How will you celebrate Obama's election loss?

I'm thinking of going down to this bar I know in the heart of the "alternative community" (100% solar-powered, no less) and watching the election results on their big-screen TV so that I can savor all the liberal college students, dreadlocked semi-homeless people, and other leftist detritus of society crying their eyes out as Obama loses.

I may need to take a gun, though, to make sure I can get out when the riot ensues.
I don't know if I'll show up to an election day party. I'll likely watch it by myself; but who knows maybe I'll search out a view party.

When he loses, I'm going to Famous Dave's BBQ | Legendary Pit Bar-B-Que Restaurants and Catering the next day. :redface:

If Ron Paul doesnt get in,anybody that celebrates Romney getting in like Pale Retard will for instance,is just as big an idiot as he is because NOTHING wil change if fellow CFR member Romney gets in.Him and Obama are birds of a feather,they are just puppets willing to serve the establishment instead of us and neither believe in the constituiton like Paul does.

Paul believes the government should serve us instead of us serving the government like we do now so thats the ONLY way I will celebrate is if Paul gets in.Only a TRUE american would celebrate if Paul was the one that got in.You celebrate Romney getting in,you are voting for the lesser evil.Paul is the only one not evil.
I will celebrate Obama's election loss on bended knee, thanking God we were not converted to a communist system of governing and requesting reinstatement of the Bill of Rights and a sense of obligation of Americans to return to their roots based on service to other people, rugged individualism, and the selflessness it requires to discipline oneself into such pursuits as the good of others.

I will ask him for more strength for us to taste a little salt when another one of us is crying, less divisiveness, and more understanding.

We can only do that if we beat ourselves up making sure kids have a fair shake in life by individual principles of lending a helping hand to the downtrodden, not by central government force.

It is my prayer that we as a nation work harder at making the gift given us by our prayerful founders prosper every person in our nation who loves his country and works for the good of her citizens.

the thing is all of that stuff will continue to happen if fellow CFR member Romney gets in,only hope for that NOT to happen is if Paul gets in.
I'll kiss your ass in the middle of Times Square and give you thirty minutes to draw a crowd. That is if Romney wins.

You'll have to fly to Cali. And even then, if you're not a hot chick, I'll have to decline. But thanks though. It's always good to know who's ready and willing to kiss my ass :thanks:

Don't concern yourself...I'm not your type. If I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of Romney winning I wouldn't have made the offer.

Okay, so you're not a hot chick. And I love it when Obama jockers pretend it's in the bag. That's only going to make Romney's win that much sweeter.
I don't know if I'll show up to an election day party. I'll likely watch it by myself; but who knows maybe I'll search out a view party.

When he loses, I'm going to Famous Dave's BBQ | Legendary Pit Bar-B-Que Restaurants and Catering the next day. :redface:

If Ron Paul doesnt get in,anybody that celebrates Romney getting in like Pale Retard will for instance,is just as big an idiot as he is because NOTHING wil change if fellow CFR member Romney gets in.Him and Obama are birds of a feather,they are just puppets willing to serve the establishment instead of us and neither believe in the constituiton like Paul does.

Paul believes the government should serve us instead of us serving the government like we do now so thats the ONLY way I will celebrate is if Paul gets in.Only a TRUE american would celebrate if Paul was the one that got in.You celebrate Romney getting in,you are voting for the lesser evil.Paul is the only one not evil.

As someone whose first choice was Paul, I can respect your outlook and passion. But I don't fully agree. Obama is damaging this country at an alarming rate. We simply can't afford four more years of his subversion.
I don't know if I'll show up to an election day party. I'll likely watch it by myself; but who knows maybe I'll search out a view party.

When he loses, I'm going to Famous Dave's BBQ | Legendary Pit Bar-B-Que Restaurants and Catering the next day. :redface:

Obama and Mitt are one in the same. Both represent political parties that have not a single clue what the word "liberty" means. Both are Big Gov't in their own restrictive and damaging ways, and both parties care more about the single "million dollar donors" vs 1 million "single dollar donors" (lol, tongue twister?).

There's going to be no celebrating on my end regardless of the outcome. Why? Because nothing's going to change in our favor... so what's the point?


I hope you're wrong but I know where you are coming from. The Democrats are pure evil and the state of the Republican Party dire at best.
You'll have to fly to Cali. And even then, if you're not a hot chick, I'll have to decline. But thanks though. It's always good to know who's ready and willing to kiss my ass :thanks:

Don't concern yourself...I'm not your type. If I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of Romney winning I wouldn't have made the offer.

