda. Is the platform of the Democrat Party "propaganda?" If you can't believe the official platform of a political party and statements made by party leaders, what can you believe, the claims of a bunch of pinko intellectuals who have no quotes of any kind to support their claims?

Uh, it's written by them. Duuuuh.

So now you're saying "if we can't believe the Nazis, who can we believe??"


So everything the Nazis said is a lie? How about when they said the wanted to get rid of the Jews? Apparently you can't believe a thing the Nazis said, but those pinko intellectuals you like to quote just somehow magically know what the Nazis really believed. They can read the Nazis minds, but mere mortals like me have to rely on what they actually said.

Do you actually believe your argument is rational or credible?
My bad. I thought this was the other thread. :redface: Too early in the morning for me. :eek:

Hitler was an authoritarian opposed to individual liberty.

Obama is an authoritarian opposed to individual liberty.

You are an authoritarian opposed to individual liberty.

Nuff said.

Exactly HOW is Obama opposed to individual liberty? I've yet to hear of any liberties that he has personally taken from anyone in this country.
Take the standard hitler speech and swap the word jew with "the rich" and you have a liberal rant.

Really? I've yet to hear anyone call for the killing of any rich people, nor have I heard anyone say that the rich should be taken away from society and put into concentration camps.

BTW...............the rich people still have their guns as well, Hitler made it illegal for Jews to own guns.

And.................finally.........................where is the identifying patch that they're supposed to wear, do they get Stars of David like the Jews did, or do they get to sew dollar signs on their lapels?
My bad. I thought this was the other thread. :redface: Too early in the morning for me. :eek:

Hitler was an authoritarian opposed to individual liberty.

Obama is an authoritarian opposed to individual liberty.

You are an authoritarian opposed to individual liberty.

Nuff said.

Exactly HOW is Obama opposed to individual liberty? I've yet to hear of any liberties that he has personally taken from anyone in this country.
Maybe not, but he stands by and listens to all his cronies speak of taking away liberties, and then watches as they take away liberties, just like us freely drinking certain soft drinks, eating, smoking and having the guns and ammo that we choose freely to have etc. and all this instead of reforming the products themselves or making deals with the corporations secretly in order to help out where they may be adding to or creating products that kill us off to quickly. It can get done some of these things, while treating the citizens who elected him along with his cronies (with the utmost of respect and honor). Anyone tired of these people looking at we the people as a bunch of freaking idiots yet ? Is it that Obama likes using the citizens to get to the corporations in which he doesn't like, so he first tries to stop us from using, in hopes that it will dry up their customer base for their products sold in this way, and this instead of going directly after the source of a problem, so is this what he does ? Don't want to hurt them donors now does he ? It would look better to the people if he were acting as a protector of the people by going to bat for them against a bad corporation who is out to hurt Americans, and this instead of going after Americans to try and hurt the corporations in this indirect way like he does and/or is doing all the time.

It's easier to disrespect us though isn't it ?
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Take the standard hitler speech and swap the word jew with "the rich" and you have a liberal rant.

Really? I've yet to hear anyone call for the killing of any rich people, nor have I heard anyone say that the rich should be taken away from society and put into concentration camps.

BTW...............the rich people still have their guns as well, Hitler made it illegal for Jews to own guns.

And.................finally.........................where is the identifying patch that they're supposed to wear, do they get Stars of David like the Jews did, or do they get to sew dollar signs on their lapels?
Hitler made it illegal for the Jews to have guns eh, so if Obama could, would he make it illegal for us to own guns or maybe even either of his cronies to do the same against us if they had that power as of yet ? I mean just listen to all the democrats and libs speaking out there, and then answer this honestly.

Hmmm, isn't it funny how nothing sticks to Obama, just as you sit back and say over and over here, and why is this one wonders ? Is it because he is an expert at letting others sacrifice themselves for him, just as the emperor of Japan did with his people during world war two ?
So let us assume that somehow this debate finally gets settled such that everybody agrees that Hitler was a _______ist.

then what?

What will that prove?

Absolutely fucking zilch.

Other than the fact that this board is nuts, of course.
The main thing is to keep the fear flowing strong.

Absolutely correct, fellow citizen.

Politics by misdirection.

Both parties are in on it.

And dupes just eat it up with a spoon, too.

The truth is just too depressing for them to cope with.

They'd rather blame their neighbors than admit to themselves that we are slaves to a system that was in place since before their grandfathers' were born.

