How will you feel when you find you you are paying for "the wall?"

How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.

Hmmm, let me think about this for a minute.
Option #1. Partner up with my fellow REAL American's on a 15-25 billion dollar one time expense wall.


Option #2. Keep paying 113 billion per year, every year for Juan, Guadalupe and their eight offspring and watch the thirdworlders destroy American society and everything they come in contact with for eternity.

Boy this is a tough one, I may need some more time to think about this.
Keep paying 113 billion per year,

The problem is that you are a credulous imbecile...

I'm sure your estimates are far more credible? What do you estimate the cost of the cockroaches to be?
Don't be scared...go ahead.
And what part of Mexico are you from?
It wasn't Obama who told was SCOTUS....

So you saying Obama had nothing to do with it? Geez, now I have to decide if you a liar or just ignorant.

IIRC, SCOTUS ruled on Federal and State jurisdiction. It's the President's job to act or remain passive on the illegal immigrant issue.

Jan Brewer gets an earful from Obama in Ariz.
We could have been talking about a million different things," Brewer told reporters. "Bottom line is that he generally wants to talk about amnesty and I want to talk about securing our border."

Brewer recently published a book, "Scorpions for Breakfast," something of a memoir of her years growing up, and defends her signing of Arizona's controversial law cracking down on illegal immigrants, which Obama opposes.
So you saying Obama had nothing to do with it?

With a SCOTUS decision?

It's a little something we here in America call "Separation of Powers", Tojo....
You have no idea.......color me surprised....

Here is the deal on federal spending as percentage of GDP...

Popular Conception

Obama’s rhetoric plays to the misconception that the Republicans are the party of irresponsible deregulation, small government and tax cuts that favor the rich, while the Democrats are the reverse. But the policy history back to Jimmy Carter is inconsistent with that view.

Let’s look at each key component, spending, regulation, and taxes, in turn. Contrary to popular belief, the relationship between the party in the White House and government outlays is the opposite of what one might expect.

Under Carter, total government outlays as a percent of gross domestic product averaged a relatively stable 20.8 percent. Over the next 12 years, when Republicans Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush resided in the White House, spending increased, averaging 22.2 percent of GDP.

The trend reversed under the Democratic leadership of Bill Clinton. Government on average consumed 19.8 percent of GDP during his term.

Finally, Republicans under George W. Bush undid the progress made during the Clinton years with spending rising from just 18.2 percent of GDP in his first year, to 20.7 percent by the time he left office.

Carter Shows Where Obama Needs to Go

And, since I know damned well where you are thinking of heading next, I suggest you google AEI and Kevin Hassett before opening your piehole...

If you would like to see the spending growth data, hollaback...

Snowflakes don't mind $10 trillion additional debt over he past 8 years.

They claim to be angry about spending money to secure the border.

Hypocrites regardless of anything Jimmy Carter did nearly half a century ago.

You're an idiot.....I just demonstrated that the assumption "informing" your ignorance is completely at odds with Reality...

Under Obama (in nominal terms) federal spending grew at an annual rate of 2.2%...

Under Scrub, it grew at a rate approaching 7.5% (EXCLUSIVE of Iraqnam)..

That's half of the equation.....the other half covers looks even worse for you...

You wanna see?

$9.3 trillion was added to the debt under Obama. You wanna see?

Yea, but....Jimmy Carter did there you go.
You're a fucking idiot.......I have demonstrated that.....

Now you are left to huddle with contemptible bigot, and celebrated idiot, Red.

Name calling? Check

That train is never late.

I want a secure border, so I am a bigot.

The people rioting and chanting "No borders! No Nations! Fuck deportations!" are the backbone of America...right?

Have a nice life, ice cube. I wish you lots of joy and happiness.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.

Hmmm, let me think about this for a minute.
Option #1. Partner up with my fellow REAL American's on a 15-25 billion dollar one time expense wall.


Option #2. Keep paying 113 billion per year, every year for Juan, Guadalupe and their eight offspring and watch the thirdworlders destroy American society and everything they come in contact with for eternity.

Boy this is a tough one, I may need some more time to think about this.
Keep paying 113 billion per year,

The problem is that you are a credulous imbecile...

