How we know Hitler was right wing.

Oh, its pandering now? Lemmie guess, all the other communist/socialist dictatorships were pandering as well? Forget it. Socialism/Communism all eventually end up as dictatorships for the same reasons inherent in their flaws.

Cripes, you are new to this, aren't you?

Yes, political propaganda is pandering. Any political propaganda. You've just made the argument that "here's proof of what they were because they said it about themselves". Hey, what could possibly be more honest than the propaganda put out by an upstart political party looking for popular support? And besides, what would the Nazis know about the art of propaganda anyway?

(You do know what "sarcasm" is I hope?)

Say what you will about Hitler, he accomplished most, if not all, of his program; leading to disaster of course. Not bad for a panderer! The worst thing about the rise of Hitler is that he told us exactly what he was going to do. And the left loved him for it to the point to praising him in the 1930's.

No amount of smilies in the world can give you the artificial self comfort to overcome the inherent truth. That why I love a good smilie icon. They are used for the comfort of the poster in their moments of self doubt. Laughing when you are not, clapping when you are not, and all the rest, are just a means of diplaying an emotion of which is absent of the poster as if those emotions add credence to their argument. Imagine a guy giving you a false laugh while debating you as to shake off the facts. The same applies here.

That post isn't about Hitler. It's about your logical failure. I see you'd now like to talk about internet emoticons rather than that logical failure.
All the emoticons do is illustrate how much of a failure it was. You're right, there weren't enough of them.
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Cripes, you are new to this, aren't you?

Yes, political propaganda is pandering. Any political propaganda. You've just made the argument that "here's proof of what they were because they said it about themselves". Hey, what could possibly be more honest than the propaganda put out by an upstart political party looking for popular support? And besides, what would the Nazis know about the art of propaganda anyway?

(You do know what "sarcasm" is I hope?)

Say what you will about Hitler, he accomplished most, if not all, of his program; leading to disaster of course. Not bad for a panderer! The worst thing about the rise of Hitler is that he told us exactly what he was going to do. And the left loved him for it to the point to praising him in the 1930's.

No amount of smilies in the world can give you the artificial self comfort to overcome the inherent truth. That why I love a good smilie icon. They are used for the comfort of the poster in their moments of self doubt. Laughing when you are not, clapping when you are not, and all the rest, are just a means of diplaying an emotion of which is absent of the poster as if those emotions add credence to their argument. Imagine a guy giving you a false laugh while debating you as to shake off the facts. The same applies here.

That post isn't about Hitler. It's about your logical failure. I see you'd now like to talk about internet emoticons rather than that logical failure.
All the emoticons do is illustrate how much of a failure it was. You're right, there weren't enough of them.

I see you haven't distinguished between contradiction and argument yet. Simply saying that it isn’t so, or, that it is something else is not an argument. My emoticon assessment is, and will always be, spot on. This video should help.

[ame=]Argument Clinic - YouTube[/ame]
So.... you're saying... "Esmerelda = Hitler".

Thanks for playing, and be sure to play the Great Gobs of Godwin Game at home. It's a great game; you win when you can prove that everybody is Hitler but yourself.
I think you'll do well.

You got that out of his comments? Wow! I thought you were smarter than that.

OK, let's watch it again in slow motion...

Hitler was an authoritarian opposed to individual liberty.

Obama is an authoritarian opposed to individual liberty.

You are an authoritarian opposed to individual liberty.

"Hitler = Obama = Esmerelda". Hence "Hitler = Esmerelda".
Diga me, what else can you possibly get out of that?? Ain't rocket surgery.

That's not a rhetorical question; I expect an answer, and something more substantive than a gaping disbelief in the absence of an alternative. Or a wanker ad hominem.

They all have differing degrees, unless you are a moronic absolutist. As you say it isn't rocket science. So spare me your moronic stupidity.

Expect an answer? Lol! The only reason to answer you is to expose your illogical deductions.



You idiots have clearly allowed some maniac to write on your small blank slates one of the stupidest memes ever invented and there is no more room left.

My time is valuable. Spending any more of it on morons is like giving you free money.
Differences in degree do not polar opposites make, numbnutz.
Is that supposed to be a concession speech?


I shouldn't laugh at retards, but dude, you're so fucking funny...


Well let's see... Papageorgio at least figured out how to turn tail and run when confronted to cut his losses. You on the other hand doubled down on your own fallacious logic with the "urine" thing.

You tell me which one is more funny, in a pathos-riddled way... :eusa_whistle:

More of your bogus bullshit. I have a life and work, I am not like a little shit like you that has no life and has only to post on message boards and pretend you are some smart guy.

Your logic fails because dumb ass idiots like you, can only see black and white of variances, not my fault your an idiot.
-- just to fuck with the simpletons' minds. Let 'em chew on that a while :lol:

Wow. You have your blinders on really, really tight, eh?

You seriously believe a redneck confederate Nazi is a left winger?

Folks, I'm afraid we are looking at genuine mental retardation here.

