How will you feel when you find you you are paying for "the wall?"

You misunderstood me.
The annual cost to harbor illegals here has been estimated to be between 75-85 billion on the low end with no spin.
Thanks for the clarification. Is that net or are there figures showing the economic contribution of illegals in the work force? Even if it was a push, that fact remains it's illegal and we need to resolve the issue. That means Congress is going to have to do their job. This covers a lot of territory including the obvious of enforcement and how best to track illegals (which means tracking legals) and immigration reform.

IMHO, part of the problem is that some big business people are making a lot of money off illegals and they don't want to have that change. When the subject was brought up under President Bush, a lot of construction and hotel CEOs began complaining that costs would go up. My thought was "so what?" but it goes to show there is some big money involved here.
Is that net or are there figures showing the economic contribution of illegals in the work force?

You two are working from analyses of FISCAL cost.......

One based on ECONOMIC cost (or benefit) looks completely different...
I'm an advocate for "pithy"..

and unless you can provide evidence to the contrary, I see no reason why you should challenge my impeccable judgement in these matters..

What do you think my native tongue is,

I have no idea......don't really care.....can't imagine how anyone remotely familiar with our form of government would believe that SCOTUS takes its orders from POTUS....that's just basic civics...
Lying, name-calling and using racial bigotry against those you oppose isn't "pithy".

As I proved previously, the majority of your posts involve name-calling.

Since I never said SCOTUS takes orders from POTUS, you're either lying, again, or talking about someone else.

So you hate Russians too?
I don't hate, but I strongly oppose the direction Russia is moving, especially under Putin.
Ask me how I felt whenI found out that taxpayer money is paying for sex change operations.
I'm an advocate for "pithy"..

and unless you can provide evidence to the contrary, I see no reason why you should challenge my impeccable judgement in these matters..

What do you think my native tongue is,

I have no idea......don't really care.....can't imagine how anyone remotely familiar with our form of government would believe that SCOTUS takes its orders from POTUS....that's just basic civics...
Lying, name-calling and using racial bigotry against those you oppose isn't "pithy".

As I proved previously, the majority of your posts involve name-calling.

Since I never said SCOTUS takes orders from POTUS, you're either lying, again, or talking about someone else.

So you hate Russians too?
I don't hate, but I strongly oppose the direction Russia is moving, especially under Putin.
The way I read this

So you saying Obama had nothing to do with it? Geez, now I have to decide if you a liar or just ignorant.

You certainly suggested as much......after which you grabbed a nearby chain gun and went to work on your skull with it...

IIRC, SCOTUS ruled on Federal and State jurisdiction. could have just acknowledged your original idiocy....and spared yourself the need for all that medical attention..

Lying, name-calling and using racial bigotry against those you oppose isn't "pithy".

You better hurry up and post this "lie".....cause I don't tolerate people lying about my unimpeachable honesty.....

I've been around this rodeo long enough to sort the Drudge re-bleaters from those with even a tenuous grasp of facts......those who rely on Bold Assertion are subject to a ruthless taxonomy. I'm not here to indulge Stupid - if they want to bolster their self esteem, they should consider Daily Caller.

Re: racial bigotry...

what's with the handle and photo?

In addition to the wall we should probably triple the boarder guards. It will be the best investment we've ever had.
I'll feel great. Spend whatever it takes. It's time for border security. It'll be money well-spent for a change. Get it done.
How will it be "money well spent"?

Can't we find another, much less expensive means, by which to indulge the Stupid Among Us?

What if we chipped in and bought you some jacks, or something?
How will it be "money well spent"?

Can't we find another, much less expensive means, by which to indulge the Stupid Among Us?
If we had been enforcing immigration laws
like we should have been...we wouldn't have this problem now

Spot On. And they've spent us $20 Trillion in Debt on things i didn't support. I've seen no benefit at all from their massive spending. So now it's my turn. I don't care how much it costs. Just get it done. It'll be money well-spent for a change. It's time for Border Security. Period, end of story.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.
Americans are used to taxpayer-funding of anti-Christian and leftwing talk radio at NPR. Why would a step towards border security bother US?
If there were a shred of truth in your sentiment, we would hear a peep about left wing or anti-Christian anything. And yet we here that crap all the time.
Why am I expected to pay for the Great Wall of Trump while Trump isn't?

Oh, suddenly you don't like complex tax codes?

Want to support ending them?