Okay, so you're not a hot chick. And I love it when Obama jockers pretend it's in the bag. That's only going to make Romney's win that much sweeter.

It is also going to make the world much less bearable for many weeks if he happens to eek out a victory come November. There is a hell of a lot that can happen between now and November.

I'm not at all confident as to who will win. I know that we as the American people are going to be the losers regardless as to who wins.

Don't concern yourself...I'm not your type. If I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of Romney winning I wouldn't have made the offer.

Okay, so you're not a hot chick. And I love it when Obama jockers pretend it's in the bag. That's only going to make Romney's win that much sweeter.

It is also going to make the world much less bearable for many weeks if he happens to eek out a victory come November. There is a hell of a lot that can happen between now and November.

I'm not at all confident as to who will win. I know that we as the American people are going to be the losers regardless as to who wins.


Obama can win in theory. I just expect that he will not do so at this point.
Okay, so you're not a hot chick. And I love it when Obama jockers pretend it's in the bag. That's only going to make Romney's win that much sweeter.

It is also going to make the world much less bearable for many weeks if he happens to eek out a victory come November. There is a hell of a lot that can happen between now and November.

I'm not at all confident as to who will win. I know that we as the American people are going to be the losers regardless as to who wins.


Obama can win in theory. I just expect that he will not do so at this point.

Besides the fact that I don't believe that Mitt Romney is any different than Barack Obama, what worries me is that too many right wingers are so confident that Mitt will defeat Barack. I worry that they have underestimated the support that he has.

Sure, he's screwed up the economy. No frigging doubt about that at all. The problem is that there are too many Peggy Josephs out there that really believe he will pay for their gas and their mortgages and that although he hasn't sent them a check yet... by god he will in the next four years.

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It is also going to make the world much less bearable for many weeks if he happens to eek out a victory come November. There is a hell of a lot that can happen between now and November.

I'm not at all confident as to who will win. I know that we as the American people are going to be the losers regardless as to who wins.


Obama can win in theory. I just expect that he will not do so at this point.

Besides the fact that I don't believe that Mitt Romney is any different than Barack Obama, what worries me is that too many right wingers are so confident that Mitt will defeat Barack. I worry that they have underestimated the support that he has.

Sure, he's screwed up the economy. No frigging doubt about that at all. The problem is that there are too many Peggy Josephs out there that really believe he will pay for their gas and their mortgages and that although he hasn't sent them a check yet... by god he will in the next four years.


Exactly. That's why it's so important that NOBODY, neither right nor left nor independent or any whateverelsehaveyou. Nobody should be taking any election results for granted. Every vote counts.
It is also going to make the world much less bearable for many weeks if he happens to eek out a victory come November. There is a hell of a lot that can happen between now and November.

I'm not at all confident as to who will win. I know that we as the American people are going to be the losers regardless as to who wins.


Obama can win in theory. I just expect that he will not do so at this point.

Besides the fact that I don't believe that Mitt Romney is any different than Barack Obama, what worries me is that too many right wingers are so confident that Mitt will defeat Barack. I worry that they have underestimated the support that he has.

Sure, he's screwed up the economy. No frigging doubt about that at all. The problem is that there are too many Peggy Josephs out there that really believe he will pay for their gas and their mortgages and that although he hasn't sent them a check yet... by god he will in the next four years.


You just lost all credibility. Obama isn't just another politician. He's the most corrupt American politician in our history. At least he's been allowed to get away with the most by the ass kissers in the media and the court system and Congress. Even if in theory, Mitt was as corrupt (and he's not), then he still would be held way more in check.
Obama can win in theory. I just expect that he will not do so at this point.

Besides the fact that I don't believe that Mitt Romney is any different than Barack Obama, what worries me is that too many right wingers are so confident that Mitt will defeat Barack. I worry that they have underestimated the support that he has.

Sure, he's screwed up the economy. No frigging doubt about that at all. The problem is that there are too many Peggy Josephs out there that really believe he will pay for their gas and their mortgages and that although he hasn't sent them a check yet... by god he will in the next four years.


You just lost all credibility. Obama isn't just another politician. He's the most corrupt American politician in our history. At least he's been allowed to get away with the most by the ass kissers in the media and the court system and Congress. Even if in theory, Mitt was as corrupt (and he's not), then he still would be held way more in check.