I have no idea what these current people who call themselves Nazis believe. Aside from the racists aspects of the original Nazi platform, they may not know anything about it. Do you have any evidence that have even read the Nazi platform?
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Cripes, you are new to this, aren't you?

Yes, political propaganda is pandering. Any political propaganda. You've just made the argument that "here's proof of what they were because they said it about themselves". Hey, what could possibly be more honest than the propaganda put out by an upstart political party looking for popular support? And besides, what would the Nazis know about the art of propaganda anyway?

(You do know what "sarcasm" is I hope?)

According to that theory we can call Lenin a capitalist because all his talk about socialism was just propaganda, wasn't it?
Poster comparisons? That's all you have?

You fools seem to think it is impossible for their to be right wing totalitarianism. What a bunch of maroons!

My challenge is serious. Spend time on Stormfront. Engage the Nazis in conversation. See how long your idiocy persists.

They will be happy to explain the errors of your ways. And they will be happy to explain what national socialism actually is.

Then tell them that they remind you of Dianne Feinstein. That would be SO priceless!

Were you born retarded or did you suffer head trauma?

You really should be slapped in the head anyway.

I have talked to neo-nazis face to face, and while they hate bed wetting liberal douchebags like you (pretty much everyone hates people like you though), they also hate people like me since I have an asian wife, I was raised catholic, and I don't care if butt pirates get married. They also endorsed socialism and a centrally planned economy. They emphasized the importance of government to provide for their race as a collective and told me that we have too much freedom as individuals, and that only aryans should be allowed to have guns. They were too stupid to realize they weren't aryans themselves, so you would fit in much better than you think.

I can't speak for the idiots on your beloved "Stormfront" forum, but I'm sure NONE of them would allow their opponents to own weapons. The skin headed morons I was unfortunate enough to be stuck on a Greyhound bus with for 6 hours were a testament to the mentality required to be a nazi or any other sort of leftist idiot. There's no concern at all for individuals, rights, or property. It's all about the race.

Kinda like La Raza, without the spanish.



What difference does it make what a bunch of idiots in modern day America dressed in swastikas think? They're probably all on welfare anyway. How does that disqualify a political party in Germany in the 1900's that promoted socialism from being left wing?
Say what you will about Hitler, he accomplished most, if not all, of his program; leading to disaster of course. Not bad for a panderer! The worst thing about the rise of Hitler is that he told us exactly what he was going to do. And the left loved him for it to the point to praising him in the 1930's.

No amount of smilies in the world can give you the artificial self comfort to overcome the inherent truth. That why I love a good smilie icon. They are used for the comfort of the poster in their moments of self doubt. Laughing when you are not, clapping when you are not, and all the rest, are just a means of diplaying an emotion of which is absent of the poster as if those emotions add credence to their argument. Imagine a guy giving you a false laugh while debating you as to shake off the facts. The same applies here.

That post isn't about Hitler. It's about your logical failure. I see you'd now like to talk about internet emoticons rather than that logical failure.
All the emoticons do is illustrate how much of a failure it was. You're right, there weren't enough of them.

I see you haven't distinguished between contradiction and argument yet. Simply saying that it isn’t so, or, that it is something else is not an argument. My emoticon assessment is, and will always be, spot on. This video should help.

[ame=]Argument Clinic - YouTube[/ame]

Oh please. You wanna quote Monty Python to me of all people? What a rookie.:rofl:

No rookie, posting a Monty Python video neither makes nor refutes an argument. What I did, I'll explain yet again, was to point out that what you're using as a basis is a bullshit propaganda piece put out by an organization that specialized in bullshit propaganda. It has no more value as a basis of argument than pointing at the word "socialist" in the name of the NSDAP. Even less actually. You're asking us to believe what the Nazis used to sell themselves is gospel truth. God only knows what that means we should believe about, say, Jews.

In short, your basis is utter worthless bullshit. I don't know how I can reduce it to anything simpler.
You got that out of his comments? Wow! I thought you were smarter than that.

OK, let's watch it again in slow motion...

Hitler was an authoritarian opposed to individual liberty.

Obama is an authoritarian opposed to individual liberty.

You are an authoritarian opposed to individual liberty.

"Hitler = Obama = Esmerelda". Hence "Hitler = Esmerelda".
Diga me, what else can you possibly get out of that?? Ain't rocket surgery.

That's not a rhetorical question; I expect an answer, and something more substantive than a gaping disbelief in the absence of an alternative. Or a wanker ad hominem.

They all have differing degrees, unless you are a moronic absolutist. As you say it isn't rocket science. So spare me your moronic stupidity.

Expect an answer? Lol! The only reason to answer you is to expose your illogical deductions.

All afternoon and that's all you can come up with?

Not your fault really -- there isn't anything else to come up with. That's the point I made in the first place. Should have just cut your losses and stayed off it.
And yes, I "expected an answer" as distinguished from a rhetorical question that doesn't. I challenged you to back up your wanker statement, and you came up empty.

You wanker crybabies just can't bring yourselves to admit when you've been owned. :eusa_boohoo:
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See, the problem with this entire thread is that many of you people seem to be under the impression that there have been only two philosophies in the entire history of the planet.

