How will the republican voting base react to the fact that they are dying out?

What's shocking about it?
It's a pun, you dumb fuck. electricty SHOCKS people. Get it?
Be careful, you might fall off your pedestal

He's a liberal. need I say any more?
No, I am not a liberal. Liberals are people who have a few good ideas here and there, but don't have the courage to overthrow the corrupt system entirely. I consider myself a revolutionary.

You're not.
What's shocking about it?
It's a pun, you dumb fuck. electricty SHOCKS people. Get it?
Be careful, you might fall off your pedestal

He's a liberal. need I say any more?
No, I am not a liberal. Liberals are people who have a few good ideas here and there, but don't have the courage to overthrow the corrupt system entirely. I consider myself a revolutionary.

Here's my favorite picture of your hero, and a "revolutionary".

You almost gotta laugh that political perspective marginally educated lefties only extends back about a year and then it gets a bit fuzzy. The GOP won the biggest mid term victory in modern political history less than two years ago. You can count on the radical left to rely on cliches rather than research and depend on obscure left wing blogs instead of information. The joke is that they believe this shit.
What's shocking about it?
It's a pun, you dumb fuck. electricty SHOCKS people. Get it?
Be careful, you might fall off your pedestal

He's a liberal. need I say any more?
No, I am not a liberal. Liberals are people who have a few good ideas here and there, but don't have the courage to overthrow the corrupt system entirely. I consider myself a revolutionary.

Here's my favorite picture of your hero, and a "revolutionary".


Che Guevara helped liberate Cuba from a brutal, U.S backed oligarch, and devoted his entire life to helping the poor and oppressed. He faced down a firing squad with the utmost of courage, shouting "shoot! You are only killing a man," meaning that his revolutionary ideals would live on.
You almost gotta laugh that political perspective marginally educated lefties only extends back about a year and then it gets a bit fuzzy. The GOP won the biggest mid term victory in modern political history less than two years ago. You can count on the radical left to rely on cliches rather than research and depend on obscure left wing blogs instead of information. The joke is that they believe this shit.

The GOP won due to gerrymandering, plain and simple. After the 2020 census and redistricting, they will lose the House of Representatives, probably forever
How will the republican voting base react to the fact that they are dying out?

I think we'll take it laying down.
It's a pun, you dumb fuck. electricty SHOCKS people. Get it?
Be careful, you might fall off your pedestal

He's a liberal. need I say any more?
No, I am not a liberal. Liberals are people who have a few good ideas here and there, but don't have the courage to overthrow the corrupt system entirely. I consider myself a revolutionary.

Here's my favorite picture of your hero, and a "revolutionary".


Che Guevara helped liberate Cuba from a brutal, U.S backed oligarch, and devoted his entire life to helping the poor and oppressed. He faced down a firing squad with the utmost of courage, shouting "shoot! You are only killing a man," meaning that his revolutionary ideals would live on.
Too many Fruit Loops for breakfast today?
Che Guevara helped liberate Cuba from a brutal, U.S backed oligarch, and devoted his entire life to helping the poor and oppressed. .......

He was nothing but a murderous, remorseless, criminal scumbag. Ignorant, mindless little idiots who strut around wearing the image of that POS on their unwashed t-shirts are just as morally bankrupt.
Che Guevara helped liberate Cuba from a brutal, U.S backed oligarch, and devoted his entire life to helping the poor and oppressed. .......

He was nothing but a murderous, remorseless, criminal scumbag. Ignorant, mindless little idiots who strut around wearing the image of that POS on their unwashed t-shirts are just as morally bankrupt.
Are we talking about Bush? or Andrew Jackson? or LBJ? Or Nixon?

All I know that Che was willing to die for the common man, and even left his middle class lifestyle as a doctor in order to lead revolutionary change all over the world. if that's not heroic, I don't know what is.
It's a pun, you dumb fuck. electricty SHOCKS people. Get it?
Be careful, you might fall off your pedestal

He's a liberal. need I say any more?
No, I am not a liberal. Liberals are people who have a few good ideas here and there, but don't have the courage to overthrow the corrupt system entirely. I consider myself a revolutionary.

Here's my favorite picture of your hero, and a "revolutionary".


Che Guevara helped liberate Cuba from a brutal, U.S backed oligarch, and devoted his entire life to helping the poor and oppressed. He faced down a firing squad with the utmost of courage, shouting "shoot! You are only killing a man," meaning that his revolutionary ideals would live on.

