How will Osama's death affect the war on terror?

If I were an al`Qaida agent, I'd be afraid - very afraid...
Osama bin Laden raid yields trove of computer data
5/2/11 - The assault force of Navy SEALs snatched a trove of computer drives and disks during their weekend raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound, yielding what a U.S. official called “the mother lode of intelligence.”
The special operations forces grabbed personal computers, thumb drives and electronic equipment during the lightning raid that killed bin Laden, officials told POLITICO. “They cleaned it out,” one official said. “Can you imagine what’s on Osama bin Laden’s hard drive?” U.S. officials are about to find out. The material is being examined at a secret location in Afghanistan. “Hundreds of people are going through it now,” an official said, adding that intelligence operatives back in Washington are very excited to find out what they have. “It’s going to be great even if only 10 percent of it is actionable,” the official said.

Savoring the military and intelligence triumph, officials late Monday described new details about how the mission unfolded: The SEALs took fire on their way to the compound’s third floor, where bin Laden had been sleeping, officials said. The encounter with bin Laden lasted only seconds, and ended with a kill shot to his face. The team’s photos of bin Laden are gruesome, complicating officials’ deliberations about whether to release them. Officials also have images of bin Laden in a white shroud before his burial at sea.


Material found in bin Laden's house is being examined at a secret location in Afghanistan.

The raid was not supposed to last more than 30 minutes. The forces finished in 38 minutes, even though they lost one of their choppers and had to go to a back-up plan. Four helicopters were used in the raid. Two went in, and two were in reserve. Hovering above the compound on the way in, one of the choppers developed a mechanical problem that caused it to lose lift, officials said. The pilot made a controlled landing, according to the officials. When he couldn’t get the bird airborne again, the SEALs blew it up and left in one of the reserves.

Officials described the reaction of the special operators when they were told a number of weeks ago that they had been chosen to train for the mission. “They were told, ‘We think we found Osama bin Laden, and your job is to kill him,’” an official recalled. The SEALs started to cheer. Radioing a commander on Sunday, the team reported the capture with a pre-arranged signal: “Geronimo!”

Read more: Osama bin Laden raid yields trove of computer data - Mike Allen -
I do not know. Gut instinct is our enemy is a religious group, there will be at least one reprisal attack on someone, and some fragmentation of Al Qaeda efforts, most importantly in their financial arm.

Here at home, will energize the Obama supporters that were hurting there for a bit.
Oh, yeah.....we were petrified......



[ame=]YouTube - Rachel Maddow (1) 111th Congress put policy before politics[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Rachel Maddow (2) 111th Congress put policy before politics[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Obama Takes a Victory Lap After Big Wins[/ame]



lol...I got negged by Annie again with no explanation. She must think our FP is spectacular, which is the rw kooks stance.

I think our FP is atrocious.
I mean, think about it. Didn't Bin Laden know that we would come after him at all costs? He knew that we would spend Billions trying to get him. Throw in Iraq, and it must have thrilled him to see us spending money we never had. We played into his hands...
Well.....let's be fair......he had Bush/Cheney in his "corner", too.....

[ame=]YouTube - The Hunt For Bin Laden[/ame]​
I do not know. Gut instinct is our enemy is a religious group, there will be at least one reprisal attack on someone, and some fragmentation of Al Qaeda efforts, most importantly in their financial arm.

Osama was no more than a speed bump. It made us feel good and made them feel bad. They will continue to try to kill us as we will (I hope) kill them. No change long term.
No politician has ever done anything to help kill any person in battle.

partisan hacks need to thank the men and women that put thier lives on the line, not somebody wearing a suit and tie complaining that the AC isn't working.

I disagree. Obama definitely got out of the way on this one and corralled the proper resources to get the job done.

So what you are saying is; He did nothing and you are thanking him for doing nothing, and forgetting the men and women that put themselves in harms way.

Fuck you,

From all the men and women that have died to kill that SOB.

I've said no such thing. Fuck you too and who are you to speak for my friends and brothers?
How will Osama's death affect the war on terror?
Not one iota.

The war on "terror" (fails the bucket test) is just another in a long line of cheap excuses, for the federal authoritarian nannies to create a leviathan bureaucratic apparatus, to give the hoi polly the at-will alien anal probe.

Such power seized by the federal bureaucratic super-bovines is rarely, if ever, dialed back, let alone relinquished.
How will Osama's death affect the war on terror?
Not one iota.

The war on "terror" (fails the bucket test) is just another in a long line of cheap excuses, for the federal authoritarian nannies to create a leviathan bureaucratic apparatus, to give the hoi polly the at-will alien anal probe.

Power like that seized by the federal bureaucratic super bovines is rarely, if ever, dialed back, let alone relinquished.

The real problem now are all the spin offs, especially al Qaeda in Yemen. I'm glad bin Laden is dead and give props to Obama for following through. Doesn't change anything other than a bit of retribution.
AQ is now a franchise operation. As emotionally gratifying as seeing OBL dead may be, the distributed cell network of AQ will continue on. In the short run, we may actually see an increase in incidents as the "revenge" mode kicks in.

Still, I'm glad he's dead. Couldn't happen to a creepier evul doer.
I'm an idiot? For noticing how a man is taking credit for the pinnacle of a war effort which he fought to undercut from 2002-2008???

I think your willingness to blindly bow down to someone is idiotic.

Thank you military for winning these wars!

Sorry, that's not why, dumbass. You don't seem to understand chain of command.
You are the dumb ass. It is the military that did the work. Obamaturd will use this as a campaign stance.

So bus was not keepiig us safe? It was the military?
The war on terror is almost over.

The death of Bin Laden and the Arab Spring will kill it.

Democracy will be the end of terror.
I think they will still be there. They know they may not be able to do as big of an attack like 9/11. They may attack again, I bet they will again. But like the attempted time square bomber, they are getting sloppy and unorganized.

And just like in sports, you get your opponents sloppy and unorganized, they panic and try too hard, fail and you win big.

We just intercepted a ball up 14 on our 1 yard line and ran it back 99 yards for a touchdown to now put them away. They are not done and this game isn't over, but I feel more comfortable now more than ever we can actually win this war on terror.
I do not know. Gut instinct is our enemy is a religious group, there will be at least one reprisal attack on someone, and some fragmentation of Al Qaeda efforts, most importantly in their financial arm.

Cant you at least just enjoy ONE day without being a hack? Just one?


Bin Laden is dead and all you see from the right is this crap.
I think they will still be there. They know they may not be able to do as big of an attack like 9/11. They may attack again, I bet they will again. But like the attempted time square bomber, they are getting sloppy and unorganized.

And just like in sports, you get your opponents sloppy and unorganized, they panic and try too hard, fail and you win big.

We just intercepted a ball up 14 on our 1 yard line and ran it back 99 yards for a touchdown to now put them away. They are not done and this game isn't over, but I feel more comfortable now more than ever we can actually win this war on terror.

A guy at work made an interesting point today with me. He said bin laden money may have died with bin laden. I say, there are a lot of guys with enough money to fund an attack..

God I hope I am right.
Yes, thank you.

I am impressed with whoever got him, and Dubya deserves some kudos as well.
Does "Dubya deserves some kudos" mean George W. Bush deserves some praise for Osama bin Laden being found and killed?

If so -- why? I'd like to know what arithmetic you used to reach that conclusion.
Yes, thank you.

I am impressed with whoever got him, and Dubya deserves some kudos as well.

WTH for?

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)

Bush Quotes about Bin Laden - BuzzFlash Reader Commentary

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