CDZ How Will the Robotics Revolution Impact the Democratic Party?

Since the robots will be able to build themselves, program themselves, enhance themselves, repair themselves, install themselves and replace themselves, where is the new job creation in all that?

We have never had a new technology that could be HUMAN LIKE INTELLIGENT, and that is the critical difference.
You're really talking about AI, not robotics, that is still quite far in the future. Once that happens they will just replace us.
How Will the Robotics Revolution Impact the Democratic Party?

When robots learn how to vote, we are all screwed!
or saved
Lol, if losing your job, your career, you ability to pay your mortgage, put your kids through school, pay off other debts and retire are a form of being 'saved', then I would hate to see a running start kick to the balls.
I don't agree. They will get their values from us and we will likely program with our virtues, empathy, fairness, etc., rather than our vices, greed, pettiness, fear, etc. With the right values they might make superior choices as voters and eventually actually hold office, as incorruptible holders of the virtues we want in a politican.
When wealth equals votes it isn't too hard to envision a computer or robot that can amass money, program a human to represent it and control us.
I don't agree. They will get their values from us and we will likely program with our virtues, empathy, fairness, etc., rather than our vices, greed, pettiness, fear, etc. With the right values they might make superior choices as voters and eventually actually hold office, as incorruptible holders of the virtues we want in a politican.
Yeah, because no one has ever abused their programming skills to program computers to do malicious things like viruses, spam email, botnets or anything like that.

No. Never.
When wealth equals votes it isn't too hard to envision a computer or robot that can amass money, program a human to represent it and control us.
Why is it that you seem to think very well here, but then NOT on so many other topics?

You're really talking about AI, not robotics, that is still quite far in the future. Once that happens they will just replace us.
Lol, why dont you let me say what I am talking about, bubba?

The COMBINATION of robotics with advanced "strong AI" is the nuclear detonation that is going to destroy all the jobs, and it is less than ten years away from starting, by 2030 it will be ubiquitous like explosion of growth that smart phones did.
I don't agree. They will get their values from us and we will likely program with our virtues, empathy, fairness, etc., rather than our vices, greed, pettiness, fear, etc. With the right values they might make superior choices as voters and eventually actually hold office, as incorruptible holders of the virtues we want in a politican.
Yeah, because no one has ever abused their programming skills to program computers to do malicious things like viruses, spam email, botnets or anything like that.

No. Never.
Programmers are no different from anyone else, no better and no worse. The vast majority do NOT do malicious things.
Programmers are no different from anyone else, no better and no worse. The vast majority do NOT do malicious things.
So obviously with just a few hackers causing so much mischief, we can expect similar results with the Robotics industry. Thank you for proving my argument.
When wealth equals votes it isn't too hard to envision a computer or robot that can amass money, program a human to represent it and control us.
Why is it that you seem to think very well here, but then NOT on so many other topics?


Dumb luck?
Thats the ticket! :thup:

lol, I have discovered that I was wrong so many times before, that I cannot ever feel 100% comfortable with controversial topics unless I have read on the things to exhaustion, and even then, I still learn from others, especially liberals I am debating with. While it is fewer in number, the impact of the lesson was so much greater when I have learned from liberals.

I have never ever learned one useful thing from Marxists, however.
You're really talking about AI, not robotics, that is still quite far in the future. Once that happens they will just replace us.
Lol, why dont you let me say what I am talking about, bubba?

The COMBINATION of robotics with advanced "strong AI" is the nuclear detonation that is going to destroy all the jobs, and it is less than ten years away from starting, by 2030 it will be ubiquitous like explosion of growth that smart phones did.
When I first started working I was warned that computers would soon be doing my job. That was decades ago and I'm still waiting. Computers have certainly helped but they are far from doing even my simple job. We'll eventually get there but we have plenty of time before we have to panic.
When I first started working I was warned that computers would soon be doing my job. That was decades ago and I'm still waiting.
Yeah, because the past always proves what will happen in the future, hmm?

Ever hear of a 'Black Swan Event'?

The combination of advanced Strong AI on mobile autonomous Robots, like Atlas, will be the biggest Black Swan Event of history.

Programmers are no different from anyone else, no better and no worse. The vast majority do NOT do malicious things.
So obviously with just a few hackers causing so much mischief, we can expect similar results with the Robotics industry. Thank you for proving my argument.
Crime has always been with us and likely always will be. Look around you and see how much programming is in your computer, phone, TV, refrigerator, etc. We still use and rely on them even with all the hackers out there.
When I first started working I was warned that computers would soon be doing my job. That was decades ago and I'm still waiting.
Yeah, because the past always proves what will happen in the future, hmm?