I hate to tell you this, but I don't believe he is any less corrupt than Mitt or any other politician. Being corrupt goes with being in national politics especially at the level of President of the United States. In case you didn't know it, they don't get there because the shake a lot of hands and kiss a lot of babies.

Besides the fact that I don't believe that Mitt Romney is any different than Barack Obama, what worries me is that too many right wingers are so confident that Mitt will defeat Barack. I worry that they have underestimated the support that he has.

Sure, he's screwed up the economy. No frigging doubt about that at all. The problem is that there are too many Peggy Josephs out there that really believe he will pay for their gas and their mortgages and that although he hasn't sent them a check yet... by god he will in the next four years.


You just lost all credibility. Obama isn't just another politician. He's the most corrupt American politician in our history. At least he's been allowed to get away with the most by the ass kissers in the media and the court system and Congress. Even if in theory, Mitt was as corrupt (and he's not), then he still would be held way more in check.

I hate to tell you this, but I don't believe he is any less corrupt than Mitt or any other politician. Being corrupt goes with being in national politics especially at the level of President of the United States. In case you didn't know it, they don't get there because the shake a lot of hands and kiss a lot of babies.


That's just stupid dogma. Even if you believe in their hearts, many of them are as corrupt as Obama; the corruption of Obama's regime has been unparalleled. What kind of message do you think it sends to reward him with another term?

And no, not every politician is equally corrupt. That's nonsense. If that's how you feel, then just get out of the game.
You just lost all credibility. Obama isn't just another politician. He's the most corrupt American politician in our history. At least he's been allowed to get away with the most by the ass kissers in the media and the court system and Congress. Even if in theory, Mitt was as corrupt (and he's not), then he still would be held way more in check.

I hate to tell you this, but I don't believe he is any less corrupt than Mitt or any other politician. Being corrupt goes with being in national politics especially at the level of President of the United States. In case you didn't know it, they don't get there because the shake a lot of hands and kiss a lot of babies.


That's just stupid dogma. Even if you believe in their hearts, many of them are as corrupt as Obama; the corruption of Obama's regime has been unparalleled. What kind of message do you think it sends to reward him with another term?

And no, not every politician is equally corrupt. That's nonsense. If that's how you feel, then just get out of the game.

You are of course welcome to your opinion even if and when it is wrong.

Who said anything about rewarding him with another term? I'm not voting for him and I'm not voting for Romney. I'm not taking anymore responsibility for these two parties screw ups.

Maybe we will see if Romney will reverse the downhill slide that our last two Presidents started in regards to serving this nation. I'm not holding out any hope that he will.

I hate to tell you this, but I don't believe he is any less corrupt than Mitt or any other politician. Being corrupt goes with being in national politics especially at the level of President of the United States. In case you didn't know it, they don't get there because the shake a lot of hands and kiss a lot of babies.


That's just stupid dogma. Even if you believe in their hearts, many of them are as corrupt as Obama; the corruption of Obama's regime has been unparalleled. What kind of message do you think it sends to reward him with another term?

And no, not every politician is equally corrupt. That's nonsense. If that's how you feel, then just get out of the game.

You are of course welcome to your opinion even if and when it is wrong.

Who said anything about rewarding him with another term? I'm not voting for him and I'm not voting for Romney. I'm not taking anymore responsibility for these two parties screw ups.

Maybe we will see if Romney will reverse the downhill slide that our last two Presidents started in regards to serving this nation. I'm not holding out any hope that he will.


I'm not wrong about anything. I've said time and time again that the Republicans are almost as corrupt as the Dems. I'm not holding to any illusions. However, the Obama Regime has been sickening. And I think it'll send a great message to boot someone out of office after he came in with such great popularity. It'll send the message that we are watching and not accepting the damage. Mitt will have to respect that fact if he expects to be a two term president.
That's just stupid dogma. Even if you believe in their hearts, many of them are as corrupt as Obama; the corruption of Obama's regime has been unparalleled. What kind of message do you think it sends to reward him with another term?

And no, not every politician is equally corrupt. That's nonsense. If that's how you feel, then just get out of the game.

You are of course welcome to your opinion even if and when it is wrong.

Who said anything about rewarding him with another term? I'm not voting for him and I'm not voting for Romney. I'm not taking anymore responsibility for these two parties screw ups.