Well that's great, problem for you is you're living in the #1 capitalistic nation in the world. The kind of change you are looking for is quite a ways off even with your parties constant brain training and indoctrination of our youth.

It would be much much simpler for you to simply move and seek out your utopia elsewhere, because this will be the last domino in the world to fall and it's beyond your years if you stay here.

I'm betting myself and quite a few of my fellow members here would be happy to start up a GoFundMe page where we could easily scrape up the money for a one-way plane ticket for parts unknown.
There have been several studies who prove that the GOP's main voting demographic of older whites are dying out.

R.I.P., GOP: Party of old, disillusioned white people is dying a slow death

The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

The younger generations of this country are more diverse, more progressive, more educated, less likely to vote gop, less likely to own firearms, less likely to live on a farm in the middle of nowhere watching Fox news, but more likely to live in an urbane, cosmopolitan, educated city.

It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

Millennials are significantly more progressive than their parents

And don't spread the lie that younger people get more conservative as they age. They DON'T: Mythbusters: People Get More Conservative As They Age. Right?

My question is, how will the older, more conservative, gop voting population of this country react to the fact that they are a dying breed? The best case scenario is that they accept that their ideology is fading fast, and accept that the country is moving forward without them.

However, conservatives are known to be sore losers. Look at the 2000 election, where Al Gore won both the popular and electoral votes, but Bush refused to accept this result, and went to the (conservative dominated) supreme court, which illegally declared him the winner. However, with the conservatives losing political power, and the supreme court about to have its first progressive majority in 40 years, political cheating may not bring conservatives the results they desire.

I am afraid that some red states will double down on gerrymandering. it is a real possibility, as the gop realizes their hopeless situation, that they will try to reinstate Jim Crow voting laws, or try sneakier ways of disenfranchising voters such as raising the age limit, requiring voter id, or concentrating polling stations in right wing dominated neighborhoods.

You also have to remember that the right wing owns the majority of this country's guns. I fear that as the right wing becomes more and more of a minority, that they will turn to violence. Even though they will not win this civil war: the Army has tanks, drones, and thermonuclear weapons, the carnage will be unpleasant to say the least. I most certainly wouldn't put the right wing past terrorism towards innocent civilians: Dylan Roof is a perfect example. In fact, the vast majority of terrorism in the usa is right wing. Right-Wing Extremists Are a Bigger Threat to America Than ISIS

The bottom line is the bigoted conservative old white men are dying out, and being replaced with erudite, intelligent, cosmopolitan voters who are progressive and tolerant. I am simply afraid of the turmoil the country will go through in getting rid of the last remnants of the hateful white privileged reactionaries who have ruled for far too long.
Yep......all of the people that made this country great and fought our wars and won......are dying out.

Thank you for being the voice of reason here.

One of the only redeeming things about America is that the far right christian fundies who have ruled this country for far too long are finally starting to die out
And it's the demographics and they can do nothing about it, or change it

Let's just hope more and more right wingers realize how screwed they are, and do both us and themselves a favor and shoot themselves with the guns they love so much
No need for that, it is happening naturally

Census: White People Quickly Dying Off in the USA
I only wish it would happen even quicker

Who would then pay for your free shit?
Thank you for being the voice of reason here.

One of the only redeeming things about America is that the far right christian fundies who have ruled this country for far too long are finally starting to die out
And it's the demographics and they can do nothing about it, or change it

Let's just hope more and more right wingers realize how screwed they are, and do both us and themselves a favor and shoot themselves with the guns they love so much
No need for that, it is happening naturally

Census: White People Quickly Dying Off in the USA
I only wish it would happen even quicker

Who would then pay for your free shit?
Not a consideration. They'll just have to learn like California residents can get used to just about anything.
There have been several studies who prove that the GOP's main voting demographic of older whites are dying out.

R.I.P., GOP: Party of old, disillusioned white people is dying a slow death

The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

The younger generations of this country are more diverse, more progressive, more educated, less likely to vote gop, less likely to own firearms, less likely to live on a farm in the middle of nowhere watching Fox news, but more likely to live in an urbane, cosmopolitan, educated city.

It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

Millennials are significantly more progressive than their parents

And don't spread the lie that younger people get more conservative as they age. They DON'T: Mythbusters: People Get More Conservative As They Age. Right?