I'm sure your estimates are far more credible? What do you estimate the cost of the cockroaches to be?
Don't be scared...go ahead.
And what part of Mexico are you from?
You do understand that these are "fiscal" costs, right?

and that yours is only one of numerous estimates (though by far the highest) ranging from a net of about 2 billion, to "113 billion"...

I be from NEW Mexico,
...As illegal immigration was rising from 2001 to 2007 I don't recall hearing a peep from these people who are now mewling about this.......
Not my fault if you can't remember history.

George W. Bush on Immigration
In 2006, I gave the first-ever primetime presidential address on immigration. "We're a nation of laws, and we must enforce our laws," I said. "We're also a nation of immigrants, and we must uphold that tradition, which has strengthened our country in so many ways." I then laid out a five-part plan to reform the immigration system:
  1. A major new investment in border security, including doubling the Border Patrol by the end of 2008 and temporarily deploy 6000 National Guard troops
  2. The temporary worker program, which would include a tamper-proof identification card
  3. Stricter immigration enforcement at businesses, which would reduce exploitation and help slow demand for illegal workers
  4. Promote assimilation by requiring immigrants to learn English
  5. What to do with the approximately twelve million illegal immigrants in the country? [I outlined] a rational middle ground between granting an automatic path to citizenship for every illegal immigrant and a program of mass deportation.

Bush revives bid to legalize illegal aliens
President Bush yesterday moved aggressively to resurrect his plan to relax rules against illegal immigration, a move bound to anger conservatives just days after they helped re-elect him.

The president met privately in the Oval Office with Sen. John McCain to discuss jump-starting a stalled White House initiative that would grant legal status to millions of immigrants who broke the law to enter the United States.

The Arizona Republican is one of the Senate’s most outspoken supporters of expanding guest-worker programs and has introduced his own bill to offer a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

“We are formulating plans for the legislative agenda for next year,” said White House political strategist Karl Rove. “And immigration will be on that agenda.”

He added: “The president had a meeting this morning to discuss with a significant member of the Senate the prospect of immigration reform. And he’s going to make it an important item.”

While the president was huddling with Mr. McCain, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell was pushing the plan during a visit to Mexico City.
Hmmm, let me think about this for a minute.
Option #1. Partner up with my fellow REAL American's on a 15-25 billion dollar one time expense wall.


Option #2. Keep paying 113 billion per year, every year for Juan, Guadalupe and their eight offspring and watch the thirdworlders destroy American society and everything they come in contact with for eternity.

Boy this is a tough one, I may need some more time to think about this.
1) There's also the annual maintenance expense and staffing.

2) That number is both inflated and doesn't take into account revenue generated. While I completely agree the illegal immigration issue needs to be resolved once and for all, I also believe we should be using real numbers, not politically imagined guesses.

Trump says illegal immigration costs $113 billion a year

After considering the sales tax paid on the Bud Lights and Tapatio they don't steal....Conservative estimates put the number around 75-85 billion per year.
Does that suit your tolerant mind better?
Snowflakes don't mind $10 trillion additional debt over he past 8 years.

They claim to be angry about spending money to secure the border.

Hypocrites regardless of anything Jimmy Carter did nearly half a century ago.

You're an idiot.....I just demonstrated that the assumption "informing" your ignorance is completely at odds with Reality...

Under Obama (in nominal terms) federal spending grew at an annual rate of 2.2%...

Under Scrub, it grew at a rate approaching 7.5% (EXCLUSIVE of Iraqnam)..

That's half of the equation.....the other half covers looks even worse for you...

You wanna see?

$9.3 trillion was added to the debt under Obama. You wanna see?

Yea, but....Jimmy Carter did there you go.
You're a fucking idiot.......I have demonstrated that.....

Now you are left to huddle with contemptible bigot, and celebrated idiot, Red.

Name calling? Check

That train is never late.

I want a secure border, so I am a bigot.

The people rioting and chanting "No borders! No Nations! Fuck deportations!" are the backbone of America...right?

Have a nice life, ice cube. I wish you lots of joy and happiness.
You are an uninformed douche.......and a thankless wretch.

and yes, if you are allowing yourself to be played on this topic, you are probably susceptible due to latent racist proclivities...

here's a simple check...

Bigger spender - Obama or Scrub?
Hmmm, let me think about this for a minute.
Option #1. Partner up with my fellow REAL American's on a 15-25 billion dollar one time expense wall.