Do I like tax codes that make the taxpayer compensate Trump for losing almost a billion dollars in bad investments?

No, I don't

So, you going to join me in supporting a National Sales Tax, or just bitch about this issue when you can use it to smear your enemies?

Fuck a National Sales Tax
It unfairly hits the poor because a greater portion of their income goes to purchases

If everyone is taxed on an equal percentage, isn't that fair? I thought you lefties said doing the same thing was fair?

Obviously you have no idea of what a regressive tax is. Dismissed.
Re: racial bigotry...

what's with the handle and photo?
Regardless of my answer, the fact is you used a racially derogatory form of name-calling in your post. Not only have I proved most of your posts involve name-calling, but you have proved you are an unapologetic racist too.

FWIW, it's a Navy callsign/nickname I was given upon an interservice transfer from the Marine Corps to the Navy.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.

Americans are used to taxpayer-funding of anti-Christian and leftwing talk radio at NPR. Why would a step towards border security bother US?
The RW has been using NPR as a whipping boy for over 20 years. It is primarily self-funded with only about 16% coming from Federal, State and local government sources.

Public Radio Finances

Don't Forget the Facts About NPR Funding

If it is self funded, why does it need Any direct funding from the taxpayers? Why not self fund as a non profit or God forbid, compete as a stand alone media outlet? If it must receive taxpayer funds at any level, then it needs to be regulated or monitored for content from a fair and balance perspective. Get Lefties and true Right Wingers in there delivering content and agendas so that all of the taxpayers are represented. Otherwise, stop taking tax dollars at any level.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.

Americans are used to taxpayer-funding of anti-Christian and leftwing talk radio at NPR. Why would a step towards border security bother US?
The RW has been using NPR as a whipping boy for over 20 years. It is primarily self-funded with only about 16% coming from Federal, State and local government sources.

Public Radio Finances

Don't Forget the Facts About NPR Funding

If it is self funded, why does it need Any direct funding from the taxpayers? Why not self fund as a non profit or God forbid, compete as a stand alone media outlet? If it must receive taxpayer funds at any level, then it needs to be regulated or monitored for content from a fair and balance perspective. Get Lefties and true Right Wingers in there delivering content and agendas so that all of the taxpayers are represented. Otherwise, stop taking tax dollars at any level.

  • Because it's primarily, not entirely, self funding.
  • NPR is a non-profit.
You really don't know what NPR is, do you. It is the United States' radio network. That's why it gets public funding. That's why it can cover the kinds of stories and in the depth it does; it doesn't have to be sensational enough to attract advertising revenue in order to sustain itself. It's really a shame that you don't listen to NPR.

It's one of the few places that one can actually get stories and talk that comes at issues from both sides. I know you only hear about it when it doesn't favor what you happen to want to believe, but if you listened to it more often you might actually learn something, not only about the liberal POV but also about the conservative one. You might actually elevate yourself into the ranks of conservative intellectuals, which is something of which USMB, and the U.S. in general, there is great paucity.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.

Americans are used to taxpayer-funding of anti-Christian and leftwing talk radio at NPR. Why would a step towards border security bother US?
The RW has been using NPR as a whipping boy for over 20 years. It is primarily self-funded with only about 16% coming from Federal, State and local government sources.

Public Radio Finances

Don't Forget the Facts About NPR Funding

If it is self funded, why does it need Any direct funding from the taxpayers? Why not self fund as a non profit or God forbid, compete as a stand alone media outlet? If it must receive taxpayer funds at any level, then it needs to be regulated or monitored for content from a fair and balance perspective. Get Lefties and true Right Wingers in there delivering content and agendas so that all of the taxpayers are represented. Otherwise, stop taking tax dollars at any level.

  • Because it's primarily, not entirely, self funding.
  • NPR is a non-profit.
You really don't know what NPR is, do you. It is the United States' radio network. That's why it gets public funding. That's why it can cover the kinds of stories and in the depth it does; it doesn't have to be sensational enough to attract advertising revenue in order to sustain itself. It's really a shame that you don't listen to NPR.

It's one of the few places that one can actually get stories and talk that comes at issues from both sides. I know you only hear about it when it doesn't favor what you happen to want to believe, but if you listened to it more often you might actually learn something, not only about the liberal POV but also about the conservative one. You might actually elevate yourself into the ranks of conservative intellectuals, which is something of which USMB, and the U.S. in general, there is great paucity.
I've listened to NPR. Yes, it can be balanced but most of it leans left. Not LWL Left like the far right loves to assert, but definitely left of center. I don't have a problem with that since most journalists lean left of center themselves.