My question is, how will the older, more conservative, gop voting population of this country react to the fact that they are a dying breed? The best case scenario is that they accept that their ideology is fading fast, and accept that the country is moving forward without them.

However, conservatives are known to be sore losers. Look at the 2000 election, where Al Gore won both the popular and electoral votes, but Bush refused to accept this result, and went to the (conservative dominated) supreme court, which illegally declared him the winner. However, with the conservatives losing political power, and the supreme court about to have its first progressive majority in 40 years, political cheating may not bring conservatives the results they desire.

I am afraid that some red states will double down on gerrymandering. it is a real possibility, as the gop realizes their hopeless situation, that they will try to reinstate Jim Crow voting laws, or try sneakier ways of disenfranchising voters such as raising the age limit, requiring voter id, or concentrating polling stations in right wing dominated neighborhoods.

You also have to remember that the right wing owns the majority of this country's guns. I fear that as the right wing becomes more and more of a minority, that they will turn to violence. Even though they will not win this civil war: the Army has tanks, drones, and thermonuclear weapons, the carnage will be unpleasant to say the least. I most certainly wouldn't put the right wing past terrorism towards innocent civilians: Dylan Roof is a perfect example. In fact, the vast majority of terrorism in the usa is right wing. Right-Wing Extremists Are a Bigger Threat to America Than ISIS

The bottom line is the bigoted conservative old white men are dying out, and being replaced with erudite, intelligent, cosmopolitan voters who are progressive and tolerant. I am simply afraid of the turmoil the country will go through in getting rid of the last remnants of the hateful white privileged reactionaries who have ruled for far too long.

Gotta be progressive and tolerant. By all means, that is most important of all. When the muzzies come to chop off your head and put a burka on your daughter and wife, and there are no more old white guys to fight your battles for you, stick to your tolerant principles. Turn around, drop your trousers, and bend over. They might spare your life maybe.
There have been several studies who prove that the GOP's main voting demographic of older whites are dying out.

R.I.P., GOP: Party of old, disillusioned white people is dying a slow death

The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

The younger generations of this country are more diverse, more progressive, more educated, less likely to vote gop, less likely to own firearms, less likely to live on a farm in the middle of nowhere watching Fox news, but more likely to live in an urbane, cosmopolitan, educated city.

It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

Millennials are significantly more progressive than their parents

And don't spread the lie that younger people get more conservative as they age. They DON'T: Mythbusters: People Get More Conservative As They Age. Right?

My question is, how will the older, more conservative, gop voting population of this country react to the fact that they are a dying breed? The best case scenario is that they accept that their ideology is fading fast, and accept that the country is moving forward without them.

However, conservatives are known to be sore losers. Look at the 2000 election, where Al Gore won both the popular and electoral votes, but Bush refused to accept this result, and went to the (conservative dominated) supreme court, which illegally declared him the winner. However, with the conservatives losing political power, and the supreme court about to have its first progressive majority in 40 years, political cheating may not bring conservatives the results they desire.

I am afraid that some red states will double down on gerrymandering. it is a real possibility, as the gop realizes their hopeless situation, that they will try to reinstate Jim Crow voting laws, or try sneakier ways of disenfranchising voters such as raising the age limit, requiring voter id, or concentrating polling stations in right wing dominated neighborhoods.

You also have to remember that the right wing owns the majority of this country's guns. I fear that as the right wing becomes more and more of a minority, that they will turn to violence. Even though they will not win this civil war: the Army has tanks, drones, and thermonuclear weapons, the carnage will be unpleasant to say the least. I most certainly wouldn't put the right wing past terrorism towards innocent civilians: Dylan Roof is a perfect example. In fact, the vast majority of terrorism in the usa is right wing. Right-Wing Extremists Are a Bigger Threat to America Than ISIS

The bottom line is the bigoted conservative old white men are dying out, and being replaced with erudite, intelligent, cosmopolitan voters who are progressive and tolerant. I am simply afraid of the turmoil the country will go through in getting rid of the last remnants of the hateful white privileged reactionaries who have ruled for far too long.

