How will you celebrate Obama's election loss?

My kids and I will be shooting off fireworks and dancing in the yard.
Might even set my mains up facing the open windows and blast some God Bless America over my PA!

One thing my kids WON'T be doing is being brain washed in a school assembly centered around a wooden podium the boy king once stood at while they're forced to sing songs praising our new president.
Number one because I made it quite clear to school staff that if that shit ever happened again they or I would end up on the evening news over it and secondly because lefty teachers don't seem to give a shit about a hunk of wood associated with white Republicans.

Really, your kids are that excited about a change in presidency.

Absolutely. My oldest son is in his second year studying poly-sci and business and his younger siblings are more politically savvy than many on these boards.
I know that's not saying much but these guys are quite young. Why do you think they came home outraged over the assembly they were forced to sit through?

Because their dad bitched about Obama every day of their last 3+ years of life.

I know how things are. I followed in my Dad's political beliefs without really developing my own, for 21 years of my life. I thought I had my own beliefs, but really I was just trying to please my father.

Eventually I realized that the ugly beliefs that he had(some, not all), are absolutely not what I believed in anymore. I couldn't fight it, and I had to change myself.
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Really, your kids are that excited about a change in presidency.

Absolutely. My oldest son is in his second year studying poly-sci and business and his younger siblings are more politically savvy than many on these boards.
I know that's not saying much but these guys are quite young. Why do you think they came home outraged over the assembly they were forced to sit through?

Because their dad bitched about Obama every day of their last 3+ years of life.

I don't bitch about Obama to my kids. I've explained to them from a young age what this nation is about, starting with the old Schoolhouse Rocks vids, See My Avi: and have shot straight with them ever since. Some where along the way they got interested and started asking questions and they've never stopped.

Depressing to you I'm sure but public education will not have the intended effect on my kids.
He's not going to lose.

From Real Clear Politics:

But Romney’s team acknowledges that any realistic course to 270 starts with winning back three historically Republican states that Obama won in 2008 — Indiana, North Carolina and Virginia — and believes that changing demographics in Virginia present a challenge.

After that, Romney must play take-away with the Democrats in a number of other states that the Obama campaign flipped to its column four years ago. The two biggest and most important are Ohio and Florida, which advisers see as must-wins for Romney unless he can pick off one of the 18 states that Democrats have won in each of the past five elections.

Virginia: Romney vs. Obama


Obama 50, Romney 45

Obama +5


Purple Strategies

Obama 44, Romney 46

Romney +2


Purple Strategies

Obama 47, Romney 48

Romney +1

Swing state polls
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Gatsby -

So it is not correct than during the last twelve months, unemploynent has dropped and job creation risen steadily?

Is it not true that US unemployment is now lower than in 8 of your top 10 trading partner nations?

It just seems strange to me that you celebrate not economic success or prosperity, but celebrate partisanship.

The average UE rate for the last 12 months has been 8.4% Feel free to brag on that, but 43 months of over 8% UE is a new record. And, no President has ever got a stimulus bill of almost a TRILLION dollars to ineffectively attempt to get the economy going.
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Gatsby -

So it is not correct than during the last twelve months, unemploynent has dropped and job creation risen steadily?

Is it not true that US unemployment is now lower than in 8 of your top 10 trading partner nations?

It just seems strange to me that you celebrate not economic success or prosperity, but celebrate partisanship.

The average UE rate for the last 12 months has been 8.4% Feel free to brag on that, but 43 months of over 8% UE is a new record. And, no President has ever got a stimulus bill of almost a TRILLION dollars to ineffectively attempt to get the economy going.

Don't worry about Saigon. He's staggeringly stupid.
Absolutely. My oldest son is in his second year studying poly-sci and business and his younger siblings are more politically savvy than many on these boards.
I know that's not saying much but these guys are quite young. Why do you think they came home outraged over the assembly they were forced to sit through?

Because their dad bitched about Obama every day of their last 3+ years of life.

I don't bitch about Obama to my kids. I've explained to them from a young age what this nation is about, starting with the old Schoolhouse Rocks vids, See My Avi: and have shot straight with them ever since. Some where along the way they got interested and started asking questions and they've never stopped.

Depressing to you I'm sure but public education will not have the intended effect on my kids.

Because their dad bitched about Obama every day of their last 3+ years of life.

I don't bitch about Obama to my kids. I've explained to them from a young age what this nation is about, starting with the old Schoolhouse Rocks vids, See My Avi: and have shot straight with them ever since. Some where along the way they got interested and started asking questions and they've never stopped.

Depressing to you I'm sure but public education will not have the intended effect on my kids.


Something you're trying to get off your chest turrets boy?
Plan a party. You'll be glad you did. Maybe support a small business and buy a custom cake.

BUT make sure to tell them "You didn't make that" on your way out....

