How Wisconsin 2020 was Stolen

Hypothesis does not require evidence and there is none offered up here.

Idiot. The evidence was laid out a year ago last February when Time Magazine laid all of this out, all of the details of the shadow campaign (spun of course as a GOOD thing as it got Trump unelected) naming names of who did what braggingly and how Zuckerberg was central to financing it all.

Biden is a bum, a 2-bit hand puppet and you are too stupid to see that a national election has been stolen because you just don't care so long as it got Trump out.

Shame on you.
Idiot. The evidence was laid out a year ago last February when Time Magazine laid all of this out, all of the details of the shadow campaign (spun of course as a GOOD thing as it got Trump unelected) naming names of who did what braggingly and how Zuckerberg was central to financing it all.

Biden is a bum, a 2-bit hand puppet and you are too stupid to see that a national election has been stolen because you just don't care so long as it got Trump out.

Shame on you.
So the election was 'stolen' when states made it easier for voters to vote? That is basically what I saw in the links there and what I knew previously. Whatever you may think of Biden, I assure you I feel the same about Trump, but enabling more people to vote is not stealing an election, it is just the opposite. Stealing is what the GOP wants to do by making it more difficult to vote in future elections. No shame on me wanting democracy regardless of who wins.
So the election was 'stolen' when states made it easier for voters to vote?

EASIER TO VOTE? What did you have to do before? Go to the poll and pull a lever? Fill out and send in a paper ballot because you couldn't get to a poll?

How much fucking easier do you morons think you need it and still have any semblance of a lawful election?!

All the democrats did was eliminate the ID, signatures and identity corroboration along with no chain of custody so that it would be easier for THEM to submit endless uncertified ballots swinging the election toward their candidate.
Well, you caught us. We supported and elected Democrats to local offices, and convinced other Democrats that it was important for them to get out and vote. Such terrible behavior. The worst part is that you can't do anything about it unless you can find evidence of any law breaking or wrong doing. The only thing you can do in response is to make it harder for Democrats to vote, and I see you are already working on that.

Seen this yet?
Any arrests yet? No? That must be frustrating

Seen this yet?
All the democrats did was eliminate the ID, signatures and identity corroboration along with no chain of custody so that it would be easier for THEM to submit endless uncertified ballots swinging the election toward their candidate.
Yet no one, including the GOP, has found evidence of that. I wonder why?
The mythical Jesus you believe in probably would. The one from the bible is so much different.

I going to have to assume that you've never read Revelations. The one in the Bible is going to return as a warrior, riding a white horse and carrying a sword.
What is the evidence for fraud that would have changed the outcome of the election and where can I find it?

What, do I look like your personal secretary, Jackass? If you can't be bothered to even keep abreast of events in our country and stuff presented here every day, why would I waste my time thinking you'd believe anything else I could show you? The answers to your questions apparently fly right over your head every day.
What, do I look like your personal secretary, Jackass? If you can't be bothered to even keep abreast of events in our country and stuff presented here every day, why would I waste my time thinking you'd believe anything else I could show you? The answers to your questions apparently fly right over your head every day.
Abreast of events or conspiracy theories? So far, you have failed to provide evidence for either.
What, do I look like your personal secretary, Jackass? If you can't be bothered to even keep abreast of events in our country and stuff presented here every day, why would I waste my time thinking you'd believe anything else I could show you? The answers to your questions apparently fly right over your head every day.
I only ask because I've never found any evidence for fraud that would have changed the outcome of the 2020 election and whenever I asked I get sent to sites that talk about the process but don't demonstrate fraud. None of the Trump lawsuits alleged fraud as I recall.

What I've learned is that people repeat the mantra they've been taught, stolen election, but have no clue about the reality. I see you are one of them.
that would have changed the outcome of the 2020 election
But that is not even the question. The question is the fraud itself, or whatever system whereby the entire election voting system itself is corrupted and compromised. We've already admitted to ourselves that election corruption exists as per the 2005 Carter-Baker study and recommendations, and now we know there was a MASSIVE enterprise set afoot between 2019 and 2020 involving hundreds of millions of dollars donated expressly for the purpose of distorting the voting process in favor of Biden.

This was not done in one place or by one person but my millions of people through dozens of organizations in many places. The details of the problem are just becoming realized and it will take years to unravel it all as the powers that be which sanction and profit by the corruption kick and scream fighting to save their own power.

People like you always ask for the proof of this while standing on one leg. I can send you a link to this or a link to that, but what it really takes is a person's own continuous involvement and interest in looking at ALL of the evidence as it unfolds and HUNDREDS of details have been unfolding about the cheating ever since Nov. 2020.

Sorry if you think my unwillingness to stop my life and spend days or weeks trying to organize and put together all of it for someone like you to just easily examine complete with conclusions already laid out so no thinking needed is proof no such corruption ever occurred! It takes real personal involvement in seeing the big picture, the problem is so big. If you really cared about the elections, you would already be involved.

NOTHING about the election of Joe Biden passes the "smells good" test, and the odor just gets worse and worse the deeper you dig down in. No one really believes that Joe Biden attracted 16,000,000 more votes than did their darling Obama! And when you ask how just the simple stats below could be possible for Joe despite their flying in the face of all election history yet still pull off an historic win from a guy who never got more than 1.5% of the vote in his prior two attempts, no one ever offers an explanation, because they can't.

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But that is not even the question. The question is the fraud itself, or whatever system whereby the entire election voting system itself is corrupted and compromised. We've already admitted to ourselves that election corruption exists as per the 2005 Carter-Baker study and recommendations, and now we know there was a MASSIVE enterprise set afoot between 2019 and 2020 involving hundreds of millions of dollars donated expressly for the purpose of distorting the voting process in favor of Biden.

This was not done in one place or by one person but my millions of people through dozens of organizations in many places. The details of the problem are just becoming realized and it will take years to unravel it all as the powers that be which sanction and profit by the corruption kick and scream fighting to save their own power.

People like you always ask for the proof of this while standing on one leg. I can send you a link to this or a link to that, but what it really takes is a person's own continuous involvement and interest in looking at ALL of the evidence as it unfolds and HUNDREDS of details have been unfolding about the cheating ever since Nov. 2020.

Sorry if you think my unwillingness to stop my life and spend days or weeks trying to organize and put together all of it for someone like you to just easily examine complete with conclusions already laid out so no thinking needed is proof no such corruption ever occurred! It takes real personal involvement in seeing the big picture, the problem is so big. If you really cared about the elections, you would already be involved.

NOTHING about the election of Joe Biden passes the "smells good" test, and the odor just gets worse and worse the deeper you dig down in. No one really believes that Joe Biden attracted 16,000,000 more votes than did their darling Obama! And when you ask how just the simple stats below could be possible for Joe despite their flying in the face of all election history yet still pull off an historic win from a guy who never got more than 1.5% of the vote in his prior two attempts, no one ever offers an explanation, because they can't.

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So millions of crooks should have more than a video of one guy as proof.
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Did you post it? If so, likely not.

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