Option #2. Keep paying 113 billion per year, every year for Juan, Guadalupe and their eight offspring and watch the thirdworlders destroy American society and everything they come in contact with for eternity.

Boy this is a tough one, I may need some more time to think about this.
1) There's also the annual maintenance expense and staffing.

2) That number is both inflated and doesn't take into account revenue generated. While I completely agree the illegal immigration issue needs to be resolved once and for all, I also believe we should be using real numbers, not politically imagined guesses.

Trump says illegal immigration costs $113 billion a year

After considering the sales tax paid on the Bud Lights and Tapatio they don't steal....Conservative estimates put the number around 75-85 billion per year.
Does that suit your tolerant mind better?
While I agree there are too many people using semantics, I remain supportive of using realistic fiscal numbers.

75-85 Billion a year to maintain the wall? Doesn't that strike you as excessive?
...As illegal immigration was rising from 2001 to 2007 I don't recall hearing a peep from these people who are now mewling about this.......
Not my fault if you can't remember history.

George W. Bush on Immigration
In 2006, I gave the first-ever primetime presidential address on immigration. "We're a nation of laws, and we must enforce our laws," I said. "We're also a nation of immigrants, and we must uphold that tradition, which has strengthened our country in so many ways." I then laid out a five-part plan to reform the immigration system:
  1. A major new investment in border security, including doubling the Border Patrol by the end of 2008 and temporarily deploy 6000 National Guard troops
  2. The temporary worker program, which would include a tamper-proof identification card
  3. Stricter immigration enforcement at businesses, which would reduce exploitation and help slow demand for illegal workers
  4. Promote assimilation by requiring immigrants to learn English
  5. What to do with the approximately twelve million illegal immigrants in the country? [I outlined] a rational middle ground between granting an automatic path to citizenship for every illegal immigrant and a program of mass deportation.

Bush revives bid to legalize illegal aliens
President Bush yesterday moved aggressively to resurrect his plan to relax rules against illegal immigration, a move bound to anger conservatives just days after they helped re-elect him.

The president met privately in the Oval Office with Sen. John McCain to discuss jump-starting a stalled White House initiative that would grant legal status to millions of immigrants who broke the law to enter the United States.

The Arizona Republican is one of the Senate’s most outspoken supporters of expanding guest-worker programs and has introduced his own bill to offer a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

“We are formulating plans for the legislative agenda for next year,” said White House political strategist Karl Rove. “And immigration will be on that agenda.”

He added: “The president had a meeting this morning to discuss with a significant member of the Senate the prospect of immigration reform. And he’s going to make it an important item.”

While the president was huddling with Mr. McCain, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell was pushing the plan during a visit to Mexico City.
Are you using BableFish to translate this from your native tongue, Tovarish?

a peep from these people who are now mewling about this

How does your post contradict this?
So you saying Obama had nothing to do with it?

With a SCOTUS decision?

It's a little something we here in America call "Separation of Powers", Tojo....
So you hate Japanese too? Interesting.
I'm sorry...Should I have said "Tovarish"?
That's what most Socialists use, so go for it.
Look at the bottom image in your signature....

I bet you consider yourself a "thinker"......
Hmmm, let me think about this for a minute.
Option #1. Partner up with my fellow REAL American's on a 15-25 billion dollar one time expense wall.


Option #2. Keep paying 113 billion per year, every year for Juan, Guadalupe and their eight offspring and watch the thirdworlders destroy American society and everything they come in contact with for eternity.

Boy this is a tough one, I may need some more time to think about this.
1) There's also the annual maintenance expense and staffing.

2) That number is both inflated and doesn't take into account revenue generated. While I completely agree the illegal immigration issue needs to be resolved once and for all, I also believe we should be using real numbers, not politically imagined guesses.

Trump says illegal immigration costs $113 billion a year

After considering the sales tax paid on the Bud Lights and Tapatio they don't steal....Conservative estimates put the number around 75-85 billion per year.
Does that suit your tolerant mind better?
While I agree there are too many people using semantics, I remain supportive of using realistic fiscal numbers.

75-85 Billion a year to maintain the wall? Doesn't that strike you as excessive?