Maybe we will see if Romney will reverse the downhill slide that our last two Presidents started in regards to serving this nation. I'm not holding out any hope that he will.


I'm not wrong about anything. I've said time and time again that the Republicans are almost as corrupt as the Dems. I'm not holding to any illusions. However, the Obama Regime has been sickening. And I think it'll send a great message to boot someone out of office after he came in with such great popularity. It'll send the message that we are watching and not accepting the damage. Mitt will have to respect that fact if he expects to be a two term president.

I would absolutely agree with you in regards to the message. Which is why I am so concerned with the Republican, "we've got'cha", attitude when it comes to President Obama's re-election.

In 2010, we heard a hell of a lot of "see this proves we are right, you guys failed." from the right. Republicans can get a net gain of 20 seats in the house and take the senate, but if they lose and Obama stays in the Oval Office, it is a complete failure for the Republicans. They won't admit it, but it will be.

And in reality, gridlock is probably better for this nation than having one party or the other hold the White House, The House of Reps and the Senate.

You are of course welcome to your opinion even if and when it is wrong.

Who said anything about rewarding him with another term? I'm not voting for him and I'm not voting for Romney. I'm not taking anymore responsibility for these two parties screw ups.

Maybe we will see if Romney will reverse the downhill slide that our last two Presidents started in regards to serving this nation. I'm not holding out any hope that he will.


I'm not wrong about anything. I've said time and time again that the Republicans are almost as corrupt as the Dems. I'm not holding to any illusions. However, the Obama Regime has been sickening. And I think it'll send a great message to boot someone out of office after he came in with such great popularity. It'll send the message that we are watching and not accepting the damage. Mitt will have to respect that fact if he expects to be a two term president.

I would absolutely agree with you in regards to the message. Which is why I am so concerned with the Republican, "we've got'cha", attitude when it comes to President Obama's re-election.

In 2010, we heard a hell of a lot of "see this proves we are right, you guys failed." from the right. Republicans can get a net gain of 20 seats in the house and take the senate, but if they lose and Obama stays in the Oval Office, it is a complete failure for the Republicans. They won't admit it, but it will be.

And in reality, gridlock is probably better for this nation than having one party or the other hold the White House, The House of Reps and the Senate.


Gridlock is just a buzz word. The president has more power than ever. The nation is basically at the mercy of the president's whims. He sets the tone. Congress is just along for the ride.

It's not a coincidence that corruption and deficits have skyrocketed (or that Obamacare was passed) on Obama's watch. Not a coincidence at all. Mitt isn't "the solution" necessarily. But there is no doubt that some order will be restored. No doubt at all.
It is also going to make the world much less bearable for many weeks if he happens to eek out a victory come November. There is a hell of a lot that can happen between now and November.

I'm not at all confident as to who will win. I know that we as the American people are going to be the losers regardless as to who wins.


Obama can win in theory. I just expect that he will not do so at this point.

Besides the fact that I don't believe that Mitt Romney is any different than Barack Obama, what worries me is that too many right wingers are so confident that Mitt will defeat Barack. I worry that they have underestimated the support that he has.

Sure, he's screwed up the economy. No frigging doubt about that at all. The problem is that there are too many Peggy Josephs out there that really believe he will pay for their gas and their mortgages and that although he hasn't sent them a check yet... by god he will in the next four years.


You're right, we can't underestimate the support he will get from the legions of dead (and illegal) voters. We have to beat him by a big enough margin that he can't cheat his way back in for another 4 years.
Obama can win in theory. I just expect that he will not do so at this point.

Besides the fact that I don't believe that Mitt Romney is any different than Barack Obama, what worries me is that too many right wingers are so confident that Mitt will defeat Barack. I worry that they have underestimated the support that he has.

Sure, he's screwed up the economy. No frigging doubt about that at all. The problem is that there are too many Peggy Josephs out there that really believe he will pay for their gas and their mortgages and that although he hasn't sent them a check yet... by god he will in the next four years.


You're right, we can't underestimate the support he will get from the legions of dead (and illegal) voters. We have to beat him by a big enough margin that he can't cheat his way back in for another 4 years.

I do find it interesting, though, that Obama is actually struggling in the Democrat primaries in certain states, despite such primaries being essentially pro forma in the case of an incumbent President running for re-election. It's not as if he's even being challenged by a serious contender or anything, such as if Hillary Clinton or some other prominent Democrat had decided to run.

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