How will Osama's death affect the war on terror?

Call me a "Goose Stepper" if you will, but I BELIEVE in America. :thup:
I think you are projecting. Obama I'm certain is happy with the outcome. Proud of the military? Proud of America? I doubt it.

I agree. I think the guy can only see as far as it reflects on him
I agree entirely. We give billions of dollars to Pakistan and they hide the guy 800 yards from their military academy!?! My take in long form is here -- leondsouza (dot) blogspot (dot) com. If you agree, even in part, help circulate it. Let's stop bleeding money to Pakistan when we could be investing in our own communities.
You've got to know Obama has a new Respect for Our Military after watching that Special Forces raid on Osama's compound.... Actually that was the first time I've heard Obama say "one nation under G-d" and looked like he really meant it in his speech

Obama Watches Operation That Killed Osama

....AND, you've gotta give Obama credit for keeping Bush/Cheney outta the intelligence "loop".

They were responsible for helping bin Laden escape, the FIRST-time we had him in-our-sights.

[ame=]YouTube - The Hunt For Bin Laden[/ame]​
This operation, and the intell leading to it, was done without Obama's influence. Someone came to him, laid the damn ops plan on his desk, and said "Mr. President, we got him, he's here, if you order it, we'll go kill him. Just give the order."

Obama's role in this event was basically limited to saying "Ok."

Agreed! However, this president with pacifists tendency, DID give this risky operation the OK! And for that, he has to be respected. He actually went out on the proverbial limb and did something the HARD ASS way!!! He took a risk, and it paid off. He also did this a few years ago with the Somalian pirates, I think I remember, and he gave the OK to plug them between the eyes and that was a WIN! The captain was set free.

This whole Intel thing to get Usama was put into operation 8 years ago, in 2003, when Bush organized the military and Intelligence Ops by making UBL a target and in 2007 there was even more information on UBL and then in 2009, then 2010 and last night all efforts came together for the WIN! If Obama had not elected to send ground troops in by helicopter, UBL would still be on the run holding a woman in front of his cowardly ass!

I agree. He gets the 'win' and Bush gets the kudos for 'policy.' The win trumps policy.

With that said, seems the location has been known to US for anywhere from years to at the least 9 months. So why this week? Obvious tie to Patreaus and Panetta announcement, since the question there was, "Why is Patraeus expendable now in Afghanista?" Why the birther response last week, overshadowing the Patreaus and Pannetta announcements? Trump with credibility? Bogus! So why now?

Something is up, we just aren't privvy yet.
Bush's "policy" was to pull assets out of Afghanistan and put them in Iraq.

Obama's policy was to pull assets out of Iraq and put them in Afghanistan and use them in Pakistan with or without Pakistani approval. It was Obama's policy that got OBL in 2 years while Bush's policy failed in 7.

Tough talk on Pakistan from Obama | Reuters

By Steve Holland
WASHINGTON | Wed Aug 1, 2007 7:26pm EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama said on Wednesday the United States must be willing to strike al Qaeda targets inside Pakistan, adopting a tough tone after a chief rival accused him of naivete in foreign policy.
Obama's stance comes amid debate in Washington over what to do about a resurgent al Qaeda and Taliban in areas of northwest Pakistan that President Pervez Musharraf has been unable to control, and concerns that new recruits are being trained there for a September 11-style attack against the United States.
Obama said if elected in November 2008 he would be willing to attack inside Pakistan with or without approval from the Pakistani government, a move that would likely cause anxiety in the already troubled region.
"If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will," Obama said.
Bin Laden achieved his objective awhile ago. He made the US spend 4 trillion dollars to hunt down his goat herding ass.

That is a "win" in my book.
Members of Congress just gave President Obama as standing ovation. No video yet ... he is still speaking.
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Bin Laden achieved his objective awhile ago. He made the US spend 4 trillion dollars to hunt down his goat herding ass.

That is a "win" in my book.


Too bad he couldn't have used his family wealth in a more positive way, huh?

Don't even worry about America, we've got it covered...
It's probably the other way around. Barack Obama's always shown a huge amount of respect for the military. And interestingly enough..he mended fences with the CIA.

I sorta believe the Military has a new respect for President Obama.
Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.

Why do you find it so hard to believe that Obama is an "America first" kind of president? Because he wants to end the corruption in the Health Care monopoly? Because he wants the corporate elite to feel a little more of the burden facing 98% of the rest of America? Because(and lets get down to brass tacks her folks) he has a funny sounding name?

This guy has done nothing but try to represent the majority of the citizenry of this truly great county. Without regard to their financial status, without regard to the campaign contributions that came his way from the same people that call him a Socialist, Communist and sometimes even Antichrist.

I know that some of you disagree with his politics. But the truth is, he's actuall trying to make a difference, as opposed to gliding by and hoping that the fallacy behind "trickle down" economics actually works, despite overwhelming statistics that it doesn't.
Bin Laden achieved his objective awhile ago. He made the US spend 4 trillion dollars to hunt down his goat herding ass.

That is a "win" in my book.

Not anymore.

Bin Laden achieved his objective. He and (repukes) bankrupted us. He did to us what the mujaheddin did to Russia.

The man is a "winner" in my book...and this is most unfortunate, however, this is reality.
I do not know. Gut instinct is our enemy is a religious group, there will be at least one reprisal attack on someone, and some fragmentation of Al Qaeda efforts, most importantly in their financial arm.

Here at home, will energize the Obama supporters that were hurting there for a bit. In reality, al Queda central has been a non-player since 9/11, their big job and with that, taken out.

Obama just nailed that final one and he deserves the props for doing so.

Al Quaeda in Yemen is serious bad ass group. There are others. The problem is far from over.
It's probably the other way around. Barack Obama's always shown a huge amount of respect for the military. And interestingly enough..he mended fences with the CIA.

I sorta believe the Military has a new respect for President Obama.

Well, geeeee, after the merge this comment seems sort of out of place now. :lol:
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I think you are projecting. Obama I'm certain is happy with the outcome. Proud of the military? Proud of America? I doubt it.

Well, given the fact that the GOP proposed the government shut down which would have cut their pay in half one has to wonder who REALLY supports the military. :confused:

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I mean, think about it. Didn't Bin Laden know that we would come after him at all costs? He knew that we would spend Billions trying to get him. Throw in Iraq, and it must have thrilled him to see us spending money we never had. We played into his hands...IMHO. Throw in the global recession, multiple tax cuts, and I expect he was just waiting to see how we would handle our deficit.

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