You misunderstood me.
The annual cost to harbor illegals here has been estimated to be between 75-85 billion on the low end with no spin.
It wasn't Obama who told was SCOTUS....

So you saying Obama had nothing to do with it? Geez, now I have to decide if you a liar or just ignorant.

IIRC, SCOTUS ruled on Federal and State jurisdiction. It's the President's job to act or remain passive on the illegal immigrant issue.

Jan Brewer gets an earful from Obama in Ariz.
We could have been talking about a million different things," Brewer told reporters. "Bottom line is that he generally wants to talk about amnesty and I want to talk about securing our border."

Brewer recently published a book, "Scorpions for Breakfast," something of a memoir of her years growing up, and defends her signing of Arizona's controversial law cracking down on illegal immigrants, which Obama opposes.
So you saying Obama had nothing to do with it?

With a SCOTUS decision?

It's a little something we here in America call "Separation of Powers", Tojo....
We are happily looking forward to having up to three REP SCJ on the bench within the next four years. In eight years? Could be up to five.
Life is good!
YOU can whine all you want but NOTHING will change this fact.
'NL' means ni**ger lover.
Happy now?
You're a fucking idiot.......
You are an uninformed douche.......and a thankless wretch.....
The problem is that you are a credulous imbecile...
...It's a little something we here in America call "Separation of Powers", Tojo....
You seem like a slack jawed FOX dependent moron...
Are you using BableFish to translate this from your native tongue, Tovarish?
Your tendency to become emotionally overwrought whenever you lack the ability to converse factually is interesting.

What do you think my native tongue is, IcebergSlim ? Are you from Russia and are you a Socialist or communist supporter "comrade"?
It wasn't Obama who told was SCOTUS....

So you saying Obama had nothing to do with it? Geez, now I have to decide if you a liar or just ignorant.

IIRC, SCOTUS ruled on Federal and State jurisdiction. It's the President's job to act or remain passive on the illegal immigrant issue.

Jan Brewer gets an earful from Obama in Ariz.
We could have been talking about a million different things," Brewer told reporters. "Bottom line is that he generally wants to talk about amnesty and I want to talk about securing our border."

Brewer recently published a book, "Scorpions for Breakfast," something of a memoir of her years growing up, and defends her signing of Arizona's controversial law cracking down on illegal immigrants, which Obama opposes.
So you saying Obama had nothing to do with it?

With a SCOTUS decision?

It's a little something we here in America call "Separation of Powers", Tojo....
We are happily looking forward to having up to three REP SCJ on the bench within the next four years. In eight years? Could be up to five.
Life is good!
YOU can whine all you want but NOTHING will change this fact.
'NL' means ni**ger lover.
Happy now?
In Indonesian?

F'n A are you stupid, D....
You misunderstood me.
The annual cost to harbor illegals here has been estimated to be between 75-85 billion on the low end with no spin.
Thanks for the clarification. Is that net or are there figures showing the economic contribution of illegals in the work force? Even if it was a push, that fact remains it's illegal and we need to resolve the issue. That means Congress is going to have to do their job. This covers a lot of territory including the obvious of enforcement and how best to track illegals (which means tracking legals) and immigration reform.

IMHO, part of the problem is that some big business people are making a lot of money off illegals and they don't want to have that change. When the subject was brought up under President Bush, a lot of construction and hotel CEOs began complaining that costs would go up. My thought was "so what?" but it goes to show there is some big money involved here.
You're a fucking idiot.......
You are an uninformed douche.......and a thankless wretch.....
The problem is that you are a credulous imbecile...
...It's a little something we here in America call "Separation of Powers", Tojo....
You seem like a slack jawed FOX dependent moron...
Are you using BableFish to translate this from your native tongue, Tovarish?
Your tendency to become emotionally overwrought whenever you lack the ability to converse factually is interesting.

What do you think my native tongue is, IcebergSlim ? Are you from Russia and are you a Socialist or communist supporter "comrade"?
I'm an advocate for "pithy"..

and unless you can provide evidence to the contrary, I see no reason why you should challenge my impeccable judgement in these matters..

What do you think my native tongue is,

I have no idea......don't really care.....can't imagine how anyone remotely familiar with our form of government would believe that SCOTUS takes its orders from POTUS....that's just basic civics...

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