How Will You Vote In The 2016 Presidential Election?

How Will You Vote In The 2016 Presidential Election?

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I will vote republican across the board. this will be the first time I have ever voted straight party. but I will not support a party in anyway that has made such blatant attack on our rights.

Yet, you're voting Republicans?

That's like saying you don't do drugs, just cocaine.

its also like saying....i wont vote for Satan,but i will vote for Dracula....
I will vote republican across the board. this will be the first time I have ever voted straight party. but I will not support a party in anyway that has made such blatant attack on our rights.

Yet, you're voting Republicans?

That's like saying you don't do drugs, just cocaine.

its also like saying....i wont vote for Satan,but i will vote for Dracula....

It's also like saying, "I think that the Patriot Act was a great idea and doesn't intrude on the fourth amendment. I also believe it's constitutional for citizens to be detained indefinitely without trial. Yay Republicans and Democrats! But also don't support anyone who blatantly disregards the constitution and make money off of screwing over American citizens!"

Sorry that was kind of ranting....
Doubling the debt:
National Debt when GOP took over Congress: $4.98 trillion

National Debt when Bush left office: $10.7 trillion

GOP took over Congress in 1996, didn't know that Bush was president back n those days.


GOP took over after the 1994 mid-terms, not 1996, dipshit. You really should stick to your one-liners. Every time you stray outside them, you expose your massive ignorance. :lol:

The GOP had all of Congress for 12 years, while Bush had the White House for 8. And the national debt more than doubled during that time.

And you didn't prove your claims at all, but I know the far left arrogance in you believes you did.

Ipse dixit. Again, you fail to refute.
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Voting Democrat.

Saving the Auto and Financial industries, reforming health care, killing terrorists, setting up a consumer protection board, enacting Dodd/Frank and the Volcker rule, ending the Iraq war, hopefully getting out of Afghanistan, peacefully dealing with the Iranians and Syrians, getting Manufacturing back to the US and reversing Unemployment is basically what I wanted to see happen.

Along with reforming Health Care.
Voting Democrat.

Saving the Auto and Financial industries, reforming health care, killing terrorists, setting up a consumer protection board, enacting Dodd/Frank and the Volcker rule, ending the Iraq war, hopefully getting out of Afghanistan, peacefully dealing with the Iranians and Syrians, getting Manufacturing back to the US and reversing Unemployment is basically what I wanted to see happen.

Along with reforming Health Care.

1) Not the job of government to bail out private industry
2) Not the job of government to reform, provide, subsidize , etc anything to do with health insurance or health care...
3) DEMs did not end the Iraq war
4) Hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first
5) Iranians and Syrians were not 'dealt with'...
6) DEMs did nothing to get manufacturing back in the US
7) DEMs did nothing to 'reverse unemployment'

You're nothing more than a hyper-partisan ignorant hack
So are there any leftists here that have came to their senses and soured on obama and the socialist, leftist agenda? Will you vote for more massive, big government take overs, more of your rights lost to the NSA, HHS, Homeland Security, bills that are never read but voted into law, etc, by the democrats? Are you better off now than you were when obama and his radical leftist squad took office?

Or will you vote for a conservative republican to fix the damage that's been done to the country at the hands of the radical left?

Telling me why I should not vote for a Democrat is NOT telling me why I should vote for a Republican.

When will you dolts ever figure that out?

Don't vote for a Republican or a Democrat, it's the only way to make your vote count
It's likely the only two viable candidates will be a Republican and a Democrat. Of course, I will vote for the Republican! I am not stupid! The candidate may not be my first choice, but will be far better than anyone the dumbass Dimocrats run!

My standard for voting Republican will be the standard I have applied in the past. I will vote for them if they give me one, just one reason to vote for them.

Based on the last 25 years, I'm not optimistic that is going to happen.
Voting Democrat.

Saving the Auto and Financial industries, reforming health care, killing terrorists, setting up a consumer protection board, enacting Dodd/Frank and the Volcker rule, ending the Iraq war, hopefully getting out of Afghanistan, peacefully dealing with the Iranians and Syrians, getting Manufacturing back to the US and reversing Unemployment is basically what I wanted to see happen.

Along with reforming Health Care.

Bailed big business out instead of the people
forced MILLIONS to lose healthcare insurance in return for much higher insurance
Killed 2 us citizens including a 16 year old child
Iraq war I will give you that one
Not even close to leaving Afghanistan,they were going to stay until 2024...not sure now.
Only dealt with Syrians and Iranians peacefully because he was bitch slapped by Russia on Syria and Iran he had no backing to attack.
What manufacturing back here? Where?
Unemployment is going down,the amount of people looking for work is just decreasing don't let the numbers fool you.

So...awesome he has done nothing but extended Bush's presidency! BRILLIANT! Oh and why vote for a democrat based on what the last president did? This would be 2016 so Obama can't
I voted other in case there is a viable third party candidate I could get behind. If not, Republican. Not because I like them, not because they always represent my views......but because after 5 years of Obama and wingnut obstructionists like Reid and all the nutty nation destroying things the Dems want to do, there is no way in hell I would vote Dem.
I voted other in case there is a viable third party candidate I could get behind. If not, Republican. Not because I like them, not because they always represent my views......but because after 5 years of Obama and wingnut obstructionists like Reid and all the nutty nation destroying things the Dems want to do, there is no way in hell I would vote Dem.