That's the brilliance of a propaganda driven shamocracy.

The Slaves forge their own chains with delusions and they will track down and silence anyone who refuses to join them in their happy enslavement.
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Take it, kids!


-- just to fuck with the simpletons' minds. Let 'em chew on that a while :lol:

Wow. You have your blinders on really, really tight, eh?

You seriously believe a redneck confederate Nazi is a left winger?

Folks, I'm afraid we are looking at genuine mental retardation here.

This is my question too. Do they believe the Neo-Nazis are left-wing or right-wing?
See, the problem with this entire thread is that many of you people seem to be under the impression that there have been only two philosophies in the entire history of the planet.

Everything to some of you folks MUST be assigned to either left or right.

Nazi's were FASCISTS. They weren't "Leftists" and they weren't "Rightists", they were Authoritarians.

While you are correct, the key here is that in American usage, left is more government, and right is less government.

Hitler was a totalitarian, total government. Just like Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Chavez, Castro, Ho, et al.

Total government is the ultimate expression of leftism, As Obama piles more and more government on, he moves closer to the leftist ideal of total government.

Thus, by even your own argument, to deny that Hitler was a leftist is absurd.

The ultimate expression of the right is anarchy. The ultimate expression of the left is totalitarianism. Hitler was no anarchist.

They didn't just want control over the means of production like left-wingers, or just control over morality, like right-wingers. They didn't want to spread the wealth evenly like communists.

They wanted control over EVERYTHING.

So, pretty much like the democrats today?
Exactly HOW is Obama opposed to individual liberty? I've yet to hear of any liberties that he has personally taken from anyone in this country.

Obama is the leader of the Khmer Rouge democrats. Actions such as "Obamacare" may not have been personally created by him, but it's fairly obvious to sentient creatures that Obama is the driving force behind it. Including the assault of 1st amendment rights to follow religion, as exemplified in the dictates that the Catholic church provide birth control and abortion inducing drugs.

Obama has crush freedom of speech by imprisoning those who "insult Muhammad." Now this was done to cover up the Benghazi scandal and the parade of lies by Obama and Clinton over the nature of the terrorist attack. Nonetheless, Nikoula Nikoula was thrown in prison for expressing ideas that the King found embarrassing.

Shall we go on to 5th and 14th amendment liberty to due process, and the extrajudicial murder of American citizens?

Obama is a thug. He is an ulta-leftist and is crushing civil liberty at a startling rate. He and the shameful democrats are currently working to disarm the peasantry, in direct violation of the second. But as we've seen, the Khmer Rouge democrats have nothing but contempt for the constitution and bill of rights.
This is my question too. Do they believe the Neo-Nazis are left-wing or right-wing?

Ohhhh, I know - the answer is "mentally retarded."

Frauds like Pogo spew about the Aryans and Neo-Nazis, but have any of you ever read Richard Butler, or any of the other scum from that group?

They ain't exactly Ayn Rand capitalists.

Oh yeah, and the fuckers are in bed with Al Qaeda.
The ultimate expression of the right is anarchy. The ultimate expression of the left is totalitarianism. Hitler was no anarchist.

And therein lies the problem, folks.

That ever popular canard that right = freedom and left = slavery.

History shows us instead that:


and what KIND of government or what KIND of economy really doesn't amount to a hill of beans because NO SYSTEM, HOWEVER NOBLE, CAN NOT BE TURNED INTO AN AUTHORITARIAN NIGHTMARE.

Hell folks most of us sense this is happening to our system which most of us agree could be a great society based on the noble stuctures upon which it was conceived.
And therein lies the problem, folks.

That ever popular canard that right = freedom and left = slavery.

I realize that the only way you can promote your party is through deceit.

Obviously, I did not say what you claimed in your straw man.

Let's try again, the left is more government, the right is less.

This is a statement of fact.

History shows us instead that:


History shows us that a straw man is a logical fallacy.

and what KIND of government or what KIND of economy really doesn't amount to a hill of beans because NO SYSTEM, HOWEVER NOBLE, CAN NOT BE TURNED INTO AN AUTHORITARIAN NIGHTMARE.

In some systems, to turn it into an authoritarian nightmare requires the destruction of the system, thus your statement is false.

Hell folks most of us sense this is happening to our system which most of us agree could be a great society based on the noble stuctures upon which it was conceived.

It happens as our constitution is ignored and violated, ergo the system is destroyed.

Obama isn't altering the constitutional republic, he is eradicating it.

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