That said, I'm fine with the level of public funding for both NPR and its mothership, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
The Momney Transfer agent will be required to withhold for taxes the amount taxed when the money is being transferred to money.
I hate my iPad. Should say:

The money transfer agent will be required to withhold for taxes the amount taxed when the money is being transferred to Mexico.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.

Americans are used to taxpayer-funding of anti-Christian and leftwing talk radio at NPR. Why would a step towards border security bother US?
The RW has been using NPR as a whipping boy for over 20 years. It is primarily self-funded with only about 16% coming from Federal, State and local government sources.

Public Radio Finances

Don't Forget the Facts About NPR Funding

If it is self funded, why does it need Any direct funding from the taxpayers? Why not self fund as a non profit or God forbid, compete as a stand alone media outlet? If it must receive taxpayer funds at any level, then it needs to be regulated or monitored for content from a fair and balance perspective. Get Lefties and true Right Wingers in there delivering content and agendas so that all of the taxpayers are represented. Otherwise, stop taking tax dollars at any level.

  • Because it's primarily, not entirely, self funding.
  • NPR is a non-profit.
You really don't know what NPR is, do you. It is the United States' radio network. That's why it gets public funding. That's why it can cover the kinds of stories and in the depth it does; it doesn't have to be sensational enough to attract advertising revenue in order to sustain itself. It's really a shame that you don't listen to NPR.

It's one of the few places that one can actually get stories and talk that comes at issues from both sides. I know you only hear about it when it doesn't favor what you happen to want to believe, but if you listened to it more often you might actually learn something, not only about the liberal POV but also about the conservative one. You might actually elevate yourself into the ranks of conservative intellectuals, which is something of which USMB, and the U.S. in general, there is great paucity.

It should be entirely self funded. You are not upholding the case for direct taxpayer funding. When I said non profit, I meant 100 percent self funded, non profit. If it qualifies for tax breaks, then let it. No more funding from Congress.
With less Illegals coming into the country then there will be less cost of welfare.

Just return the tax money to me spent on government transfer payments to the illegals, including schooling the anchor babies and I will gladly donate some of it to build the wall. Win win.
I always assumed us Americans would pay for the wall one way or another and I'm okay with this. I'm all for secure borders but not the wall, for various reasons. Still, it'll create jobs and slow down illegal immigration and drug traffic, at least a little.
I'm a U.S. taxpayer so I'm use to the government spending my money in a frivolous way. I voted for Trump and Trump promised a wall to his supporters and I can't hold it against him that he's keeping that promise, even if it's a promise I'd rather he ignore.

Clinton would have spent the same amount of money blowing up some middle east dictator or two and creating a new ISIS stronghold.
I always assumed us Americans would pay for the wall one way or another and I'm okay with this. I'm all for secure borders but not the wall, for various reasons. Still, it'll create jobs and slow down illegal immigration and drug traffic, at least a little.
I'm a U.S. taxpayer so I'm use to the government spending my money in a frivolous way. I voted for Trump and Trump promised a wall to his supporters and I can't hold it against him that he's keeping that promise, even if it's a promise I'd rather he ignore.

Clinton would have spent the same amount of money blowing up some middle east dictator or two and creating a new ISIS stronghold.
I don't mind paying taxes for the common good, but I do expect that money would be spent wisely, frugally and as if it were their own money being spent.
Awesome. Union jobs with a higher side wage which everyone supports. So build the ewall correctly via union workers.
I always assumed us Americans would pay for the wall one way or another and I'm okay with this. I'm all for secure borders but not the wall, for various reasons. Still, it'll create jobs and slow down illegal immigration and drug traffic, at least a little.
I'm a U.S. taxpayer so I'm use to the government spending my money in a frivolous way. I voted for Trump and Trump promised a wall to his supporters and I can't hold it against him that he's keeping that promise, even if it's a promise I'd rather he ignore.

Clinton would have spent the same amount of money blowing up some middle east dictator or two and creating a new ISIS stronghold.
I don't mind paying taxes for the common good, but I do expect that money would be spent wisely, frugally and as if it were their own money being spent.
That's a lot to expect from a government with a 20 trillion debt!

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