I know Obama opponents are having fun saying things like this but what Obama said was true regarding the things that came before (infrastructure and equipment, education, etc.). He wasn't referring to people not building their own businesses per se. In the case of your celebration cake, while the baker made it, he didn't make the utensils, the mixing bowl, the oven, the other ingredients or build the piples that carry water into his bakery. Someone else did! :D Working together everyone has prospered. The effort that has gone itno building businesses isn't overlooked by Obama but he is also giving credit to others (who btw, probably have their own businesses making the things the baker needs).
My kids and I will be shooting off fireworks and dancing in the yard.
Might even set my mains up facing the open windows and blast some God Bless America over my PA!

One thing my kids WON'T be doing is being brain washed in a school assembly centered around a wooden podium the boy king once stood at while they're forced to sing songs praising our new president.
Number one because I made it quite clear to school staff that if that shit ever happened again they or I would end up on the evening news over it and secondly because lefty teachers don't seem to give a shit about a hunk of wood associated with white Republicans.

Really, your kids are that excited about a change in presidency.

Absolutely. My oldest son is in his second year studying poly-sci and business and his younger siblings are more politically savvy than many on these boards.
I know that's not saying much but these guys are quite young. Why do you think they came home outraged over the assembly they were forced to sit through?

poly-sci at phoenix u.
Plan a party. You'll be glad you did. Maybe support a small business and buy a custom cake.

BUT make sure to tell them "You didn't make that" on your way out....

I know Obama opponents are having fun saying things like this but what Obama said was true regarding the things that came before (infrastructure and equipment, education, etc.). He wasn't referring to people not building their own businesses per se. In the case of your celebration cake, while the baker made it, he didn't make the utensils, the mixing bowl, the oven, the other ingredients or build the piples that carry water into his bakery. Someone else did! :D Working together everyone has prospered. The effort that has gone itno building businesses isn't overlooked by Obama but he is also giving credit to others (who btw, probably have their own businesses making the things the baker needs).

Aren't libs condescending about conservatives who want to give glory to God for the fruits of their labors? And yet, you're mad that we don't give full credit to Joe Blow for our success? IRONY MUCH?

We all saw what Obama said - "You didn't build that!" He repeated himself so that there would be no confusion.
I've never celebrated the feeling of relief before. I'll be content to have peace of mind again. If he wins, then maybe I'll drink.
Hell, I think I will drink in either case, win or lose who cares?

I'll be disappointed if Romney wins but not nearly as upset as I was when Obama cheated Hillary out of the nomination and won in 2008. But for me a lot of things have changed, most recently the so-called "war on women". I'm a woman but technically as an older woman none of it affects me directly. it offends me but then many things in this country and this world do. If I want to be totally selfish because either candidate won't have a direct effect on me, I can say screw both of them! I still may do that an not vote at all but on principle, I would rather see Obama win over Romney even though I was so opposed to him in 2008. I guess I've mellowed!:D
Gatsby -

So it is not correct than during the last twelve months, unemploynent has dropped and job creation risen steadily?

Is it not true that US unemployment is now lower than in 8 of your top 10 trading partner nations?

It just seems strange to me that you celebrate not economic success or prosperity, but celebrate partisanship.

seen the price of gas lately?

Oh that's right you live in Helsinki.
BUT make sure to tell them "You didn't make that" on your way out....

I know Obama opponents are having fun saying things like this but what Obama said was true regarding the things that came before (infrastructure and equipment, education, etc.). He wasn't referring to people not building their own businesses per se. In the case of your celebration cake, while the baker made it, he didn't make the utensils, the mixing bowl, the oven, the other ingredients or build the piples that carry water into his bakery. Someone else did! :D Working together everyone has prospered. The effort that has gone itno building businesses isn't overlooked by Obama but he is also giving credit to others (who btw, probably have their own businesses making the things the baker needs).

Aren't libs condescending about conservatives who want to give glory to God for the fruits of their labors? And yet, you're mad that we don't give full credit to Joe Blow for our success? IRONY MUCH?

We all saw what Obama said - "You didn't build that!" He repeated himself so that there would be no confusion.

Didn't Jesus or God say something about vanity and sin? Just giving thanks and praise to yourself and not others is a "no no". Sure give glory to God if you like for you labor and others. Some even say vanity is Satan's favorite sin and many republican sure do sin!

When pride creeps into something good, it immediately corrupts it.

Consider the rich man in the parable Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel text from Luke 12: Was it wrong for this person to think about providing for his future? Certainly not! It was reasonable and prudent. But, unfortunately, this was his only concern in life! As Jesus indicates in the final line of the story, the man was not at all interested in growing rich in what matters to God; his sole concern was his own personal comfort and well-being! He—and not the Lord—was at the center of his universe. That’s pride! If he were alive today, this man would be a big supporter of research which involves the destruction of human embryos, because that research might help him live longer. He wouldn’t care in the least that innocent children were being killed in the process. If he were a modern businessman, he would cheat his employees out of a just wage—and cut corners whenever possible—to line his own pockets with more money.

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