How will you feel when you find you you are paying for "the wall?"

I would prefer the money for the wall would come out of foreign aid and budgets of other programs. I see the wall as only a partial solution to the illegal immigration problem and think its effect is being over-emphasized for political purpose. .

I would prefer money for the wall be used for valuable infrastructure like roads, power grids, water systems, communications
Things that actually HELP Americans
We should be doing that anyway.
Fine as long as the wall is built. With the money we save cutting regulation and the budget we should have more than enough to build it.
I would prefer the money for the wall would come out of foreign aid and budgets of other programs. I see the wall as only a partial solution to the illegal immigration problem and think its effect is being over-emphasized for political purpose. .

I would prefer money for the wall be used for valuable infrastructure like roads, power grids, water systems, communications
Things that actually HELP Americans

You prefer that money be used for social welfare programs that ENABLE Americans to be lazy. Why aren't you interested in helping Americans better themselves personally rather than enabling them to get money for doing nothing?
How did you feel when you paid $9,500,000,000 for GIFTS Obama gave to various UN international groups not approved by Congress??

Obama's last money shower for the UN: some $9.2 billion
You seem like a slack jawed FOX dependent moron...

not approved by Congress

The total is gleaned from a document that summarizes U.S. government spending for international organizations,

slowly now.......if it is "Government Spending", what do we know MUST have happened?
Fine as long as the wall is built. With the money we save cutting regulation and the budget we should have more than enough to build it.
And The Confidence Fairy will surely make up any she did with that tab for Iraqnam.....
I'll feel great. Spend whatever it takes. It's time for border security. It'll be money well-spent for a change. Get it done.
How will it be "money well spent"?

Can't we find another, much less expensive means, by which to indulge the Stupid Among Us?

What if we chipped in and bought you some jacks, or something?
How will it be "money well spent"?

Can't we find another, much less expensive means, by which to indulge the Stupid Among Us?
If we had been enforcing immigration laws
like we should have been...we wouldn't have this problem now
I don't speak Indonesian either.

So where did you come up with it?

From a fortune cookie?

Wrong cuisine......

There's a new invention called the internet. Perhaps you've heard of it.
Were you neutered at birth, or did you have them removed when it became clear to you that they would be of no use?

What proud state are you humiliating, Red?

Ask your wife. I use them regularly with her.

I live in a state where if the only blue district wasn't embarrassing the rest of us with it's high poverty and more than 1 in 5 food stamp users, we'd be even better than we are.
To entertain the cats?
I live in a state where if the only blue district wasn't embarrassing the rest of us with it's high poverty and more than 1 in 5 food stamp users

What is the rate in Cowards Corner, Ofay?

To entertain her.

All I need to know is that the blue district is 23.7% and none of the red ones reach 20%. The sad part is the blue district was purposely gerrymandered using race to guarantee a minority, most likely black, would have a guaranteed win.
Are they stamped "For Entertainment purposes only"?

Cause she is STILL laughing...

All I need to know is

That you are an ignorant coward......

Thank me later..
No, actually you're the clueless one. If the products are priced with a 20% premium and sales fall, and nobody will be buying them as you suggest, Trump will need to find another way to pay for his wall. That still leaves Americans paying, not Mexico.

Since there is no active proposal to put a 20% or any other duty on imported goods, You're just spreading Soros fake news, like a mindless drone.
I'll feel great. Spend whatever it takes. It's time for border security. It'll be money well-spent for a change. Get it done.
How will it be "money well spent"?

Can't we find another, much less expensive means, by which to indulge the Stupid Among Us?

What if we chipped in and bought you some jacks, or something?
How will it be "money well spent"?

Can't we find another, much less expensive means, by which to indulge the Stupid Among Us?
If we had been enforcing immigration laws
like we should have been...we wouldn't have this problem now
What has been the trend in illegal immigration since 2007?
I'll feel great. Spend whatever it takes. It's time for border security. It'll be money well-spent for a change. Get it done.
How will it be "money well spent"?

Can't we find another, much less expensive means, by which to indulge the Stupid Among Us?

What if we chipped in and bought you some jacks, or something?
How will it be "money well spent"?

Can't we find another, much less expensive means, by which to indulge the Stupid Among Us?
If we had been enforcing immigration laws
like we should have been...we wouldn't have this problem now
and what, exactly, is this "problem"?

as far as I can tell, it is just a bunch of credulous rubes being played for the suckers they are..
It wasn't Obama who told was SCOTUS....

So you saying Obama had nothing to do with it? Geez, now I have to decide if you a liar or just ignorant.

IIRC, SCOTUS ruled on Federal and State jurisdiction. It's the President's job to act or remain passive on the illegal immigrant issue.

Jan Brewer gets an earful from Obama in Ariz.
We could have been talking about a million different things," Brewer told reporters. "Bottom line is that he generally wants to talk about amnesty and I want to talk about securing our border."

