How we know Hitler was right wing.

Just three months, cowards. Spend three months with the Master Race on Stormfront. Then try to tell yourselves Nazis are left wing.

Ignorant chickenshits.

Nothing clears up stupidity like a little immersion in the real thing.

Sheeeeee-it. If ten of you "Hitler was left wing" morons took up the challenge, I would pretty much guarantee at least two would become avowed Nazis. You losers would feel so at home with the Master Race you would never want to come back.

I'm pretty sure we already have a couple of them on this forum. I don't see them arguing Hitler was left wing. They know better.

I know a few members of White Supremacist groups, they have a lot more in common with Dianne Feinstein and her methods than they do me.


That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard!
Ask you friendly neighborhood nazi what a "cultural marxist" is.
[ame=]Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia - A Poster Comparison - YouTube[/ame]

All in the name of progress.

Prior coming to this board, I had never heard anyone suggest Hitler was anything but right wing. This may be something to do with living in Europe where the awareness of fascism is so very high because it occured here, or maybe it's something our education system focuses on. Or maybe coincidence.

Either way, recently I've noticed two posters recently insist Hitler was left wing....and even liberal.

Here is SSDD:

Hitler's government was called right wing by communists and socialists of the time, but his governemnt was still socialist. It consisted of a large and powerful central authority which is, by definition, not a conservative, or classically lberal government

Right wing and left wing are two wings of the same house and the house is socialism.

In cases like this, I am not sure facts have a great deal of impact, but maybe it is interesting to discuss some of the features of Fascism anyway.

Let's start with some quotes from Hitler:

"The main plank in the Nationalist Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute for them the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood."

"The German state is gravely attacked by Marxism."

"In the years 1913 and 1914, I… expressed the conviction that the question of the future of the German nation was the question of destroying Marxism."

"In the economic sphere Communism is analogous to democracy in the political sphere."

"The Marxists will march with democracy until they succeed in indirectly obtaining for their criminal aims the support of even the national intellectual world, destined by them for extinction."

"Marxism itself systematically plans to hand the world over to the Jews."

"The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight."

Myth: Hitler was a leftist

Yes Hitler was an anti-capitalist modern leftist who combined nationalism with socialism as opposed to the international socialism advocated by communists (who knew that communism/socialism cannot work unless liberty/freedom is squashed and the free market destroyed worldwide). He killed Jews because he believed them to be capitalist exploiters of German wealth. The only way for Nazism to work is via collective means with the workers of Germany uniting in common cause. German industry was both nationalized, and anything that wasn't, was regulated to the point that it was by default nationalized. He implemented eugenics programs, used environmentalism to attack commerce, disarmed his population, and was a creature of the workers movement. The hammer and sickle presided with Nazi symbols just as they did in the USSR. If you want to label him a fascist then fine, label him a fascist. But fascism is nothing other than cheap socialism which is why Mussolini was a socialist before the party turned their back on his aspirations. In any case, both Nazi's and Fascists identify themselves as leftists.


[ame=]NAZI National Socialist German Workers Party - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Hitler admits he's a leftist Socialist - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Nazism and Communism (The Soviet Story) - YouTube[/ame]
Poster comparisons? That's all you have?

You fools seem to think it is impossible for their to be right wing totalitarianism. What a bunch of maroons!

My challenge is serious. Spend time on Stormfront. Engage the Nazis in conversation. See how long your idiocy persists.

They will be happy to explain the errors of your ways. And they will be happy to explain what national socialism actually is.

Then tell them that they remind you of Dianne Feinstein. That would be SO priceless!
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1,000 is a positive number.

250 is a positive number.

0.0125 is a positive number.

If we apply your logic to those statements 1,000 = 250 = 0.0125.

Correct, we would. Just as we would have to accept that "water = urine". Both of which confirm what I'm saying about the fallacy of his original fallacy.


Good god amighty you partisans are dense. :bang3: :bang3: :bang3:

The only fallacy was the one you created. Let me demonstrate.

Wilson was a Democrat.

Carter is a Democrat.

Obama is a Democrat.

Every one of those statements is true, that does not mean that Wilson=Carter=Obama.


You've just confirmed it for the third time.

Oh the density...
Just three months, cowards. Spend three months with the Master Race on Stormfront. Then try to tell yourselves Nazis are left wing.

Ignorant chickenshits.

Nothing clears up stupidity like a little immersion in the real thing.

Sheeeeee-it. If ten of you "Hitler was left wing" morons took up the challenge, I would pretty much guarantee at least two would become avowed Nazis. You losers would feel so at home with the Master Race you would never want to come back.

I'm pretty sure we already have a couple of them on this forum. I don't see them arguing Hitler was left wing. They know better.

I know a few members of White Supremacist groups, they have a lot more in common with Dianne Feinstein and her methods than they do me.

That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard!

Is that because you do not what the word methods means?
Correct, we would. Just as we would have to accept that "water = urine". Both of which confirm what I'm saying about the fallacy of his original fallacy.


Good god amighty you partisans are dense. :bang3: :bang3: :bang3:

The only fallacy was the one you created. Let me demonstrate.

Wilson was a Democrat.

Carter is a Democrat.

Obama is a Democrat.

Every one of those statements is true, that does not mean that Wilson=Carter=Obama.


You've just confirmed it for the third time.

Oh the density...

Nice try, but no one believes you.
And who can forget all the lunacy over flag pins in the recent past?

Who was wearing one, the unpatriotic commmie bastards who weren't wearing one...

And who can forget all the lunacy over flag pins in the recent past?

Who was wearing one, the unpatriotic commmie bastards who weren't wearing one...


Such a stride away from the merits of an argument can only imply one thing; Concession of defeat.

A nazi with a confederate flag patch.

Yeah. They are liberals, all right. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

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