What does 'viable' mean to you? Are referring to their inherent qualities as a candidate, or polling results? If by viable, you're suggesting they'd need to be polling at some threshold, how much would it be? Should everyone else avoid supporting candidates below that threshold?
It's likely the only two viable candidates will be a Republican and a Democrat. Of course, I will vote for the Republican! I am not stupid! The candidate may not be my first choice, but will be far better than anyone the dumbass Dimocrats run!

My standard for voting Republican will be the standard I have applied in the past. I will vote for them if they give me one, just one reason to vote for them.

Based on the last 25 years, I'm not optimistic that is going to happen.

Some people that should know better, vote "stupid," and I guess you are one! :lol:
I voted other in case there is a viable third party candidate I could get behind. If not, Republican. Not because I like them, not because they always represent my views......but because after 5 years of Obama and wingnut obstructionists like Reid and all the nutty nation destroying things the Dems want to do, there is no way in hell I would vote Dem.

What does 'viable' mean to you? Are referring to their inherent qualities as a candidate, or polling results? If by viable, you're suggesting they'd need to be polling at some threshold, how much would it be? Should everyone else avoid supporting candidates below that threshold?

If a month before the election, their numbers are so low that practically everyone would agree they won't win, then it would be a silly vote! If some insist on wasting their vote on principle rather than common sense, that's their privilege! :cool:
Voting Democrat.

Saving the Auto and Financial industries, reforming health care, killing terrorists, setting up a consumer protection board, enacting Dodd/Frank and the Volcker rule, ending the Iraq war, hopefully getting out of Afghanistan, peacefully dealing with the Iranians and Syrians, getting Manufacturing back to the US and reversing Unemployment is basically what I wanted to see happen.

Along with reforming Health Care.

private companies....and yet they dont help a company they own....the USPS....
It's likely the only two viable candidates will be a Republican and a Democrat. Of course, I will vote for the Republican! I am not stupid! The candidate may not be my first choice, but will be far better than anyone the dumbass Dimocrats run!

My standard for voting Republican will be the standard I have applied in the past. I will vote for them if they give me one, just one reason to vote for them.

Based on the last 25 years, I'm not optimistic that is going to happen.

Some people that should know better, vote "stupid," and I guess you are one! :lol:

So you can't think of anything either?

Wow, that makes me want to vote for the Republicans...
It's likely the only two viable candidates will be a Republican and a Democrat. Of course, I will vote for the Republican! I am not stupid! The candidate may not be my first choice, but will be far better than anyone the dumbass Dimocrats run!

My standard for voting Republican will be the standard I have applied in the past. I will vote for them if they give me one, just one reason to vote for them.

Based on the last 25 years, I'm not optimistic that is going to happen.

Some people that should know better, vote "stupid," and I guess you are one! :lol:

unlike you who vote matter what....maybe you should look up what stupid means....just sayin...
I voted other in case there is a viable third party candidate I could get behind. If not, Republican. Not because I like them, not because they always represent my views......but because after 5 years of Obama and wingnut obstructionists like Reid and all the nutty nation destroying things the Dems want to do, there is no way in hell I would vote Dem.

What does 'viable' mean to you? Are referring to their inherent qualities as a candidate, or polling results? If by viable, you're suggesting they'd need to be polling at some threshold, how much would it be? Should everyone else avoid supporting candidates below that threshold?

If a month before the election, their numbers are so low that practically everyone would agree they won't win, then it would be a silly vote! If some insist on wasting their vote on principle rather than common sense, that's their privilege! :cool:

voting for someone who isnt going to do anything any different then whats already happening or voting for the same useless incompetent fuck.... is also wasting your vote....
It's likely the only two viable candidates will be a Republican and a Democrat. Of course, I will vote for the Republican! I am not stupid! The candidate may not be my first choice, but will be far better than anyone the dumbass Dimocrats run!

My standard for voting Republican will be the standard I have applied in the past. I will vote for them if they give me one, just one reason to vote for them.

Based on the last 25 years, I'm not optimistic that is going to happen.

Some people that should know better, vote "stupid," and I guess you are one! :lol:
You must be the Chairman of the local GOP voter outreach project! :rolleyes:
What does 'viable' mean to you? Are referring to their inherent qualities as a candidate, or polling results? If by viable, you're suggesting they'd need to be polling at some threshold, how much would it be? Should everyone else avoid supporting candidates below that threshold?

If a month before the election, their numbers are so low that practically everyone would agree they won't win, then it would be a silly vote! If some insist on wasting their vote on principle rather than common sense, that's their privilege! :cool:

voting for someone who isnt going to do anything any different then whats already happening or voting for the same useless incompetent fuck.... is also wasting your vote....

That's pretty much my view. I'm not saying a candidate has to perfectly match my ideals, and if one the 'viable' candidates seemed meaningfully better than the others, even if I didn't fully support their views, I'd vote for them. But over the last several 'regime changes', I just haven't had a significant preference. Democrats and Republicans implement largely the same policies.
Picked Other because I prefer to let the process take it's natural course. Christie and Huntsman are both viable on the right as is Clinton on the left but all of them have some serious downsides that need to be put through the mill first. Whomever is left standing that is most likely to support We the People is the most likely person who will get my support. Right now I would vote for Bloomberg if he ran as an Independent for the simple reason that no one "owns" him and he did a credible job in NYC.

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