Ever hear of a 'Black Swan Event'?

The combination of advanced Strong AI on mobile autonomous Robots, like Atlas, will be the biggest Black Swan Event of history.
A black swan is an event or occurrence that deviates beyond what is normally expected of a situation and is extremely difficult to predict

You seem very confident in your prediction. AI will be a black swan event I agree but I just don't concur with your chicken-little predictions.
Programmers are no different from anyone else, no better and no worse. The vast majority do NOT do malicious things.
So obviously with just a few hackers causing so much mischief, we can expect similar results with the Robotics industry. Thank you for proving my argument.
Crime has always been with us and likely always will be. Look around you and see how much programming is in your computer, phone, TV, refrigerator, etc. We still use and rely on them even with all the hackers out there.
The point is that the malicious programming of malicious Strong AI robots will be a big negative event, and human jobs will be destroyed by cheap Strong AI robots.

It only takes a few people to do this, dude.

Thank you for making the case that it is in human nature to prey on other humans and thus the change is inevitable.
When wealth equals votes it isn't too hard to envision a computer or robot that can amass money, program a human to represent it and control us.
Why is it that you seem to think very well here, but then NOT on so many other topics?


Dumb luck?
Thats the ticket! :thup:

lol, I have discovered that I was wrong so many times before, that I cannot ever feel 100% comfortable with controversial topics unless I have read on the things to exhaustion, and even then, I still learn from others, especially liberals I am debating with. While it is fewer in number, the impact of the lesson was so much greater when I have learned from liberals.

I have never ever learned one useful thing from Marxists, however.

I still don't know what motivates you to believe I am a liberal??????? I am EXTREMELY keen on the U S Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the Preamble. My biggest presidential hero was Eisenhower. I think of him every time I drive on a freeway. I have never voted for a democrat.

I too have learned much from the discussions and topics brought to this MB by a wide assortment of posters. It doesn't hurt one's mind to look at new ideas. There is no reason one cannot look at something and have the sense to learn from it or even part of it or reject it in whole.
A black swan is an event or occurrence that deviates beyond what is normally expected of a situation and is extremely difficult to predict

You seem very confident in your prediction. AI will be a black swan event I agree but I just don't concur with your chicken-little predictions.

To say a Black Swan Event deviates beyond what is normally expected is a bit of an understatement. Such an event is one that is thought IMPOSSIBLE, then it one day actually happens. It gets its name from an old European expression that something will only happen when we find a black swan, which are not native to Europe. Then one day explorers found some in South East Asia, and *poof* the view of the impossibility of black swans changed. But there were no consequences of that event itself, other than the loss of an expression.

And that you cant see how strong advanced AI on a completely autonomous mobile robot (that can be bought for about $1500 and never sleeps, never takes vacations, never takes maternity leave, will never unionize, etc) wont displace human workers unless something is done to reduce their economic advantage speaks more to a problem entirely unrelated to the subject itself.
I still don't know what motivates you to believe I am a liberal??????? I am EXTREMELY keen on the U S Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the Preamble. My biggest presidential hero was Eisenhower. I think of him every time I drive on a freeway. I have never voted for a democrat.

I too have learned much from the discussions and topics brought to this MB by a wide assortment of posters. It doesn't hurt one's mind to look at new ideas. There is no reason one cannot look at something and have the sense to learn from it or even part of it or reject it in whole.

Lol, I call you a liberal for the same reason everyone else does it; you are disagreeing with ME, lolol.

No, on cultural issues and the belief in a God you are definitely on the liberal side of the fence, other than that you seem more libertarianish,

But I dont know. I am not thinking of every post you have made when I respond to you, nor does anyone else I am sure. We are too busy telling you how wrong you are.
The point is that the malicious programming of malicious Strong AI robots will be a big negative event, and human jobs will be destroyed by cheap Strong AI robots.
Can you name any other technology where the negative consequences that were NOT more than balanced out by the positive ones?

Sure jobs will be destroyed, no one makes VHS tapes anymore, but the number of jobs will likely remain constant. Jobs come and go but there is no reason to believe they will cease to exist.
The point is that the malicious programming of malicious Strong AI robots will be a big negative event, and human jobs will be destroyed by cheap Strong AI robots.
Can you name any other technology where the negative consequences that were NOT more than balanced out by the positive ones?

Can you name another technology where real thinking mobile androids will be entirely able to do the jobs that human beings do?

Obviously not as it is unprecedented, hence why it will be a Black Swan Event. Such tech has been impossible up to now.

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