Gotta be progressive and tolerant. By all means, that is most important of all. When the muzzies come to chop off your head and put a burka on your daughter and wife, and there are no more old white guys to fight your battles, stick to your tolerant principles. Turn around, drop your trousers, and bend over. They might spare your life maybe.
How do you know ChairmanGonzalo isn't a Muzzie?
The younger generations of this country are more diverse, more progressive, more educated, less likely to vote gop, less likely to own firearms, less likely to live on a farm in the middle of nowhere watching Fox news, but more likely to live in an urbane, cosmopolitan, educated city.
Just focusing on this little nugget of progressive stupidity but once you eliminate the farmers creating the food how do all you left wing retards survive in the city? I'm thinking a system like that would result in farmers being the highest paid demographic in your version of paradise. Which would probably piss you off even more.
There have been several studies who prove that the GOP's main voting demographic of older whites are dying out.

R.I.P., GOP: Party of old, disillusioned white people is dying a slow death

The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

The younger generations of this country are more diverse, more progressive, more educated, less likely to vote gop, less likely to own firearms, less likely to live on a farm in the middle of nowhere watching Fox news, but more likely to live in an urbane, cosmopolitan, educated city.

It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

Millennials are significantly more progressive than their parents

And don't spread the lie that younger people get more conservative as they age. They DON'T: Mythbusters: People Get More Conservative As They Age. Right?

My question is, how will the older, more conservative, gop voting population of this country react to the fact that they are a dying breed? The best case scenario is that they accept that their ideology is fading fast, and accept that the country is moving forward without them.

However, conservatives are known to be sore losers. Look at the 2000 election, where Al Gore won both the popular and electoral votes, but Bush refused to accept this result, and went to the (conservative dominated) supreme court, which illegally declared him the winner. However, with the conservatives losing political power, and the supreme court about to have its first progressive majority in 40 years, political cheating may not bring conservatives the results they desire.

I am afraid that some red states will double down on gerrymandering. it is a real possibility, as the gop realizes their hopeless situation, that they will try to reinstate Jim Crow voting laws, or try sneakier ways of disenfranchising voters such as raising the age limit, requiring voter id, or concentrating polling stations in right wing dominated neighborhoods.

You also have to remember that the right wing owns the majority of this country's guns. I fear that as the right wing becomes more and more of a minority, that they will turn to violence. Even though they will not win this civil war: the Army has tanks, drones, and thermonuclear weapons, the carnage will be unpleasant to say the least. I most certainly wouldn't put the right wing past terrorism towards innocent civilians: Dylan Roof is a perfect example. In fact, the vast majority of terrorism in the usa is right wing. Right-Wing Extremists Are a Bigger Threat to America Than ISIS

The bottom line is the bigoted conservative old white men are dying out, and being replaced with erudite, intelligent, cosmopolitan voters who are progressive and tolerant. I am simply afraid of the turmoil the country will go through in getting rid of the last remnants of the hateful white privileged reactionaries who have ruled for far too long.
It's true that bigoted conservative old white men are dying out faster than they are getting replaced by bigoted conservative young white men.

That has nothing to do with the GOP. At one time most of the bigoted conservative old southern white men were all Democrats.

The ones that are left will find a party to infest

The democratic party and the gop switched memberships in the1960's over the civil rights issue
The southern states continued to vote for the same democrat senators for and average of 27 yeas following passage of the Civil Rights bill.
Doesn't matter.

Today's southern evangelical Republicans are simply the descendants yesterday's southern evangelical Democrats.

Dixie is Dixie.

Call if what you want
That doesn't make the children racists. They joined the Republican Party because they ended Jim Crowlaws with Civil Rights Legislation. The only group who switched sides were blacks who were bribed by racist democrats to live on welfare and vote for them. The shiftless blacks among them took up with the democrats and there they remain to this day: in broken fatherless homes in poverty.

Donald Trump is giving them hope for real change and many are taking him up by planning to vote for him.
There is no utopia of blacks, mexicans, muslims, and others who are going to create the perfect society once whitey is dead and gone.

If you believe that, you are dreaming. The colored folk are people too, they live and die as well. There is no reason to believe their numbers will increase forever. They themselves will start dying off once whitey stops helping them.
How silly. Please list those members of Congress who switched memberships. Such a sea change should be easy to look up.
One thing that makes these liberal democrat deniers run away like Dracula facing cloves of garlic is to mention that it is absurd racist democrats would switch to the party who freed the slave, passed civil rights legislation o that freedom loving republicans would join the racist democrats. They can't argue when Truth is shoved in their face.

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