Everything to some of you folks MUST be assigned to either left or right.

Nazi's were FASCISTS. They weren't "Leftists" and they weren't "Rightists", they were Authoritarians.

They didn't just want control over the means of production like left-wingers, or just control over morality, like right-wingers. They didn't want to spread the wealth evenly like communists.

They wanted control over EVERYTHING.
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Cripes, you are new to this, aren't you?

Yes, political propaganda is pandering. Any political propaganda. You've just made the argument that "here's proof of what they were because they said it about themselves". Hey, what could possibly be more honest than the propaganda put out by an upstart political party looking for popular support? And besides, what would the Nazis know about the art of propaganda anyway?

(You do know what "sarcasm" is I hope?)

According to that theory we can call Lenin a capitalist because all his talk about socialism was just propaganda, wasn't it?

So you're saying -- what? That Nazi propaganda is plausible enough to hang your hat on?

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That post isn't about Hitler. It's about your logical failure. I see you'd now like to talk about internet emoticons rather than that logical failure.
All the emoticons do is illustrate how much of a failure it was. You're right, there weren't enough of them.

I see you haven't distinguished between contradiction and argument yet. Simply saying that it isn’t so, or, that it is something else is not an argument. My emoticon assessment is, and will always be, spot on. This video should help.

Oh please. You wanna quote Monty Python to me of all people? What a rookie.:rofl:

No rookie, posting a Monty Python video neither makes nor refutes an argument. What I did, I'll explain yet again, was to point out that what you're using as a basis is a bullshit propaganda piece put out by an organization that specialized in bullshit propaganda. It has no more value as a basis of argument than pointing at the word "socialist" in the name of the NSDAP. Even less actually. You're asking us to believe what the Nazis used to sell themselves is gospel truth. God only knows what that means we should believe about, say, Jews.

In short, your basis is utter worthless bullshit. I don't know how I can reduce it to anything simpler.

You keep calling official statements of the Nazi party "propaganda," and saying that direct quotes from Hitler or other politicians stating that they are socialist and the enemies of capitalism don't mean what any 5-year-old would think they mean, but what do you offer in opposition? so far all we've seen is some vague complaint from Hitler than he didn't want "socialism" in the Party title. He never says anywhere that he opposes socialism. You have never posted a single thing where any Nazi party official says they are opposed to socialism.

Who do you think you're fooling?
See, the problem with this entire thread is that many of you people seem to be under the impression that there have been only two philosophies in the entire history of the planet.

Everything to some of you folks MUST be assigned to either left or right.

Nazi's were FASCISTS. They weren't "Leftists" and they weren't "Rightists", they were Authoritarians.

They didn't just want control over the means of production like left-wingers, or just control over morality, like right-wingers. They didn't want to spread the wealth evenly like communists.

They wanted control over EVERYTHING.

Yep, the dichotomy-labelers. Not only must everything be assigned to a red or blue team, but those teams have been exactly the same throughout all of history, which means in their minds a Democrat of the South of a hundred years ago is exactly the same thing as Barack Obama, while David Duke is exactly the same thing as Abraham Lincoln.

Because obviously if you're so narrowminded that the world can be conveniently divided into black and white, then that black and white has always been exactly the same black and white as it is now.

Cripes, you are new to this, aren't you?

Yes, political propaganda is pandering. Any political propaganda. You've just made the argument that "here's proof of what they were because they said it about themselves". Hey, what could possibly be more honest than the propaganda put out by an upstart political party looking for popular support? And besides, what would the Nazis know about the art of propaganda anyway?

(You do know what "sarcasm" is I hope?)

According to that theory we can call Lenin a capitalist because all his talk about socialism was just propaganda, wasn't it?

So you're saying -- what? That Nazi propaganda is plausible enough to hang your hat on?


Prove it's propaganda. Is the platform of the Democrat Party "propaganda?" If you can't believe the official platform of a political party and statements made by party leaders, what can you believe, the claims of a bunch of pinko intellectuals who have no quotes of any kind to support their claims?
See, the problem with this entire thread is that many of you people seem to be under the impression that there have been only two philosophies in the entire history of the planet.

Everything to some of you folks MUST be assigned to either left or right.

Nazi's were FASCISTS. They weren't "Leftists" and they weren't "Rightists", they were Authoritarians.

They didn't just want control over the means of production like left-wingers, or just control over morality, like right-wingers. They didn't want to spread the wealth evenly like communists.

They wanted control over EVERYTHING.

Yep, the dichotomy-labelers. Not only must everything be assigned to a red or blue team, but those teams have been exactly the same throughout all of history, which means in their minds a Democrat of the South of a hundred years ago is exactly the same thing as Barack Obama, while David Duke is exactly the same thing as Abraham Lincoln.

Because obviously if you're so narrowminded that the world can be conveniently divided into black and white, then that black and white has always been exactly the same black and white as it is now.


The problem with this argument is that turds like you have been assigning the Nazis to one of the teams for over 60 years. Now, when someone points out that they were assigned to the wrong team, all of a sudden, we can't have anyone assigning anyone to a team.

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