How well does the GOP have to do with Hispanics to win the WH in 2016?

How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.

Trump supporters really do not care if they lose the Hispanic vote.

Note: I am not a supporter of Trump and believe if the GOP does not flush him soon they will not be able to save their chances to win this next November.
Good luck winning another 4% of the white electorate with i hate investment in my country, infrastructure and education. Some whites aren't going to fall for the hard right crap.
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.

Trump supporters really do not care if they lose the Hispanic vote.

Note: I am not a supporter of Trump and believe if the GOP does not flush him soon they will not be able to save their chances to win this next November.

I do not feel that many of Trump's supporters care whether he is able to win the General or not. They are acting as they are some kind of Trump cult where they just blindly follow Donald. It is something I have never seen in all my years of watching Presidential races.

But I agree, time is growing short for the GOP. They can either deal with Donald now or they will be embarrassed in November 2016. Ir is their choice. And yet, if they "deal" with Donald and he percieves this as being "unfair", he will run as a Third Party. And again, the GOP will be embarassed in November 2016.

As Senator Graham said recently, he may be painful to "risk-losing-election-without-trump-than-win-with-him"

Lindsey Graham: 'Better to risk losing election without Trump' than win with him
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.

Trump supporters really do not care if they lose the Hispanic vote.

Note: I am not a supporter of Trump and believe if the GOP does not flush him soon they will not be able to save their chances to win this next November.
agree , I don't care about 'hispanic' support , I only care about American support Bruce !!
best to lose and preserve principles rather than pander or kiss special interest azz JimH .
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.

Trump supporters really do not care if they lose the Hispanic vote.

Note: I am not a supporter of Trump and believe if the GOP does not flush him soon they will not be able to save their chances to win this next November.

I do not feel that many of Trump's supporters care whether he is able to win the General or not. They are acting as they are some kind of Trump cult where they just blindly follow Donald. It is something I have never seen in all my years of watching Presidential races.

But I agree, time is growing short for the GOP. They can either deal with Donald now or they will be embarrassed in November 2016. Ir is their choice. And yet, if they "deal" with Donald and he percieves this as being "unfair", he will run as a Third Party. And again, the GOP will be embarassed in November 2016.

As Senator Graham said recently, he may be painful to "risk-losing-election-without-trump-than-win-with-him"

Lindsey Graham: 'Better to risk losing election without Trump' than win with him
You're really obsessed with Trump, aren't you? I'm just sayin'.
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.
Do you find yourself slipping in and out of your dementia more often than once or twice a day now? If you wish, I can have my office staff set up an appointment. We have some marvelous new drugs available now that I believe would help you tremendously. Payment is required prior to treatment.

Here's something that might help you better understand the OP.


I hope this helps.
Rather go down in flames rather than admit Trump is a liarr. Sadly for the GOP, the longer he is in it, the more determined he is to win.
Good luck winning another 4% of the white electorate with i hate investment in my country, infrastructure and education. Some whites aren't going to fall for the hard right crap.

Hillary hates america and whites aren't going to fall for her crap.
I disagree, JimH

Trump has done precisely what the establishment wished for.

He has energized their Base

He has created the atmosphere where the GOP dictate the topic for the election.

He made the GOP the focus party this cycle.

The GOP establishment can play this two ways, both involves risk while at the same time offer potential for great rewards.

The ball is in their hands, and the GOP controls the games.....

and the establshment has the gall to complain!!:eek:
Romney got 27% of the Hispanic vote and lost badly

Today's Republicans would get 25% and Trump 15% or less

Takes Florida and Colorado off the board and makes it impossible for Republicans to win
I disagree, JimH

Trump has done precisely what the establishment wished for.

He has energized their Base

He has created the atmosphere where the GOP dictate the topic for the election.

He made the GOP the focus party this cycle.

The GOP establishment can play this two ways, both involves risk while at the same time offer potential for great rewards.

The ball is in their hands, and the GOP controls the games.....

and the establshment has the gall to complain!!:eek:

Energizing the base increases the margin by which you win Red States. Does nothing to help win swing states and that is why Republicans lose
These people take these generic ideas as the OP did, and all of the sudden they become gospel.

1. The Hispanic vote DOESN'T matter! You got that OP. All that matters is the electoral college. EXAMPLE: If every Hispanic votes for the Democrat, but all the Hispanics reside in California, are the Democrats going to win? Answer, NO!

2. Now to the meat an potatoes----------> Republicans will carry Florida this time because of lefty deal with Castro. Florida goes GOP by 4 points.

3. If Kasich has any pull in Ohio, even though he is a rino, if the GOP nominee takes him as his VP, the Democratic party falls off the map, since they no longer control ANYTHING!

That is the truth of it OP, you can talk divisive politics all you want, but that is what will happen. Now go count your electoral votes and what is left with Florida and Ohio in the GOP column, then get back to me about that Hispanic vote again-)
The 2016 election is not going to swing on the Hispanic vote. This thread is a poorly veiled attempt to get the candidates to pander to illegals.

2016 will be won by the candidate who shows that he/she can and will do the primary job of the president-------------protect the country from enemies foreign and domestic.

Hint------------it won't be Hillary.
I disagree, JimH

Trump has done precisely what the establishment wished for.

He has energized their Base

He has created the atmosphere where the GOP dictate the topic for the election.

He made the GOP the focus party this cycle.

The GOP establishment can play this two ways, both involves risk while at the same time offer potential for great rewards.

The ball is in their hands, and the GOP controls the games.....

and the establshment has the gall to complain!!:eek:

Energizing the base increases the margin by which you win Red States. Does nothing to help win swing states and that is why Republicans lose

same applies in the leftardian states, doofus. independents favor Trump over the hildebeast by significant numbers. That bodes well for the swing states.

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