Brewer recently published a book, "Scorpions for Breakfast," something of a memoir of her years growing up, and defends her signing of Arizona's controversial law cracking down on illegal immigrants, which Obama opposes.
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Flip flopping took place between 1/20/09 and 1/20/17. How many times did Obama say he didn't have the authority to do with immigration what he eventually did with immigration? Just one example.
And the flip-flopping continues.

When President Obama told Governor Brewer she couldn't handle the immigration problem herself then refused to do anything about himself, that was wrong.
It wasn't Obama who told was SCOTUS....


The Court doesn't go looking for
There's a new invention called the internet. Perhaps you've heard of it.
Were you neutered at birth, or did you have them removed when it became clear to you that they would be of no use?

What proud state are you humiliating, Red?

Ask your wife. I use them regularly with her.

I live in a state where if the only blue district wasn't embarrassing the rest of us with it's high poverty and more than 1 in 5 food stamp users, we'd be even better than we are.
To entertain the cats?
I live in a state where if the only blue district wasn't embarrassing the rest of us with it's high poverty and more than 1 in 5 food stamp users

What is the rate in Cowards Corner, Ofay?

To entertain her.

All I need to know is that the blue district is 23.7% and none of the red ones reach 20%. The sad part is the blue district was purposely gerrymandered using race to guarantee a minority, most likely black, would have a guaranteed win.
Are they stamped "For Entertainment purposes only"?

Cause she is STILL laughing...

All I need to know is

That you are an ignorant coward......

Thank me later..

Don't confuse finally getting satisfaction from a real man with laughter.

Fact is in that blue district, it's 60% and the worst economic district, by far, in the state. Put the two together.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.

Hmmm, let me think about this for a minute.
Option #1. Partner up with my fellow REAL American's on a 15-25 billion dollar one time expense wall.


Option #2. Keep paying 113 billion per year, every year for Juan, Guadalupe and their eight offspring and watch the thirdworlders destroy American society and everything they come in contact with for eternity.

Boy this is a tough one, I may need some more time to think about this.
Any program to deal with the problem will have a dollar cost.

Helpful to solving a big problem is justification to spend money.

Focusing on this small couple of billion dollars as the reason for our debt, is not reasonable, considering the already existing size of our debt, the size of our current budget and the size of our current deficit.
The LWers are casual about spending other people's money. IMO, RWers should be more conservative and fiscally responsible.

Just so we're both on the same page, what do you figure the 2000 mile wall will cost and how much per year to maintain?
The LWers are casual about spending other people's money.

Who are these "LWers" of whom you speak?

Can the validity of your observation be demonstrated by means of......oh.....I dunno.....some kind of OBJECTIVE measure?
What has been the trend in illegal immigration since 2007?
The Great Recession has been the most effective deterrent to illegal immigration in over 30 years.

Even so, we still have a population of about 11 million illegals living in the US. It's a problem that needs to be faced and resolved. Something President Obama only partially addressed.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.

Hmmm, let me think about this for a minute.
Option #1. Partner up with my fellow REAL American's on a 15-25 billion dollar one time expense wall.


Option #2. Keep paying 113 billion per year, every year for Juan, Guadalupe and their eight offspring and watch the thirdworlders destroy American society and everything they come in contact with for eternity.

Boy this is a tough one, I may need some more time to think about this.
Keep paying 113 billion per year,

The problem is that you are a credulous imbecile...
What has been the trend in illegal immigration since 2007?
The Great Recession has been the most effective deterrent to illegal immigration in over 30 years.

Even so, we still have a population of about 11 million illegals living in the US. It's a problem that needs to be faced and resolved. Something President Obama only partially addressed.
It is not a problem because you insist that it is a problem.....It is a problem if you can DEMONSTRATE that it is....

As illegal immigration was rising from 2001 to 2007 I don't recall hearing a peep from these people who are now mewling about this...

This is a classic political ploy.....identify an "other" (foreigners are perfect for this, particularly fuliginous ones)......paint a dire picture of Mexican rapists, high on pot, assaulting American Maidenhood, thrusting and blowing their Menudo breath all over our Womynkind.

Wait for Slack Jaws to work themselves up into a frenzy....

Collect $200.
Hmmm, let me think about this for a minute.
Option #1. Partner up with my fellow REAL American's on a 15-25 billion dollar one time expense wall.


Option #2. Keep paying 113 billion per year, every year for Juan, Guadalupe and their eight offspring and watch the thirdworlders destroy American society and everything they come in contact with for eternity.

Boy this is a tough one, I may need some more time to think about this.
1) There's also the annual maintenance expense and staffing.

2) That number is both inflated and doesn't take into account revenue generated. While I completely agree the illegal immigration issue needs to be resolved once and for all, I also believe we should be using real numbers, not politically imagined guesses.

Trump says illegal immigration costs $113 billion a year

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